@article{ErwigUngelenk2021, author = {Erwig, Andrea and Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Vorwort}, series = {Ber{\"u}hren Denken}, journal = {Ber{\"u}hren Denken}, publisher = {Kulturverlag Kadmos}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86599-497-4}, pages = {7 -- 16}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{Ungelenk2023, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Unavailable—Escaping the 'Realm of Purpose' with Roland Barthes}, series = {Unavailable : the joy of not responding}, journal = {Unavailable : the joy of not responding}, publisher = {Kulturverlag Kadmos}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86599-549-0}, pages = {35 -- 45}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @misc{Ungelenk2019, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Ber{\"u}hrung ber{\"u}hren - Begreifen verboten}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Philosophische Reihe}, number = {171}, issn = {1866-8380}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47231}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-472313}, pages = {23}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Der Artikel arbeitet an Platons Gastmahl ein semantisches Netz rund um das Konzept des ‚Ber{\"u}hrens' heraus. Dabei bildet das Verb ἅπτομαι ein zentrales Relais, das zwischen dem vieldiskutierten ‚philosophischen Gehalt' des Textes und der in ihrem performativen Beitrag meist untersch{\"a}tzten Rahmenhandlung vermittelt. Im Nachvollzug der Konstellationen des Ber{\"u}hrens zeigt sich, dass dem Ber{\"u}hren, als Ber{\"u}hren, nicht begrifflich beizukommen ist - es entzieht sich dem aneignenden Zugriff. Ber{\"u}hren ist eben nicht Begriff. Deshalb muss sich das Gastmahl der Ber{\"u}hrung auf andere Weise n{\"a}hern, n{\"a}mlich ber{\"u}hrend - wof{\"u}r die narratologische Konstruktion des Textes von entscheidender Wichtigkeit ist. Er praktiziert Philo-Logie, d.h. nutzt die Macht der Worte, die genau daraus entsteht, dass sie in einer sehr pr{\"a}zisen Weise zwischen den Beteiligten aus einer konstitutiven Distanz heraus wirken.}, language = {de} } @article{Ungelenk2020, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Satyrs, Spirits and Dionysian Intemperance in Shakespeare's 'Tempest'}, series = {Cahiers {\´E}lisab{\´e}thains}, volume = {101}, journal = {Cahiers {\´E}lisab{\´e}thains}, number = {1}, publisher = {Sage Publications}, address = {London}, issn = {0184-7678}, doi = {10.1177/0184767819897082}, pages = {45 -- 64}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The article focuses on the rebellious subplot of William Shakespeare's The Tempest that forms around Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, and reads it as a satyr play. Demonstrated is how the Dionysian subplot stands in close analogical connection with the play's main action. It is also argued that the storyline emphasises a dimension of the play that is of high relevance to the analysis of its metatheatrical implications. The correspondences between the main action and the satyr play elements highlight the important role that intemperance, excess and the suspension of control play in the Shakespearean theatrical setting.}, language = {en} } @article{Ungelenk2020, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Rilkes ‚Tanagra'}, series = {Materielle Miniaturen : zur {\"A}sthetik der Verkleinerung}, journal = {Materielle Miniaturen : zur {\"A}sthetik der Verkleinerung}, editor = {Lehnert, Gertrud and Weilandt, Maria}, publisher = {K{\"o}nigshausen \& Neumann}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-8260-6679-5}, pages = {257 -- 284}, year = {2020}, abstract = {"Rainer Maria Rilkes wohl 1906 in Paris entstandenes Gedicht zeugt vom sp{\"a}ten Siegeszug eines Typus antiker Miniaturen. Etwa um 1870 erreichten kolorierte, maximal zwei Handspannen große und in Geste und Formensprache leicht wiedererkennbare Frauen-Statuetten Paris - und verzauberten sofort die kunstbegeisterten B{\"u}rger*innen der Stadt. Ab der Mitte des Jahrhunderts waren die Figuren rund um das griechische Tanagra in gr{\"o}ßerem Umfange ausgegraben worden. Sie dienten meist als Grabbeigaben; einzelne Tanagrafiguren sind aber auch als Ausstattungsgegenstand des Andron, eines repr{\"a}sentativen Raums f{\"u}r geselliges Beisammensein, aufgefunden worden. Vorbilder f{\"u}r die Tanagras sind wohl weniger lebensweltlicher Art, sondern stammen eher aus der Großplastik. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die Miniaturisierung mit der kultischen Funktion der Figuren als Beigabe in Verbindung steht. Daf{\"u}r spricht auch, dass die als Ausstattungsgegenstand verwendeten Tanagras dazu tendieren, gr{\"o}ßer zu sein als die Gr{\"a}ber beigegebenen. ..."}, language = {de} } @article{Ungelenk2020, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Touching this dreaded sight}, series = {Tangieren : Praktiken und Arrangements des Ber{\"u}hrens in den performativen K{\"u}nsten}, journal = {Tangieren : Praktiken und Arrangements des Ber{\"u}hrens in den performativen K{\"u}nsten}, editor = {Fluhrer, Sandra and Waszynski, Alexander}, publisher = {Rombach}, address = {Freiburg i. Br.}, isbn = {978-3-96821-002-5}, pages = {203 -- 220}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Ausgehend von der in Shakespeare zweimal wiederkehrenden Phrase „Touching this dreaded sight" widmet sich der Beitrag mithilfe ausgew{\"a}hlter Stellen aus Shakespeares Hamlet und The Tempest der Wirkkraft des fr{\"u}hneuzeitlichen Theaters. Er geht der Frage nach, wie Zuschauer*innen eines St{\"u}ckes aus der Distanz be-troffen und ge-r{\"u}hrt werden. Um dem nachzudenken, wie diese Distanz zwischen dem Visuellen, dem Schauen im Theater, und dem Haptischen, der Ber{\"u}hrung, {\"u}berbr{\"u}ckt werden kann, helfen fr{\"u}hneuzeitliche Vorstellungen von theatraler Ansteckungskraft und Hans Blumenbergs Konzept menschlicher Betreffbarkeit.}, language = {de} } @book{Ungelenk2021, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Ber{\"u}hren Denken}, series = {LiteraturForschung}, journal = {LiteraturForschung}, number = {40}, editor = {Erwig, Andrea and Ungelenk, Johannes}, publisher = {Kadmos}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86599-497-4}, pages = {314}, year = {2021}, abstract = {›Theorie‹ geht etymologisch auf ›Anschauen‹ zur{\"u}ck. Der Theoretiker gilt gemeinhin als distanzierter Zuschauer. Diese distanzierte Position wird hier hinterfragt. Die Beitr{\"a}ge st{\"u}tzen sich dabei auf eine theoretische Tradition, die sich am Tastsinn als Korrektiv des Sehsinns orientiert. Taktilen Erfahrungsdimensionen wie dem Ber{\"u}hren wird schon lange eine idealisierte ›unmittelbare Wahrnehmung‹ jenseits von begrifflicher Abstraktion zugeschrieben. Die Autorinnen und Autoren beleuchten dagegen die komplizierte Verwandtschaft von Ber{\"u}hren und Denken und die begrifflichen Verwicklungen und Potenziale des Ber{\"u}hrens. Es werden nicht nur unterschiedliche Konzepte von Ber{\"u}hrung in Philosophie und Kunst betrachtet, sondern auch theoretische Denk- und Schreibformen erkundet, die selbst ›Ber{\"u}hrungen‹ mit sich bringen.}, language = {de} } @article{Ungelenk2021, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {{\´E}mile Zola and the literary language of climate change}, series = {Nottingham French studies / University of Nottingham}, volume = {60}, journal = {Nottingham French studies / University of Nottingham}, number = {3}, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press}, address = {Edinburgh}, issn = {0029-4586}, doi = {10.3366/nfs.2021.0331}, pages = {362 -- 373}, year = {2021}, abstract = {On 7 February 1861, John Tyndall, professor of natural philosophy, delivered a historical lecture: he could prove that different gases absorb heat to a very different degree, which implies that the temperate conditions provided for by the Earth's atmosphere are dependent on its particular composition of gases. The theoretical foundation of climate science was laid. Ten years later, on the other side of the Channel, a young and ambitious author was working on a comprehensive literary analysis of the French era under the Second Empire. {\´E}mile Zola had probably not heard or read of Tyndall's discovery. However, the article makes the case for reading Zola's Rougon-Macquart as an extensive story of climate change. Zola's literary attempts to capture the defining characteristic of the Second Empire led him to the insight that its various milieus were all