@phdthesis{Zoeller1999, author = {Z{\"o}ller, Gert}, title = {Analyse raumzeitlicher Muster in Erdbebendaten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000122}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Charakterisierung von Seismizit{\"a}t anhand von Erdbebenkatalogen. Es werden neue Verfahren der Datenanalyse entwickelt, die Aufschluss dar{\"u}ber geben sollen, ob der seismischen Dynamik ein stochastischer oder ein deterministischer Prozess zugrunde liegt und was daraus f{\"u}r die Vorhersagbarkeit starker Erdbeben folgt. Es wird gezeigt, dass seismisch aktive Regionen h{\"a}ufig durch nichtlinearen Determinismus gekennzeichent sind. Dies schließt zumindest die M{\"o}glichkeit einer Kurzzeitvorhersage ein. Das Auftreten seismischer Ruhe wird h{\"a}ufig als Vorl{\"a}uferphaenomen f{\"u}r starke Erdbeben gedeutet. Es wird eine neue Methode pr{\"a}sentiert, die eine systematische raumzeitliche Kartierung seismischer Ruhephasen erm{\"o}glicht. Die statistische Signifikanz wird mit Hilfe des Konzeptes der Ersatzdaten bestimmt. Als Resultat erh{\"a}lt man deutliche Korrelationen zwischen seismischen Ruheperioden und starken Erdbeben. Gleichwohl ist die Signifikanz daf{\"u}r nicht hoch genug, um eine Vorhersage im Sinne einer Aussage {\"u}ber den Ort, die Zeit und die St{\"a}rke eines zu erwartenden Hauptbebens zu erm{\"o}glichen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hainzl1999, author = {Hainzl, Sebastian}, title = {Erdbeben und selbstorganisierte Kritizit{\"a}t : Modellierung der raumzeitlichen Erdbebendynamik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000130}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Annahme, dass den Erdbeben ein selbstorganisiert kritischer Zustand der Erdkruste zugrunde liegt. Mit Hilfe einer Erweiterung bisheriger Modelle wird gezeigt, dass ein solcher Zustand nicht nur f{\"u}r die Gr{\"o}ssenverteilung der Erdbeben (Gutenberg-Richter Gesetz), sondern auch f{\"u}r das beobachtete raumzeitliche Auftreten, z.B. f{\"u}r das Omori-Gesetz f{\"u}r Nachbebenserien, verantwortlich sein kann. Desweiteren wird die Frage nach der Vorhersagbarkeit grosser Erdbeben in solchen Modellsimulationen untersucht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Martin2005, author = {Martin, Sebastian}, title = {Subduction zone wave guides : deciphering slab structure using intraslab seismicity at the Chile-Peru subduction zone}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5820}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Subduction zones are regions of intense earthquake activity up to great depth. Sources are located inside the subducting lithosphere and, as a consequence, seismic radiation from subduction zone earthquakes is strongly affected by the interior slab structure. The wave field of these intraslab events observed in the forearc region is profoundly influenced by a seismically slow layer atop the slab surface. This several kilometer thick low-velocity channel (wave guide) causes the entrapment of seismic energy producing strong guided wave phases that appear in P onsets in certain regions of the forearc. Observations at the Chile-Peru subduction zone presented here, as well as observations at several other circum-pacific subduction zones show such signals. Guided wave analysis contributes details of immense value regarding the processes near the slab surface, such as layering of subducted lithosphere, source locations of intraslab seismicity and most of all, range and manner of mineralogical phase transitions. Seismological data stem from intermediate depth events (depth range 70 km - 300 km) recorded in northern Chile near 21 Grad S during the collaborative research initiative " Deformation Processes in the Andes" (SFB 267). A subset of stations - all located within a slab-parallel transect close to 69 Grad W - show low-frequency first arrivals (2 Hz), sometimes followed by a second high-frequency phase. We employ 2-dimensional finite-difference simulations of complete P-SV wave propagation to explore the parameter space of subduction zone wave guides and explain the observations. Key processes underlying the guided wave propagation are studied: Two distinct mechanisms of decoupling of trapped energy from the wave guide are analyzed - a prerequisite to observe the phases at stations located at large distances from the wave guide (up to 100 km). Variations of guided wave effects perpendicular to the strike of the subduction zone are investigated, such as the influence of phases traveling in the fast slab. Further, the merits and limits of guided wave analysis are assessed. Frequency spectra of the guided wave onsets prove to be a robust quantity that captures guided wave characteristics at subduction zones including higher mode excitation. They facilitate the inference of wave guide structure and source positioning: The peak frequency of