@phdthesis{Audoersch2016, author = {Aud{\"o}rsch, Stephan}, title = {Die Synthese von (2Z,4E)-Diencarbons{\"a}ureestern und ihre Anwendung in der Totalsynthese von Polyacetylenen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Z,E-Diene sind ein h{\"a}ufig auftretendes Strukturmerkmal in Naturstoffen. Aus diesem Grund ist die einfache Darstellung dieser Struktureinheit von großen Interesse in der organischen Chemie. Das erste Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Weiterentwicklung der Ringschlussmetathese-/ baseninduzierten Ring{\"o}ffnungs-/ Veresterungssequenz (RBRV-Sequenz) zur Synthese von (2Z,4E)-Diencarbons{\"a}ureethylestern ausgehend von Butenoaten. Dazu wurde zun{\"a}chst die RBRV-Sequenz optimiert. Diese aus drei Schritten bestehende Sequenz konnte in einem Eintopf-Verfahren angewendet werden. Die Ringschlussmetathese gelang mit einer Katalysatorbeladung von 1 mol\% des GRUBBS-Katalysators der zweiten Generation in Dichlormethan. F{\"u}r die baseninduzierte Ring{\"o}ffnung des β,γ-unges{\"a}ttigten δ Valerolactons wurde NaHMDS verwendet. Die Alkylierung der Carboxylatspezies gelang mit dem MEERWEIN-Reagenz. Die Anwendbarkeit der Sequenz wurde f{\"u}r verschiedene Substrate demonstriert. Die Erweiterung der Methode auf α-substituierte Butenoate unterlag starken Einschr{\"a}nkungen. So konnte der Zugang f{\"u}r α Hydroxyderivate realisiert werden. Bei der Anwendung der RBRV-Sequenz auf die α-substituierten Butenoate wurde festgestellt, dass diese sich nur in moderaten Ausbeuten umsetzen ließen und zudem nicht selektiv zu den (2E,4E)-konfigurierten α-substituierten-Dienestern reagierten. Der Einsatz von Eninen unter den Standardbedingungen der RBRV-Sequenz gelang nicht. Erst nach Modifizierung der Sequenz (h{\"o}here Katalysatorbeladung, Wechsel des L{\"o}sungsmittels) konnten die [3]Dendralen-Produkte in geringen Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde der Einsatz von (2Z,4E)-Diencarbons{\"a}ureethylestern in der Totalsynthese von Naturstoffen untersucht. Dazu wurden zun{\"a}chst die Transformationsm{\"o}glichkeiten der Ester gepr{\"u}ft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich (2Z,4E)-Diencarbons{\"a}ureethylester insbesondere zur Synthese von (2Z,4E)-Aldehyden sowie zum Aufbau der (3Z,5E)-Dien-1-in-Struktur eignen. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse wurde im Anschluss die RBRV-Sequenz in der Totalsynthese eingesetzt. Dazu wurde zun{\"a}chst der (2Z,4E)-Dienester Microsphaerodiolin in seiner ersten Totalsynthese auf drei verschiedene Routen hergestellt. Im Anschluss wurden sechs verschiedene Polyacetylene mit einer (3Z,5E)-Dien-1-in-Einheit hergestellt. Schl{\"u}sselschritte in ihrer Synthese waren immer die RBRV-Sequenz zum Aufbau der Z,E-Dien-Einheit, die Transformation des Esters in ein terminales Alkin sowie die CADIOT-CHODKIEWICZ-Kupplung zum Aufbau unsymmetrischer Polyine. Alle sechs Polyacetylene wurden zum ersten Mal in einer Totalsynthese synthetisiert. Drei Polyacetylene wurden ausgehend von (S)-Butantriol enantiomerenrein dargestellt. Anhand ihrer Drehwerte konnte eine Revision der von YAO und Mitarbeitern vorgenommen Zuordnung der Absolutkonfiguration der Naturstoffe vorgenommen werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Won2016, author = {Won, Jooyoung}, title = {Dynamic and equilibrium adsorption behaviour of ß-lactoglobulin at the solution/tetradecane interface: Effect of solution concentration, pH and ionic strength}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99167}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 106}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are amphiphilic and adsorb at liquid interfaces. Therefore, they can be efficient stabilizers of foams and emulsions. β-lactoglobulin (BLG) is one of the most widely studied proteins due to its major industrial applications, in particular in food technology. In the present work, the influence of different bulk concentration, solution pH and ionic strength on the dynamic and equilibrium pressures of BLG adsorbed layers at the solution/tetradecane (W/TD) interface has been investigated. Dynamic interfacial pressure (Π) and interfacial dilational elastic modulus (E') of BLG solutions for various concentrations at three different pH values of 3, 5 and 7 at a fixed ionic strength of 10 mM and for a selected fixed concentration at three different ionic strengths of 1 mM, 10 mM and 100 mM are measured by Profile Analysis Tensiometer PAT-1 (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany). A quantitative data analysis requires additional consideration of depletion due to BLG adsorption at the interface at low protein bulk concentrations. This fact makes experiments more efficient when oil drops are studied in the aqueous protein solutions rather than solution drops formed in oil. On the basis of obtained experimental data, concentration dependencies and the effect of solution pH on the protein surface activity was qualitatively analysed. In the presence of 10 mM buffer, we observed that generally the adsorbed amount is