@phdthesis{Meiser2017, author = {Meiser, Susanne}, title = {Wie dysfunktional sind Dysfunktionale Einstellungen?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {186}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Im kognitiven Vulnerabilit{\"a}ts-Stress-Modell der Depression von A.T. Beck (1967, 1976) spielen dysfunktionale Einstellungen bei der Entstehung von Depression in Folge von erlebtem Stress eine zentrale Rolle. Diese Theorie pr{\"a}gt seit Jahrzehnten die {\"a}tiologische Erforschung der Depression, jedoch ist die Bedeutung dysfunktionaler Einstellungen im Prozess der Entstehung einer Depression insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter nach wie vor unklar. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich einigen in der bisherigen Forschung wenig behandelten Fragen. Diese betreffen u. a. die M{\"o}glichkeit nichtlinearer Effekte dysfunktionaler Einstellungen, Auswirkungen einer Stichprobenselektion, Entwicklungseffekte sowie die Spezifit{\"a}t etwaiger Zusammenh{\"a}nge f{\"u}r eine depressive Symptomatik. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wurden Daten von zwei Messzeitpunkten der PIER-Studie, eines großangelegten L{\"a}ngsschnittprojekts {\"u}ber Entwicklungsrisiken im Kindes- und Jugendalter, genutzt. Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 9 bis 18 Jahren berichteten zweimal im Abstand von ca. 20 Monaten im Selbstberichtsverfahren {\"u}ber ihre dysfunktionalen Einstellungen, Symptome aus verschiedenen St{\"o}rungsbereichen sowie {\"u}ber eingetretene Lebensereignisse. Die Ergebnisse liefern Evidenz f{\"u}r ein Schwellenmodell, in dem dysfunktionale Einstellungen unabh{\"a}ngig von Alter und Geschlecht nur im h{\"o}heren Auspr{\"a}gungsbereich eine Wirkung als Vulnerabilit{\"a}tsfaktor zeigen, w{\"a}hrend im niedrigen Auspr{\"a}gungsbereich keine Zusammenh{\"a}nge zur sp{\"a}teren Depressivit{\"a}t bestehen. Eine Wirkung als Vulnerabilit{\"a}tsfaktor war zudem nur in der Subgruppe der anf{\"a}nglich weitgehend symptomfreien Kinder und Jugendlichen zu beobachten. Das Schwellenmodell erwies sich als spezifisch f{\"u}r eine depressive Symptomatik, es zeigten sich jedoch auch (teilweise ebenfalls nichtlineare) Effekte dysfunktionaler Einstellungen auf die Entwicklung von Essst{\"o}rungssymptomen und aggressivem Verhalten. Bei 9- bis 13-j{\"a}hrigen Jungen standen dysfunktionale Einstellungen zudem in Zusammenhang mit einer Tendenz, Stress in Leistungskontexten herbeizuf{\"u}hren. Zusammen mit den von Sahyazici-Knaak (2015) berichteten Ergebnissen aus der PIER-Studie weisen die Befunde darauf hin, dass dysfunktionale Einstellungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter - je nach betrachteter Subgruppe - Ursache, Symptom und Konsequenz der Depression darstellen k{\"o}nnen. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigten nichtlinearen Effekte dysfunktionaler Einstellungen und die Effekte der Stichprobenselektion bieten eine zumindest teilweise Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r die Heterogenit{\"a}t fr{\"u}herer Forschungsergebnisse. Insgesamt lassen sie auf komplexe - und nicht ausschließlich negative - Auswirkungen dysfunktionaler Einstellungen schließen. F{\"u}r eine ad{\"a}quate Beurteilung der „Dysfunktionalit{\"a}t" der von A.T. Beck so betitelten Einstellungen erscheint daher eine Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der betrachteten Personengruppe, der absoluten Auspr{\"a}gungen und der fraglichen Symptomgruppen geboten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jovanovic2018, author = {Jovanovic, Nenad}, title = {The comprehension of the passive voice by different populations and the effects of structural priming on this process}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47590}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-475900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 164}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This thesis investigates the comprehension of the passive voice in three distinct populations. First, the comprehension of passives by adult German speakers was studied, followed by an examination of how German-speaking children comprehend the structure. Finally, bilingual Mandarin-English speakers were tested on their comprehension of the passive voice in English, which is their L2. An integral part of testing the comprehension in all three populations is the use of structural priming. In each of the three distinct parts of the research, structural priming was used for a specific reason. In the study involving adult German speakers, productive and receptive structural priming was directly compared. The goal was to see the effect the two priming modalities have on language comprehension. In the study on German-acquiring children, structural priming was an important tool in answering the question regarding the delayed acquisition of the passive voice. Finally, in the study on the bilingual population, cross-linguistic priming was used to investigate the importance of word order in the priming effect, since Mandarin and English have different word orders in passive voice sentences.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jahnke2013, author = {Jahnke, D{\"o}rte}, title = {Gest{\"o}rtes Essverhalten im familialen Kontext : Welche Rolle spielen m{\"u}tterliche gewichts- und essst{\"o}rungsrelevante Merkmale bei der Auspr{\"a}gung gest{\"o}rten Essverhaltens im Kindesalter?