the guided wave fundamental mode is associated with a certain combination of layer width and velocity contrast. The excitation strength of the guided wave fundamental mode and higher modes is associated with source position and orientation relative to the low-velocity layer. The guided wave signals at the Chile-Peru subduction zone are caused by energy that leaks from the subduction zone wave guide. On the one hand, the bend shape of the slab allows for leakage at a depth of 100 km. On the other, equalization of velocities between the wave guide and the host rocks causes further energy leakage at the contact zone between continental and oceanic crust (70 km depth). Guided waves bearing information on deep slab structure can therefore be recorded at specific regions in the forearc. These regions are determined based on slab geometry, and their locations coincide with the observations. A number of strong constraints on the structure of the Chile-Peru slab are inferred: The deep wave guide for intraslab events is formed by a layer of 2 km average width that remains seismically slow (7 percent velocity reduction compared to surrounding mantle). This low-velocity layer at the top of the Chile-Peru slab is imaged from a depth of 100 km down to at least 160 km. Intermediate depth events causing the observed phases are located inside the layer or directly beneath it in the slab mantle. The layer is interpreted as partially eclogized lower oceanic crust persisting to depth beyond the volcanic arc.}, subject = {Anden}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roessler2006, author = {R{\"o}ßler, Dirk}, title = {Retrieval of earthquake source parameters in inhomogeneous anisotropic mediawith application to swarm events in West Bohemia in 2000}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7758}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Earthquakes form by sudden brittle failure of rock mostly as shear ruptures along a rupture plane. Beside this, mechanisms other than pure shearing have been observed for some earthquakes mainly in volcanic areas. Possible explanations include complex rupture geometries and tensile earthquakes. Tensile earthquakes occur by opening or closure of cracks during rupturing. They are likely to be often connected with fluids that cause pressure changes in the pore space of rocks leading to earthquake triggering. Tensile components have been reported for swarm earthquakes in West Bohemia in 2000. The aim and subject of this work is an assessment and the accurate determination of such tensile components for earthquakes in anisotropic media. Currently used standard techniques for the retrieval of earthquake source mechanisms assume isotropic rock properties. By means of moment tensors, equivalent forces acting at the source are used to explain the radiated wavefield. Conversely, seismic anisotropy, i.e. directional dependence of elastic properties, has been observed in the earth's crust and mantle such as in West Bohemia. In comparison to isotropy, anisotropy causes modifications in wave amplitudes and shear-wave splitting. In this work, effects of seismic anisotropy on true or apparent tensile source components of earthquakes are investigated. In addition, earthquake source parameters are determined considering anisotropy. It is shown that moment tensors and radiation patterns due to shear sources in anisotropic media may be similar to those of tensile sources in isotropic media. In contrast, similarities between tensile earthquakes in anisotropic rocks and shear sources in isotropic media may exist. As a consequence, the interpretation of tensile source components is ambiguous. The effects that are due to anisotropy depend on the orientation of the earthquake source and the degree of anisotropy. The moment of an earthquake is also influenced by anisotropy. The orientation of fault planes can be reliably determined even if isotropy instead of anisotropy is assumed and if the spectra of the compressional waves are used. Greater difficulties may arise when the spectra of split shear waves are additionally included. Retrieved moment tensors show systematic artefacts. Observed tensile source components determined for events in West Bohemia in 1997 can only partly be attributed to the effects of moderate anisotropy. Furthermore, moment tensors determined earlier for earthquakes induced at the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB), Bavaria, were reinterpreted under assumptions of anisotropic rock properties near the borehole. The events can be consistently identified as shear sources, although their moment tensors comprise tensile components that are considered to be apparent. These results emphasise the necessity to consider anisotropy to uniquely determine tensile source parameters. Therefore, a new inversion algorithm has been developed, tested, and successfully applied