@phdthesis{Hesse2022, author = {Hesse, G{\"u}nter}, title = {A benchmark for enterprise stream processing architectures}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56600}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-566000}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 148}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Data stream processing systems (DSPSs) are a key enabler to integrate continuously generated data, such as sensor measurements, into enterprise applications. DSPSs allow to steadily analyze information from data streams, e.g., to monitor manufacturing processes and enable fast reactions to anomalous behavior. Moreover, DSPSs continuously filter, sample, and aggregate incoming streams of data, which reduces the data size, and thus data storage costs. The growing volumes of generated data have increased the demand for high-performance DSPSs, leading to a higher interest in these systems and to the development of new DSPSs. While having more DSPSs is favorable for users as it allows choosing the system that satisfies their requirements the most, it also introduces the challenge of identifying the most suitable DSPS regarding current needs as well as future demands. Having a solution to this challenge is important because replacements of DSPSs require the costly re-writing of applications if no abstraction layer is used for application development. However, quantifying performance differences between DSPSs is a difficult task. Existing benchmarks fail to integrate all core functionalities of DSPSs and lack tool support, which hinders objective result comparisons. Moreover, no current benchmark covers the combination of streaming data with existing structured business data, which is particularly relevant for companies. This thesis proposes a performance benchmark for enterprise stream processing called ESPBench. With enterprise stream processing, we refer to the combination of streaming and structured business data. Our benchmark design represents real-world scenarios and allows for an objective result comparison as well as scaling of data. The defined benchmark query set covers all core functionalities of DSPSs. The benchmark toolkit automates the entire benchmark process and provides important features, such as query result validation and a configurable data ingestion rate. To validate ESPBench and to ease the use of the benchmark, we propose an example implementation of the ESPBench queries leveraging the Apache Beam software development kit (SDK). The Apache Beam SDK is an abstraction layer designed for developing stream processing applications that is applied in academia as well as enterprise contexts. It allows to run the defined applications on any of the supported DSPSs. The performance impact of Apache Beam is studied in this dissertation as well. The results show that there is a significant influence that differs among DSPSs and stream processing applications. For validating ESPBench, we use the example implementation of the ESPBench queries developed using the Apache Beam SDK. We benchmark the implemented queries executed on three modern DSPSs: Apache Flink, Apache Spark Streaming, and Hazelcast Jet. The results of the study prove the functioning of ESPBench and its toolkit. ESPBench is capable of quantifying performance characteristics of DSPSs and of unveiling differences among systems. The benchmark proposed in this thesis covers all requirements to be applied in enterprise stream processing settings, and thus represents an improvement over the current state-of-the-art.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mertzen2022, author = {Mertzen, Daniela}, title = {A cross-linguistic investigation of similarity-based interference in sentence comprehension}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55668}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-556685}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvii, 129}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The aim of this dissertation was to conduct a larger-scale cross-linguistic empirical investigation of similarity-based interference effects in sentence comprehension. Interference studies can offer valuable insights into the mechanisms that are involved in long-distance dependency completion. Many studies have investigated similarity-based interference effects, showing that syntactic and semantic information are employed during long-distance dependency formation (e.g., Arnett \& Wagers, 2017; Cunnings \& Sturt, 2018; Van Dyke, 2007, Van Dyke \& Lewis, 2003; Van Dyke \& McElree, 2011). Nevertheless, there are some important open questions in the interference literature that are critical to our understanding of the constraints involved in dependency resolution. The first research question concerns the relative timing of syntactic and semantic interference in online sentence comprehension. Only few interference studies have investigated this question, and, to date, there is not enough data to draw conclusions with regard to their time course (Van Dyke, 2007; Van Dyke \& McElree, 2011). Our first cross-linguistic study explores the relative timing of syntactic and semantic interference in two eye-tracking reading experiments that implement the study design used in Van Dyke (2007). The first experiment tests English sentences. The second, larger-sample experiment investigates the two interference types in German. Overall, the data suggest that syntactic and semantic interference can arise simultaneously during retrieval. The second research question concerns a special case of semantic interference: We investigate whether cue-based retrieval interference can be caused by semantically similar items which are not embedded in a syntactic structure. This second interference study builds on a landmark study by Van Dyke \& McElree (2006). The study design used in their study is unique in that it is able to pin down the source of interference as a consequence of cue overload during retrieval, when semantic retrieval cues do not uniquely match the retrieval target. Unlike most other interference studies, this design is able to rule out encoding interference as an alternative explanation. Encoding accounts postulate that it is not cue overload at the retrieval site but the erroneous encoding of similar linguistic items in memory that leads to interference (Lewandowsky et al., 2008; Oberauer \& Kliegl, 2006). While Van Dyke \& McElree (2006) reported cue-based retrieval interference from sentence-external distractors, the evidence for this effect was weak. A subsequent study did not show interference of this type (Van Dyke et al., 2014). Given these inconclusive findings, further research is necessary to investigate semantic cue-based retrieval interference. The second study in this dissertation provides a larger-scale cross-linguistic investigation of cue-based retrieval interference from sentence-external items. Three larger-sample eye-tracking studies in English, German, and Russian tested cue-based interference in the online processing of filler-gap dependencies. This study further extends the previous research by investigating interference in each language under varying task demands (Logačev \& Vasishth, 2016; Swets et al., 2008). Overall, we see some very modest support for proactive cue-based retrieval interference in English. Unexpectedly, this was observed only under a low task demand. In German and Russian, there is some evidence against the interference effect. It is possible that interference is attenuated in languages with richer case marking. In sum, the cross-linguistic experiments on the time course of syntactic and semantic interference from sentence-internal distractors support existing evidence of syntactic and semantic interference during sentence comprehension. Our data further show that both types of interference effects can arise simultaneously. Our cross-linguistic experiments investigating semantic cue-based retrieval interference from sentence-external distractors suggest that this type of interference may arise only in specific linguistic contexts.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tattarini2022, author = {Tattarini, Giulia}, title = {A job is good, but is a good job healthier?}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53672}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-536723}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {182}, year = {2022}, abstract = {What are the consequences of unemployment and precarious employment for individuals' health in Europe? What are the moderating factors that may offset (or increase) the health consequences of labor-market risks? How do the effects of these risks vary across different contexts, which differ in their institutional and cultural settings? Does gender, regarded as a social structure, play a role, and how? To answer these questions is the aim of my cumulative thesis. This study aims to advance our knowledge about the health consequences that unemployment and precariousness cause over the life course. In particular, I investigate how several moderating factors, such as gender, the family, and the broader cultural and institutional context, may offset or increase the impact of employment instability and insecurity on individual health. In my first paper, 'The buffering role of the family in the relationship between job loss and self-perceived health: Longitudinal results from Europe, 2004-2011', I and my co-authors measure the causal effect of job loss on health and the role of the family and welfare states (regimes) as moderating factors. Using EU-SILC longitudinal data (2004-2011), we estimate the probability of experiencing 'bad health' following a transition to unemployment by applying linear probability models and undertake separate analyses for men and women. Firstly, we measure whether changes in the independent variable 'job loss' lead to changes in the dependent variable 'self-rated health' for men and women separately. Then, by adding into the model different interaction terms, we measure the moderating effect of the family, both in terms of emotional and economic support, and how much it varies across different welfare regimes. As an identification strategy, we first implement static fixed-effect panel models, which control for time-varying observables and indirect health selection—i.e., constant unobserved heterogeneity. Secondly, to control for reverse causality and path dependency, we implement dynamic fixed-effect panel models, adding a lagged dependent variable to the model. We explore the role of the family by focusing on close ties within households: we consider the presence of a stable partner and his/her working status as a source of social and economic support. According to previous literature, having a partner should reduce the stress from adverse events, thanks to the symbolic and emotional dimensions that such a relationship entails, regardless of any economic benefits. Our results, however, suggest that benefits linked to the presence of a (female) partner also come from the financial stability that (s)he can provide in terms of a second income. Furthermore, we find partners' employment to be at least as important as the mere presence of the partner in reducing the negative effect of job loss on the individual's health by maintaining the household's standard of living and decreasing economic strain on the family. Our results are in line with previous research, which has highlighted that some people cope better than others with adverse life circumstances, and the support provided by the family is a crucial resource in that regard. We also reported an important interaction between the family and the welfare state in moderating the health consequences of unemployment, showing how the compensation effect of the family varies across welfare regimes. The family plays a decisive role in cushioning the adverse consequences of labor market risks in Southern and Eastern welfare states, characterized by less developed social protection systems and -especially the Southern - high level of familialism. The first paper also found important gender differences concerning job loss, family and welfare effects. Of particular interest is the evidence suggesting that health selection works differently for men and women, playing a more prominent role for women than for men in explaining the relationship between job loss and self-perceived health. The second paper, 'Gender roles and selection mechanisms across contexts: A comparative analysis of the relationship between unemployment, self-perceived health, and gender.' investigates more in-depth the gender differential in health driven by unemployment. Being a highly contested issue in literature, we aim to study whether men are more penalized than women or the other way around and the mechanisms that may explain the gender difference. To