@phdthesis{Skiba2024, author = {Skiba, Vanessa}, title = {Alpine speleothems as recorders of glacier evolution}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65537}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-655379}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 238}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The European Alps are amongst the regions with highest glacier mass loss rates over the last decades. Under the threat of ongoing climate change, the ability to predict glacier mass balance changes for water and risk management purposes has become imperative. This raises an urgent need for reliable glacier models. The European Alps do not only host glaciers, but also numerous caves containing carbonate formations, called speleothems. Previous studies have shown that those speleothems also grew during times when the cave was covered by a warm-based glacier. In this thesis, I utilise speleothems from the European Alps as archives of local, environmental conditions related to mountain glacier evolution. Previous studies have shown that speleothem isotope data from the Alps can be strongly affected by in-cave processes. Therefore, part of this thesis focusses on developing an isotope evolution model, which successfully reproduces differences between contemporaneous growing speleothems. The model is used to propose correction approaches for prior calcite precipitation effects on speleothem oxygen isotopes (δ18O). Applications on speleothem records from caves outside of the Alps demonstrate that corrected δ18O agrees better with other records and climate model simulations. Existing speleothem growth histories and carbon isotope (δ13C) records from Alpine caves located at different elevations are used to infer soil vs. glacier cover and the thermal regime of the glacier over the last glacial cycle. The compatibility with glacier evolution models is statistically assessed. A general agreement between speleothem δ13C-derived information on soil vs. glacier presence and modelled glacier coverage is found. However, glacier retreat during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 seems to be underestimated by the model. Furthermore, speleothem data provides evidence of surface temperature above the freezing point which is, however, not fully reproduced by the simulations. History of glacier cover and their thermal regime is explored for the high-elevation cave system Melchsee-Frutt in the Swiss Alps. Based on new (MIS 9b - MIS 7b, MIS 2) and available speleothem δ13C (MIS 7a - 5d) data, warm-based glacier cover is inferred for MIS 8, 7d, 6, and 2. Also a short period of cold-based ice coverage is found for early MIS 6. In a detailed multi-proxy analysis (δ18O, δ13C, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca), millennial-scale changes in the glacier-related source of the water infiltrating in the karst during MIS 8 and 7d are found and linked to Northern Hemisphere climate variability. While speleothem records from high-elevation cave sites in the Alps exhibit huge potential for glacier reconstruction, several limitations remain, which are discussed throughout this thesis. Ultimately, recommendations are given to further leverage subglacial speleothems as an archive of glacier dynamics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Braun2023, author = {Braun, Tobias}, title = {Recurrences in past climates}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58690}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586900}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxviii, 251}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Our ability to predict the state of a system relies on its tendency to recur to states it has visited before. Recurrence also pervades common intuitions about the systems we are most familiar with: daily routines, social rituals and the return of the seasons are just a few relatable examples. To this end, recurrence plots (RP) provide a systematic framework to quantify the recurrence of states. Despite their conceptual simplicity, they are a versatile tool in the study of observational data. The global climate is a complex system for which an understanding based on observational data is not only of academical relevance, but vital for the predurance of human societies within the planetary boundaries. Contextualizing current global climate change, however, requires observational data far beyond the instrumental period. The palaeoclimate record offers a valuable archive of proxy data but demands methodological approaches that adequately address its complexities. In this regard, the following dissertation aims at devising novel and further developing existing methods in the framework of recurrence analysis (RA). The proposed research questions focus on using RA to capture scale-dependent properties in nonlinear time series and tailoring recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to characterize seasonal variability in palaeoclimate records ('Palaeoseasonality'). In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the methodological development of novel approaches in RA. The predictability of nonlinear (palaeo)climate time series is limited by abrupt transitions between regimes that exhibit entirely different dynamical complexity (e.g. crossing of 'tipping points'). These possibly depend on characteristic time scales. RPs are well-established for detecting transitions and capture scale-dependencies, yet few approaches have combined both aspects. We apply existing concepts from the study of self-similar textures to RPs to detect abrupt transitions, considering the most relevant time scales. This