increasing with increasing BLG bulk concentration for all three pH values. The adsorption kinetics at pH 5 result in the highest Π values at any time of adsorption while it exhibits a less active behaviour at pH 3. Since the experimental data have not been in a good agreement with the classical diffusion controlled model due to the conformational changes which occur when the protein molecules get in contact with the hydrophobic oil phase in order to adapt to the interfacial environment, a new theoretical model is proposed here. The adsorption kinetics data were analysed with the newly proposed model, which is the classical diffusion model but modified by assuming an additional change in the surface activity of BLG molecules when adsorbing at the interface. This effect can be expressed through the adsorption activity constant in the corresponding equation of state. The dilational visco-elasticity of the BLG adsorbed interfacial layers is determined from measured dynamic interfacial tensions during sinusoidal drop area variations. The interfacial tension responses to these harmonic drop oscillations are interpreted with the same thermodynamic model which is used for the corresponding adsorption isotherm. At a selected BLG concentration of 2×10-6 mol/l, the influence of the ionic strength using different buffer concentration of 1, 10 and 100 mM on the interfacial pressure was studied. It is affected weakly at pH 5, whereas it has a strong impact by increasing buffer concentration at pH 3 and 7. In conclusion, the structure formation of BLG adsorbed layer in the early stage of adsorption at the W/TD interface is similar to those of the solution/air (W/A) surface. However, the equation of state at the W/TD interface provides an adsorption activity constant which is almost two orders of magnitude higher than that for the solution/air surface. At the end of this work, a new experimental tool called Drop and Bubble Micro Manipulator DBMM (SINTERFACE Technologies, Germany) has been introduced to study the stability of protein covered bubbles against coalescence. Among the available protocols the lifetime between the moment of contact and coalescence of two contacting bubble is determined for different BLG concentrations. The adsorbed amount of BLG is determined as a function of time and concentration and correlates with the observed coalescence behaviour of the contacting bubbles.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Couturier2016, author = {Couturier, Jean-Philippe}, title = {New inverse opal hydrogels as platform for detecting macromolecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98412}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 132, XXXVIII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this thesis, a route to temperature-, pH-, solvent-, 1,2-diol-, and protein-responsive sensors made of biocompatible and low-fouling materials is established. These sensor devices are based on the sensitivemodulation of the visual band gap of a photonic crystal (PhC), which is induced by the selective binding of analytes, triggering a volume phase transition. The PhCs introduced by this work show a high sensitivity not only for small biomolecules, but also for large analytes, such as glycopolymers or proteins. This enables the PhC to act as a sensor that detects analytes without the need of complex equipment. Due to their periodical dielectric structure, PhCs prevent the propagation of specific wavelengths. A change of the periodicity parameters is thus indicated by a change in the reflected wavelengths. In the case explored, the PhC sensors are implemented as periodically structured responsive hydrogels in formof an inverse opal. The stimuli-sensitive inverse opal hydrogels (IOHs) were prepared using a sacrificial opal template of monodispersed silica particles. First, monodisperse silica particles were assembled with a hexagonally packed structure via vertical deposition onto glass slides. The obtained silica crystals, also named colloidal crystals (CCs), exhibit structural color. Subsequently, the CCs templates were embedded in polymer matrix with low-fouling properties. The polymer matrices were composed of oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate derivatives (OEGMAs) that render the hydrogels thermoresponsive. Finally, the silica particles were etched, to produce highly porous hydrogel replicas of the CC. Importantly, the inner structure and thus the ability for light diffraction of the IOHs formed was maintained. The IOH membrane was shown to have interconnected pores with a diameter as well as interconnections between the pores of several hundred nanometers. This enables not only the detection of small analytes, but also, the detection of even large analytes that can diffuse into the nanostructured IOH membrane. Various recognition unit - analyte model systems, such as benzoboroxole - 1,2-diols, biotin - avidin and mannose - concanavalin A, were studied by incorporating functional comonomers of benzoboroxole, biotin and mannose into the copolymers. The incorporated