@phdthesis{Abedjan2014, author = {Abedjan, Ziawasch}, title = {Improving RDF data with data mining}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71334}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Linked Open Data (LOD) comprises very many and often large public data sets and knowledge bases. Those datasets are mostly presented in the RDF triple structure of subject, predicate, and object, where each triple represents a statement or fact. Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of available open data requires significant integration steps before it can be used in applications. Meta information, such as ontological definitions and exact range definitions of predicates, are desirable and ideally provided by an ontology. However in the context of LOD, ontologies are often incomplete or simply not available. Thus, it is useful to automatically generate meta information, such as ontological dependencies, range definitions, and topical classifications. Association rule mining, which was originally applied for sales analysis on transactional databases, is a promising and novel technique to explore such data. We designed an adaptation of this technique for min-ing Rdf data and introduce the concept of "mining configurations", which allows us to mine RDF data sets in various ways. Different configurations enable us to identify schema and value dependencies that in combination result in interesting use cases. To this end, we present rule-based approaches for auto-completion, data enrichment, ontology improvement, and query relaxation. Auto-completion remedies the problem of inconsistent ontology usage, providing an editing user with a sorted list of commonly used predicates. A combination of different configurations step extends this approach to create completely new facts for a knowledge base. We present two approaches for fact generation, a user-based approach where a user selects the entity to be amended with new facts and a data-driven approach where an algorithm discovers entities that have to be amended with missing facts. As knowledge bases constantly grow and evolve, another approach to improve the usage of RDF data is to improve existing ontologies. Here, we present an association rule based approach to reconcile ontology and data. Interlacing different mining configurations, we infer an algorithm to discover synonymously used predicates. Those predicates can be used to expand query results and to support users during query formulation. We provide a wide range of experiments on real world datasets for each use case. The experiments and evaluations show the added value of association rule mining for the integration and usability of RDF data and confirm the appropriateness of our mining configuration methodology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ahmad2014, author = {Ahmad, Nadeem}, title = {People centered HMI's for deaf and functionally illiterate users}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70391}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The objective and motivation behind this research is to provide applications with easy-to-use interfaces to communities of deaf and functionally illiterate users, which enables them to work without any human assistance. Although recent years have witnessed technological advancements, the availability of technology does not ensure accessibility to information and communication technologies (ICT). Extensive use of text from menus to document contents means that deaf or functionally illiterate can not access services implemented on most computer software. Consequently, most existing computer applications pose an accessibility barrier to those who are unable to read fluently. Online technologies intended for such groups should be developed in continuous partnership with primary users and include a thorough investigation into their limitations, requirements and usability barriers. In this research, I investigated existing tools in voice, web and other multimedia technologies to identify learning gaps and explored ways to enhance the information literacy for deaf and functionally illiterate users. I worked on the development of user-centered interfaces to increase the capabilities of deaf and low literacy users by enhancing lexical resources and by evaluating several multimedia interfaces for them. The interface of the platform-independent Italian Sign Language (LIS) Dictionary has been developed to enhance the lexical resources for deaf users. The Sign Language Dictionary accepts Italian lemmas as input and provides their representation in the Italian Sign Language as output. The Sign Language dictionary has 3082 signs as set of Avatar animations in which each sign is linked to a corresponding Italian lemma. I integrated the LIS lexical resources with MultiWordNet (MWN) database to form the first LIS MultiWordNet(LMWN). LMWN contains information about lexical relations between words, semantic relations between lexical concepts (synsets), correspondences between Italian and sign language lexical concepts and semantic fields (domains). The approach enhances the deaf users' understanding of written Italian language and shows that a relatively small set of lexicon can cover a significant portion of MWN. Integration of LIS signs with MWN made it useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. The rule-based translation process from written Italian text to LIS has been transformed into service-oriented system. The translation process is composed of various modules including parser, semantic interpreter, generator, and spatial allocation planner. This translation procedure has been implemented in the Java Application Building Center (jABC), which is a framework for extreme model driven design (XMDD). The XMDD approach focuses on bringing software development closer to