combination of methods further results in the definition of a novel recurrence based nonlinear dependence measure. Quantifying lagged interactions between multiple variables is a common problem, especially in the characterization of high-dimensional complex systems. The proposed 'recurrence flow' measure of nonlinear dependence offers an elegant way to characterize such couplings. For spatially extended complex systems, the coupled dynamics of local variables result in the emergence of spatial patterns. These patterns tend to recur in time. Based on this observation, we propose a novel method that entails dynamically distinct regimes of atmospheric circulation based on their recurrent spatial patterns. Bridging the two parts of this dissertation, we next turn to methodological advances of RA for the study of Palaeoseasonality. Observational series of palaeoclimate 'proxy' records involve inherent limitations, such as irregular temporal sampling. We reveal biases in the RQA of time series with a non-stationary sampling rate and propose a correction scheme. In the second part of this thesis, we proceed with applications in Palaeoseasonality. A review of common and promising time series analysis methods shows that numerous valuable tools exist, but their sound application requires adaptions to archive-specific limitations and consolidating transdisciplinary knowledge. Next, we study stalagmite proxy records from the Central Pacific as sensitive recorders of mid-Holocene El Ni{\~n}o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics. The records' remarkably high temporal resolution allows to draw links between ENSO and seasonal dynamics, quantified by RA. The final study presented here examines how seasonal predictability could play a role for the stability of agricultural societies. The Classic Maya underwent a period of sociopolitical disintegration that has been linked to drought events. Based on seasonally resolved stable isotope records from Yok Balum cave in Belize, we propose a measure of seasonal predictability. It unveils the potential role declining seasonal predictability could have played in destabilizing agricultural and sociopolitical systems of Classic Maya populations. The methodological approaches and applications presented in this work reveal multiple exciting future research avenues, both for RA and the study of Palaeoseasonality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Genderjahn2018, author = {Genderjahn, Steffi}, title = {Biosignatures of Present and Past Microbial Life in Southern African Geoarchives}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-410110}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 166, xxii}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, with influence on the environment, societies, politics and economies. The (semi-)arid areas of Southern Africa already suffer from water scarcity. There is a great variety of ongoing research related to global climate history but important questions on regional differences still exist. In southern African regions terrestrial climate archives are rare, which makes paleoclimate studies challenging. Based on the assumption that continental pans (sabkhas) represent a suitable geo-archive for the climate history, two different pans were studied in the southern and western Kalahari Desert. A combined approach of molecular biological and biogeochemical analyses is utilized to investigate the diversity and abundance of microorganisms and to trace temporal and spatial changes in paleoprecipitation in arid environments. The present PhD thesis demonstrates the applicability of pan sediments as a late Quaternary geo-archive based on microbial signature lipid biomarkers, such as archaeol, branched and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) as well as phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA). The microbial signatures contained in the sediment provide information on the current or past microbial community from the Last Glacial Maximum to the recent epoch, the Holocene. The results are discussed in the context of regional climate evolution in southwestern Africa. The seasonal shift of the Innertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) along the equator influences the distribution of precipitation- and climate zones. The different expansion of the winter- and summer rainfall zones in southern Africa was confirmed by the frequency of certain microbial biomarkers. A period of increased precipitation in the south-western Kalahari could be described as a result of the extension of the winter rainfall zone during the last glacial maximum (21 ± 2 ka). Instead a period of increased paleoprecipitation in the western Kalahari was indicated during the Late Glacial to Holocene transition. This was possibly caused by a southwestern shift in the position of the summer rainfall zone associated to the southward movement of the ITCZ. Furthermore, for the first time this study characterizes the bacterial and archaeal life based on 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing in continental pan sediments and provides an insight into the recent microbial community structure. Near-surface processes play an important role for the modern microbial ecosystem in the pans. Water availability as well as salinity might determine the abundance and composition of the microbial communities. The microbial community of pan sediments is dominated by halophilic and dry-adapted archaea and bacteria. Frequently occurring microorganisms such as, Halobacteriaceae, Bacillus and Gemmatimonadetes are described in more detail in this study.