@phdthesis{Topaj2001, author = {Topaj, Dmitri}, title = {Synchronization transitions in complex systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000367}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung generischer Synchronisierungsph{\"a}nomene in interagierenden komplexen Systemen. Diese Ph{\"a}nomene werden u.a. in gekoppelten deterministischen chaotischen Systemen beobachtet. Bei sehr schwachen Interaktionen zwischen individuellen Systemen kann ein {\"U}bergang zum schwach koh{\"a}renten Verhalten der Systeme stattfinden. In gekoppelten zeitkontinuierlichen chaotischen Systemen manifestiert sich dieser {\"U}bergang durch den Effekt der Phasensynchronisierung, in gekoppelten chaotischen zeitdiskreten Systemen durch den Effekt eines nichtverschwindenden makroskopischen Feldes. Der {\"U}bergang zur Koh{\"a}renz in einer Kette lokal gekoppelter Oszillatoren, beschrieben durch Phasengleichungen, wird im Bezug auf die Symmetrien des Systems untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß die durch die Symmetrien verursachte Reversibilit{\"a}t des Systems nichttriviale topologische Eigenschaften der Trajektorien bedingt, so daß das als dissipativ konstruierte System in einem ganzen Parameterbereich quasi-Hamiltonische Z{\"u}ge aufweist, d.h. das Phasenvolumen ist im Schnitt erhalten, und die Lyapunov-Exponenten sind paarweise symmetrisch. Der {\"U}bergang zur Koh{\"a}renz in einem Ensemble global gekoppelter chaotischer Abbildungen wird durch den Verlust der Stabilit{\"a}t des entkoppelten Zustandes beschrieben. Die entwickelte Methode besteht darin, die Selbstkonsistenz des makroskopischen Feldes aufzuheben, und das Ensemble in Analogie mit einem Verst{\"a}rkerschaltkreis mit R{\"u}ckkopplung durch eine komplexe lineare {\"U}bertragungssfunktion zu charakterisieren. Diese Theorie wird anschließend f{\"u}r einige theoretisch interessanten F{\"a}lle verallgemeinert.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gustafson2013, author = {Gustafson, Sean}, title = {Imaginary Interfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68960}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The size of a mobile device is primarily determined by the size of the touchscreen. As such, researchers have found that the way to achieve ultimate mobility is to abandon the screen altogether. These wearable devices are operated using hand gestures, voice commands or a small number of physical buttons. By abandoning the screen these devices also abandon the currently dominant spatial interaction style (such as tapping on buttons), because, seemingly, there is nothing to tap on. Unfortunately this design prevents users from transferring their learned interaction knowledge gained from traditional touchscreen-based devices. In this dissertation, I present Imaginary Interfaces, which return spatial interaction to screenless mobile devices. With these interfaces, users point and draw in the empty space in front of them or on the palm of their hands. While they cannot see the results of their interaction, they obtain some visual and tactile feedback by watching and feeling their hands interact. After introducing the concept of Imaginary Interfaces, I present two hardware prototypes that showcase two different forms of interaction with an imaginary interface, each with its own advantages: mid-air imaginary interfaces can be large and expressive, while palm-based imaginary interfaces offer an abundance of tactile features that encourage learning. Given that imaginary interfaces offer no visual output, one of the key challenges is to enable users to discover the interface's layout. This dissertation offers three main solutions: offline learning with coordinates, browsing with audio feedback and learning by transfer. The latter I demonstrate with the Imaginary Phone, a palm-based imaginary interface that mimics the layout of a physical mobile phone that users are already familiar with. Although these designs enable interaction with Imaginary Interfaces, they tell us little about why this interaction is possible. In the final part of this dissertation, I present an exploration into which human perceptual abilities are used when interacting with a palm-based imaginary interface and how much each accounts for performance with the interface. These findings deepen our understanding of Imaginary Interfaces and suggest that palm-based Imaginary Interfaces can enable stand-alone eyes-free use for many applications, including interfaces for visually impaired users.