part of the same 'climate': that of an all-encompassing warming. Zola suggests that this climate is man-made: the economic success of the Second Empire is based on heating, in a literal and metaphorical sense, as well as on stoking the steam-engines and creating the hypertrophic atmosphere of the hothouse that enhances life and maximises turnover and profit. In contrast to Tyndall and his audience, Zola sensed the catastrophic consequences of this warming: the Second Empire was inevitably moving towards a final d{\´e}b{\^a}cle, i.e. it was doomed to perish in local and 'global' climate catastrophes. The article foregrounds the supplementary status of Tyndall's physical and Zola's literary knowledge. As Zola's striking intuition demonstrates, literature appears to have a privileged approach to the phenomenon of man-induced climate change.}, language = {en} } @article{Ungelenk2022, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Kiss me (not!), Cressida - or: the social touch of lips and tongue}, series = {Arcadia : international journal of literary culture}, volume = {57}, journal = {Arcadia : international journal of literary culture}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0003-7982}, doi = {10.1515/arcadia-2022-9051}, pages = {25 -- 46}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The article is dedicated to the problem of social bonds that is negotiated in Troilus and Cressida. Troilus and Ulysses embody an old, traditional order of the world that is out of joint, while Cressida's behaviour and her way of interacting indicate a different and new regime of social regulation that is about to take over. With its complex superposition of (touches of) love and war, Troilus and Cressida brings together rituals of touch, anarchic speech acts, and a gendered perspective on the world that associates touch and temporality with 'frail' femininity and temptation. With unrivalled intensity, the play puts to the spectator that the basic condition of touch, i.e. exposing oneself to another, entails an incalculable risk. Hector tragically falls for the vulnerability inherent in touch and the audience suffers with him because they share this existential precondition on which modern society is 'founded.' The gloomy, inescapable atmosphere of societal crisis that Troilus and Cressida creates emphasises the fact that the fragility of touch is not to be overcome. The fractions - no matter whether Greek, Trojan, or those of loving couples - cannot simply be reunited to form a new, authentic entity. Generating at least some form of social cohesion therefore remains a challenge.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ungelenk2012, author = {Ungelenk, Johannes}, title = {Narcissus and Echo}, number = {186}, issn = {1866-8380}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59996}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-599966}, pages = {142}, year = {2012}, abstract = {George Eliot's late novel Daniel Deronda tackles big, fundamental political questions that radiate from the societal circumstances of the novel's production and reach deep into our present-day life. The novel critically analyses the capitalistic, morally flawed and standard-less English society and narrates the title hero's proto-Zionist mission to found a Jewish nation that re-establishes history, meaning and ethical values. This study attempts to trace the novel's two models of society and time by bringing them into resonance with the myth of Narcissus and Echo famously rendered by Ovid. The unloving, self-referential, visual Narcissus is read as the model for the capitalistic world of spectacle and speculation. Echo's loving, memory-bearing voice forms an important part in the construction of the sublating unity of the Jewish nation-to-come. Guided by this resonance between George Eliot's novel and Ovid's myth pieces of critical theory and philosophy are woven into the study's fabric. The resulting analysis dissects and deconstructs the novel's fascinating and highly complex patterns of conditions of possibility for the fabrication of the redeeming Jewish nation, the very same conditions that the novel presents as the conditions of possibility for narrating a meaningful story.}, language = {en} }