recognition units specifically bind to certain low and highmolar mass biomolecules, namely to certain saccharides, catechols, glycopolymers or proteins. Their specific binding strongly changes the overall hydrophilicity, thus modulating the swelling of the IOH matrices, and in consequence, drastically changes their internal periodicity. This swelling is amplified by the thermoresponsive properties of the polymer matrix. The shift of the interference band gap due to the specific molecular recognition is easily visible by the naked eye (up to 150 nm shifts). Moreover, preliminary trial were attempted to detect even larger entities. Therefore anti-bodies were immobilized on hydrogel platforms via polymer-analogous esterification. These platforms incorporate comonomers made of tri(ethylene glycol) methacrylate end-functionalized with a carboxylic acid. In these model systems, the bacteria analytes are too big to penetrate into the IOH membranes, but can only interact with their surfaces. The selected model bacteria, as Escherichia coli, show a specific affinity to anti-body-functionalized hydrogels. Surprisingly in the case functionalized IOHs, this study produced weak color shifts, possibly opening a path to detect directly living organism, which will need further investigations.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hildebrand2016, author = {Hildebrand, Viet}, title = {Twofold switchable block copolymers based on new polyzwitterions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 170, LXXX}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In complement to the well-established zwitterionic monomers 3-((2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPE") and 3-((3-methacrylamidopropyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPP"), the closely related sulfobetaine monomers were synthesized and polymerized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, using a fluorophore labeled RAFT agent. The polyzwitterions of systematically varied molar mass were characterized with respect to their solubility in water, deuterated water, and aqueous salt solutions. These poly(sulfobetaine)s show thermoresponsive behavior in water, exhibiting upper critical solution temperatures (UCST). Phase transition temperatures depend notably on the molar mass and polymer concentration, and are much higher in D2O than in H2O. Also, the phase transition temperatures are effectively modulated by the addition of salts. The individual effects can be in parts correlated to the Hofmeister series for the anions studied. Still, they depend in a complex way on the concentration and the nature of the added electrolytes, on the one hand, and on the detailed structure of the zwitterionic side chain, on the other hand. For the polymers with the same zwitterionic side chain, it is found that methacrylamide-based poly(sulfobetaine)s exhibit higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their methacrylate analogs. The extension of the distance between polymerizable unit and zwitterionic groups from 2 to 3 methylene units decreases the UCST-type transition temperatures. Poly(sulfobetaine)s derived from aliphatic esters show higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their analogs featuring cyclic ammonium cations. The UCST-type transition temperatures increase markedly with spacer length separating the cationic and anionic moieties from 3 to 4 methylene units. Thus, apparently small variations of their chemical structure strongly affect the phase behavior of the polyzwitterions in specific aqueous environments. Water-soluble block copolymers were prepared from the zwitterionic monomers and the non-ionic monomer N-isopropylmethacrylamide ("NIPMAM") by the RAFT polymerization. Such block copolymers with two hydrophilic blocks exhibit twofold thermoresponsive behavior in water. The poly(sulfobetaine) block shows an UCST, whereas the poly(NIPMAM) block exhibits a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). This constellation induces a structure inversion of the solvophobic aggregate, called "schizophrenic micelle". Depending on the relative positions of the two different phase transitions, the block copolymer passes through a molecularly dissolved or an insoluble intermediate regime, which can be modulated by the polymer concentration or by the addition of salt. Whereas, at low temperature, the poly(sulfobetaine) block forms polar aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(NIPMAM) block, at high temperature, the poly(NIPMAM) block forms hydrophobic aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(sulfobetaine) block. Thus, aggregates can be prepared in water, which switch reversibly their "inside" to the "outside", and vice versa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Knoop2016, author = {Knoop, Mats Timothy}, title = {Neue Polyacrylnitril-basierte, schmelzspinnbare Pr{\"a}kursoren f{\"u}r Carbonfasern}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103972}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 