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaefer2014, author = {Schaefer, Laura}, title = {Synchronisationsph{\"a}nomene myotendin{\"o}ser Oszillationen interagierender neuromuskul{\"a}rer Systeme}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Muskeln oszillieren nachgewiesener Weise mit einer Frequenz um 10 Hz. Doch was geschieht mit myofaszialen Oszillationen, wenn zwei neuromuskul{\"a}re Systeme interagieren? Die Dissertation widmet sich dieser Fragestellung bei isometrischer Interaktion. W{\"a}hrend der Testmessungen ergaben sich Hinweise f{\"u}r das Vorhandensein von m{\"o}glicherweise zwei verschiedenen Formen der Isometrie. Arbeiten zwei Personen isometrisch gegeneinander, k{\"o}nnen subjektiv zwei Modi eingenommen werden: man kann entweder isometrisch halten - der Kraft des Partners widerstehen - oder isometrisch dr{\"u}cken - gegen den isometrischen Widerstand des Partners arbeiten. Daher wurde zus{\"a}tzlich zu den Messungen zur Interaktion zweier Personen an einzelnen Individuen gepr{\"u}ft, ob m{\"o}glicherweise zwei Formen der Isometrie existieren. Die Promotion besteht demnach aus zwei inhaltlich und methodisch getrennten Teilen: I „Single-Isometrie" und II „Paar-Isometrie". F{\"u}r Teil I wurden mithilfe eines pneumatisch betriebenen Systems die hypothetischen Messmodi Halten und Dr{\"u}cken w{\"a}hrend isometrischer Aktion untersucht. Bei n = 10 Probanden erfolgte parallel zur Aufzeichnung des Drucksignals w{\"a}hrend der Messungen die Erfassung der Kraft (DMS) und der Beschleunigung sowie die Aufnahme der mechanischen Muskeloszillationen folgender myotendin{\"o}ser Strukturen via Mechanomyo- (MMG) bzw. Mechanotendografie (MTG): M. triceps brachii (MMGtri), Trizepssehne (MTGtri), M. obliquus externus abdominis (MMGobl). Pro Proband wurden bei 80 \% der MVC sowohl sechs 15-Sekunden-Messungen (jeweils drei im haltenden bzw. dr{\"u}ckenden Modus; Pause: 1 Minute) als auch vier Erm{\"u}dungsmessungen (jeweils zwei im haltenden bzw. dr{\"u}ckenden Modus; Pause: 2 Minuten) durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zum Vergleich der Messmodi Halten und Dr{\"u}cken wurden die Amplituden der myofaszialen Oszillationen sowie die Kraftausdauer herangezogen. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen dem haltenden und dem dr{\"u}ckenden Modus zeigten sich insbesondere im Bereich der Erm{\"u}dungscharakteristik. So lassen Probanden im haltenden Modus signifikant fr{\"u}her nach als im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus (t(9) = 3,716; p = .005). Im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus macht das l{\"a}ngste isometrische Plateau durchschnittlich 59,4 \% der Gesamtdauer aus, im haltenden sind es 31,6 \% (t(19) = 5,265, p = .000). Die Amplituden der Single-Isometrie-Messungen unterscheiden sich nicht signifikant. Allerdings variieren die Amplituden des MMGobl zwischen den Messungen im dr{\"u}ckenden Modus signifikant st{\"a}rker als im haltenden Modus. Aufgrund dieser teils signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Messmodi wurde dieses Setting auch im zweiten Teil „Paar-Isometrie" ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Dort wurden n = 20 Probanden - eingeteilt in zehn gleichgeschlechtliche Paare - w{\"a}hrend isometrischer Interaktion untersucht. Die Sensorplatzierung erfolgte analog zu Teil I. Die Oszillationen der erfassten MTG- sowie MMG-Signale wurden u.a. mit Algorithmen der Nichtlinearen Dynamik auf ihre Koh{\"a}renz hin untersucht. Durch die Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zeigte sich, dass die Muskeln und die Sehnen beider neuromuskul{\"a}rer Systeme bei Interaktion im bekannten Frequenzbereich von 10 Hz oszillieren. Außerdem waren sie in der Lage, sich bei Interaktion so aufeinander abzustimmen, dass sich eine signifikante Koh{\"a}renz entwickelte, die sich von Zufallspaarungen signifikant unterscheidet (Patchanzahl: t(29) = 3,477; p = .002; Summe der 4 l{\"a}ngsten Patches: t(29) = 7,505; p = .000). Es wird der Schluss gezogen, dass neuromuskul{\"a}re Komplement{\"a}rpartner in der Lage sind, sich im Sinne koh{\"a}renten Verhaltens zu synchronisieren. Bez{\"u}glich der Parameter zur Untersuchung der m{\"o}glicherweise vorhandenen zwei Formen der Isometrie zeigte sich bei den Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zwischen Halten und Dr{\"u}cken ein signifikanter Unterschied bei der Erm{\"u}dungscharakteristik sowie bez{\"u}glich der Amplitude der MMGobl. Die Ergebnisse beider Teilstudien best{\"a}rken die Hypothese, dass zwei Formen der Isometrie existieren. Fraglich