@phdthesis{Post2006, author = {Post, Joachim}, title = {Integrated process-based simulation of soil carbon dynamics in river basins under present, recent past and future environmental conditions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11507}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Soils contain a large amount of carbon (C) that is a critical regulator of the global C budget. Already small changes in the processes governing soil C cycling have the potential to release considerable amounts of CO2, a greenhouse gas (GHG), adding additional radiative forcing to the atmosphere and hence to changing climate. Increased temperatures will probably create a feedback, causing soils to release more GHGs. Furthermore changes in soil C balance impact soil fertility and soil quality, potentially degrading soils and reducing soils function as important resource. Consequently the assessment of soil C dynamics under present, recent past and future environmental conditions is not only of scientific interest and requires an integrated consideration of main factors and processes governing soil C dynamics. To perform this assessment an eco-hydrological modelling tool was used and extended by a process-based description of coupled soil carbon and nitrogen turnover. The extended model aims at delivering sound information on soil C storage changes beside changes in water quality, quantity and vegetation growth under global change impacts in meso- to macro-scale river basins, exemplary demonstrated for a Central European river basin (the Elbe). As a result this study: ▪ Provides information on joint effects of land-use (land cover and land management) and climate changes on croplands soil C balance in the Elbe river basin (Central Europe) presently and in the future. ▪ Evaluates which processes, and at what level of process detail, have to be considered to perform an integrated simulation of soil C dynamics at the meso- to macro-scale and demonstrates the model's capability to simulate these processes compared to observations. ▪ Proposes a process description relating soil C pools and turnover properties to readily measurable quantities. This reduces the number of model parameters, enhances the comparability of model results to observations, and delivers same performance simulating long-term soil C dynamics as other models. ▪ Presents an extensive assessment of the parameter and input data uncertainty and their importance both temporally and spatially on modelling soil C dynamics. For the basin scale assessments it is estimated that croplands in the Elbe basin currently act as a net source of carbon (net annual C flux of 11 g C m-2 yr-1, 1.57 106 tons CO2 yr-1 entire croplands on average). Although this highly depends on the amount of harvest by-products remaining on the field. Future anticipated climate change and observed climate change in the basin already accelerates soil C loss and increases source strengths (additional 3.2 g C m-2 yr-1, 0.48 106 tons CO2 yr-1 entire croplands). But anticipated changes of agro-economic conditions, translating to altered crop share distributions, display stronger effects on soil C storage than climate change. Depending on future use of land expected to fall out of agricultural use in the future (~ 30 \% of croplands area as "surplus" land), the basin either considerably looses soil C and the net annual C flux to the atmosphere increases (surplus used as black fallow) or the basin converts to a net sink of C (sequestering 0.44 106 tons CO2 yr-1 under extensified use as ley-arable) or reacts with decrease in source strength when using bioenergy crops. Bioenergy crops additionally offer a considerable potential for fossil fuel substitution (~37 PJ, 1015 J per year), whereas the basin wide use of harvest by-products for energy generation has to be seen critically although offering an annual energy potential of approximately 125 PJ. Harvest by-products play a central role in soil C reproduction and a percentage between 50 and 80 \% should remain on the fields in order to maintain soil quality and fertility. The established modelling tool allows quantifying climate, land use and major land management impacts on soil C balance. New is that the SOM turnover description is embedded in an eco-hydrological river basin model, allowing an integrated consideration of water quantity, water quality, vegetation growth, agricultural productivity and soil carbon changes under different environmental conditions. The methodology and assessment presented here demonstrates the potential for integrated assessment of soil C dynamics alongside with other ecosystem services under global change impacts and provides information on the potentials of soils for climate change mitigation (soil C sequestration) and on their soil fertility status.