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Draeger2016, author = {Dr{\"a}ger, Nadine}, title = {Holocene climate and environmental variability in NE Germany inferred from annually laminated lake sediments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 144 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Understanding the role of natural climate variability under the pressure of human induced changes of climate and landscapes, is crucial to improve future projections and adaption strategies. This doctoral thesis aims to reconstruct Holocene climate and environmental changes in NE Germany based on annually laminated lake sediments. The work contributes to the ICLEA project (Integrated CLimate and Landscape Evolution Analyses). ICLEA intends to compare multiple high-resolution proxy records with independent chronologies from the N central European lowlands, in order to disentangle the impact of climate change and human land use on landscape development during the Lateglacial and Holocene. In this respect, two study sites in NE Germany are investigated in this doctoral project, Lake Tiefer See and palaeolake Wukenfurche. While both sediment records are studied with a combination of high-resolution sediment microfacies and geochemical analyses (e.g. µ-XRF, carbon geochemistry and stable isotopes), detailed proxy understanding mainly focused on the continuous 7.7 m long sediment core from Lake Tiefer See covering the last ~6000 years. Three main objectives are pursued at Lake Tiefer See: (1) to perform a reliable and independent chronology, (2) to establish microfacies and geochemical proxies as indicators for climate and environmental changes, and (3) to trace the effects of climate variability and human activity on sediment deposition. Addressing the first aim, a reliable chronology of Lake Tiefer See is compiled by using a multiple-dating concept. Varve counting and tephra findings form the chronological framework for the last ~6000 years. The good agreement with independent radiocarbon dates of terrestrial plant remains verifies the robustness of the age model. The resulting reliable and independent chronology of Lake Tiefer See and, additionally, the identification of nine tephras provide a valuable base for detailed comparison and synchronization of the Lake Tiefer See data set with other climate records. The sediment profile of Lake Tiefer See exhibits striking alternations between well-varved and non-varved sediment intervals. The combination of microfacies, geochemical and microfossil (i.e. Cladocera and diatom) analyses indicates that these changes of varve preservation are caused by variations of lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See. An exception is the well-varved sediment deposited since AD 1924, which is mainly influenced by human-induced lake eutrophication. Well-varved intervals before the 20th century are considered to reflect phases of reduced lake circulation and, consequently, stronger anoxic conditions. Instead, non-varved intervals indicate increased lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See, leading to more oxygenated conditions at the lake ground. Furthermore, lake circulation is not only influencing sediment deposition, but also geochemical processes in the lake. As, for example, the proxy meaning of δ13COM varies in time in response to changes of the oxygen regime in the lake hypolinion. During reduced lake circulation and stronger anoxic conditions δ13COM is influenced by microbial carbon cycling. In contrast, organic matter degradation controls δ13COM during phases of intensified lake circulation and more oxygenated conditions. The varve preservation indicates an increasing trend of lake circulation at Lake Tiefer See after ~4000 cal a BP. This trend is superimposed by decadal to centennial scale variability of lake circulation intensity. Comparison to other records in Central Europe suggests that the long-term trend is probably related to gradual changes in Northern Hemisphere orbital forcing, which induced colder and windier conditions in Central Europe and, therefore, reinforced lake circulation. Decadal to centennial scale periods of increased lake circulation coincide with settlement phases at Lake Tiefer See, as inferred from pollen data of the same sediment record. Deforestation reduced the wind shelter of the lake, which probably increased the sensitivity of lake circulation to wind stress. However, results of this thesis also suggest that several of these phases of increased lake circulation are additionally reinforced by climate changes. A first indication is provided by the comparison to the Baltic Sea record, which shows striking correspondence between major non-varved intervals at Lake Tiefer See and bioturbated sediments in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, a preliminary comparison to the ICLEA study site Lake Czechowskie (N central Poland) shows a coincidence of at least three phases of increased lake circulation in both lakes, which concur with periods of known climate changes (2.8 ka event, 'Migration Period' and 'Little Ice Age'). These results suggest an additional over-regional climate forcing also on short term increased of lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See. In summary, the results of this thesis suggest that lake circulation at Lake Tiefer See is driven by a combination of long-term and short-term climate changes as well as of anthropogenic deforestation phases. Furthermore, the lake circulation drives geochemical cycles in the lake affecting the meaning of proxy data. Therefore, the work presented here expands the knowledge of climate and environmental variability in NE Germany. Furthermore, the integration of the Lake Tiefer See multi-proxy record in a regional comparison with another ICLEA side, Lake Czechowskie, enabled to better decipher climate changes and human impact on the lake system. These first results suggest a huge potential for further detailed regional comparisons to better understand palaeoclimate dynamics in N central Europe.