do that, we rely on two theoretical arguments: the availability of alternative roles and social selection. The first argument builds on the idea that men and women may compensate for the detrimental health consequences of unemployment through the commitment to 'alternative roles,' which can provide for the resources needed to fulfill people's socially constructed needs. Notably, the availability of alternative options depends on the different positions that men and women have in society. Further, we merge the availability of the 'alternative roles' argument with the health selection argument. We assume that health selection could be contingent on people's social position as defined by gender and, thus, explain the gender differential in the relationship between unemployment and health. Ill people might be less reluctant to fall or remain (i.e., self-select) in unemployment if they have alternative roles. In Western societies, women generally have more alternative roles than men and thus more discretion in their labor market attachment. Therefore, health selection should be stronger for them, explaining why unemployment is less menace for women than for their male counterparts. Finally, relying on the idea of different gender regimes, we extended these arguments to comparison across contexts. For example, in contexts where being a caregiver is assumed to be women's traditional and primary roles and the primary breadwinner role is reserved to men, unemployment is less stigmatized, and taking up alternative roles is more socially accepted for women than for men (Hp.1). Accordingly, social (self)selection should be stronger for women than for men in traditional contexts, where, in the case of ill-health, the separation from work is eased by the availability of alternative roles (Hp.2). By focusing on contexts that are representative of different gender regimes, we implement a multiple-step comparative approach. Firstly, by using EU-SILC longitudinal data (2004-2015), our analysis tests gender roles and selection mechanisms for Sweden and Italy, representing radically different gender regimes, thus providing institutional and cultural variation. Then, we limit institutional heterogeneity by focusing on Germany and comparing East- and West-Germany and older and younger cohorts—for West-Germany (SOEP data 1995-2017). Next, to assess the differential impact of unemployment for men and women, we compared (unemployed and employed) men with (unemployed and employed) women. To do so, we calculate predicted probabilities and average marginal effect from two distinct random-effects probit models. Our first step is estimating random-effects models that assess the association between unemployment and self-perceived health, controlling for observable characteristics. In the second step, our fully adjusted model controls for both direct and indirect selection. We do this using dynamic correlated random-effects (CRE) models. Further, based on the fully adjusted model, we test our hypotheses on alternative roles (Hp.1) by comparing several contexts - models are estimated separately for each context. For this hypothesis, we pool men and women and include an interaction term between unemployment and gender, which has the advantage to allow for directly testing whether gender differences in the effect of unemployment exist and are statistically significant. Finally, we test the role of selection mechanisms (Hp.2), using the KHB method to compare coefficients across nested nonlinear models. Specifically, we test the role of selection for the relationship between unemployment and health by comparing the partially-adjusted and fully-adjusted models. To allow selection mechanisms to operate differently between genders, we estimate separate models for men and women. We found support to our first hypotheses—the context where people are embedded structures the relationship between unemployment, health, and gender. We found no gendered effect of unemployment on health in the egalitarian context of Sweden. Conversely, in the traditional context of Italy, we observed substantive and statistically significant gender differences in the effect of unemployment on bad health, with women suffering less than men. We found the same pattern for comparing East and West Germany and younger and older cohorts in West Germany. On the contrary, our results did not support our theoretical argument on social selection. We found that in Sweden, women are more selected out of employment than men. In contrast, in Italy, health selection does not seem to be the primary mechanism behind the gender differential—Italian men and women seem to be selected out of employment to the same extent. Namely, we do not find any evidence that health selection is stronger for women in more traditional countries (Hp2), despite the fact that the institutional and the cultural context would offer them a more comprehensive range of 'alternative roles' relative to men. Moreover, our second hypothesis is also rejected in the second and third comparisons, where the cross-country heterogeneity is reduced to maximize cultural differences within the same institutional context. Further research that addresses selection into inactivity is needed to evaluate the interplay between selection and social roles across gender regimes. While the health consequences of unemployment have been on the research agenda for a pretty long time, the interest in precarious employment—defined as the linking of the vulnerable worker to work that is characterized by uncertainty and insecurity concerning pay, the stability of the work arrangement, limited access to social benefits, and statutory protections—has emerged only later. Since the 80s, scholars from different disciplines have raised concerns about the social consequences of de-standardization of employment relationships. However, while work has become undoubtedly more precarious, very little is known about its causal effect on individual health and the role of gender as a moderator. These questions are at the core of my third paper : 'Bad job, bad health? A longitudinal analysis of the interaction between precariousness, gender and self-perceived health in Germany'. Herein, I investigate the multidimensional nature of precarious employment and its causal effect on health, particularly focusing on gender differences. With this paper, I aim at overcoming three major shortcomings of earlier studies: The