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-65145}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Gewichts- und essst{\"o}rungsrelevante Auff{\"a}lligkeiten sind bereits im Kindesalter verbreitet. Neben genetischen Faktoren kommt auch die familiale Vermittlung gest{\"o}rten Essverhaltens als Genesefaktor in Betracht. Ab dem Alter von zehn Jahren gibt es eine breite empirische Basis f{\"u}r die Verkn{\"u}pfung gest{\"o}rten Essverhaltens zwischen M{\"u}ttern und ihren Kindern. F{\"u}r das Alter unter zehn Jahren existiert bislang wenig gesichertes Wissen. Die Erforschung der spezifischen Wirkung des m{\"u}tterlichen auf kindliches gest{\"o}rtes Essverhalten ist jedoch im Hinblick auf Ans{\"a}tze zur Pr{\"a}vention kindlicher Gewichts- und Essst{\"o}rungen f{\"u}r dieses Alter von Bedeutung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gest{\"o}rtes Essverhalten von M{\"u}ttern und Kindern im Alter zwischen einem und zehn Jahren sowie die Beziehung gest{\"o}rten Essverhaltens von M{\"u}ttern und ihren Kindern in zwei Studien analysiert. Die erste Studie verfolgte das Ziel, gest{\"o}rtes Essverhalten von M{\"u}ttern und Kindern sowie deren Beziehung im Kontext m{\"u}tterlichen {\"U}bergewichts zu analysieren. Es wurden 219 M{\"u}tter von Kindern im Alter von drei bis sechs Jahren befragt. In der zweiten Studie wurde neben m{\"u}tterlichem {\"U}bergewicht die Rolle m{\"u}tterlicher Essst{\"o}rungssymptomatik fokussiert und in den Analysen des gest{\"o}rten Essverhaltens von Kindern im Alter von einem bis zehn Jahren ber{\"u}cksichtigt. In die Untersuchung ging eine Stichprobe von 506 M{\"u}ttern und deren Kindern ein. In beiden Studien beantworteten M{\"u}tter ein Fragebogenpaket, welches Instrumente zum gest{\"o}rten Essverhalten der M{\"u}tter (emotionales, externales und gez{\"u}geltes Essverhalten) und gest{\"o}rten Essverhalten des Kindes (emotionales und externales Essverhalten sowie Verlangen nach Essen) umfasste. In der zweiten Studie wurden dar{\"u}ber hinaus Prim{\"a}rsymptomatik einer Essst{\"o}rung der Mutter (Schlankheitsstreben, K{\"o}rperunzufriedenheit und bulimisches Essverhalten) und pathologisches Essverhalten der Kinder erfragt. {\"U}bergewichtige M{\"u}tter berichteten nicht nur h{\"o}here Auspr{\"a}gungen emotionalen und externalen Essverhaltens, sondern auch mehr Schlankheitsstreben, K{\"o}rperunzufriedenheit und bulimisches Essverhalten als normal- und untergewichtige M{\"u}tter. Insgesamt 26\% der befragten M{\"u}tter der zweiten Studie berichteten eine relevante Essst{\"o}rungssymptomatik, davon waren 62\% {\"u}bergewichtig. F{\"u}r die Kinder konnten keine Geschlechtsunterschiede hinsichtlich des Essverhaltens nachgewiesen werden. Im Grundschulalter waren emotionales und pathologisches Essverhalten h{\"o}her ausgepr{\"a}gt als bei j{\"u}ngeren Kindern. Kindliches {\"U}bergewicht war mit mehr emotionalem und externalem Essverhalten, Verlangen nach Essen sowie pathologischem Essverhalten verbunden. Das Vorliegen m{\"u}tterlichen {\"U}bergewichts sowie einer m{\"u}tterlichen Essst{\"o}rungssymptomatik war mit h{\"o}heren Auspr{\"a}gungen v.a. emotionalen Essverhaltens des Kindes assoziiert. Die h{\"o}chsten Auspr{\"a}gungen emotionalen Essverhaltens zeigten Kinder, deren M{\"u}tter {\"U}bergewicht und eine komorbide Essst{\"o}rungssymptomatik berichtet hatten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus leisteten gest{\"o}rte Essverhaltensweisen der Mutter {\"u}ber allgemeine und gewichtsspezifische Aspekte hinaus einen relevanten Beitrag zur Varianzaufkl{\"a}rung emotionalen und externalen Essverhaltens des Kindes. Dabei war emotionales und externales Essverhalten von Mutter und Kind spezifisch miteinander verkn{\"u}pft. In der ersten Studie ließ sich im Rahmen eines Mediatormodells zeigen, dass die Beziehung zwischen m{\"u}tterlichem BMI und emotionalem Essverhalten des Kindes vollst{\"a}ndig durch das emotionale Essverhalten der Mutter vermittelt wurde. In der zweiten Studie moderierte das Alter des Kindes die Beziehung zwischen emotionalem Essverhalten von M{\"u}ttern und ihren Kindern in Richtung einer signifikanten Assoziation ab dem Alter von 5,4 Jahren des Kindes. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert deutliche Hinweise auf die Verkn{\"u}pfung zwischen m{\"u}tterlichen gewichts- und essst{\"o}rungsrelevanten Merkmalen und kindlichem gest{\"o}rtem Essverhalten. Die Befunde legen nahe, dass emotionales Essverhalten als spezifischer {\"U}bertragungsweg gewichts- und essbezogener St{\"o}rungen zwischen M{\"u}ttern und Kindern in Betracht kommt und in Pr{\"a}ventionsans{\"a}tzen ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden sollte.