143, XV}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit zu Grunde liegenden Forschung zielte darauf ab, neue schmelzbare Acrylnitril-Copolymere zu entwickeln. Diese sollten im Anschluss {\"u}ber ein Schmelzspinnverfahren zur Chemiefaser geformt und im letzten Schritt zur Carbonfaser konvertiert werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden zun{\"a}chst orientierende Untersuchungen an unterschiedlichen Copolymeren des Acrylnitril aus L{\"o}sungspolymerisation durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen besser als sterische Abschirmung dazu geeignet sind, Schmelzbarkeit unterhalb der Zersetzungstemperatur von Polyacrylnitril zu bewirken. Aus der Vielzahl untersuchter Copolymere stellten sich jene mit Methoxyethylacrylat (MEA) als am effektivsten heraus. F{\"u}r diese Copolymere wurden sowohl die Copolymerisationsparameter bestimmt als auch die grundlegende Kinetik der L{\"o}sungspolymerisation untersucht. Die Copolymere mit MEA wurden {\"u}ber Schmelzspinnen zur Faser umgeformt und diese dann untersucht. Hierbei wurden auch Einfl{\"u}sse verschiedener Parameter, wie z.B. die der Molmasse, auf die Fasereigenschaften und -herstellung untersucht. Zuletzt wurde ein Heterophasenpolymerisationsverfahren zur Herstellung von Copolymeren aus AN/MEA entwickelt; dadurch konnten die Materialeigenschaften weiter verbessert werden. Zur Unterdr{\"u}ckung der thermoplastischen Eigenschaften der Fasern wurde ein geeignetes Verfahren entwickelt und anschließend die Konversion zu Carbonfasern durchgef{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Leiendecker2016, author = {Leiendecker, Mai-Thi}, title = {Physikalische Hydrogele auf Polyurethan-Basis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103917}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {109}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Physical hydrogels have gained recent attention as cell substrates, since viscoelasticity or stress relaxation is a powerful parameter in mechanotransduction, which has long been neglected. We designed multi-functional polyurethanes to form physical hydrogels via a unique tunable gelation mechanism. The anionic polyurethanes spontaneously form aggregates in water that are kept in a soluble state through electrostatic repulsion. Fast subsequent gelation can be triggered by charge shielding which allows the aggregation and network building to proceed. This can be induced by adding either acids or salts, resulting in acidic (pH 4-5) or pH-neutral hydrogels, respectively. Whereas conventional polyurethane-based hydrogels are commonly prepared from toxic isocyanate precursors, the physical hydrogelation mechanism described here does not involve chemically reactive species which is ideal for in situ applications in sensitive environments. Both stiffness and stress relaxation can be tuned independently over a broad range and the gels exhibit excellent stress recovery behavior.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vacogne2016, author = {Vacogne, Charlotte D.}, title = {New synthetic routes towards well-defined polypeptides, morphologies and hydrogels}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396366}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Proteins are natural polypeptides produced by cells; they can be found in both animals and plants, and possess a variety of functions. One of these functions is to provide structural support to the surrounding cells and tissues. For example, collagen (which is found in skin, cartilage, tendons and bones) and keratin (which is found in hair and nails) are structural proteins. When a tissue is damaged, however, the supporting matrix formed by structural proteins cannot always spontaneously regenerate. Tailor-made synthetic polypeptides can be used to help heal and restore tissue formation. Synthetic polypeptides are typically synthesized by the so-called ring opening polymerization (ROP) of α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCA). Such synthetic polypeptides are generally non-sequence-controlled and thus less complex than proteins. As such, synthetic polypeptides are rarely as efficient as proteins in their ability to self-assemble and form hierarchical or structural supramolecular assemblies in water, and thus, often require rational designing. In this doctoral work, two types of amino acids, γ-benzyl-L/D-glutamate (BLG / BDG) and allylglycine (AG), were selected to synthesize a series of (co)polypeptides of different compositions and molar masses. A new and versatile synthetic route to prepare polypeptides was developed, and its mechanism and kinetics were investigated. The polypeptide properties were thoroughly studied and new materials were developed from them. In particular, these polypeptides were able to aggregate (or self-assemble) in solution into microscopic fibres, very similar to those formed by collagen. By doing so, they formed robust physical networks and organogels which could be processed into high water-content, pH-responsive hydrogels. Particles with highly regular and chiral spiral morphologies were