first one regards the cross-sectional nature of data that prevents the authors from ruling out unobserved heterogeneity as a mechanism for the association between precarious employment and health. Indeed, several unmeasured individual characteristics—such as cognitive abilities—may confound the relationship between precarious work and health, leading to biased results. Secondly, only a few studies have directly addressed the role of gender in shaping the relationship. Moreover, available results on the gender differential are mixed and inconsistent: some found precarious employment being more detrimental for women's health, while others found no gender differences or stronger negative association for men. Finally, previous attempts to an empirical translation of the employment precariousness (EP) concept have not always been coherent with their theoretical framework. EP is usually assumed to be a multidimensional and continuous phenomenon; it is characterized by different dimensions of insecurity that may overlap in the same job and lead to different "degrees of precariousness." However, researchers have predominantly focused on one-dimensional indicators—e.g., temporary employment, subjective job insecurity—to measure EP and study the association with health. Besides the fact that this approach partially grasps the phenomenon's complexity, the major problem is the inconsistency of evidence that it has produced. Indeed, this line of inquiry generally reveals an ambiguous picture, with some studies finding substantial adverse effects of temporary over permanent employment, while others report only minor differences. To measure the (causal) effect of precarious work on self-rated health and its variation by gender, I focus on Germany and use four waves from SOEP data (2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015). Germany is a suitable context for my study. Indeed, since the 1980s, the labor market and welfare system have been restructured in many ways to increase the German economy's competitiveness in the global market. As a result, the (standard) employment relationship has been de-standardized: non-standard and atypical employment arrangements—i.e., part-time work, fixed-term contracts, mini-jobs, and work agencies—have increased over time while wages have lowered, even among workers with standard work. In addition, the power of unions has also fallen over the last three decades, leaving a large share of workers without collective protection. Because of this process of de-standardization, the link between wage employment and strong social rights has eroded, making workers more powerless and more vulnerable to labor market risks than in the past. EP refers to this uneven distribution of power in the employment relationship, which can be detrimental to workers' health. Indeed, by affecting individuals' access to power and other resources, EP puts precarious workers at risk of experiencing health shocks and influences their ability to gain and accumulate health advantages (Hp.1). Further, the focus on Germany allows me to investigate my second research question on the gender differential. Germany is usually regarded as a traditionalist gender regime: a context characterized by a configuration of roles. Here, being a caregiver is assumed to be women's primary role, whereas the primary breadwinner role is reserved for men. Although many signs of progress have been made over the last decades towards a greater equalization of opportunities and more egalitarianism, the breadwinner model has barely changed towards a modified version. Thus, women usually take on the double role of workers (the so-called secondary earner) and caregivers, and men still devote most of their time to paid work activities. Moreover, the overall upward trend towards more egalitarian gender ideologies has leveled off over the last decades, moving notably towards more traditional gender ideologies. In this setting, two alternative hypotheses are possible. Firstly, I assume that the negative relationship between EP and health is stronger for women than for men. This is because women are systematically more disadvantaged than men in the public and private spheres of life, having less access to formal and informal sources of power. These gender-related power asymmetries may interact with EP-related power asymmetries resulting in a stronger effect of EP on women's health than on men's health (Hp.2). An alternative way of looking at the gender differential is to consider the interaction that precariousness might have with men's and women's gender identities. According to this view, the negative relationship between EP and health is weaker for women than for men (Hp.2a). In a society with a gendered division of labor and a strong link between masculine identities and stable and well-rewarded job—i.e., a job that confers the role of primary family provider—a male worker with precarious employment might violate the traditional male gender role. Men in precarious jobs may perceive themselves (and by others) as possessing a socially undesirable characteristic, which conflicts with the stereotypical idea of themselves as the male breadwinner. Engaging in behaviors that contradict stereotypical gender identity may decrease self-esteem and foster feelings of inferiority, helplessness, and jealousy, leading to poor health. I develop a new indicator of EP that empirically translates a definition of EP as a multidimensional and continuous phenomenon. I assume that EP is a latent construct composed of seven dimensions of insecurity chosen according to the theory and previous empirical research: Income insecurity, social insecurity, legal insecurity, employment insecurity, working-time insecurity, representation insecurity, worker's vulnerability. The seven dimensions are proxied by eight indicators available in the four waves of the SOEP dataset. The EP composite indicator is obtained by performing a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) on the eight indicators. This approach aims to construct a summary scale in which all dimensions contribute jointly to the measured experience of precariousness and its health impact. Further, the relationship between EP and 'general self-perceived health' is estimated by applying ordered probit random-effects estimators and calculating average marginal effect (further AME). Then, to control for unobserved heterogeneity, I implement correlated random-effects