ist, ob man {\"u}berhaupt von Isometrie sprechen kann, da jede isometrische Muskelaktion aus feinen Oszillationen besteht, die eine per Definition postulierte Isometrie ausschließen. Es wird der Vorschlag unterbreitet, die Isometrie durch den Begriff der Hom{\"o}ometrie auszutauschen. Die Ergebnisse der Paar-Isometrie-Messungen zeigen u.a., dass neuromuskul{\"a}re Systeme in der Lage sind, ihre myotendin{\"o}sen Oszillationen so aufeinander abzustimmen, dass koh{\"a}rentes Verhalten entsteht. Es wird angenommen, dass hierzu beide neuromuskul{\"a}ren Systeme funktionell intakt sein m{\"u}ssen. Das Verfahren k{\"o}nnte f{\"u}r die Diagnostik funktioneller St{\"o}rungen relevant werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wettstein2015, author = {Wettstein, Christoph}, title = {Cytochrome c-DNA and cytochrome c-enzyme interactions for the construction of analytical signal chains}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-78367}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {120}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Electron transfer (ET) reactions play a crucial role in the metabolic pathways of all organisms. In biotechnological approaches, the redox properties of the protein cytochrome c (cyt c), which acts as an electron shuttle in the respiratory chain, was utilized to engineer ET chains on electrode surfaces. With the help of the biopolymer DNA, the redox protein assembles into electro active multilayer (ML) systems, providing a biocompatible matrix for the entrapment of proteins. In this study the characteristics of the cyt c and DNA interaction were defined on the molecular level for the first time and the binding sites of DNA on cyt c were identified. Persistent cyt c/DNA complexes were formed in solution under the assembly conditions of ML architectures, i.e. pH 5.0 and low ionic strength. At pH 7.0, no agglomerates were formed, permitting the characterization of the NMR spectroscopy. Using transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY)-heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) experiments, DNAs' binding sites on the protein were identified. In particular, negatively charged AA residues, which are known interaction sites in cyt c/protein binding were identified as the main contact points of cyt c and DNA. Moreover, the sophisticated task of arranging proteins on electrode surfaces to create functional ET chains was addressed. Therefore, two different enzyme types, the flavin dependent fructose dehydrogenase (FDH) and the pyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH), were tested as reaction partners of freely diffusing cyt c and cyt c immobilized on electrodes in mono- and MLs. The characterisation of the ET processes was performed by means of electrochemistry and the protein deposition was monitored by microgravimetric measurements. FDH and PQQ-GDH were found to be generally suitable for combination with the cyt c/DNA ML system, since both enzymes interact with cyt c in solution and in the immobilized state. The immobilization of FDH and cyt c was achieved with the enzyme on top of a cyt c monolayer electrode without the help of a polyelectrolyte. Combining FDH with the cyt c/DNA ML system did not succeed, yet. However, the basic conditions for this protein-protein interaction were defined. PQQ-GDH was successfully coupled with the ML system, demonstrating that that the cyt c/DNA ML system provides a suitable interface for enzymes and that the creation of signal chains, based on the idea of co-immobilized proteins is feasible. Future work may be directed to the investigation of cyt c/DNA interaction under the precise conditions of ML assembly. Therefore, solid state NMR or X-ray crystallography may be required. Based on the results of this study, the combination of FDH with the ML system should be addressed. Moreover, alternative types of enzymes may be tested as catalytic component of the ML assembly, aiming on the development of innovative biosensor applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2016, author = {Wang, Victor-C.