to 112 earthquakes that occurred during the most recent intense swarm episode in West Bohemia in 2000 at the German-Czech border. Their source mechanisms have been retrieved using isotropic and anisotropic velocity models. Determined local magnitudes are in the range between 1.6 and 3.2. Fault-plane solutions are similar to each other and characterised by left-lateral faulting on steeply dipping, roughly North-South oriented rupture planes. Their dip angles decrease above a depth of about 8.4km. Tensile source components indicating positive volume changes are found for more than 60\% of the considered earthquakes. Their size depends on source time and location. They are significant at the beginning of the swarm and at depths below 8.4km but they decrease in importance later in the course of the swarm. Determined principle stress axes include P axes striking Northeast and Taxes striking Southeast. They resemble those found earlier in Central Europe. However, depth-dependence in plunge is observed. Plunge angles of the P axes decrease gradually from 50° towards shallow angles with increasing depth. In contrast, the plunge angles of the T axes change rapidly from about 8° above a depth of 8.4km to 21° below this depth. By this thesis, spatial and temporal variations in tensile source components and stress conditions have been reported for the first time for swarm earthquakes in West Bohemia in 2000. They also persist, when anisotropy is assumed and can be explained by intrusion of fluids into the opened cracks during tensile faulting.}, subject = {Seismologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hakimhashemi2009, author = {Hakimhashemi, Amir Hossein}, title = {Time-dependent occurrence rates of large earthquakes in the Dead Sea fault zone and applications to probabilistic seismic hazard assessments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52486}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die relativ hohe seismische Aktivit{\"a}t der Tote-Meer-St{\"o}rungszone (Dead Sea Fault Zone - DSFZ) ist mit einem hohen Gefahrenpotential verbunden, welches zu einem erheblichen Erdbebenrisiko f{\"u}r die Ballungszentren in den L{\"a}ndern Syrien, Libanon, Pal{\"a}stina, Jordanien und Israel f{\"u}hrt. Eine Vielzahl massiver, zerst{\"o}rerischer Erdbeben hat sich in diesem Raum in den letzten zwei Jahrtausenden ereignet. Ihre Wiederholungsrate zeigt Anzeichen f{\"u}r eine zeitliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit, insbesondere wenn lange Zeitr{\"a}ume in Betracht gezogen werden. Die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der zeitlichen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des Auftretens von Erdbeben ist f{\"u}r eine realistische seismische Gef{\"a}hrdungseinsch{\"a}tzung von großer Bedeutung. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, anhand des zeitabh{\"a}ngigen Auftretens von Erdbeben eine robuste wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische seismische Gef{\"a}hrdungseinsch{\"a}tzung am Beispiel der DSFZ zu entwickeln. Mittels dieser Methode soll die zeitliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit des Auftretens von großen Erdbeben (Mw ≥ 6) untersucht und somit eine Gef{\"a}hrdungseinsch{\"a}tzung f{\"u}r das Untersuchungsgebiet getroffen werden. Prim{\"a}r gilt es zu pr{\"u}fen, ob das Auftreten von großen Erdbeben tats{\"a}chlich einer zeitlichen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit unterliegt und wenn ja, inwiefern diese bestimmt werden kann. Zu diesem Zweck werden insgesamt vier zeitabh{\"a}ngige statistische Verteilungen (Weibull, Gamma, Lognormal und Brownian Passage Time (BPT)) sowie die zeitunabh{\"a}ngige Exponentialverteilung (Poisson-Prozess) getestet. Zur Absch{\"a}tzung der jeweiligen Modellparameter wird eine modifizierte Methode der gewichteten Maximum-Likelihood-Sch{\"a}tzung (MLE) verwendet. Um einzusch{\"a}tzen, ob die Wiederholungsrate von Erdbeben einer unimodalen oder multimodalen Form folgt, wird ein nichtparametrischer Bootstrap-Test f{\"u}r Multimodalit{\"a}t durchgef{\"u}hrt. Im Falle einer multimodalen Form wird neben der MLE zus{\"a}tzlich eine Erwartungsmaximierungsmethode (EM) herangezogen. Zur Auswahl des am besten geeigneten Modells wird zum einem das Bayesschen Informationskriterium (BIC) und zum anderen der modifizierte Kolmogorow-Smirnow-Goodness-of-Fit-Test angewendet. Abschließend werden mittels der Bootstrap-Methode die Konfidenzintervalle der gesch{\"a}tzten Parameter berechnet. Als Datengrundlage werden Erdbeben mit Mw ≥ 6 seit dem Jahre 300 n. Chr. herangezogen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet erstreckt sich von 29.5° N bis 37° N und umfasst ein ca. 40 km breites Gebiet entlang der DSFZ. Aufgrund der seismotektonischen Situation im Untersuchungsgebiet wird zwischen einer s{\"u}dlichen, zentralen und n{\"o}rdlichen Subzone