conceptual design, so that the functionality of a software solution could be understood by someone who is unfamiliar with programming concepts. The transformation addresses the heterogeneity challenge and enhances the re-usability of the system. For enhancing the e-participation of functionally illiterate users, two detailed studies were conducted in the Republic of Rwanda. In the first study, the traditional (textual) interface was compared with the virtual character-based interactive interface. The study helped to identify usability barriers and users evaluated these interfaces according to three fundamental areas of usability, i.e. effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. In another study, we developed four different interfaces to analyze the usability and effects of online assistance (consistent help) for functionally illiterate users and compared different help modes including textual, vocal and virtual character on the performance of semi-literate users. In our newly designed interfaces the instructions were automatically translated in Swahili language. All the interfaces were evaluated on the basis of task accomplishment, time consumption, System Usability Scale (SUS) rating and number of times the help was acquired. The results show that the performance of semi-literate users improved significantly when using the online assistance. The dissertation thus introduces a new development approach in which virtual characters are used as additional support for barely literate or naturally challenged users. Such components enhanced the application utility by offering a variety of services like translating contents in local language, providing additional vocal information, and performing automatic translation from text to sign language. Obviously, there is no such thing as one design solution that fits for all in the underlying domain. Context sensitivity, literacy and mental abilities are key factors on which I concentrated and the results emphasize that computer interfaces must be based on a thoughtful definition of target groups, purposes and objectives.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albrecht2014, author = {Albrecht, Steve}, title = {Generation, recombination and extraction of charges in polymer}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72285}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {144}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A dramatic efficiency improvement of bulk heterojunction solar cells based on electron-donating conjugated polymers in combination with soluble fullerene derivatives has been achieved over the past years. Certified and reported power conversion efficiencies now reach over 9\% for single junctions and exceed the 10\% benchmark for tandem solar cells. This trend brightens the vision of organic photovoltaics becoming competitive with inorganic solar cells including the realization of low-cost and large-area organic photovoltaics. For the best performing organic materials systems, the yield of charge generation can be very efficient. However, a detailed understanding of the free charge carrier generation mechanisms at the donor acceptor interface and the energy loss associated with it needs to be established. Moreover, organic solar cells are limited by the competition between charge extraction and free charge recombination, accounting for further efficiency losses. A conclusive picture and the development of precise methodologies for investigating the fundamental processes in organic solar cells are crucial for future material design, efficiency optimization, and the implementation of organic solar cells into commercial products. In order to advance the development of organic photovoltaics, my thesis focuses on the comprehensive understanding of charge generation, recombination and extraction in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells summarized in 6 chapters on the cumulative basis of 7 individual publications. The general motivation guiding this work was the realization of an efficient hybrid inorganic/organic tandem solar cell with sub-cells made from amorphous hydrogenated silicon and organic bulk heterojunctions. To realize this project aim, the focus was directed to the low band-gap copolymer PCPDTBT and its derivatives, resulting in the examination of the charge carrier dynamics in PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends in relation to by the blend morphology. The phase separation in this blend can be controlled by the processing additive diiodooctane, enhancing domain purity and size. The quantitative investigation of the free charge formation was realized by utilizing and improving the time delayed collection field technique. Interestingly, a pronounced field dependence of the free carrier generation for all blends is found, with the field dependence being stronger without the additive. Also, the bimolecular recombination coefficient for both blends is rather high and increases with decreasing internal field which we suggest to be caused by a negative field dependence of mobility. The additive speeds up charge extraction which is rationalized by the threefold increase in mobility. By fluorine attachment within the electron deficient subunit of PCPDTBT, a new polymer F-PCPDTBT is designed. This new material is characterized by a stronger tendency to aggregate as compared to non-fluorinated PCPDTBT. Our measurements show that for F-PCPDTBT:PCBM blends the charge carrier generation becomes more efficient and the field-dependence of free charge carrier generation is weakened. The stronger tendency to aggregate induced by the fluorination also leads to increased polymer rich domains, accompanied in a threefold reduction in the non-geminate recombination coefficient at conditions of open circuit. The size of the polymer domains is nicely