}, title = {Injury and illness risk factors for elite athletes in training environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100925}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 84, ix}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Since 1998, elite athletes' sport injuries have been monitored in single sport event, which leads to the development of first comprehensive injury surveillance system in multi-sport Olympic Games in 2008. However, injury and illness occurred in training phases have not been systematically studied due to its multi-facets, potentially interactive risk related factors. The present thesis aim to address issues of feasibility of establishing a validated measure for injury/illness, training environment and psychosocial risk factors by creating the evaluation tool namely risk of injury questionnaire (Risk-IQ) for elite athletes, which based on IOC consensus statement 2009 recommended content of preparticipation evaluation(PPE) and periodic health exam (PHE). A total of 335 top level athletes and a total of 88 medical care providers from Germany and Taiwan participated in tow "cross-sectional plus longitudinal" Risk-IQ and MCPQ surveys respectively. Four categories of injury/illness related risk factors questions were asked in Risk-IQ for athletes while injury risk and psychological related questions were asked in MCPQ for MCP cohorts. Answers were quantified scales wise/subscales wise before analyzed with other factors/scales. In addition, adapted variables such as sport format were introduced for difference task of analysis. Validated with 2-wyas translation and test-retest reliabilities, the Risk-IQ was proved to be in good standard which were further confirmed by analyzed results from official surveys in both Germany and Taiwan. The result of Risk-IQ revealed that elite athletes' accumulated total injuries, in general, were multi-factor dependent; influencing factors including but not limited to background experiences, medical history, PHE and PPE medical resources as well as stress from life events. Injuries of different body parts were sport format and location specific. Additionally, medical support of PPE and PHE indicated significant difference between German and Taiwan. The result of the present thesis confirmed that it is feasible to construct a comprehensive evalua-tion instrument for heterogeneous elite athletes cohorts' risk factor analysis for injury/illness oc-curred during their non-competition periods. In average and with many moderators involved, Ger-man elite athletes have superior medical care support yet suffered more severe injuries than Tai-wanese counterparts. Opinions of injury related psychological issues reflected differently on vari-ous MCP groups irrespective of different nationalities. In general, influencing factors and interac-tions existed among relevant factors in both studies which implied further investigation with multiple regression analysis is needed for better understanding.}, language = {en} } @book{BossenBiegholdtTellischetal.2017, author = {Bossen, Anja and Biegholdt, Georg and Tellisch, Christin and Steinmann, Brigitte}, title = {Sprache im Musikunterricht}, series = {Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik}, journal = {Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik}, number = {5}, editor = {Bossen, Anja and Jank, Birgit}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-410-4}, issn = {2196-5080}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-399125}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {153}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Mit dem vorliegenden Band 5 der Potsdamer Schriftenreihe zur Musikp{\"a}dagogik wird die bildungspolitische Diskussion um den Stellenwert bewussten Sprachhandelns im Fach aufgegriffen. Ausgehend vom aktuellen Forschungsstand zum Thema „Sprache und Sprechen im Musikunterricht" werden Forschungsarbeiten vorgestellt, die in diesem Kontext zwischen 2013 und 2016 am Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Musikp{\"a}dagogik und Musikdidaktik der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam entstanden sind. Die Beitr{\"a}ge skizzieren sowohl M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Umsetzung eines sprachbildenden Fachunterrichts Musik als auch soziale Aspekte sprachlichen Lehrerhandelns und setzen damit neue Impulse im musikp{\"a}dagogischen Diskurs. Die Ver{\"o}ffentlichung der vorliegenden Forschungsergebnisse wurde durch die Unterst{\"u}tzung des Ministeriums f{\"u}r Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit, Frauen und Familie des Landes Brandenburg und der Integrationsbeauftragten sowie durch die Universit{\"a}tsgesellschaft Potsdam e. V. erm{\"o}glicht.