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Neugebauer2015, author = {Neugebauer, Ina}, title = {Reconstructing climate from the Dead Sea sediment record using high-resolution micro-facies analyses}, series = {Dissertation}, journal = {Dissertation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85266}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 97, XXIII}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The sedimentary record of the Dead Sea is a key archive for reconstructing climate in the eastern Mediterranean region, as it stores the environmental and tectonic history of the Levant for the entire Quaternary. Moreover, the lake is located at the boundary between Mediterranean sub-humid to semi-arid and Saharo-Arabian hyper-arid climates, so that even small shifts in atmospheric circulation are sensitively recorded in the sediments. This DFG-funded doctoral project was carried out within the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP) that intended to gain the first long, continuous and high-resolution sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin. The drilling campaign was performed in winter 2010-11 and more than 700 m of sediments were recovered. The main aim of this thesis was (1) to establish the lithostratigraphic framework for the ~455 m long sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin and (2) to apply high-resolution micro-facies analyses for reconstructing and better understanding climate variability from the Dead Sea sediments. Addressing the first aim, the sedimentary facies of the ~455 m long deep-basin core 5017-1 were described in great detail and characterised through continuous overview-XRF element scanning and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Three facies groups were classified: (1) the marl facies group, (2) the halite facies group and (3) a group involving different expressions of massive, graded and slumped deposits including coarse clastic detritus. Core 5017-1 encompasses a succession of four main lithological units. Based on first radiocarbon and U-Th ages and correlation of these units to on-shore stratigraphic sections, the record comprises the last ca 220 ka, i.e. the upper part of the Amora Formation (parts of or entire penultimate interglacial and glacial), the last interglacial Samra Fm. (~135-75 ka), the last glacial Lisan Fm. (~75-14 ka) and the Holocene Ze'elim Formation. A major advancement of this record is that, for the first time, also transitional intervals were recovered that are missing in the exposed formations and that can now be studied in great detail. Micro-facies analyses involve a combination of high-resolution microscopic thin section analysis and µXRF element scanning supported by magnetic susceptibility measurements. This approach allows identifying and characterising micro-facies types, detecting event layers and reconstructing past climate variability with up to seasonal resolution, given that the analysed sediments are annually laminated. Within this thesis, micro-facies analyses, supported by further sedimentological and geochemical analyses (grain size, X-ray diffraction, total organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents) and palynology, were applied for two time intervals: (1) The early last glacial period ~117-75 ka was investigated focusing on millennial-scale hydroclimatic variations and lake level changes recorded in the sediments. Thereby, distinguishing six different micro-facies types with distinct geochemical and sedimentological characteristics allowed estimating relative lake level and water balance changes of the lake. Comparison of the results to other records in the Mediterranean region suggests a close link of the hydroclimate in the Levant to North Atlantic and Mediterranean climates during the time of the build-up of Northern hemisphere ice sheets during the early last glacial period. (2) A mostly annually laminated late Holocene section (~3700-1700 cal yr BP) was analysed in unprecedented detail through a multi-proxy, inter-site correlation approach of a shallow-water core (DSEn) and its deep-basin counterpart (5017-1). Within this study, a ca 1500 years comprising time series of erosion and dust deposition events was established and anchored to the absolute time-scale through 14C dating and age modelling. A particular focus of this study was the characterisation of two dry periods, from ~3500 to 3300 and from ~3000 to 2400 cal yr BP, respectively. Thereby, a major outcome was the coincidence of the latter dry period with a period of moist and cold climate in Europe related to a Grand Solar Minimum around 2800 cal yr BP and an increase in flood events despite overall dry conditions in the Dead Sea region during that time. These contrasting climate signatures in Europe and at the Dead Sea were likely linked through complex teleconnections of atmospheric circulation, causing a change in synoptic weather patterns in the eastern Mediterranean. In summary, within this doctorate the lithostratigraphic framework of a unique long sediment core from the deep Dead Sea basin is established, which serves as a base for any further high-resolution investigations on this core. It is demonstrated in two case studies that micro-facies analyses are an invaluable tool to understand the depositional