correlated to the field-dependence of charge generation and the Langevin reduction factor, which highlights the importance of the domain size and domain purity for efficient charge carrier generation. In total, fluorination of PCPDTBT causes the PCE to increase from 3.6 to 6.1\% due to enhanced fill factor, short circuit current and open circuit voltage. Further optimization of the blend ratio, active layer thickness, and polymer molecular weight resulted in 6.6\% efficiency for F-PCPDTBT:PC70BM solar cells. Interestingly, the double fluorinated version 2F-PCPDTBT exhibited poorer FF despite a further reduction of geminate and non-geminate recombination losses. To further analyze this finding, a new technique is developed that measures the effective extraction mobility under charge carrier densities and electrical fields comparable to solar cell operation conditions. This method involves the bias enhanced charge extraction technique. With the knowledge of the carrier density under different electrical field and illumination conditions, a conclusive picture of the changes in charge carrier dynamics leading to differences in the fill factor upon fluorination of PCPDTBT is attained. The more efficient charge generation and reduced recombination with fluorination is counterbalanced by a decreased extraction mobility. Thus, the highest fill factor of 60\% and efficiency of 6.6\% is reached for F-PCPDTBT blends, while 2F-PCPDTBT blends have only moderate fill factors of 54\% caused by the lower effective extraction mobility, limiting the efficiency to 6.5\%. To understand the details of the charge generation mechanism and the related losses, we evaluated the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation using time delayed collection field in combination with sensitive measurements of the external quantum efficiency and absorption coefficients for a variety of blends. Importantly, both the yield and field-dependence of free charge generation is found to be unaffected by excitation energy, including direct charge transfer excitation below the optical band gap. To access the non-detectable absorption at energies of the relaxed charge transfer emission, the absorption was reconstructed from the CT emission, induced via the recombination of thermalized charges in electroluminescence. For a variety of blends, the quantum yield at energies of charge transfer emission was identical to excitations with energies well above the optical band-gap. Thus, the generation proceeds via the split-up of the thermalized charge transfer states in working solar cells. Further measurements were conducted on blends with fine-tuned energy levels and similar blend morphologies by using different fullerene derivatives. A direct correlation between the efficiency of free carrier generation and the energy difference of the relaxed charge transfer state relative to the energy of the charge separated state is found. These findings open up new guidelines for future material design as new high efficiency materials require a minimum energetic offset between charge transfer and the charge separated state while keeping the HOMO level (and LUMO level) difference between donor and acceptor as small as possible.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Andree2014, author = {Andree, Kai}, title = {Horizontale Fusionen bei r{\"a}umlichem Wettbewerb}, series = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, journal = {Potsdamer Schriften zur Raumwirtschaft}, number = {6}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-279-7}, issn = {2190-8702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-69209}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 227}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fusionen stellen einen zentralen Baustein der Industrie{\"o}konomik dar. In diesem Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss die r{\"a}umliche Dimension auf eine Fusion aus{\"u}bt. Dabei wird ein Grundmodell entwickelt und {\"u}ber dieses hinaus eine Vielzahl Erweiterungen pr{\"a}sentiert. Der Leser erh{\"a}lt somit die M{\"o}glichkeit ein tiefes Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r Fusionen bei r{\"a}umlichem Wettbewerb zu erlangen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Arnold2014, author = {Arnold, Anne}, title = {Modeling photosynthesis and related metabolic processes : from detailed examination to consideration of the metabolic context}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72277}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Mathematical modeling of biological systems is a powerful tool to systematically investigate the functions of biological processes and their relationship with the environment. To obtain accurate and biologically interpretable predictions, a modeling framework has to be devised whose assumptions best approximate the examined scenario and which copes with the trade-off of complexity of the underlying mathematical description: with attention to detail or high coverage. Correspondingly, the system can be examined in detail on a smaller scale or in a simplified manner on a larger scale. In this thesis, the role of photosynthesis and its related biochemical processes in the context of plant metabolism was dissected by employing modeling approaches ranging from kinetic to stoichiometric models. The Calvin-Benson cycle, as primary pathway of carbon fixation in C3 plants, is the initial step for producing starch and sucrose, necessary for plant growth. Based on an integrative analysis for model ranking applied on the largest compendium of (kinetic) models for the Calvin-Benson cycle, those suitable for development of metabolic engineering strategies were identified. Driven by the question why starch rather than sucrose is the predominant transitory carbon storage in higher plants, the metabolic costs for