@phdthesis{Aich2015, author = {Aich, Valentin}, title = {Floods in the Niger River Basin in the face of global change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 275}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In the last decade, the number and dimensions of catastrophic flooding events in the Niger River Basin (NRB) have markedly increased. Despite the devastating impact of the floods on the population and the mainly agriculturally based economy of the riverine nations, awareness of the hazards in policy and science is still low. The urgency of this topic and the existing research deficits are the motivation for the present dissertation. The thesis is an initial detailed assessment of the increasing flood risk in the NRB. The research strategy is based on four questions regarding (1) features of the change in flood risk, (2) reasons for the change in the flood regime, (3) expected changes of the flood regime given climate and land use changes, and (4) recommendations from previous analysis for reducing the flood risk in the NRB. The question examining the features of change in the flood regime is answered by means of statistical analysis. Trend, correlation, changepoint, and variance analyses show that, in addition to the factors exposure and vulnerability, the hazard itself has also increased significantly in the NRB, in accordance with the decadal climate pattern of West Africa. The northern arid and semi-arid parts of the NRB are those most affected by the changes. As potential reasons for the increase in flood magnitudes, climate and land use changes are attributed by means of a hypothesis-testing framework. Two different approaches, based on either data analysis or simulation, lead to similar results, showing that the influence of climatic changes is generally larger compared to that of land use changes. Only in the dry areas of the NRB is the influence of land use changes comparable to that of climatic alterations. Future changes of the flood regime are evaluated using modelling results. First ensembles of statistically and dynamically downscaled climate models based on different emission scenarios are analyzed. The models agree with a distinct increase in temperature. The precipitation signal, however, is not coherent. The climate scenarios are used to drive an eco-hydrological model. The influence of climatic changes on the flood regime is uncertain due to the unclear precipitation signal. Still, in general, higher flood peaks are expected. In a next step, effects of land use changes are integrated into the model. Different scenarios show that regreening might help to reduce flood peaks. In contrast, an expansion of agriculture might enhance the flood peaks in the NRB. Similarly to the analysis of observed changes in the flood regime, the impacts of climate- and land use changes for the future scenarios are also most severe in the dry areas of the NRB. In order to answer the final research question, the results of the above analysis are integrated into a range of recommendations for science and policy on how to reduce flood risk in the NRB. The main recommendations include a stronger consideration of the enormous natural climate variability in the NRB and a focus on so called "no-regret" adaptation strategies which account for high uncertainty, as well as a stronger consideration of regional differences. Regarding the prevention and mitigation of catastrophic flooding, the most vulnerable and sensitive areas in the basin, the arid and semi-arid Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian regions, should be prioritized. Eventually, an active, science-based and science-guided flood policy is recommended. The enormous population growth in the NRB in connection with the expected deterioration of environmental and climatic conditions is likely to enhance the region´s vulnerability to flooding. A smart and sustainable flood policy can help mitigate these negative impacts of flooding on the development of riverine societies in West Africa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bittermann2015, author = {Bittermann, Klaus}, title = {Semi-empirical sea-level modelling}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93881}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {v, 88}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Semi-empirical sea-level models (SEMs) exploit physically motivated empirical relationships between global sea level and certain drivers, in the following global mean temperature. This model class evolved as a supplement to process-based models (Rahmstorf (2007)) which were unable to fully represent all relevant processes. They thus failed to capture past sea-level change (Rahmstorf et al. (2012)) and were thought likely to underestimate future sea-level rise. Semi-empirical models were found to be a fast and useful tool for exploring the uncertainties in future sea-level rise, consistently giving significantly higher projections than process-based models. In the following different aspects of semi-empirical sea-level modelling have been studied. Models were first validated using various data sets of global sea level and temperature. SEMs were then used on the glacier contribution to sea level, and to infer past global temperature from sea-level data