processes in the Dead Sea and to decipher past climate variability in the Levant on millennial to seasonal time-scales. Hence, this work adds important knowledge helping to establish the deep Dead Sea record as a key climate archive of supra-regional significance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lauterbach2011, author = {Lauterbach, Stefan}, title = {Lateglacial to Holocene climatic and environmental changes in Europe : multi-proxy studies on lake sediments along a transect from northern Italy to northeastern Poland}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58157}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Sediment records of three European lakes were investigated in order to reconstruct the regional climate development during the Lateglacial and Holocene, to investigate the response of local ecosystems to climatic fluctuations and human impact and to relate regional peculiarities of past climate development to climatic changes on a larger spatial scale. The Lake Hańcza (NE Poland) sediment record was studied with a focus on reconstructing the early Holocene climate development and identifying possible differences to Western Europe. Following the initial Holocene climatic improvement, a further climatic improvement occurred between 10 000 and 9000 cal. a BP. Apparently, relatively cold and dry climate conditions persisted in NE Poland during the first ca. 1500 years of the Holocene, most likely due to a specific regional atmospheric circulation pattern. Prevailing anticyclonic circulation linked to a high-pressure cell above the remaining Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) might have blocked the eastward propagation of warm and moist Westerlies and thus attenuated the early Holocene climatic amelioration in this region until the final decay of the SIS, a pattern different from climate development in Western Europe. The Lateglacial sediment record of Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) was investigated in order to study the regional climate development and the environmental response to rapid climatic fluctuations. While the temperature rise and environmental response at the onset of the Holocene took place quasi-synchronously, major leads and lags in proxy responses characterize the onset of the Lateglacial Interstadial. In particular, the spread of coniferous woodlands and the reduction of detrital flux lagged the initial Lateglacial warming by ca. 500-750 years. Major cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas took place synchronously with a change in vegetation, while the increase of detrital matter flux was delayed by about 150-300 years. Complex proxy responses are also detected for short-term Lateglacial climatic fluctuations. In summary, periods of abrupt climatic changes are characterized by complex and temporally variable proxy responses, mainly controlled by ecosystem inertia and the environmental preconditions. A second study on the Lake Mondsee sediment record focused on two small-scale climate deteriorations around 8200 and 9100 cal. a BP, which have been triggered by freshwater discharges to the North Atlantic, causing a shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Combining microscopic varve counting and AMS 14C dating yielded a precise duration estimate (ca. 150 years) and absolute dating of the 8.2 ka cold event, both being in good agreement with results from other palaeoclimate records. Moreover, a sudden temperature overshoot after the 8.2 ka cold event was identified, also seen in other proxy records around the North Atlantic. This was most likely caused by enhanced resumption of the MOC, which also initiated substantial shifts of oceanic and atmospheric front systems. Although there is also evidence from other proxy records for pronounced recovery of the MOC and atmospheric circulation changes after the 9.1 ka cold event, no temperature overshoot is seen in the Lake Mondsee record, indicating the complex behaviour of the global climate system. The Holocene sediment record of Lake Iseo (northern Italy) was studied to shed light on regional earthquake activity and the influence of climate variability and anthropogenic impact on catchment erosion and detrital flux into the lake. Frequent small-scale detrital layers within the sediments reflect allochthonous sediment supply by extreme surface runoff events. During the early to mid-Holocene, increased detrital flux coincides with periods of cold and wet climate conditions, thus apparently being mainly controlled by climate variability. In contrast, intervals of high detrital flux during the late Holocene partly also correlate with phases of increased human impact, reflecting the complex influences on catchment erosion processes. Five large-scale event layers within the sediments, which are composed of mass-wasting deposits and turbidites, are supposed to have been triggered by strong local earthquakes. While the uppermost of these event layers is assigned to a documented adjacent earthquake in AD 1222, the four other layers are supposed to be related to previously undocumented prehistorical earthquakes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stefer2009, author = {Stefer, Susanne}, title = {Late Pleistocene-Holocene sedimentary processes at the active margin of South-Central Chile : marine and lacustrine sediment records as archives of tectonics and climate variability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-33731}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Active continental margins are affected by complex feedbacks between tectonic, climate and surface processes, the intricate relations of which