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fuehner2023, author = {F{\"u}hner, Thea Heidi}, title = {Secular trends, age, sex, and timing of school enrollment effects on physical fitness in children and adolescents}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58864}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-588643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 159}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The relevance of physical fitness for children's and adolescents' health is indisputable and it is crucial to regularly assess and evaluate children's and adolescents' individual physical fitness development to detect potential negative health consequences in time. Physical fitness tests are easy-to-administer, reliable, and valid which is why they should be widely used to provide information on performance development and health status of children and adolescents. When talking about development of physical fitness, two perspectives can be distinguished. One perspective is how the physical fitness status of children and adolescents changed / developed over the past decades (i.e., secular trends). The other perspective covers the analyses how physical fitness develops with increasing age due to growth and maturation processes. Although, the development of children's and adolescents' physical fitness has been extensively described and analyzed in the literature, still some questions remain to be uncovered that will be addressed in the present doctoral thesis. Previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses have examined secular trends in children's and adolescents' physical fitness. However, considering that those analyses are by now 15 years old and that updates are available only to limited components of physical fitness, it is time to re-analyze the literature and examine secular trends for selected components of physical fitness (i.e., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, proxies of muscle power, and speed). Fur-thermore, the available studies on children's development of physical fitness as well as the ef-fects of moderating variables such as age and sex have been investigated within a long-term ontogenetic perspective. However, the effects of age and sex in the transition from pre-puberty to puberty in the ninth year of life using a short-term ontogenetic perspective and the effect of timing of school enrollment on children's development of physical fitness have not been clearly identified. Therefore, the present doctoral thesis seeks to complement the knowledge of children's and adolescents' physical fitness development by updating secular trend analysis in selected components of physical fitness, by examining short-term ontogenetic cross-sectional developmental differences in children`s physical fitness, and by comparing physical fitness of older- and younger-than-keyage children versus keyage-children. These findings provide valuable information about children's and adolescents' physical fitness development to help prevent potential deficits in physical fitness as early as possible and consequently ensure a holistic development and a lifelong healthy life. Initially, a systematic review to provide an 'update' on secular trends in selected components of physical fitness (i.e., cardiorespiratory endurance, relative muscle strength, proxies of muscle power, speed) in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement guidelines. To examine short-term ontogenetic cross-sectional developmental differences and to compare physical fitness of older- and younger-than-keyage children versus keyage-children physical fitness data of 108,295 keyage-children (i.e., aged 8.00 to 8.99 years), 2,586 younger-than-keyage children (i.e., aged 7.00 to 7.99 years), and 26,540 older-than-keyage children (i.e., aged 9.00 to 9.99 years) from the third grade were analyzed. Physical fitness was assessed through the EMOTIKON test battery measuring cardiorespiratory endurance (i.e., 6-min-run test), coordina-tion (i.e., star-run test), speed (i.e., 20-m linear sprint test), and proxies of lower (i.e., standing long jump test) and upper limbs (i.e., ball-push test) muscle power. Statistical inference was based on Linear Mixed Models. Findings from the systematic review revealed a large initial improvement and an equally large subsequent decline between 1986 and 2010 as well as a stabilization between 2010 and 2015 in cardiorespiratory endurance, a general trend towards a small improvement in relative muscle strength from 1972 to 2015, an overall small negative quadratic trend for proxies of muscle power from 1972 to 2015, and a small-to-medium improvement in speed from 2002 to 2015. Findings from the cross-sectional studies showed that even in a single prepubertal year of life (i.e., ninth year) physical fitness performance develops linearly with increasing chronological age, boys showed better performances than girls in all physical fitness components, and the components varied in the size of sex and age effects. Furthermore, findings revealed that older-than-keyage children showed poorer performance in physical fitness compared to keyage-children, older-than-keyage girls showed better performances than older-than-keyage boys, and younger-than-keyage children outperformed keyage-children. Due to the varying secular trends in physical fitness, it is recommended to promote initiatives for physical activity and physical fitness for children and adolescents to prevent adverse effects on health and well-being. More precisely, public health initiatives should specifically consider exercising cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle strength because both components showed strong positive associations with markers of health. Furthermore, the findings implied that physical education teachers, coaches, or researchers can utilize a proportional adjustment to individually interpret physical fitness of prepubertal school-aged children. Special attention should be given to the promotion of physical fitness of older-than-keyage children because they showed poorer performance in physical fitness than keyage-children. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically consider this group and provide additional health and fitness programs to reduce their deficits in physical fitness experienced during prior years to guarantee a holistic development.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arntz2023, author = {Arntz, Fabian}, title = {Intervention and moderation of physical fitness in children with physical fitness deficits - Results of the SMaRTER study}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-62260}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-622607}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {169}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background: Physical fitness is a key aspect of children's ability to perform activities of daily living, engage in leisure activities, and is associated with important health characteristics. As such, it shows multi-directional associations with weight status as well as executive functions, and varies according to a variety of moderating factors, such as the child's gender, age, geographical location, and socioeconomic conditions and context. The assessment and monitoring of children's physical fitness has gained attention in recent decades, as has the question of how to promote physical fitness through the implementation of a variety of programs and interventions. However, these programs and interventions rarely focus on children with deficits in their physical fitness. Due to their deficits, these children are at the highest risk of suffering health impairments compared to their more average fit peers. In efforts to promote physical fitness, schools could offer promising and viable approaches to interventions, as they provide access to large youth populations while providing useful infrastructure. Evidence suggests that school-based physical fitness interventions, particularly those that include supplementary physical education, are useful for promoting and improving physical fitness in children with normal fitness. However, there is little evidence on whether these interventions have similar or even greater effects on children with deficits in their physical fitness. Furthermore, the question arises whether these measures help to sustainably improve the development/trajectories of physical fitness in these children. The present thesis aims to elucidate the following four objectives: (1) to evaluate the effects of a 14 week intervention with 2 x 45 minutes per week additional remedial physical education on physical fitness and executive function in children with deficits in their physical fitness; (2) to assess moderating effects of body height and body mass on physical fitness components in children with physical fitness deficits; (3) to assess moderating effects of age and skeletal growth on physical fitness in children with physical fitness deficits; and (4) to analyse moderating effects of different physical fitness components on executive function in children with physical fitness deficits. Methods: Using physical fitness data from the EMOTIKON study, 76 third graders with physical fitness deficits were identified in 11 schools in Brandenburg state that met the requirements for implementing a remedial physical education intervention (i.e., employing specially trained physical education teachers). The fitness intervention was implemented in a cross-over design and schools were randomly assigned to either an intervention-control or control-intervention group. The remedial physical education intervention consisted of a 14 week, 2 x 45 minutes per week remedial physical education curriculum supplemented by a physical exercise homework program. Assessments were conducted at the beginning and end of each intervention and control period, and further assessments were conducted at the beginning and end of each school year until the end of sixth grade. Physical fitness as the primary outcome was assessed using fitness tests implemented in the EMOTIKON study (i.e., lower body muscular strength (standing long jump), speed (20 m sprint), cardiorespiratory fitness (6 min run), agility (star run), upper body muscular strength (ball push test), and balance (one leg balance)). Executive functions as a secondary outcome were assessed using attention and psychomotor processing speed (digit symbol substitution test), mental flexibility and fine motor skills (trail making test), and inhibitory control (Simon task). Anthropometric measures such as body height, body mass, maturity offset, and body composition parameters, as well as socioeconomic information were recorded as potential moderators. Results: (1) The evaluation of possible effects of the remedial physical education intervention on physical fitness and executive functions of children with deficits in their physical fitness did not reveal any detectable intervention-related improvements in physical fitness or executive functions. The implemented analysis strategies also showed moderating effects of body mass index (BMI) on performance