}, language = {de} } @article{Bunk2018, author = {Bunk, Bettina}, title = {The dynamics of donor and domestic elite interaction in Mozambique}, series = {Conflict, Security \& Development}, volume = {18}, journal = {Conflict, Security \& Development}, number = {4}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {1467-8802}, doi = {10.1080/14678802.2018.1483555}, pages = {321 -- 346}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This paper analyses the interaction of domestic political elites and external donors against the backdrop of Mozambique's decentralisation process. The empirical research at national and local levels supports the hypothesis that informal power structures influence the dynamics of this interaction. Consequently, this contributes to an outcome of externally induced democratisation different to what was intended by external actors. The decentralisation process has been utilised by ruling domestic elites for political purposes. Donors have rather focused on the technical side and ignored this informal dimension. By analysing the diverging objectives and perceptions of external and internal actors, as well as the instrumentalisation of formal democratic structures, it becomes clear, that the 'informal has to be seen as normal'. At a theoretical level, the analysis contributes to elite-oriented approaches of post-conflict democratisation by adding 'the informal' as an additional factor for the dynamics of external-internal interaction. At a policy level, external actors need to take more into account informal power structures and their ambivalence for state-building and democratisation.}, language = {en} } @article{KolyvushkoLatzkeDahmanietal.2020, author = {Kolyvushko, Oleksandr and Latzke, Juliane and Dahmani, Ismail and Osterrieder, Nikolaus and Chiantia, Salvatore and Azab, Walid}, title = {Differentially-charged liposomes interact with alphaherpesviruses and interfere with virus entry}, series = {Pathogens}, volume = {9}, journal = {Pathogens}, number = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2076-0817}, doi = {10.3390/pathogens9050359}, pages = {9}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane is induced by infection with several members of the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. There is evidence that PS is used by the equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) during entry, but the exact role of PS and other phospholipids in the entry process remains unknown. Here, we investigated the interaction of differently charged phospholipids with virus particles and determined their influence on infection. Our data show that liposomes containing negatively charged PS or positively charged DOTAP (N-[1-(2,3-Dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium) inhibited EHV-1 infection, while neutral phosphatidylcholine (PC) had no effect. Inhibition of infection with PS was transient, decreased with time, and was dose dependent. Our findings indicate that both cationic and anionic phospholipids can interact with the virus and reduce infectivity, while, presumably, acting through different mechanisms. Charged phospholipids were found to have antiviral effects and may be used to inhibit EHV-1 infection.}, language = {en} } @article{DolcosKatsumiBogdanetal.2020, author = {Dolcos, Florin and Katsumi, Yuta and Bogdan, Paul C. and Shen, Chen and Jun, Suhnyoung and Buetti, Simona and Lleras, Alejandro and Bost, Kelly Freeman and Weymar, Mathias and Dolcos, Sanda}, title = {The impact of focused attention on subsequent emotional recollection}, series = {Neuropsychologia : an international journal in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience}, volume = {138}, journal = {Neuropsychologia : an international journal in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0028-3932}, doi = {10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107338}, pages = {12}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In his seminal works, Endel Tulving argued that functionally distinct memory systems give rise to subjective experiences of remembering and knowing (i.e., recollection- vs. familiarity-based memory, respectively). Evidence shows that emotion specifically enhances recollection, and this effect is subserved by a synergistic mechanism involving the amygdala (AMY) and hippocampus (HC). In extreme circumstances, however, uncontrolled recollection of highly distressing memories may lead to symptoms of affective disorders. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that can diminish such detrimental effects. Here, we investigated the effects of Focused Attention (FA) on emotional recollection. FA is an emotion regulation strategy that has been proven quite effective in reducing the impact of emotional responses associated with the recollection of distressing autobiographical memories, but its impact during emotional memory encoding is not known. Functional MRI and eye-tracking data were recorded while participants viewed a series of composite negative and neutral images with distinguishable foreground (FG) and background (BG) areas. Participants were instructed to focus either on the FG or BG content of the images and to rate their emotional responses. About 4 days later, participants' memory was assessed using the R/K procedure, to indicate whether they Recollected specific contextual details about the encoded images or the images were just familiar to them - i.e., participants only Knew that they saw the pictures without being able to remember specific contextual details. First, results revealed that FA was successful in decreasing memory for emotional pictures viewed in BG Focus condition, and this effect was driven by recollection-based retrieval. Second, the BG Focus condition was associated with decreased activity in the AMY, HC, and anterior parahippocampal gyrus for subsequently recollected emotional items. Moreover, correlation analyses also showed that reduced activity in these regions predicted greater reduction in emotional recollection following FA. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of FA in mitigating emotional experiences and emotional recollection associated with unpleasant emotional events.}, language = {en} } @article{PetazziKoikkarahAjiTischleretal.2021, author = {Petazzi, Roberto Arturo and Koikkarah Aji, Amit and Tischler, Nicole D. and Chiantia, Salvatore}, title = {Detection of envelope glycoprotein assembly from old world hantaviruses in the Golgi apparatus of living cells}, series = {Journal of virology}, volume = {95}, journal = {Journal of virology}, number = {4}, publisher = {American Society for Microbiology}, address = {Baltimore, Md.}, issn = {1098-5514}, doi = {10.1128/JVI.01238-20}, pages = {18}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Hantaviruses are emerging pathogens that occasionally cause deadly outbreaks in the human population. While the structure of the viral envelope has been characterized with high precision, protein-protein interactions leading to the formation of new virions in infected cells are not fully understood. We used quantitative fluorescence microscopy (i.e., number and brightness analysis and fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy) to monitor the interactions that lead to oligomeric spike complex formation in the physiological context of living cells. To this aim, we quantified protein-protein interactions for the glycoproteins Gn and Gc from Puumala and Hantaan orthohantaviruses in several cellular models. The oligomerization of each protein was analyzed in relation to subcellular localization, concentration, and the concentration of its interaction partner. Our results indicate that, when expressed separately, Gn and Gc form, respectively, homo-tetrameric and homo-dimeric complexes, in a concentration-dependent manner. Site-directed mutations or deletion mutants showed the specificity of their homotypic interactions. When both glycoproteins were coexpressed, we observed in the Golgi apparatus clear indication of GnGc interactions and the formation of Gn-Gc multimeric protein complexes of different sizes, while using various labeling schemes to minimize the influence of the fluorescent tags. Such large glycoprotein multimers may be identified as multiple Gn viral spikes interconnected via Gc-Gc contacts. This observation provides the possible first evidence for the initial assembly steps of the viral envelope within this organelle, and does so directly in living cells.
IMPORTANCE In this work, we investigate protein-protein interactions that drive the assembly of the hantavirus envelope. These emerging pathogens have the potential to cause deadly outbreaks in the human population. Therefore, it is important to improve our quantitative understanding of the viral assembly process in infected cells, from a molecular point of view. By applying advanced fluorescence microscopy methods, we monitored the formation of viral spike complexes in different cell types. Our data support a model for hantavirus assembly according to which viral spikes are formed via the clustering of hetero-dimers of the two viral glycoproteins Gn and Gc. Furthermore, the observation of large Gn-Gc hetero-multimers provide the possible first evidence for the initial assembly steps of the viral envelope, directly in the Golgi apparatus of living cells.}, language = {en} }