models that add to the model the within-individual means of the time-varying independent variables. To test the significance of the gender differential, I add an interaction term between EP and gender in the fully adjusted model in the pooled sample. My correlated random-effects models showed EP's negative and substantial 'effect' on self-perceived health for both men and women. Although nonsignificant, the evidence seems in line with previous cross-sectional literature. It supports the hypothesis that employment precariousness could be detrimental to workers' health. Further, my results showed the crucial role of unobserved heterogeneity in shaping the health consequences of precarious employment. This is particularly important as evidence accumulates, yet it is still mostly descriptive. Moreover, my results revealed a substantial difference among men and women in the relationship between EP and health: when EP increases, the risk of experiencing poor health increases much more for men than for women. This evidence falsifies previous theory according to whom the gender differential is contingent on the structurally disadvantaged position of women in western societies. In contrast, they seem to confirm the idea that men in precarious work could experience role conflict to a larger extent than women, as their self-standard is supposed to be the stereotypical breadwinner worker with a good and well-rewarded job. Finally, results from the multiple correspondence analysis contribute to the methodological debate on precariousness, showing that a multidimensional and continuous indicator can express a latent variable of EP. All in all, complementarities are revealed in the results of unemployment and employment precariousness, which have two implications: Policy-makers need to be aware that the total costs of unemployment and precariousness go far beyond the economic and material realm penetrating other fundamental life domains such as individual health. Moreover, they need to balance the trade-off between protecting adequately unemployed people and fostering high-quality employment in reaction to the highlighted market pressures. In this sense, the further development of a (universalistic) welfare state certainly helps mitigate the adverse health effects of unemployment and, therefore, the future costs of both individuals' health and welfare spending. In addition, the presence of a working partner is crucial for reducing the health consequences of employment instability. Therefore, policies aiming to increase female labor market participation should be promoted, especially in those contexts where the welfare state is less developed. Moreover, my results support the significance of taking account of a gender perspective in health research. The findings of the three articles show that job loss, unemployment, and precarious employment, in general, have adverse effects on men's health but less or absent consequences for women's health. Indeed, this suggests the importance of labor and health policies that consider and further distinguish the specific needs of the male and female labor force in Europe. Nevertheless, a further implication emerges: the health consequences of employment instability and de-standardization need to be investigated in light of the gender arrangements and the transforming gender relationships in specific cultural and institutional contexts. My results indeed seem to suggest that women's health advantage may be a transitory phenomenon, contingent on the predominant gendered institutional and cultural context. As the structural difference between men's and women's position in society is eroded, egalitarianism becomes the dominant normative status, so will probably be the gender difference in the health consequences of job loss and precariousness. Therefore, while gender equality in opportunities and roles is a desirable aspect for contemporary societies and a political goal that cannot be postponed further, this thesis raises a further and maybe more crucial question: What kind of equality should be pursued to provide men and women with both good life quality and equal chances in the public and private spheres? In this sense, I believe that social and labor policies aiming to reduce gender inequality in society should focus on improving women's integration into the labor market, implementing policies targeting men, and facilitating their involvement in the private sphere of life. Equal redistribution of social roles could activate a crucial transformation of gender roles and the cultural models that sustain and still legitimate gender inequality in Western societies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerling2022, author = {Gerling, Marten Tobias}, title = {A microfluidic system for high-precision image-based live cell sorting using dielectrophoretic forces}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58742}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 87, VI}, year = {2022}, abstract = {An important goal in biotechnology and (bio-) medical research is the isolation of single cells from a heterogeneous cell population. These specialised cells are of great interest for bioproduction, diagnostics, drug development, (cancer) therapy and research. To tackle emerging questions, an ever finer differentiation between target cells and non-target cells is required. This precise differentiation is a challenge for a growing number of available methods. Since the physiological properties of the cells are closely linked to their morphology, it is beneficial to include their appearance in the sorting decision. For established methods, this represents a non addressable parameter, requiring new methods for the identification and isolation of target cells. Consequently, a variety of new flow-based methods have been developed and presented in recent years utilising 2D imaging data to identify target cells within a sample. As these methods aim for high throughput, the devices developed typically require highly complex fluid handling techniques, making them expensive while offering limited image quality. In this work, a new continuous flow system for image-based cell sorting was developed that uses dielectrophoresis to precisely handle cells in a microchannel. Dielectrophoretic forces are exerted by inhomogeneous alternating electric fields on polarisable particles (here: cells). In the present system, the electric fields can be switched