unterschieden. Dabei kann die s{\"u}dliche Subzone aus Mangel an Daten nicht f{\"u}r die Analysen herangezogen werden. Die Ergebnisse f{\"u}r die zentrale Subzone zeigen keinen signifikanten multimodalen Verlauf der Wiederholungsrate von Erdbeben. Des Weiteren ist kein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den zeitabh{\"a}ngigen und dem zeitunabh{\"a}ngigem Modell zu verzeichnen. Da das zeitunabh{\"a}ngige Modell vergleichsweise einfach interpretierbar ist, wird die Wiederholungsrate von Erdbeben in dieser Subzone unter Annahme der Exponentialverteilungs-Hypothese abgesch{\"a}tzt. Sie wird demnach als zeitunabh{\"a}ngig betrachtet und betr{\"a}gt 9.72 * 10-3 Erdbeben (mit Mw ≥ 6) pro Jahr. Einen besonderen Fall stellt die n{\"o}rdliche Subzone dar. In diesem Gebiet tritt im Durchschnitt alle 51 Jahre ein massives Erdbeben (Mw ≥ 6) auf. Das letzte Erdbeben dieser Gr{\"o}ße ereignete sich 1872 und liegt somit bereits 137 Jahre zur{\"u}ck. Somit ist in diesem Gebiet ein Erdbeben dieser St{\"a}rke {\"u}berf{\"a}llig. Im statistischen Mittel liegt die Zeit zwischen zwei Erdbeben zu 96\% unter 137 Jahren. Zudem wird eine deutliche zeitliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Erdbeben-Wiederauftretensrate durch die Ergebnisse der in der Arbeit neu entwickelten statistischen Verfahren best{\"a}tigt. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass die Wiederholungsrate insbesondere kurz nach einem Erdbeben eine sehr hohe zeitliche Abh{\"a}ngigkeit aufweist. Am besten repr{\"a}sentiert werden die seismischen Bedingungen in der genannten Subzone durch ein bi-modales Weibull-Weibull-Modell. Die Wiederholungsrate ist eine glatte Zeitfunktion, welche zwei H{\"a}ufungen von Datenpunkten in der Zeit nach dem Erdbeben zeigt. Dabei umfasst die erste H{\"a}ufung einen Zeitraum von 80 Jahren, ausgehend vom Zeitpunkt des jeweiligen Bebens. Innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne ist die Wiederholungsrate extrem zeitabh{\"a}ngig. Die Wiederholungsrate direkt nach einem Beben ist sehr niedrig und steigert sich in den folgenden 10 Jahren erheblich bis zu einem Maximum von 0.024 Erdbeben/Jahr. Anschließend sinkt die Rate und erreicht ihr Minimum nach weiteren 70 Jahren mit 0.0145 Erdbeben/Jahr. An dieses Minimum schließt sich die zweite H{\"a}ufung von Daten an, dessen Dauer abh{\"a}ngig von der Erdbebenwiederholungszeit ist. Innerhalb dieses Zeitfensters nimmt die Erdbeben-Wiederauftretensrate ann{\"a}hernd konstant um 0.015 Erdbeben/Jahr zu. Diese Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage f{\"u}r eine zeitabh{\"a}ngige probabilistische seismische Gef{\"a}hrdungseinsch{\"a}tzung (PSHA) f{\"u}r die seismische Quellregion, die den n{\"o}rdlichen Raum der DSFZ umfasst.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shirzaei2010, author = {Shirzaei, Manoochehr}, title = {Crustal deformation source monitoring using advanced InSAR time series and time dependent inverse modeling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-50774}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Crustal deformation can be the result of volcanic and tectonic activity such as fault dislocation and magma intrusion. The crustal deformation may precede and/or succeed the earthquake occurrence and eruption. Mitigating the associated hazard, continuous monitoring of the crustal deformation accordingly has become an important task for geo-observatories and fast response systems. Due to highly non-linear behavior of the crustal deformation fields in time and space, which are not always measurable using conventional geodetic methods (e.g., Leveling), innovative techniques of monitoring and analysis are required. In this thesis I describe novel methods to improve the ability for precise and accurate mapping the spatiotemporal surface deformation field using multi acquisitions of satellite radar data. Furthermore, to better understand the source of such spatiotemporal deformation fields, I present novel static and time dependent model inversion approaches. Almost any interferograms include areas where the signal decorrelates and is distorted by atmospheric delay. In this thesis I detail new analysis methods to reduce the limitations of conventional InSAR, by combining the benefits of advanced InSAR methods such as the permanent scatterer InSAR (PSI) and the small baseline subsets (SBAS) with a wavelet based data filtering scheme. This novel InSAR time series methodology is applied, for instance, to monitor the non-linear deformation processes at Hawaii Island. The radar phase change at Hawaii is found to be due to intrusions, eruptions, earthquakes and flank movement processes and superimposed by significant environmental artifacts (e.g., atmospheric). The deformation field, I obtained using the new InSAR analysis method, is in good agreement with continuous GPS data. This provides an accurate