are still a matter of discussion. The Chilean convergent margin, forming the outstanding Andean subduction orogen, constitutes an ideal natural laboratory for the investigation of climate, tectonics and their interactions. In order to study both processes, I examined marine and lacustrine sediments from different depositional environments on- and offshore the south-central Chilean coast (38-40°S). I combined sedimentological, geochemical and isotopical analyses to identify climatic and tectonic signals within the sedimentary records. The investigation of marine trench sediments (ODP Site 1232, SONNE core 50SL) focused on frequency changes of turbiditic event layers since the late Pleistocene. In the active margin setting of south-central Chile, these layers were considered to reflect periodically occurring earthquakes and to constitute an archive of the regional paleoseismicity. The new results indicate glacial-interglacial changes in turbidite frequencies during the last 140 kyr, with short recurrence times (~200 years) during glacial and long recurrence times (~1000 years) during interglacial periods. Hence, the generation of turbidites appears to be strongly influenced by climate and sea level changes, which control on the amount of sediment delivered to the shelf edge and therewith the stability of the continental slope: more stable slope conditions during interglacial periods entail lower turbidite frequencies than in glacial periods. Since glacial turbidite recurrence times are congruent with earthquake recurrence times derived from the historical record and other paleoseismic archives of the region, I concluded that only during cold stages the sediment availability and slope instability enabled the complete series of large earthquakes to be recorded. The sediment transport to the shelf region is not only driven by climate conditions but also influenced by local forearc tectonics. Accelerating uplift rates along major tectonic structures involved drainage anomalies and river flow inversions, which seriously altered the sediment supply to the Pacific Ocean. Two examples for the tectonic hindrance of fluvial systems are the coastal lakes Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu. Both lakes developed within former river valleys, which once discharged towards the Pacific and were dammed by tectonically uplifted sills at ~8000 yr BP. Analyses of sediment cores from the lakes showed similar successions of marine/brackish deposits at the bottom, covered by lacustrine sediments on top. Dating of the transitions between these different units and the comparison with global sea level curves allowed me to calculate local Holocene uplift rates, which are distinctly higher for the upraised sills (Lanalhue: 8.83 ± 2.7 mm/yr, Lleu Lleu: 11.36 ± 1.77 mm/yr) than for the lake basins (Lanalhue: 0.42 ± 0.71 mm/yr, Lleu Lleu: 0.49 ± 0.44 mm/yr). I hence considered the sills to be the surface expression of a blind thrust associated with a prominent inverse fault that is controlling regional uplift and folding. After the final separation of Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu from the Pacific, a constant deposition of lacustrine sediments preserved continuous records of local environmental changes. Sequences from both lakes indicate a long-term climate trend with a significant shift from more arid conditions during the Mid-Holocene (8000 - 4200 cal yr BP) to more humid conditions during the Late Holocene (4200 cal yr BP - present). This trend is consistent with other regional paleoclimatic data and interpreted to reflect changes in the strength/position of the Southern Westerly Winds. Since ~5000 years, sediments of Lago Lleu Lleu are marked by numerous intercalated detrital layers that recur with a mean frequency of ~210 years. Deposition of these layers may be triggered by local tectonics (i.e. earthquakes), but may also originate from changes in the local climate (e.g. onset of modern ENSO conditions). During the last 2000 years, pronounced variations in the terrigenous sediment supply to both lakes suggest important hydrological changes on the centennial time-scale as well. A lower input of terrigenous matter points to less humid phases between 200 cal yr B.C. - 150 cal yr A.D., 900 - 1350 cal yr A.D. and 1850 cal yr A.D. to present (broadly corresponding to the Roman, Medieval, and Modern Warm Periods). More humid periods persisted from 150 - 900 cal yr A.D. and 1350 - 1850 cal yr A.D. (broadly corresponding to the Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age). In conclusion, the combined investigation of marine and lacustrine sediments is a feasible method for the reconstruction of climatic and tectonic processes on different time scales. My approach allows exploring both climate and tectonics in one and the same archive, and is largely transferable to other active margins worldwide.