on and off precisely and quickly by a signal generator. In addition to the resulting simple and effective cell handling, the system is characterised by the outstanding quality of the image data generated and its compatibility with standard microscopes. These aspects result in low complexity, making it both affordable and user-friendly. With the developed cell sorting system, cells could be sorted reliably and efficiently according to their cytosolic staining as well as morphological properties at different optical magnifications. The achieved purity of the target cell population was up to 95\% and about 85\% of the sorted cells could be recovered from the system. Good agreement was achieved between the results obtained and theoretical considerations. The achieved throughput of the system was up to 12,000 cells per hour. Cell viability studies indicated a high biocompatibility of the system. The results presented demonstrate the potential of image-based cell sorting using dielectrophoresis. The outstanding image quality and highly precise yet gentle handling of the cells set the system apart from other technologies. This results in enormous potential for processing valuable and sensitive cell samples.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vu2022, author = {Vu, Nils Leif}, title = {A task-based parallel elliptic solver for numerical relativity with discontinuous Galerkin methods}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56226}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-562265}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {172}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Elliptic partial differential equations are ubiquitous in physics. In numerical relativity---the study of computational solutions to the Einstein field equations of general relativity---elliptic equations govern the initial data that seed every simulation of merging black holes and neutron stars. In the quest to produce detailed numerical simulations of these most cataclysmic astrophysical events in our Universe, numerical relativists resort to the vast computing power offered by current and future supercomputers. To leverage these computational resources, numerical codes for the time evolution of general-relativistic initial value problems are being developed with a renewed focus on parallelization and computational efficiency. Their capability to solve elliptic problems for accurate initial data must keep pace with the increasing detail of the simulations, but elliptic problems are traditionally hard to parallelize effectively. In this thesis, I develop new numerical methods to solve elliptic partial differential equations on computing clusters, with a focus on initial data for orbiting black holes and neutron stars. I develop a discontinuous Galerkin scheme for a wide range of elliptic equations, and a stack of task-based parallel algorithms for their iterative solution. The resulting multigrid-Schwarz preconditioned Newton-Krylov elliptic solver proves capable of parallelizing over 200 million degrees of freedom to at least a few thousand cores, and already solves initial data for a black hole binary about ten times faster than the numerical relativity code SpEC. I also demonstrate the applicability of the new elliptic solver across physical disciplines, simulating the thermal noise in thin mirror coatings of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors to unprecedented accuracy. The elliptic solver is implemented in the new open-source SpECTRE numerical relativity code, and set up to support simulations of astrophysical scenarios for the emerging era of gravitational-wave and multimessenger astronomy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2022, author = {M{\"u}ller, Daniela}, title = {Abrupt climate changes and extreme events in two different varved lake sediment records}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55833}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-558331}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVIII, 209}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Different lake systems might reflect different climate elements of climate changes, while the responses of lake systems are also divers, and are not completely understood so far. Therefore, a comparison of lakes in different climate zones, during the high-amplitude and abrupt climate fluctuations of the Last Glacial to Holocene transition provides an exceptional opportunity to investigate distinct natural lake system responses to different abrupt climate changes. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to reconstruct climatic and environmental fluctuations down to (sub-) annual resolution from two different lake systems during the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition (~17 and 11 ka). Lake Gościąż, situated in the temperate central Poland, developed in the Aller{\o}d after recession of the Last Glacial ice sheets. The Dead Sea is located in the Levant (eastern Mediterranean) within a steep gradient from sub-humid to hyper-arid climate, and formed in the mid-Miocene. Despite their differences in sedimentation processes, both lakes form annual laminations (varves), which are crucial for studies of abrupt climate fluctuations. This doctoral thesis was carried out within the DFG project PALEX-II (Paleohydrology and Extreme Floods from the Dead Sea ICDP Core) that investigates extreme hydro-meteorological events in the ICDP core in relation to climate changes, and ICLEA (Virtual Institute of Integrated Climate and Landscape Evolution Analyses) that intends to better the understanding of climate dynamics and landscape evolutions in north-central Europe since the Last Glacial. Further, it contributes to the Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM (Regional Climate Change and Humans) Research Theme 3 "Extreme events across temporal and spatial scales" that investigates extreme events using climate data, paleo-records and model-based simulations. The three main aims were to (1) establish robust chronologies of the lakes, (2) investigate how major and abrupt climate changes affect the lake systems, and (3) to compare the responses of the two varved lakes to these hemispheric-scale climate changes. Robust chronologies are a prerequisite for high-resolved climate and environmental reconstructions, as well as for archive comparisons. Thus, addressing the first aim, the novel chronology of