their synthesis were examined. The incorporation of the maintenance costs for the involved enzymes provided a model-based support for the preference of starch as transitory carbon storage, by only exploiting the stoichiometry of synthesis pathways. Many photosynthetic organisms have to cope with processes which compete with carbon fixation, such as photorespiration whose impact on plant metabolism is still controversial. A systematic model-oriented review provided a detailed assessment for the role of this pathway in inhibiting the rate of carbon fixation, bridging carbon and nitrogen metabolism, shaping the C1 metabolism, and influencing redox signal transduction. The demand of understanding photosynthesis in its metabolic context calls for the examination of the related processes of the primary carbon metabolism. To this end, the Arabidopsis core model was assembled via a bottom-up approach. This large-scale model can be used to simulate photoautotrophic biomass production, as an indicator for plant growth, under so-called optimal, carbon-limiting and nitrogen-limiting growth conditions. Finally, the introduced model was employed to investigate the effects of the environment, in particular, nitrogen, carbon and energy sources, on the metabolic behavior. This resulted in a purely stoichiometry-based explanation for the experimental evidence for preferred simultaneous acquisition of nitrogen in both forms, as nitrate and ammonium, for optimal growth in various plant species. The findings presented in this thesis provide new insights into plant system's behavior, further support existing opinions for which mounting experimental evidences arise, and posit novel hypotheses for further directed large-scale experiments.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arnold2014, author = {Arnold, Stefanie}, title = {Epitop-Kartierung von PBP2A und Identifizierung MRSA-spezifischer immunodominanter Peptidsequenzen}, pages = {XIX, 120}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bach2014, author = {Bach, Tobias}, title = {Autonomie und Steuerung verselbst{\"a}ndigter Beh{\"o}rden : eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Deutschlands und Norwegens}, series = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, volume = {19}, journal = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-04298-1}, pages = {357 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BacskaiAtkari2014, author = {Bacskai-Atkari, Julia}, title = {The syntax of comparative constructions : operators, ellipsis phenomena and functional left peripheries}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-301-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71255}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 310}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Adopting a minimalist framework, the dissertation provides an analysis for the syntactic structure of comparatives, with special attention paid to the derivation of the subclause. The proposed account explains how the comparative subclause is connected to the matrix clause, how the subclause is formed in the syntax and what additional processes contribute to its final structure. In addition, it casts light upon these problems in cross-linguistic terms and provides a model that allows for synchronic and diachronic differences. This also enables one to give a more adequate explanation for the phenomena found in English comparatives since the properties of English structures can then be linked to general settings of the language and hence need no longer be considered as idiosyncratic features of the grammar of English. First, the dissertation provides a unified analysis of degree expressions, relating the structure of comparatives to that of other degrees. It is shown that gradable adjectives are located within a degree phrase (DegP), which in turn projects a quantifier phrase (QP) and that these two functional layers are always present, irrespectively of whether there is a phonologically visible element in these layers. Second, the dissertation presents a novel analysis of Comparative Deletion by reducing it to an overtness constraint holding on operators: in this way, it is reduced to morphological differences and cross-linguistic variation is not conditioned by way of postulating an arbitrary parameter. Cross-linguistic differences are ultimately dependent on whether a language has overt operators equipped with the relevant - [+compr] and [+rel] - features. Third, the dissertation provides an adequate explanation for the phenomenon of Attributive Comparative Deletion, as attested in English, by way of relating it to the regular mechanism of Comparative Deletion. I assume that Attributive Comparative Deletion is not a universal phenomenon, and its presence in English can be conditioned by independent, more general rules, while the absence of such restrictions leads to its absence in other languages. Fourth, the dissertation accounts for certain phenomena related to diachronic changes, examining how the changes in the status of comparative operators led to changes in whether Comparative Deletion is attested in a given language: I argue that only operators without a lexical XP can be grammaticalised. The underlying mechanisms underlying are essentially general economy principles and hence the processes are not language-specific or exceptional. Fifth, the dissertation accounts for optional ellipsis processes that play a crucial role in the derivation of typical comparative subclauses. These processes are not directly related to the structure of degree expressions and hence the elimination of the quantified expression from the subclause; nevertheless, they are shown to be in interaction with the mechanisms underlying Comparative Deletion or the absence thereof.