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kristen2009, author = {Kristen, Iris}, title = {Investigations on rainfall variability during the late Quaternary based on geochemical analyses of lake sediments from tropical and subtropical southern Africa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32547}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {This thesis presents investigations on sediments from two African lakes which have been recording changes in their surrounding environmental and climate conditions since more than 200,000 years. Focus of this work is the time of the last Glacial and the Holocene (the last ~100,000 years before present [in the following 100 kyr BP]). One important precondition for this kind of research is a good understanding of the present ecosystems in and around the lakes and of the sediment formation under modern climate conditions. Both studies therefore include investigations on the modern environment (including organisms, soils, rocks, lake water and sediments). A 90 m long sediment sequence was investigated from Lake Tswaing (north-eastern South Africa) using geochemical analyses. These investigations document alternating periods of high detrital input and low (especially autochthonous) organic matter content and periods of low detrital input, carbonatic or evaporitic sedimentation and high autochthonous organic matter content. These alternations are interpreted as changes between relatively humid and arid conditions, respectively. Before c. 75 kyr BP, they seem to follow changes in local insolation whereas afterwards they appear to be acyclic and are probably caused by changes in ocean circulation and/or in the mean position of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Today, these factors have main influence on precipitation in this area where rainfall occurs almost exclusively during austral summer. All modern organisms were analysed for their biomarker and bulk organic and compound-specific stable carbon isotope composition. The same investigations on sediments from the modern lake floor document the mixed input of the investigated individual organisms and reveal additional influences by methanotrophic bacteria. A comparison of modern sediment characteristics with those of sediments covering the time 14 to 2 kyr BP shows changes in the productivity of the lake and the surrounding vegetation which are best explained by changes in hydrology. More humid conditions are indicated for times older than 10 kyr BP and younger than 7.5 kyr BP, whereas arid conditions prevailed in between. These observations agree with the results from sediment composition and indications from other climate archives nearby. The second lake study deals with Lake Challa, a small, deep crater lake on the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. In this lake form mm-scale laminated sediments which were analyses with micro-XRF scanning for changes in the element composition. By comparing these results with investigations on thin sections, results from ongoing sediment trap studies, meteorological data, and investigations on the surrounding rocks and soils, I develop a model for seasonal variability in the limnology and sedimentation of Lake Challa. The lake appears to be stratified during the warm rain seasons (October - December and March - May) during which detrital material is delivered to the lake and carbonates precipitate. On the lake floor forms a dark lamina with high contents of Fe and Ti and high Ca/Al and low Mn/Fe ratios. Diatoms bloom during the cool and windy season (June - September) when mixing down to c. 60 m depth provides easily bio-available nutrients. Contemporaneously, Fe and Mn-oxides are precipitating which cause high Mn/Fe ratios in the light diatom-rich laminae of the sediments. Trends in the Mn/Fe ratio of the sediments are interpreted to reflect changes in the intensity or duration of seasonal mixing in Lake Challa. This interpretation is supported by parallel changes in the organic matter and biogenic silica content observed in the 22 m long profile recovered from Lake Challa. This covers the time of the last 25 kyr BP. It documents a transition around 16 kyr BP from relatively well-mixed conditions with high detrital input during glacial times to stronger stratified conditions which are probably related to increasing lake levels in Challa and generally more humid conditions in East Africa. Intensified mixing is recorded for the time of the Younger Dryas and the period between 11.4 and 10.7 kyr BP. For these periods, reduced intensity of the SW monsoon and intensified NE monsoon are reported from archives of the Indian-Asian Monsoon region, arguing for the latter as a probable source for wind mixing in Lake Challa. This connection is probably also responsible for contemporaneous events in the Mn/Fe ratios of the Lake Challa sediments and in other records of northern hemisphere monsoon intensity during the Holocene and underlines the close interaction of global low latitude atmospheric circulation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kwiecien2008, author = {Kwiecien, Olga}, title = {Paleoenvironmental changes in the Black Sea region during the last 26,000 years : a multi-proxy study of lacustrine sediments from the western Black Sea}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-19180}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Paleoenvironmental records provide ample information on the Late Quaternary climatic evolution. Due to the great diversity of continental mid-latitude environments the synthetic picture of the past mid-latitudinal climate changes is, however, far from being complete. Owing to its significant size and landlocked setting the Black Sea constitutes a perfect location to study patterns and mechanisms of climate change along the continental interior of Central and Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Presently, the southern drainage area of the Black Sea is characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate while the northern drainage is under the influence of Central and Northern European climate. During the Last Glacial a decrease in the global sea level disconnected the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea transforming it into a giant closed lake. At that time atmospheric precipitation and related with it river run-off were the most important factors driving sediment supply and water chemistry of the