@phdthesis{Nowak2020, author = {Nowak, Jacqueline}, title = {Devising computational tools to quantify the actin cytoskeleton and pavement cell shape using network-based approaches}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {123}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Recent advances in microscopy have led to an improved visualization of different cell processes. Yet, this also leads to a higher demand of tools which can process images in an automated and quantitative fashion. Here, we present two applications that were developed to quantify different processes in eukaryotic cells which rely on the organization and dynamics of the cytoskeleton.. In plant cells, microtubules and actin filaments form the backbone of the cytoskeleton. These structures support cytoplasmic streaming, cell wall organization and tracking of cellular material to and from the plasma membrane. To better understand the underlying mechanisms of cytoskeletal organization, dynamics and coordination, frameworks for the quantification are needed. While this is fairly well established for the microtubules, the actin cytoskeleton has remained difficult to study due to its highly dynamic behaviour. One aim of this thesis was therefore to provide an automated framework to quantify and describe actin organization and dynamics. We used the framework to represent actin structures as networks and examined the transport efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyl cells. Furthermore, we applied the framework to determine the growth mode of cotton fibers and compared the actin organization in wild-type and mutant cells of rice. Finally, we developed a graphical user interface for easy usage. Microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton also play a major role in the morphogenesis of epidermal leaf pavement cells. These cells have highly complex and interdigitated shapes which are hard to describe in a quantitative way. While the relationship between microtubules, the actin cytoskeleton and shape formation is the object of many studies, it is still not clear how and if the cytoskeletal components predefine indentations and protrusions in pavement cell shapes. To understand the underlying cell processes which coordinate cell morphogenesis, a quantitative shape descriptor is needed. Therefore, the second aim of this thesis was the development of a network-based shape descriptor which captures global and local shape features, facilitates shape comparison and can be used to evaluate shape complexity. We demonstrated that our framework can be used to describe and compare shapes from various domains. In addition, we showed that the framework accurately detects local shape features of pavement cells and outperform contending approaches. In the third part of the thesis, we extended the shape description framework to describe pavement cell shape features on tissue-level by proposing different network representations of the underlying imaging data.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2022, author = {Wang, Yang}, title = {Role of the actin cytoskeleton in cellular morphogenesis at the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55908}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {130}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The morphogenesis of sessile plants is mainly driven by directional cell growth and cell division. The organization of their cytoskeleton and the mechanical properties of the cell wall greatly influence morphogenetic events in plants. It is well known that cortical microtubules (CMTs) contribute to directional growth by regulating the deposition of the cellulose microfibrils, as major cell wall fortifying elements. More recent findings demonstrate that mechanical stresses existing in cells and tissues influence microtubule organization. Also, in dividing cells, mechanical stress directions contribute to the orientation of the new cell wall. In comparison to the microtubule cytoskeleton, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in regulating shoot meristem morphogenesis has not been extensively studied. This thesis focuses on the functional relevance of the actin cytoskeleton during cell and tissue scale morphogenesis in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) of Arabidopsis thaliana. Visualization of transcriptional reporters indicates that ACTIN2 and ACTIN7 are two highly expressed actin genes in the SAM. A link between the actin cytoskeleton and SAM development derives from the observation that the act2-1 act7-1 double mutant has abnormal cell shape and perturbed phyllotactic patterns. Live-cell imaging of the actin cytoskeleton further shows that its organization correlates with cell shape, which indicates a potential role of actin in influencing cellular morphogenesis. In this thesis, a detailed characterization of the act2-1 act7-1 mutant reveals that perturbation of actin leads to more rectangular cellular geometries with more 90° cell internal angles, and higher incidences of four-way junctions (four cell boundaries intersecting together). This observation deviates from the conventional tricellular junctions found in epidermal cells. Quantitative cellular-level growth data indicates that such differences in the act2-1 act7-1 mutant arise due to the reduced accuracy in the placement of the new cell wall, as well as its mechanical maturation. Changes in cellular morphology observed in the act2-1 act7-1 mutant result in cell packing defects that subsequently compromise the flow of information among cells in the SAM.}, language = {en} }