also obtained by emulsifying these polypeptides. Such polypeptides and the materials derived from them are, therefore, promising candidates for biomedical applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Prinz2016, author = {Prinz, Julia}, title = {DNA origami substrates as a versatile tool for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-104089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 184 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a promising tool to obtain rich chemical information about analytes at trace levels. However, in order to perform selective experiments on individual molecules, two fundamental requirements have to be fulfilled. On the one hand, areas with high local field enhancement, so-called "hot spots", have to be created by positioning the supporting metal surfaces in close proximity to each other. In most cases hot spots are formed in the gap between adjacent metal nanoparticles (NPs). On the other hand, the analyte has to be positioned directly in the hot spot in order to profit from the highest signal amplification. The use of DNA origami substrates provides both, the arrangement of AuNPs with nm precision as well as the ability to bind analyte molecules at predefined positions. Consequently, the present cumulative doctoral thesis aims at the development of a novel SERS substrate based on a DNA origami template. To this end, two DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are attached to one DNA origami substrate resulting in the formation of a AuNP dimer and thus in a hot spot within the corresponding gap. The obtained structures are characterized by correlated atomic force microscopy (AFM) and SERS imaging which allows for the combination of structural and chemical information. Initially, the proof-of principle is presented which demonstrates the potential of the novel approach. It is shown that the Raman signal of 15 nm AuNPs coated with dye-modified DNA (dye: carboxytetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA)) is significantly higher for AuNP dimers arranged on a DNA origami platform in comparison to single AuNPs. Furthermore, by attaching single TAMRA molecules in the hot spot between two 5 nm AuNPs and optimizing the size of the AuNPs by electroless gold deposition, SERS experiments at the few-molecule level are presented. The initially used DNA origami-AuNPs design is further optimized in many respects. On the one hand, larger AuNPs up to a diameter of 60 nm are used which are additionally treated with a silver enhancement solution to obtain Au-Ag-core-shell NPs. On the other hand, the arrangement of both AuNPs is altered to improve the position of the dye molecule within the hot spot as well as to decrease the gap size between the two particles. With the optimized design the detection of single dye molecules (TAMRA and cyanine 3 (Cy3)) by means of SERS is demonstrated. Quantitatively, enhancement factors up to 10^10 are estimated which is sufficiently high to detect single dye molecules. In the second part, the influence of graphene as an additional component of the SERS substrate is investigated. Graphene is a two-dimensional material with an outstanding combination of electronical, mechanical and optical properties. Here, it is demonstrated that single layer graphene (SLG) replicates the shape of underlying non-modified DNA origami substrates very well, which enables the monitoring of structural alterations by AFM imaging. In this way, it is shown that graphene encapsulation significantly increases the structural stability of bare DNA origami substrates towards mechanical force and prolonged exposure to deionized water. Furthermore, SLG is used to cover DNA origami substrates which are functionalized with a 40 nm AuNP dimer. In this way, a novel kind of hybrid material is created which exhibits several advantages compared to the analogue non-covered SERS substrates. First, the fluorescence background of dye molecules that are located in between the AuNP surface and SLG is efficiently reduced. Second, the photobleaching rate of the incorporated dye molecules is decreased up to one order of magnitude. Third, due to the increased photostability of the investigated dye molecules, the performance of polarization-dependent series measurements on individual structures is enabled. This in turn reveals extensive information about the dye molecules in the hot spot as well as about the strain induced within the graphene lattice. Although SLG can significantly influence the SERS substrate in the aforementioned ways, all those effects are strongly related to the extent of contact with the underlying AuNP dimer.