spatiotemporal deformation field at Hawaii, which allows time dependent source modeling. Conventional source modeling methods usually deal with static deformation field, while retrieving the dynamics of the source requires more sophisticated time dependent optimization approaches. This problem I address by combining Monte Carlo based optimization approaches with a Kalman Filter, which provides the model parameters of the deformation source consistent in time. I found there are numerous deformation sources at Hawaii Island which are spatiotemporally interacting, such as volcano inflation is associated to changes in the rifting behavior, and temporally linked to silent earthquakes. I applied these new methods to other tectonic and volcanic terrains, most of which revealing the importance of associated or coupled deformation sources. The findings are 1) the relation between deep and shallow hydrothermal and magmatic sources underneath the Campi Flegrei volcano, 2) gravity-driven deformation at Damavand volcano, 3) fault interaction associated with the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 4) independent block wise flank motion at the Hilina Fault system, Kilauea, and 5) interaction between salt diapir and the 2005 Qeshm earthquake in southern Iran. This thesis, written in cumulative form including 9 manuscripts published or under review in peer reviewed journals, improves the techniques for InSAR time series analysis and source modeling and shows the mutual dependence between adjacent deformation sources. These findings allow more realistic estimation of the hazard associated with complex volcanic and tectonic systems.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hoechner2010, author = {H{\"o}chner, Andreas}, title = {GPS based analysis of earthquake induced phenomena at the Sunda Arc}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-53166}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Indonesia is one of the countries most prone to natural hazards. Complex interaction of several tectonic plates with high relative velocities leads to approximately two earthquakes with magnitude Mw>7 every year, being more than 15\% of the events worldwide. Earthquakes with magnitude above 9 happen far more infrequently, but with catastrophic effects. The most severe consequences thereby arise from tsunamis triggered by these subduction-related earthquakes, as the Sumatra-Andaman event in 2004 showed. In order to enable efficient tsunami early warning, which includes the estimation of wave heights and arrival times, it is necessary to combine different types of real-time sensor data with numerical models of earthquake sources and tsunami propagation. This thesis was created as a result of the GITEWS project (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System). It is based on five research papers and manuscripts. Main project-related task was the development of a database containing realistic earthquake scenarios for the Sunda Arc. This database provides initial conditions for tsunami propagation modeling used by the simulation system at the early warning center. An accurate discretization of the subduction geometry, consisting of 25x150 subfaults was constructed based on seismic data. Green's functions, representing the deformational response to unit dip- and strike slip at the subfaults, were computed using a layered half-space approach. Different scaling relations for earthquake dimensions and slip distribution were implemented. Another project-related task was the further development of the 'GPS-shield' concept. It consists of a constellation of near field GPS-receivers, which are shown to be very valuable for tsunami early warning. The major part of this thesis is related to the geophysical interpretation of GPS data. Coseismic surface displacements caused by the 2004 Sumatra earthquake are inverted for slip at the fault. The effect of different Earth layer models is tested, favoring continental structure. The possibility of splay faulting is considered and shown to be a secondary order effect in respect to tsunamigenity for this event. Tsunami models based on source inversions are compared to satellite radar altimetry observations. Postseismic GPS time series are used to test a wide parameter range of uni- and biviscous rheological models of the asthenosphere. Steady-state Maxwell rheology is shown to be incompatible with near-field GPS data, unless large afterslip, amounting to more than 10\% of the coseismic moment is assumed. In contrast, transient Burgers rheology is in agreement with data without the need for large aseismic afterslip. Comparison to postseismic geoid observation by the GRACE satellites reveals that even with afterslip, the model implementing Maxwell rheology results in amplitudes being too small, and thus supports a biviscous asthenosphere. A simple approach based on the assumption