via inverse modelling. Periods studied encompass the instrumental period, covered by tide gauges (starting 1700 CE (Common Era) in Amsterdam) and satellites (first launched in 1992 CE), the era from 1000 BCE (before CE) to present, and the full length of the Holocene (using proxy data). Accordingly different data, model formulations and implementations have been used. It could be shown in Bittermann et al. (2013) that SEMs correctly predict 20th century sea-level when calibrated with data until 1900 CE. SEMs also turned out to give better predictions than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th assessment report (AR4, IPCC (2007)) models, for the period from 1961-2003 CE. With the first multi-proxy reconstruction of global sea-level as input, estimate of the human-induced component of modern sea-level change and projections of future sea-level rise were calculated (Kopp et al. (2016)). It turned out with 90\% confidence that more than 40 \% of the observed 20th century sea-level rise is indeed anthropogenic. With the new semi-empirical and IPCC (2013) 5th assessment report (AR5) projections the gap between SEM and process-based model projections closes, giving higher credibility to both. Combining all scenarios, from strong mitigation to business as usual, a global sea-level rise of 28-131 cm relative to 2000 CE, is projected with 90\% confidence. The decision for a low carbon pathway could halve the expected global sea-level rise by 2100 CE. Present day temperature and thus sea level are driven by the globally acting greenhouse-gas forcing. Unlike that, the Milankovich forcing, acting on Holocene timescales, results mainly in a northern-hemisphere temperature change. Therefore a semi-empirical model can be driven with northernhemisphere temperatures, which makes it possible to model the main subcomponent of sea-level change over this period. It showed that an additional positive constant rate of the order of the estimated Antarctic sea-level contribution is then required to explain the sea-level evolution over the Holocene. Thus the global sea level, following the climatic optimum, can be interpreted as the sum of a temperature induced sea-level drop and a positive long-term contribution, likely an ongoing response to deglaciation coming from Antarctica.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brugger2021, author = {Brugger, Julia}, title = {Modeling changes in climate during past mass extinctions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53246}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-532468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 217}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The evolution of life on Earth has been driven by disturbances of different types and magnitudes over the 4.6 million years of Earth's history (Raup, 1994, Alroy, 2008). One example for such disturbances are mass extinctions which are characterized by an exceptional increase in the extinction rate affecting a great number of taxa in a short interval of geologic time (Sepkoski, 1986). During the 541 million years of the Phanerozoic, life on Earth suffered five exceptionally severe mass extinctions named the "Big Five Extinctions". Many mass extinctions are linked to changes in climate (Feulner, 2009). Hence, the study of past mass extinctions is not only intriguing, but can also provide insights into the complex nature of the Earth system. This thesis aims at deepening our understanding of the triggers of mass extinctions and how they affected life. To accomplish this, I investigate changes in climate during two of the Big Five extinctions using a coupled climate model. During the Devonian (419.2-358.9 million years ago) the first vascular plants and vertebrates evolved on land while extinction events occurred in the ocean (Algeo et al., 1995). The causes of these formative changes, their interactions and their links to changes in climate are still poorly understood. Therefore, we explore the sensitivity of the Devonian climate to various boundary conditions using an intermediate-complexity climate model (Brugger et al., 2019). In contrast to Le Hir et al. (2011), we find only a minor biogeophysical effect of changes in vegetation cover due to unrealistically high soil albedo values used in the earlier study. In addition, our results cannot support the strong influence of orbital parameters on the Devonian climate, as simulated with a climate model with a strongly simplified ocean model (De Vleeschouwer et al., 2013, 2014, 2017). We can only reproduce the changes in Devonian climate suggested by proxy data by decreasing atmospheric CO2. Still, finding agreement between the evolution of sea surface temperatures reconstructed from proxy data (Joachimski et al., 2009) and our simulations remains challenging and suggests a lower δ18O ratio of Devonian seawater. Furthermore, our study of the sensitivity of the Devonian climate reveals a prevailing mode of climate variability on a timescale of decades to centuries. The quasi-periodic ocean temperature fluctuations are linked to a physical mechanism of changing sea-ice cover, ocean convection and overturning in high northern latitudes. In the second study of this thesis (Dahl et al., under review) a new reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 