in 6 min run, star run, and standing long jump, with children with a lower BMI performing better, moderating effects of proximity to Berlin on performance in the 6 min run and standing long jump, better performances being found in children living closer to Berlin, and overall gendered differences in executive function test performance, with boys performing better compared to girls. (2) Analysing moderating effects of body height and body mass on physical fitness performance, better overall physical fitness performance was found for taller children. For body mass, a negative effect was found on performance in the 6 min run (linear), standing long jump (linear), and 20 m sprint (quadratic), with better performance associated with lighter children, and a positive effect of body mass on performance in the ball push test, with heavier children performing better. In addition, the analysis revealed significant interactions between body height and body mass on performance in 6 min run and 20 m sprint, with higher body mass being associated with performance improvements in larger children, while higher body mass was associated with performance declines in smaller children. In addition, the analysis revealed overall age-related improvements in physical fitness and was able to show that children with better overall physical fitness also elicit greater age-related improvements. (3) In the analysis of moderating effects of age and maturity offset on physical fitness performances, two unrotated principal components of z-transformed age and maturity offset values were calculated (i.e., relative growth = (age + maturity offset)/2; growth delay = (age - maturity offset)) to avoid colinearity. Analysing these constructs revealed positive effects of relative growth on performances in star run, 20 m sprint, and standing long jump, with children of higher relative growth performing better. For growth delay, positive effects were found on performances in 6 min run and 20 m sprint, with children having larger growth delays showing better performances. Further, the model revealed gendered differences in 6 min run and 20 m sprint performances with girls performing better than boys. (4) Analysing the effects of physical fitness tests on executive function revealed a positive effect of star run and one leg balance performance and a negative effect of 6 min run performance on reaction speed in the Simon task. However, these effects were not detectable when individual differences were accounted for. Then these effects showed overall positive effects, with better performances being associated with faster reaction speeds. In addition, the analysis revealed a positive correlation between overall reaction speed and effects of the 6 min run, suggesting that children with greater effects of 6 min run had faster overall reaction speeds. Negative correlations were found between star run effects and age effects on Simon task reaction speed, meaning that children with larger star run effects had smaller age effects, and between 6 min run effects and star run effects on Simon task reaction speed, meaning that children with larger 6 min run effects tended to have smaller star run effects on Simon task reaction speed and vice versa. Conclusions: (1) The lack of detectable intervention-related effects could have been caused by an insufficient intervention period, by the implementation of comprehensive and thus non- specific exercises, or by both. Accordingly, longer intervention periods and/or more specific exercises may have been more beneficial and could have led to detectable improvements in physical fitness and/or executive function. However, it remains unclear whether these interventions can benefit children with deficits in physical fitness, as it is possible that their deficits are not caused by a mere lack of exercise, but rather depend on the socioeconomic conditions of the children and their families and areas. Therefore, further research is needed to assess the moderation of physical fitness in children with physical fitness deficits and, in particular, the links between children's environment and their physical fitness trajectories. (2) Findings from this work suggest that using BMI as a composite of body height and body mass may not be able to capture the variation associated with these parameters and their interactions. In particular, because of their multidirectional associations, further research would help elucidate how BMI and its subcomponents influence physical fitness and how they vary between children with and without physical fitness deficits. (3) The assessment of growth- related changes indicated negative effects associated with the growth spurt approaching age of peak height velocity, and furthermore showed significant differences in these effects between children. Thus, these effects and possible interindividual differences should be considered in the assessment of the development of physical fitness in children. (4) Furthermore, this work has shown that the associations between physical fitness and executive functions vary between children and may be moderated by children's socioeconomic conditions and the structure of their daily activities. Further research is needed to explore these associations using approaches that account for individual variance.}, language = {en} }