of quasi-static deformation propagation is introduced and proposed for inversion of coseismic near-field GPS time series. Application of this approach to observations from the 2004 Sumatra event fails to quantitatively reconstruct the rupture propagation, since a priori conditions are not fulfilled in this case. However, synthetic tests reveal the feasibility of such an approach for fast estimation of rupturing properties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mohr2013, author = {Mohr, Christian Heinrich}, title = {Hydrological and erosion responses to man-made and natural disturbances : insights from forested catchments in South-central Chile}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70146}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Logging and large earthquakes are disturbances that may significantly affect hydrological and erosional processes and process rates, although in decisively different ways. Despite numerous studies that have documented the impacts of both deforestation and earthquakes on water and sediment fluxes, a number of details regarding the timing and type of de- and reforestation; seismic impacts on subsurface water fluxes; or the overall geomorphic work involved have remained unresolved. The main objective of this thesis is to address these shortcomings and to better understand and compare the hydrological and erosional process responses to such natural and man-made disturbances. To this end, south-central Chile provides an excellent natural laboratory owing to its high seismicity and the ongoing conversion of land into highly productive plantation forests. In this dissertation I combine paired catchment experiments, data analysis techniques, and physics-based modelling to investigate: 1) the effect of plantation forests on water resources, 2) the source and sink behavior of timber harvest areas in terms of overland flow generation and sediment fluxes, 3) geomorphic work and its efficiency as a function of seasonal logging, 4) possible hydrologic responses of the saturated zone to the 2010 Maule earthquake and 5) responses of the vadose zone to this earthquake. Re 1) In order to quantify the hydrologic impact of plantation forests, it is fundamental to first establish their water balances. I show that tree species is not significant in this regard, i.e. Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus do not trigger any decisive different hydrologic response. Instead, water consumption is more sensitive to soil-water supply for the local hydro-climatic conditions. Re 2) Contradictory opinions exist about whether timber harvest areas (THA) generate or capture overland flow and sediment. Although THAs contribute significantly to hydrology and sediment transport because of their spatial extent, little is known about the hydrological and erosional processes occurring on them. I show that THAs may act as both sources and sinks for overland flow, which in turn intensifies surface erosion. Above a rainfall intensity of ~20 mm/h, which corresponds to <10\% of all rainfall, THAs may generate runoff whereas below that threshold they remain sinks. The overall contribution of Hortonian runoff is thus secondary considering the local rainfall regime. The bulk of both runoff and sediment is generated by Dunne, saturation excess, overland flow. I also show that logging may increase infiltrability on THAs which may cause an initial decrease in streamflow followed by an increase after the groundwater storage has been refilled. Re 3) I present changes in frequency-magnitude distributions following seasonal logging by applying Quantile Regression Forests at hitherto unprecedented detail. It is clearly the season that controls the hydro-geomorphic work efficiency of clear cutting. Logging, particularly dry seasonal logging, caused a shift of work efficiency towards less flashy and mere but more frequent moderate rainfall-runoff events. The sediment transport is dominated by Dunne overland flow which is consistent with physics-based modelling using WASA-SED. Re 4) It is well accepted that earthquakes may affect hydrological processes in the saturated zone. Assuming such flow conditions, consolidation of saturated saprolitic material is one possible response. Consolidation raises the hydraulic gradients which may explain the observed increase in discharge following earthquakes. By doing so, squeezed water saturates the soil which in turn increases the water accessible for plant transpiration. Post-seismic enhanced transpiration is reflected in the intensification of diurnal cycling. Re 5) Assuming unsaturated conditions, I present the first evidence that the vadose zone may also respond to seismic waves by releasing pore water which in turn feeds groundwater reservoirs. By doing so, water tables along the valley bottoms are elevated thus providing additional water resources to the riparian vegetation. By inverse modelling, the transient increase in transpiration is found to be 30-60\%. Based on the data available, both hypotheses, are not testable. Finally, when comparing the hydrological and erosional effects of the Maule earthquake with the impact of planting exotic plantation forests, the overall observed earthquake effects are comparably small, and limited to short time scales.