for the Devonian, which is based on CO2-sensitive carbon isotope fractionation in the earliest vascular plant fossils, suggests a much earlier drop of atmo- spheric CO2 concentration than previously reconstructed, followed by nearly constant CO2 concentrations during the Middle and Late Devonian. Our simulations for the Early Devonian with identical boundary conditions as in our Devonian sensitivity study (Brugger et al., 2019), but with a low atmospheric CO2 concentration of 500 ppm, show no direct conflict with available proxy and paleobotanical data and confirm that under the simulated climatic conditions carbon isotope fractionation represents a robust proxy for atmospheric CO2. To explain the earlier CO2 drop we suggest that early forms of vascular land plants have already strongly influenced weathering. This new perspective on the Devonian questions previous ideas about the climatic conditions and earlier explanations for the Devonian mass extinctions. The second mass extinction investigated in this thesis is the end-Cretaceous mass extinction (66 million years ago) which differs from the Devonian mass extinctions in terms of the processes involved and the timescale on which the extinctions occurred. In the two studies presented here (Brugger et al., 2017, 2021), we model the climatic effects of the Chicxulub impact, one of the proposed causes of the end-Cretaceous extinction, for the first millennium after the impact. The light-dimming effect of stratospheric sulfate aerosols causes severe cooling, with a decrease of global annual mean surface air temperature of at least 26◦C and a recovery to pre-impact temperatures after more than 30 years. The sudden surface cooling of the ocean induces deep convection which brings nutrients from the deep ocean via upwelling to the surface ocean. Using an ocean biogeochemistry model we explore the combined effect of ocean mixing and iron-rich dust originating from the impactor on the marine biosphere. As soon as light levels have recovered, we find a short, but prominent peak in marine net primary productivity. This newly discovered mechanism could result in toxic effects for marine near-surface ecosystems. Comparison of our model results to proxy data (Vellekoop et al., 2014, 2016, Hull et al., 2020) suggests that carbon release from the terrestrial biosphere is required in addition to the carbon dioxide which can be attributed to the target material. Surface ocean acidification caused by the addition of carbon dioxide and sulfur is only moderate. Taken together, the results indicate a significant contribution of the Chicxulub impact to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction by triggering multiple stressors for the Earth system. Although the sixth extinction we face today is characterized by human intervention in nature, this thesis shows that we can gain many insights into future extinctions from studying past mass extinctions, such as the importance of the rate of change (Rothman, 2017), the interplay of multiple stressors (Gunderson et al., 2016), and changes in the carbon cycle (Rothman, 2017, Tierney et al., 2020).}, language = {en} } @article{BuergerPfisterBronstert2021, author = {B{\"u}rger, Gerd and Pfister, Angela and Bronstert, Axel}, title = {Zunehmende Starkregenintensit{\"a}ten als Folge der Klimaerw{\"a}rmung}, series = {Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung : HyWa = Hydrology and water resources management, Germany / Hrsg.: Fachverwaltungen des Bundes und der L{\"a}nder}, volume = {65}, journal = {Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung : HyWa = Hydrology and water resources management, Germany / Hrsg.: Fachverwaltungen des Bundes und der L{\"a}nder}, number = {6}, publisher = {Bundesanst. f{\"u}r Gew{\"a}sserkunde}, address = {Koblenz}, issn = {1439-1783}, doi = {10.5675/HyWa_2021.6_1}, pages = {262 -- 271}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Extreme rainfall events of short duration in the range of hours and below are increasingly coming into focus due to the resulting damage from flash floods and also due to their possible intensification by anthropogenic climate change. The current study investigates possible trends in heavy rainfall intensities for stations from Swiss and Austrian alpine regions as well as for the Emscher-Lippe area in North Rhine-Westphalia on the basis of partly very long (> 50 years) and temporally highly resolved time series (<= 15 minutes). It becomes clear that there is an increase in extreme rainfall intensities, which can be well explained by the warming of the regional climate: the analyses of long-term trends in exceedance counts and return levels show considerable uncertainties, but are in the order of 30 \% increase per century. In addition, based on an "average" climate simulation for the 21st century, this paper describes a projection for extreme precipitation intensities at very high temporal resolution for a number of stations in the Emscher-Lippe region. A coupled spatial and temporal "downscaling" is applied, the key innovation of which is the consideration of the dependence of local rainfall intensity on air temperature. This procedure involves two steps: First, large-scale climate fields at daily resolution are statistically linked by regression to station temperature and precipitation values (spatial downscaling). In the second step, these station values are disaggregated to a temporal resolution of 10 minutes using a so-called multiplicative stochastic cascade model (MC) (temporal downscaling). The novel, temperature-sensitive variant additionally considers air temperature as an explanatory variable for precipitation intensities. Thus, the higher atmospheric moisture content expected with warming, which results from the Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) relationship, is included in the temporal downscaling.