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Balzer2014, author = {Balzer, Arnim}, title = {Crab flare observations with H.E.S.S. phase II}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72545}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The H.E.S.S. array is a third generation Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) array. It is located in the Khomas Highland in Namibia, and measures very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays. In Phase I, the array started data taking in 2004 with its four identical 13 m telescopes. Since then, H.E.S.S. has emerged as the most successful IACT experiment to date. Among the almost 150 sources of VHE gamma-ray radiation found so far, even the oldest detection, the Crab Nebula, keeps surprising the scientific community with unexplained phenomena such as the recently discovered very energetic flares of high energy gamma-ray radiation. During its most recent flare, which was detected by the Fermi satellite in March 2013, the Crab Nebula was simultaneously observed with the H.E.S.S. array for six nights. The results of the observations will be discussed in detail during the course of this work. During the nights of the flare, the new 24 m × 32 m H.E.S.S. II telescope was still being commissioned, but participated in the data taking for one night. To be able to reconstruct and analyze the data of the H.E.S.S. Phase II array, the algorithms and software used by the H.E.S.S. Phase I array had to be adapted. The most prominent advanced shower reconstruction technique developed by de Naurois and Rolland, the template-based model analysis, compares real shower images taken by the Cherenkov telescope cameras with shower templates obtained using a semi-analytical model. To find the best fitting image, and, therefore, the relevant parameters that describe the air shower best, a pixel-wise log-likelihood fit is done. The adaptation of this advanced shower reconstruction technique to the heterogeneous H.E.S.S. Phase II array for stereo events (i.e. air showers seen by at least two telescopes of any kind), its performance using MonteCarlo simulations as well as its application to real data will be described.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bamberg2014, author = {Bamberg, Marlene}, title = {Planetary mapping tools applied to floor-fractured craters on Mars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72104}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Planetary research is often user-based and requires considerable skill, time, and effort. Unfortunately, self-defined boundary conditions, definitions, and rules are often not documented or not easy to comprehend due to the complexity of research. This makes a comparison to other studies, or an extension of the already existing research, complicated. Comparisons are often distorted, because results rely on different, not well defined, or even unknown boundary conditions. The purpose of this research is to develop a standardized analysis method for planetary surfaces, which is adaptable to several research topics. The method provides a consistent quality of results. This also includes achieving reliable and comparable results and reducing the time and effort of conducting such studies. A standardized analysis method is provided by automated analysis tools that focus on statistical parameters. Specific key parameters and boundary conditions are defined for the tool application. The analysis relies on a database in which all key parameters are stored. These databases can be easily updated and adapted to various research questions. This increases the flexibility, reproducibility, and comparability of the research. However, the quality of the database and reliability of definitions directly influence the results. To ensure a high quality of results, the rules and definitions need to be well defined and based on previously conducted case studies. The tools then produce parameters, which are obtained by defined geostatistical techniques (measurements, calculations, classifications). The idea of an automated statistical analysis is tested to proof benefits but also potential problems of this method. In this study, I adapt automated tools for floor-fractured craters (FFCs) on Mars. These impact craters show a variety of surface features, occurring in different Martian environments, and having different fracturing origins. They provide a complex morphological and geological field of application. 433 FFCs are classified by the analysis tools due to their fracturing process. Spatial data, environmental context, and crater interior data are analyzed to distinguish between the processes involved in floor fracturing. Related geologic processes, such as glacial and fluvial activity, are too similar to be separately classified by the automated tools. Glacial and fluvial fracturing processes are merged together for the classification. The automated tools provide probability values for each origin model. To guarantee the quality and reliability of the results, classification tools need to achieve an origin probability above 50 \%. This analysis method shows that 15 \% of the FFCs are fractured by intrusive volcanism, 20 \% by tectonic activity, and 43 \% by water \& ice related processes. In total, 75 \% of the FFCs are classified to an origin type. This can be explained by a combination of origin models, superposition or erosion of key parameters, or an unknown fracturing model. Those features have to be manually analyzed in detail. Another possibility would be the improvement of key parameters and rules for the classification. This research shows that it is possible to conduct an automated statistical analysis of morphologic and geologic features based on analysis tools. Analysis tools provide additional information to the user and are therefore considered assistance systems.}, language = {en} }