Black 'Lake'. Therefore studying properties of the Black Sea sediments provides important information on the interactions and development of the Mediterranean and Central and North European climate in the past. One significant outcome of my thesis is an improved chronostraphigraphical framework for the glacial lacustrine unit of the Black Sea sediment cores, which allowed to refine the environmental history of the Black Sea region and enabled a reliable correlation with data from other marine and terrestrial archives. Data gathered along a N-S transect presented on a common time scale revealed coherent changes in the basin and its surrounding. During the glacial, the southward-shifted Polar Front reduced moisture transport to the northern drainage of the Black Sea and let the southern drainage become dominant in freshwater and sediment supply into the basin. Changes in NW Anatolian precipitation reconstructed from the variability of the terrigenous input imply that during the glacial the regional rainfall variability was strongly influenced by Mediterranean sea surface temperatures and decreased in response to the cooling associated with the North Atlantic Heinrich Events H1 and H2. In contrast to regional precipitation changes, the hydrological properties of the Black Sea remained relatively stable under full glacial conditions. First significant modification in the freshwater/sediment sources reconstructed from changes in the sediment composition, lithology, and 18O of ostracods took place at around 16.4 cal ka BP, simultaneous to the early deglacial northward retreat of the oceanic and atmospheric polar fronts. Meltwater pulses, most probably derived from the disintegrating European ice sheets, changed the isotopic composition of the Black Sea and increased the supply from northern sediment sources. While these changes signalized a mitigation of the Northern European and Mediterranean climate, a decisive increase in local temperature was indicated only later at the transition from the Oldest Dryas to the B{\o}lling around 14.6 cal ka BP. At that time the warming of the Black Sea surface initiated massive phytoplankton blooms, which in turn, induced the precipitation of inorganic carbonates. This biologically triggered process significantly changed the water chemistry and was recorded by simultaneous shifts in the elemental composition of ostracod shells and in the isotopic composition of the inorganically-precipitated carbonates. Starting with the B/A warming and continuing through the YD cold interval and the Early Holocene warming, the Black Sea temperature signal corresponds to the precipitation and temperature changes recorded in the wider Mediterranean region. Early Holocene conditions, similar to those of the B{\o}lling/Aller{\o}d, were punctured by the marine inflow from the Mediterranean at ~ 9.3 cal ka BP, which terminated the lacustrine phase of the Black Sea and had a substantial impact on the chemical and physical properties of its water.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bergner2003, author = {Bergner, Andreas G. N.}, title = {Lake-level fluctuations and Late Quaternary climate change in the Central Kenya Rift}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001428}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Rekonstruktion von Klima in historischen Zeiten im tropischen Ostafrika. Nach einer {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber die heutigen klimatischen Bedingungen der Tropen und den Besonderheiten des ostafrikanischen Klimas, werden die M{\"o}glichkeiten der Klimarekonstruktion anhand von Seesedimenten diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die hoch gelegenen Seen des Zentralen Keniarifts, als Teil des Ostafrikanischen Grabensystems, besonders geeignete Klimaarchive darstellen, da sie sensibel auf klimatische Ver{\"a}nderungen reagieren. Ver{\"a}nderungen der Seechemie, wie sie in den Sedimenten aufgezeichnet werden, eignen sich um die nat{\"u}rlichen Schwankungen in der Quart{\"a}ren Klimageschichte Ostafrikas nachzuzeichnen. Basierend auf der guten 40Ar/39Ar- und 14C-Datierbarkeit der Seesedimente wird eine Chronologie der pal{\"a}o{\"o}kologischen Bedingungen anhand von Diatomeenvergesellschaftungen restauriert. Dabei zeigen sich f{\"u}r die Seen Nakuru, Elmenteita und Naivasha kurzfristige Transgression/ Regressions-Zyklen im Intervall von ca. 11.000 Jahren w{\"a}hrend des letzten (ca. 12.000 bis 6.000 J.v.H.) und vorletzten Interglazials (ca. 140.000 bis 60.000 J.v.H.). Zus{\"a}tzlich kann ein allgemeiner, langfristiger Trend der Seeentwicklung von großen Frischwasserseen hin zu st{\"a}rker salinen Gew{\"a}ssern innerhalb der letzen 1 Mio. Jahre festgestellt werden. Mittels Transferfunktionen und einem hydro-klimatischen Modellansatz k{\"o}nnen die restaurierten limnologischen Bedingungen als klimatische Schwankungen des Einzugsgebietes interpretiert werden. Wenngleich auch der zus{\"a}tzliche Einfluss von tektonischen Ver{\"a}nderungen auf das Seeeinzugsgebiet und das Gewicht ver{\"a}nderter Grundwasserstr{\"o}me abgewogen werden, zeigt sich, dass allein geringf{\"u}gig erh{\"o}hte Niederschlagswerte von ca. 30±10 \% zu dramatischen Seespiegelanstiegen im Zentralen Keniarift f{\"u}hren. Aufgrund der etablierten hydrrologisch-klimatischen Wechselwirkungen werden R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf die nat{\"u}rliche Variabilit{\"a}t des ostafrikanischen Klimas gezogen. Zudem wird die Sensitivit{\"a}t der Keniarift-Seen in Bezug auf die St{\"a}rke der {\"a}quatorialen Insolation und hinsichtilch variabler Oberfl{\"a}chenwassertemperaturen des Indischen Ozeans bewertet.}, language = {en} }