For the statistical evaluation of the extreme short-term precipitation, the upper quantiles (99.9 \%), exceedance counts (P > 5mm), and 3-yr return levels of the <= 15-min duration step has been used. Only by adding temperature is the observed temperature observed of the extreme quantiles ("CC scaling") well reproduced. When comparing observed data and present-day simulations of the model cascade, the temperature-sensitive procedure shows consistent results. Compared to trends in recent decades, similar or even larger increases in extreme intensities are projected for the future. This is remarkable in that these appear to be driven primarily by local temperature, as the projected trends in daily precipitation values are negligible for this region.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{CamposdeAndrade2023, author = {Campos de Andrade, Andr{\´e} Luiz}, title = {Governing climate change in Brazil}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58733}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587336}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxvii, 272}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Enacted in 2009, the National Policy on Climate Change (PNMC) is a milestone in the institutionalisation of climate action in Brazil. It sets greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets and a set of principles and directives that are intended to lay the foundations for a cross-sectoral and multilevel climate policy in the country. However, after more than a decade since its establishment, the PNMC has experienced several obstacles related to its governance, such as coordination, planning and implementation issues. All of these issues pose threats to the effectiveness of GHG mitigation actions in the country. By looking at the intragovernmental and intergovernmental relationships that have taken place during the lifetime of the PNMC and its sectoral plans on agriculture (the Sectoral Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for the Consolidation of a Low-Carbon Economy in Agriculture [ABC Plan]), transport and urban mobility (the Sectoral Plan for Transportation and Urban Mobility for Mitigation and Adaption of Climate Change [PSTM]), this exploratory qualitative research investigates the Brazilian climate change governance guided by the following relevant questions: how are climate policy arrangements organised and coordinated among governmental actors to mitigate GHG emissions in Brazil? What might be the reasons behind how such arrangements are established? What are the predominant governance gaps of the different GHG mitigation actions examined? Why do these governance gaps occur? Theoretically grounded in the literature on multilevel governance and coordination of public policies, this study employs a novel analytical framework that aims to identify and discuss the occurrence of four types of governance gaps (i.e. politics, institutions and processes, resources and information) in the three GHG mitigation actions (cases) examined (i.e. the PNMC, ABC Plan and PSTM). The research results are twofold. First, they reveal that Brazil has struggled to organise and coordinate governmental actors from different policy constituencies and different levels of government in the implementation of the GHG mitigation actions examined. Moreover, climate policymaking has mostly been influenced by the Ministry of Environment (MMA) overlooking the multilevel and cross-sectoral approaches required for a country's climate policy to mitigate and adapt to climate change, especially if it is considered an economy-wide Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), as the Brazilian one is. Second, the study identifies a greater manifestation of gaps in politics (e.g. lack of political will in supporting climate action), institutions and processes (e.g. failures in the design of institutions and policy instruments, coordination and monitoring flaws, and difficulties in building climate federalism) in all cases studied. It also identifies that there have been important advances in the production of data and information for decision-making and, to a lesser extent, in the allocation of technical and financial resources in the cases studied; however, it is necessary to highlight the limitation of these improvements due to turf wars, a low willingness to share information among federal government players, a reduced volume of financial resources and an unequal distribution of capacities among the federal ministries and among the three levels of government. A relevant finding is that these gaps tend to be explained by a combination of general and sectoral set aspects. Regarding the