Lake Gościąż was established by microscopic varve counting and Bayesian age-depth modelling in Bacon for a non-varved section, and was corroborated by independent age constrains from 137Cs activity concentration measurements, AMS radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis. The varve chronology reaches from the late Aller{\o}d until AD 2015, revealing more Holocene varves than a previous study of Lake Gościąż suggested. Varve formation throughout the complete Younger Dryas (YD) even allowed the identification of annually- to decadal-resolved leads and lags in proxy responses at the YD transitions. The lateglacial chronology of the Dead Sea (DS) was thus far mainly based on radiocarbon and U/Th-dating. In the unique ICDP core from the deep lake centre, continuous search for cryptotephra has been carried out in lateglacial sediments between two prominent gypsum deposits - the Upper and Additional Gypsum Units (UGU and AGU, respectively). Two cryptotephras were identified with glass analyses that correlate with tephra deposits from the S{\"u}phan and Nemrut volcanoes indicating that the AGU is ~1000 years younger than previously assumed, shifting it into the YD, and the underlying varved interval into the B{\o}lling/Aller{\o}d, contradicting previous assumptions. Using microfacies analyses, stable isotopes and temperature reconstructions, the second aim was achieved at Lake Gościąż. The YD lake system was dynamic, characterized by higher aquatic bioproductivity, more re-suspended material and less anoxia than during the Aller{\o}d and Early Holocene, mainly influenced by stronger water circulation and catchment erosion due to stronger westerly winds and less lake sheltering. Cooling at the YD onset was ~100 years longer than the final warming, while environmental proxies lagged the onset of cooling by ~90 years, but occurred contemporaneously during the termination of the YD. Chironomid-based temperature reconstructions support recent studies indicating mild YD summer temperatures. Such a comparison of annually-resolved proxy responses to both abrupt YD transitions is rare, because most European lake archives do not preserve varves during the YD. To accomplish the second aim at the DS, microfacies analyses were performed between the UGU (~17 ka) and Holocene onset (~11 ka) in shallow- (Masada) and deep-water (ICDP core) environments. This time interval is marked by a huge but fluctuating lake level drop and therefore the complete transition into the Holocene is only recorded in the deep-basin ICDP core. In this thesis, this transition was investigated for the first time continuously and in detail. The final two pronounced lake level drops recorded by deposition of the UGU and AGU, were interrupted by one millennium of relative depositional stability and a positive water budget as recorded by aragonite varve deposition interrupted by only a few event layers. Further, intercalation of aragonite varves between the gypsum beds of the UGU and AGU shows that these generally dry intervals were also marked by decadal- to centennial-long rises in lake level. While continuous aragonite varves indicate decadal-long stable phases, the occurrence of thicker and more frequent event layers suggests general more instability during the gypsum units. These results suggest a pattern of complex and variable hydroclimate at different time scales during the Lateglacial at the DS. The third aim was accomplished based on the individual studies above that jointly provide an integrated picture of different lake responses to different climate elements of hemispheric-scale abrupt climate changes during the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition. In general, climatically-driven facies changes are more dramatic in the DS than at Lake Gościąż. Further, Lake Gościąż is characterized by continuous varve formation nearly throughout the complete profile, whereas the DS record is widely characterized by extreme event layers, hampering the establishment of a continuous varve chronology. The lateglacial sedimentation in Lake Gościąż is mainly influenced by westerly winds and minor by changes in catchment vegetation, whereas the DS is primarily influenced by changes in winter precipitation, which are caused by temperature variations in the Mediterranean. Interestingly, sedimentation in both archives is more stable during the B{\o}lling/Aller{\o}d and more dynamic during the YD, even when sedimentation processes are different. In summary, this doctoral thesis presents seasonally-resolved records from two lake archives during the Lateglacial (ca 17-11 ka) to investigate the impact of abrupt climate changes in different lake systems. New age constrains from the identification of volcanic glass shards in the lateglacial sediments of the DS allowed the first lithology-based interpretation of the YD in the DS record and its comparison to Lake Gościąż. This highlights the importance of the construction of a robust chronology, and provides a first step for synchronization of the DS with other eastern Mediterranean archives. Further, climate reconstructions from the lake sediments showed variability on different time scales in the different archives, i.e. decadal- to millennial fluctuations in the lateglacial DS, and even annual variations and sub-decadal leads and lags in proxy responses during the rapid YD transitions in Lake Gościąż. This showed the importance of a comparison of different lake archives to better understand the regional and local impacts of hemispheric-scale climate variability. An unprecedented example is demonstrated here of how different lake systems show different lake responses and also react to different climate elements of abrupt climate changes. This further highlights the importance of the understanding of the respective lake system for climate reconstructions.