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kieling2015, author = {Kieling, Katrin}, title = {Quantification of ground motions by broadband simulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-85989}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 118}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In many procedures of seismic risk mitigation, ground motion simulations are needed to test systems or improve their effectiveness. For example they may be used to estimate the level of ground shaking caused by future earthquakes. Good physical models for ground motion simulation are also thought to be important for hazard assessment, as they could close gaps in the existing datasets. Since the observed ground motion in nature shows a certain variability, part of which cannot be explained by macroscopic parameters such as magnitude or position of an earthquake, it would be desirable that a good physical model is not only able to produce one single seismogram, but also to reveal this natural variability. In this thesis, I develop a method to model realistic ground motions in a way that is computationally simple to handle, permitting multiple scenario simulations. I focus on two aspects of ground motion modelling. First, I use deterministic wave propagation for the whole frequency range - from static deformation to approximately 10 Hz - but account for source variability by implementing self-similar slip distributions and rough fault interfaces. Second, I scale the source spectrum so that the modelled waveforms represent the correct radiated seismic energy. With this scaling I verify whether the energy magnitude is suitable as an explanatory variable, which characterises the amount of energy radiated at high frequencies - the advantage of the energy magnitude being that it can be deduced from observations, even in real-time. Applications of the developed method for the 2008 Wenchuan (China) earthquake, the 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Japan) earthquake and the 1994 Northridge (California, USA) earthquake show that the fine source discretisations combined with the small scale source variability ensure that high frequencies are satisfactorily introduced, justifying the deterministic wave propagation approach even at high frequencies. I demonstrate that the energy magnitude can be used to calibrate the high-frequency content in ground motion simulations. Because deterministic wave propagation is applied to the whole frequency range, the simulation method permits the quantification of the variability in ground motion due to parametric uncertainties in the source description. A large number of scenario simulations for an M=6 earthquake show that the roughness of the source as well as the distribution of fault dislocations have a minor effect on the simulated variability by diminishing directivity effects, while hypocenter location and rupture velocity more strongly influence the variability. The uncertainty in energy magnitude, however, leads to the largest differences of ground motion amplitude between different events, resulting in a variability which is larger than the one observed. For the presented approach, this dissertation shows (i) the verification of the computational correctness of the code, (ii) the ability to reproduce observed ground motions and (iii) the validation of the simulated ground motion variability. Those three steps are essential to evaluate the suitability of the method for means of seismic risk mitigation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marc2016, author = {Marc, Odin}, title = {Earthquake-induced landsliding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 171}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Earthquakes deform Earth's surface, building long-lasting topographic features and contributing to landscape and mountain formation. However, seismic waves produced by earthquakes may also destabilize hillslopes, leading to large amounts of soil and bedrock moving downslope. Moreover, static deformation and shaking are suspected to damage the surface bedrock and therefore alter its future properties, affecting hydrological and erosional dynamics. Thus, earthquakes participate both in mountain building and stimulate directly or indirectly their erosion. Moreover, the impact of earthquakes on hillslopes has important implications for the amount of sediment and organic matter delivered to rivers, and ultimately to