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kubo2011, author = {Kubo, Shiori}, title = {Nanostructured carbohydrate-derived carbonaceous materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53157}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Nanoporous carbon materials are widely used in industry as adsorbents or catalyst supports, whilst becoming increasingly critical to the developing fields of energy storage / generation or separation technologies. In this thesis, the combined use of carbohydrate hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) and templating strategies is demonstrated as an efficient route to nanostructured carbonaceous materials. HTC is an aqueous-phase, low-temperature (e.g. 130 - 200 °C) carbonisation, which proceeds via dehydration / poly-condensation of carbon precursors (e.g. carbohydrates and their derivatives), allowing facile access to highly functional carbonaceous materials. Whilst possessing utile, modifiable surface functional groups (e.g. -OH and -C=O-containing moieties), materials synthesised via HTC typically present limited accessible surface area or pore volume. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the development of fabrication routes to HTC materials which present enhanced textural properties and well-defined porosity. In the first discussed synthesis, a combined hard templating / HTC route was investigated using a range of sacrificial inorganic templates (e.g. mesoporous silica beads and macroporous alumina membranes (AAO)). Via pore impregnation of mesoporous silica beads with a biomass-derived carbon source (e.g. 2-furaldehyde) and subsequent HTC at 180 oC, an inorganic / carbonaceous hybrid material was produced. Removal of the template component by acid etching revealed the replication of the silica into mesoporous carbonaceous spheres (particle size ~ 5 μm), representing the inverse morphological structure of the original inorganic body. Surface analysis (e.g. FTIR) indicated a material decorated with hydrophilic (oxygenated) functional groups. Further thermal treatment at increasingly elevated temperatures (e.g. at 350, 550, 750 oC) under inert atmosphere allowed manipulation of functionalities from polar hydrophilic to increasingly non-polar / hydrophobic structural motifs (e.g. extension of the aromatic / pseudo-graphitic nature), thus demonstrating a process capable of simultaneous control of nanostructure and surface / bulk chemistry. As an extension of this approach, carbonaceous tubular nanostructures with controlled surface functionality were synthesised by the nanocasting of uniform, linear macropores of an AAO template (~ 200 nm). In this example, material porosity could be controlled, showing increasingly microporous tube wall features as post carbonisation temperature increased. Additionally, by taking advantage of modifiable surface groups, the introduction of useful polymeric moieties (i.e. grafting of thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)) was also demonstrated, potentially enabling application of these interesting tubular structures in the fields of biotechnology (e.g. enzyme immobilization) and medicine (e.g. as drug micro-containers). Complimentary to these hard templating routes, a combined HTC / soft templating route for the direct synthesis of ordered porous carbonaceous materials was also developed. After selection of structural directing agents and optimisation of synthesis composition, the F127 triblock copolymer (i.e. ethylene oxide (EO)106 propylene oxide (PO)70 ethylene oxide (EO)106) / D-Fructose system was extensively studied. D-Fructose was found to be a useful carbon precursor as the HTC process could be performed at 130 oC, thus allowing access to stable micellular phase. Thermolytic template removal from the synthesised ordered copolymer / carbon composite yielded functional cuboctahedron single crystalline-like particles (~ 5 μm) with well ordered pore structure of a near perfect cubic Im3m symmetry. N2 sorption analysis revealed a predominantly microporous carbonaceous material (i.e. Type I isotherm, SBET = 257 m2g-1, 79 \% microporosity) possessing a pore size of ca. 0.9 nm. The addition of a simple pore swelling additive (e.g. trimethylbenzene (TMB)) to this system was found to direct pore size into the mesopore size domain (i.e. Type IV isotherm, SBET = 116 m2g-1, 60 \% mesoporosity) generating pore size of ca. 4 nm. It is proposed that in both cases as HTC proceeds to generate a polyfuran-like network, the organised block copolymer micellular phase is essentially "templated", either via hydrogen bonding between hydrophilic poly(EO) moiety and the carbohydrate or via hydrophobic interaction between hydrophobic poly(PO) moiety and forming polyfuran-like network, whilst the additive TMB presumably interact with poly(PO) moieties, thus swelling the hydrophobic region expanding the micelle template size further into the mesopore range.}, language = {en} }