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pampel2016, author = {Pampel, Jonas}, title = {Ionothermal carbon materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {122, xlv}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Alternative concepts for energy storage and conversion have to be developed, optimized and employed to fulfill the dream of a fossil-independent energy economy. Porous carbon materials play a major role in many energy-related devices. Among different characteristics, distinct porosity features, e.g., specific surface area (SSA), total pore volume (TPV), and the pore size distribution (PSD), are important to maximize the performance in the final device. In order to approach the aim to synthesize carbon materials with tailor-made porosity in a sustainable fashion, the present thesis focused on biomass-derived precursors employing and developing the ionothermal carbonization. During the ionothermal carbonization, a salt melt simultaneously serves as solvent and porogen. Typically, eutectic mixtures containing zinc chloride are employed as salt phase. The first topic of the present thesis addressed the possibility to precisely tailor the porosity of ionothermal carbon materials by an experimentally simple variation of the molar composition of the binary salt mixture. The developed pore tuning tool allowed the synthesis of glucose derived carbon materials with predictable SSAs in the range of ~ 900 to ~ 2100 m2 g-1. Moreover, the nucleobase adenine was employed as precursor introducing nitrogen functionalities in the final material. Thereby, the chemical properties of the carbon materials are varied leading to new application fields. Nitrogen doped carbons (NDCs) are able to catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) which takes place on the cathodic site of a fuel cell. The herein developed porosity tailoring allowed the synthesis of adenine derived NDCs with outstanding SSAs of up to 2900 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 5.19 cm3 g-1. Furthermore, the influence of the porosity on the ORR could be directly investigated enabling the precise optimization of the porosity characteristics of NDCs for this application. The second topic addressed the development of a new method to investigate the not-yet unraveled mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction using a rotating disc electrode setup. The focus was put on noble-metal free catalysts. The results showed that the reaction pathway of the investigated catalysts is pH-dependent indicating different active species at different pH-values. The third topic addressed the expansion of the used salts for the ionothermal approach towards hydrated calcium and magnesium chloride. It was shown that hydrated salt phases allowed the introduction of a secondary templating effect which was connected to the coexistence of liquid and solid salt phases. The method enabled the synthesis of fibrous NDCs with SSAs of up to 2780 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 3.86 cm3 g-1. Moreover, the concept of active site implementation by a facile low-temperature metalation employing the obtained NDCs as solid ligands could be shown for the first time in the context of ORR. Overall, the thesis may pave the way towards highly porous carbon with tailor-made porosity materials prepared by an inexpensive and sustainable pathway, which can be applied in energy related field thereby supporting the needed expansion of the renewable energy sector.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steeples2016, author = {Steeples, Elliot}, title = {Amino acid-derived imidazolium salts: platform molecules for N-Heterocyclic carbene metal complexes and organosilica materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101861}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the interest of producing functional catalysts from sustainable building-blocks, 1, 3-dicarboxylate imidazolium salts derived from amino acids were successfully modified to be suitable as N-Heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands within metal complexes. Complexes of Ag(I), Pd(II), and Ir(I) were successfully produced using known procedures using ligands derived from glycine, alanine, β-alanine and phenylalanine. The complexes were characterized in solid state using X-Ray crystallography, which allowed for the steric and electronic comparison of these ligands to well-known NHC ligands within analogous metal complexes. The palladium complexes were tested as catalysts for aqueous-phase Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling. Water-solubility could be induced via ester hydrolysis of the N-bound groups in the presence of base. The mono-NHC-Pd complexes were seen to be highly active in the coupling of aryl bromides with phenylboronic acid; the active catalyst of which was determined to be mostly Pd(0) nanoparticles. Kinetic studies determined that reaction proceeds quickly in the coupling of bromoacetophenone, for both pre-hydrolyzed and in-situ hydrolysis catalyst dissolution. The catalyst could also be recycled for an extra run by simply re-using the aqueous layer. The imidazolium salts were also used to produce organosilica hybrid materials. This was attempted via two methods: by post-grafting onto a commercial organosilica, and co-condensation of the corresponding organosilane. The co-condensation technique harbours potential for the production of solid-support catalysts.}, language = {en} }