oceans, during episodic catastrophic seismic crises, the magnitude of life and property losses associated with landsliding, the perturbation and recovery of landscape properties after shaking, and the long term topographic evolution of mountain belts. Several of these aspects have been addressed recently through individual case studies but additional data compilation as well as theoretical or numerical modelling are required to tackle these issues in a more systematic and rigorous manner. This dissertation combines data compilation of earthquake characteristics, landslide mapping, and seismological data interpretation with physically-based modeling in order to address how earthquakes impact on erosional processes and landscape evolution. Over short time scales (10-100 s) and intermediate length scales (10 km), I have attempted to improve our understanding and ability to predict the amount of landslide debris triggered by seismic shaking in epicentral areas. Over long time scales (1-100 ky) and across a mountain belt (100 km) I have modeled the competition between erosional unloading and building of topography associated with earthquakes. Finally, over intermediate time scales (1-10 y) and at the hillslope scale (0.1-1 km) I have collected geomorphological and seismological data that highlight persistent effects of earthquakes on landscape properties and behaviour. First, I compiled a database on earthquakes that produced significant landsliding, including an estimate of the total landslide volume and area, and earthquake characteristics such as seismic moment and source depth. A key issue is the accurate conversion of landslide maps into volume estimates. Therefore I also estimated how amalgamation - when mapping errors lead to the bundling of multiple landslide into a single polygon - affects volume estimates from various earthquake-induced landslide inventories and developed an algorithm to automatically detect this artifact. The database was used to test a physically-based prediction of the total landslide area and volume caused by earthquakes, based on seismological scaling relationships and a statistical description of the landscape properties. The model outperforms empirical fits in accuracy, with 25 out of 40 cases well predicted, and allows interpretation of many outliers in physical terms. Apart from seismological complexities neglected by the model I found that exceptional rock strength properties or antecedent conditions may explain most outliers. Second, I assessed the geomorphic effects of large earthquakes on landscape dynamics by surveying the temporal evolution of precipitation-normalized landslide rate. I found strongly elevated landslide rates following earthquakes that progressively recover over 1 to 4 years, indicating that regolith strength drops and recovers. The relaxation is clearly non-linear for at least one case, and does not seem to correlate with coseismic landslide reactivation, water table level increase or tree root-system recovery. I suggested that shallow bedrock is damaged by the earthquake and then heals on annual timescales. Such variations in ground strength must be translated into shallow subsurface seismic velocities that are increasingly surveyed with ambient seismic noise correlations. With seismic noise autocorrelation I computed the seismic velocity in the epicentral areas of three earthquakes where I constrained a change in landslide rate. We found similar recovery dynamics and timescales, suggesting that seismic noise correlation techniques could be further developed to meaningfully assess ground strength variations for landscape dynamics. These two measurements are also in good agreement with the temporal dynamics of post-seismic surface displacement measured by GPS. This correlation suggests that the surface healing mechanism may be driven by tectonic deformation, and that the surface regolith and fractured bedrock may behave as a granular media that slowly compacts as it is sheared or vibrated. Last, I compared our model of earthquake-induced landsliding with a standard formulation of surface deformation caused by earthquakes to understand which parameters govern the competition between the building and destruction of topography caused by earthquakes. In contrast with previous studies I found that very large (Mw>8) earthquakes always increase the average topography, whereas only intermediate (Mw ~ 7) earthquakes in steep landscapes may reduce topography. Moreover, I illustrated how the net effect of earthquakes varies with depth or landscape steepness implying a complex and ambivalent role through the life of a mountain belt. Further I showed that faults producing a Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake sizes, will limit topography over a larger range of fault sizes than faults producing repeated earthquakes with a characteristic size.}, language = {en} }