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gunold2022, author = {Gunold, Sascha}, title = {Abzug unter Beobachtung}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57197}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-571977}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {391}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Mehr als vier Jahrzehnte lang beobachteten die Streitkr{\"a}fte und Milit{\"a}rnachrichtendienste der NATO-Staaten die sowjetischen Truppen in der DDR. Hierf{\"u}r {\"u}bernahm in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) die milit{\"a}rische Auslandsaufkl{\"a}rung unter Anwendung nachrichtendienstlicher Mittel und Methoden. Die Bundeswehr betrieb dagegen taktische Fernmelde- und elektronische Aufkl{\"a}rung und h{\"o}rte vor allem den Funkverkehr der „Gruppe der sowjetischen Streitkr{\"a}fte in Deutschland" (GSSD) ab. Mit der Aufstellung einer zentralen Dienststelle f{\"u}r das milit{\"a}rische Nachrichtenwesen, dem Amt f{\"u}r Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr, b{\"u}ndelte und erweiterte zugleich das Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Verteidigung in den 1980er Jahren seine analytischen Kapazit{\"a}ten. Das Monopol des BND in der milit{\"a}rischen Auslandsaufkl{\"a}rung wurde von der Bundeswehr dadurch zunehmend infrage gestellt. Nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung am 3. Oktober 1990 befanden sich immer noch mehr als 300.000 sowjetische Soldaten auf deutschem Territorium. Die 1989 in Westgruppe der Truppen (WGT) umbenannte GSSD sollte - so der Zwei-plus-Vier-Vertrag - bis 1994 vollst{\"a}ndig abziehen. Der Vertrag verbot auch den drei Westm{\"a}chten, in den neuen Bundesl{\"a}ndern milit{\"a}risch t{\"a}tig zu sein. Die f{\"u}r die Milit{\"a}raufkl{\"a}rung bis dahin unverzichtbaren Milit{\"a}rverbindungsmissionen der Westm{\"a}chte mussten ihre Dienste einstellen. Doch was geschah mit diesem „alliierten Erbe"? Wer {\"u}bernahm auf deutscher Seite die Aufkl{\"a}rung der sowjetischen Truppen und wer kontrollierte den Truppenabzug?  Die Studie untersucht die Rolle von Bundeswehr und BND beim Abzug der WGT zwischen 1990 und 1994 und fragt dabei nach Kooperation und Konkurrenz zwischen Streitkr{\"a}ften und Nachrichtendiensten. Welche milit{\"a}rischen und nachrichtendienstlichen Mittel und F{\"a}higkeiten stellte die Bundesregierung zur Bew{\"a}ltigung des Truppenabzugs zur Verf{\"u}gung, nachdem die westlichen Milit{\"a}rverbindungsmissionen aufgel{\"o}st wurden? Wie ver{\"a}nderten sich die Anforderungen an die milit{\"a}rische Auslandsaufkl{\"a}rung des BND? Inwieweit setzten sich Konkurrenz und Kooperation von Bundeswehr und BNDbeim Truppenabzug fort? Welche Rolle spielten dabei die einstigen Westm{\"a}chte? Die Arbeit versteht sich nicht nur als Beitrag zur Milit{\"a}rgeschichte, sondern auch zur deutschen Nachrichtendienstgeschichte.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Chen2022, author = {Chen, Hui Ching}, title = {Acquisition of focus - in a cross-linguistic perspective}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55345}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-553458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 130}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir, wie chinesischen Muttersprachler und deutschen Muttersprachler, sowohl die Erwachsenen als auch die Kinder, verschiedene linguistische Mittel, wie z. B. Wortstellungsinformationen, prosodische und lexikalische Mittel im Sprachverst{\"a}ndnis korrekt interpretieren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoll2022, author = {Stoll, Andreas}, title = {Advanced spectroscopic instruments enabled by integrated optics}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {97, XV}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The aim of this work is the study of silica Arrayed Waveguide Gratings (AWGs) in the context of applications in astronomy. The specific focus lies on the investigation of the feasibility and technology limits of customized silica AWG devices for high resolution near-infrared spectroscopy. In a series of theoretical and experimental studies, AWG devices of varying geometry, foot-print and spectral resolution are constructed, simulated using a combination of a numerical beam propagation method and Fraunhofer diffraction and fabricated devices are characterized with respect to transmission efficiency, spectral resolution and polarization sensitivity. The impact of effective index non-uniformities on the performance of high-resolution AWG devices is studied numerically. Characterization results of fabricated devices are used to extrapolate the technology limits of the silica platform. The important issues of waveguide birefringence and defocus aberration are discussed theoretically and addressed experimentally by selection of an appropriate aberration-minimizing anastigmatic AWG layout structure. The drawbacks of the anastigmatic AWG geometry are discussed theoretically. From the results of the experimental studies, it is concluded that fabrication-related phase errors and waveguide birefringence are the primary limiting factors for the growth of AWG spectral resolution. It is shown that, without post-processing, the spectral resolving power is phase-error-limited to R < 40, 000 and, in the case of unpolarized light, birefringence-limited to R < 30, 000 in the AWG devices presented in this work. Necessary measures, such as special waveguide geometries and post-fabrication phase error correction are proposed for future designs. The elimination of defocus aberration using an anastigmatic AWG geometry is successfully demonstrated in experiment. Finally, a novel, non-planar dispersive in-fibre waveguide structure is proposed, discussed and studied theoretically.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{YilmazWoerfel2022, author = {Yilmaz W{\"o}rfel, Seda}, title = {Adverbial Relations in Turkish-German Bilingualism}, series = {Mehrsprachigkeit = Multilingualism}, journal = {Mehrsprachigkeit = Multilingualism}, number = {53}, publisher = {Waxmann}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, isbn = {978-3-8309-4542-0}, issn = {1433-0792}, pages = {265}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Turkish language in diaspora is in process of change due to different language constellations of immigrants and the dominance of majority languages. This led to a great interest in various research areas, particularly in linguistics. Against this background, this study focuses on developmental change in the use of adverbial clause-combining constructions in Turkish-German bilingual students' oral and written text production. It illustrates the use of non-finite constructions and some unique alternative strategies to express adverbial relations with authentic examples in Turkish and German. The findings contribute to a better understanding of how bilingual competencies vary in expressing adverbial relations depending on language contact and extra-linguistic factors.}, language = {en} }