general aspects, which are common to all cases examined, the following can be mentioned: i) unbalanced policy capabilities existing among the different levels of government, ii) a limited (bureaucratic) practice to produce a positive coordination mode within cross-sectoral policies, iii) the socioeconomic inequalities that affect the way different governments and economic sectors perceive the climate issue (selective perception) and iv) the reduced dialogue between national and subnational governments on the climate agenda (poor climate federalism). The following sectoral aspects can be mentioned: i) the presence of path dependencies that make the adoption of transformative actions harder and ii) the absence of perceived co-benefits that the climate agenda can bring to each economic sector (e.g. reputational gains, climate protection and access to climate financial markets). By addressing the theoretical and practical implications of the results, this research provides key insights to tackle the governance gaps identified and to help Brazil pave the way to achieving its NDCs and net-zero targets. At the theoretical level, this research and the current country's GHG emissions profile suggest that the Brazilian climate policy is embedded in a cross-sectoral and multilevel arena, which requires the effective involvement of different levels of political and bureaucratic powers and the consideration of the country's socioeconomic differences. Thus, the research argues that future improvements of the Brazilian climate policy and its governance setting must frame climate policy as an economic development agenda, the ramifications of which go beyond the environmental sector. An initial consequence of this new perspective may be a shift in the political and technical leadership from the MMA to the institutions of the centre of government (Executive Office of the President of Brazil) and those in charge of the country's economic policy (Ministry of Economy). This change could provide greater capacity for coordination, integration and enforcement as well as for addressing certain expected gaps (e.g. financial and technical resources). It could also lead to greater political prioritisation of the agenda at the highest levels of government. Moreover, this shift of the institutional locus could contribute to greater harmonisation between domestic development priorities and international climate politics. Finally, the research also suggests that this approach would reduce bureaucratic elitism currently in place due to climate policy being managed by Brazilian governmental institutions, which is still a theme of a few ministries and a reason for the occurrence of turf wars.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Courtin2023, author = {Courtin, J{\´e}r{\´e}my}, title = {Biodiversity changes in Siberia between quaternary glacial and interglacial stages}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59584}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-595847}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 199}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der vom Menschen verursachte Klimawandel wirkt sich auf die biologische Vielfalt der Erde und damit auf die {\"O}kosysteme und ihre Leistungen aus. Die {\"O}kosysteme in den hohen Breitengraden sind aufgrund der verst{\"a}rkten Erw{\"a}rmung an den Polen noch st{\"a}rker betroffen als der Rest der n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re. Dennoch ist es schwierig, die Dynamik von {\"O}kosystemen in den hohen Breitengraden vorherzusagen, da die Wechselwirkungen zwischen abiotischen und biotischen Komponenten sehr komplex sind. Da die Vergangenheit der Schl{\"u}ssel zur Zukunft ist, ist die Interpretation vergangener {\"o}kologischer Ver{\"a}nderungen m{\"o}glich, um laufende Prozesse besser zu verstehen. Im Quart{\"a}r durchlief das Pleistoz{\"a}n mehrere glaziale und interglaziale Phasen, welche die {\"O}kosysteme der Vergangenheit beeinflussten. W{\"a}hrend des letzten Glazials bedeckte die pleistoz{\"a}ne Steppentundra den gr{\"o}ßten Teil der unvergletscherten n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re und verschwand parallel zum Aussterben der Megafauna am {\"U}bergang zum Holoz{\"a}n (vor etwa 11 700 Jahren). Der Ursprung des R{\"u}ckgangs der Steppentundra ist nicht gut erforscht, und die Kenntnis {\"u}ber die Mechanismen, die zu den Ver{\"a}nderungen in den vergangenen Lebensgemeinschaften und {\"O}kosystemen gef{\"u}hrt haben, ist von hoher Priorit{\"a}t, da sie wahrscheinlich mit denen vergleichbar sind, die sich auf moderne {\"O}kosysteme auswirken. Durch die Entnahme von See- oder Permafrostkernsedimenten kann die vergangene Artenvielfalt an den {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen Eis- und Zwischeneiszeiten untersucht werden. Sibirien und Beringia waren der Ursprung der Ausbreitung der Steppentundra, weshalb die Untersuchung dieses Gebiets hohe Priorit{\"a}t hat. Bis vor kurzem waren Makrofossilien und Pollen die g{\"a}ngigsten Methoden. Sie dienen der Rekonstruktion vergangener Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Bev{\"o}lkerung, haben aber ihre Grenzen und Schw{\"a}chen. Seit Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts kann auch sediment{\"a}re alte DNA (sedaDNA) untersucht werden. Mein Hauptziel war es, durch den Einsatz von sedaDNA-Ans{\"a}tzen wissenschaftliche Beweise f{\"u}r Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Vielfalt der {\"O}kosysteme der n{\"o}rdlichen Hemisph{\"a}re am {\"U}bergang zwischen den quart{\"a}ren Eiszeiten und Zwischeneiszeiten zu liefern. In dieser Arbeit liefere ich Momentaufnahmen ganzer alter {\"O}kosysteme und beschreibe die Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Zusammensetzung zwischen Quart{\"a}rglazialen und Interglazialen und best{\"a}tige die Vegetationszusammensetzung sowie die r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Grenzen der pleistoz{\"a}nen Steppentundra. Ich stelle einen allgemeinen Verlust der Pflanzenvielfalt fest, wobei das Aussterben der Pflanzen parallel zum Aussterben der Megafauna verlief. Ich zeige auf, wie der Verlust der biotischen Widerstandsf{\"a}higkeit zum Zusammenbruch eines zuvor gut etablierten Systems f{\"u}hrte, und diskutiere meine Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf den laufenden Klimawandel. Mit weiteren Arbeiten zur Eingrenzung von Verzerrungen und Grenzen kann sedaDNA parallel zu den etablierteren Makrofossilien- und Pollenans{\"a}tzen verwendet werden oder diese sogar ersetzen, da meine Ergebnisse die Robustheit und das Potenzial von sedaDNA zur Beantwortung neuer pal{\"a}o{\"o}kologischer Fragen wie Ver{\"a}nderungen der Pflanzenvielfalt und -verluste belegen und Momentaufnahmen ganzer alter Biota liefern.}, language = {en} } @article{EdenhoferKalkuhlOckenfels2020, author = {Edenhofer, Ottmar and Kalkuhl, Matthias and Ockenfels, Axel}, title = {Das Klimaschutzprogramm der Bundesregierung}, series = {Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik}, volume = {21}, journal = {Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1465-6493}, doi = {10.1515/pwp-2020-0001}, pages = {4 -- 18}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Das Klimaschutzgesetz hat einen Paradigmenwechsel eingeleitet: den Einstieg in eine CO2-Bepreisung als k{\"u}nftiges Leitinstrument der Klimapolitik. Auf den ersten Blick ist der CO2-Preis unter einer F{\"u}lle von F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen und ordnungsrechtlichen Regelungen versch{\"u}ttet, deren Wirksamkeit und Kosten h{\"o}chst unsicher sind. Der CO2-Preis ist aber so angelegt, dass er langfristig das dominante Instrument einer europ{\"a}isch harmonisierten Klimapolitik werden kann. Der angedeutete Paradigmenwechsel der deutschen Klimapolitik {\"o}ffnet damit die T{\"u}r, die europ{\"a}ische und internationale Kooperation zu st{\"a}rken. Dazu ist es aber notwendig, neben der europ{\"a}ischen auch die globale Klimapolitik neu auszurichten. Auch dort sollten sich die Verhandlungen statt auf nationale Mengenziele auf CO2-Preise konzentrieren. Die erforderliche Kooperation wird m{\"o}glich, wenn die Regierungen Transferzahlungen strategisch und reziprok nutzen. So k{\"o}nnte die Effektivit{\"a}t der Klimapolitik erh{\"o}ht werden und es ließen sich die entstehenden Verteilungskonflikte entsch{\"a}rfen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{FernandezPalomino2024, author = {Fernandez Palomino, Carlos Antonio}, title = {Understanding hydrological dynamics in the tropical Andes of Peru and Ecuador and their responses to climate change}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-65653}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-656534}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {160}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Human-induced climate change is impacting the global water cycle by, e.g., causing changes in precipitation patterns, evapotranspiration dynamics, cryosphere shrinkage, and complex streamflow trends. These changes, coupled with the increased frequency and severity of extreme hydrometeorological events like floods, droughts, and heatwaves, contribute to hydroclimatic disasters, posing significant implications for local and global infrastructure, human health, and overall productivity. In the tropical Andes, climate change is evident through warming trends, glacier retreats, and shifts in precipitation patterns, leading to altered risks of floods and droughts, e.g., in the upper Amazon River basin. Projections for the region indicate rising temperatures, potential glacier disappearance or substantial shrinkage, and altered streamflow patterns, highlighting challenges in water availability due to these expected changes and growing human water demand. The evolving trends in hydroclimatic conditions in the tropical Andes present significant challenges to socioeconomic and environmental systems, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding to guide effective adaptation policies and strategies in response to the impacts of climate change in the region. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate current hydrological dynamics in the tropical Andes of Peru and Ecuador and their responses to climate change. Given the scarcity of hydrometeorological data in the region, this objective was accomplished through a comprehensive data preparation and analysis in combination with hydrological modeling using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) eco-hydrological model. In this context, the initial steps involved assessing, identifying, and/or generating more reliable climate input data to address data limitations. The thesis introduces RAIN4PE, a high-resolution precipitation dataset for Peru and Ecuador, developed by merging satellite, reanalysis, and ground-based data with surface elevation through the random forest method. Further adjustments of precipitation estimates were made for catchments influenced by fog/cloud water input on the eastern side of the Andes using streamflow data and applying the method of reverse hydrology. RAIN4PE surpasses other global and local precipitation datasets, showcasing superior reliability and accuracy in representing precipitation patterns and simulating hydrological processes across the tropical Andes. This establishes it as the optimal precipitation product for hydrometeorological applications in the region. Due to the significant biases and limitations of global climate models (GCMs) in representing key atmospheric variables over the tropical Andes, this study developed regionally adapted GCM simulations specifically tailored for Peru and Ecuador. These simulations are known as the BASD-CMIP6-PE dataset, and they were derived using reliable, high-resolution datasets like RAIN4PE as reference data. The BASD-CMIP6-PE dataset shows notable improvements over raw GCM simulations, reflecting enhanced representations of observed climate properties and accurate simulation of streamflow, including high and low flow indices. This renders it suitable for assessing regional climate change impacts on agriculture, water resources, and hydrological extremes. In addition to generating more accurate climatic input data, a reliable hydrological model is essential for simulating watershed hydrological processes. To tackle this challenge, the thesis presents an innovative multiobjective calibration framework integrating remote sensing vegetation data, baseflow index, discharge goodness-of-fit metrics, and flow duration curve signatures. In contrast to traditional calibration strategies relying solely on discharge goodness-of-fit metrics, this approach enhances the simulation of vegetation, streamflow, and the partitioning of flow into surface runoff and baseflow in a typical Andean catchment. The refined hydrological model calibration strategy was applied to conduct reliable simulations and understand current and future hydrological trajectories in the tropical Andes. By establishing a region-suitable and thoroughly tested hydrological model with high-resolution and reliable precipitation input data from RAIN4PE, this study provides new insights into the spatiotemporal distribution of water balance components in Peru and transboundary catchments. Key findings underscore the estimation of Peru's total renewable freshwater resource (total river runoff of 62,399 m3/s), with the Peruvian Amazon basin contributing 97.7\%. Within this basin, the Amazon-Andes transition region emerges as a pivotal hotspot for water yield (precipitation minus evapotranspiration), characterized by abundant rainfall and lower atmospheric water demand/evapotranspiration. This finding underlines its paramount role in influencing the hydrological variability of the entire Amazon basin. Subsurface hydrological pathways, particularly baseflow from aquifers, strongly influence water yield in lowland and Andean catchments, sustaining streamflow, especially during the extended dry season. Water yield demonstrates an elevation- and latitude-dependent increase in the Pacific Basin (catchments draining into the Pacific Ocean), while it follows an unimodal curve in the Peruvian Amazon Basin, peaking in the Amazon-Andes transition region. This observation indicates an intricate relationship between water yield and elevation. In Amazon lowlands rivers, particularly in the Ucayali River, floodplains play a significant role in shaping streamflow seasonality by attenuating and delaying peak flows for up to two months during periods of high discharge. This observation underscores the critical importance of incorporating floodplain dynamics into hydrological simulations and river management strategies for accurate modeling and effective water resource management. Hydrological responses vary across different land use types in high Andean catchments. Pasture areas exhibit the highest water yield, while agricultural areas and mountain forests show lower yields, emphasizing the importance of puna (high-altitude) ecosystems, such as pastures, p{\´a}ramos, and bofedales, in regulating natural storage. Projected future hydrological trajectories were analyzed by driving the hydrological model with regionalized GCM simulations provided by the BASD-CMIP6-PE dataset. The analysis considered sustainable (low warming, SSP1-2.6) and fossil fuel-based development (high-end warming, SSP5-8.5) scenarios for the mid (2035-2065) and end (2065-2095) of the century. The projected changes in water yield and streamflow across the tropical Andes exhibit distinct regional and seasonal variations, particularly amplified under a high-end warming scenario towards the end of the century. Projections suggest year-round increases in water yield and streamflow in the Andean regions and decreases in the Amazon lowlands, with exceptions such as the northern Amazon expecting increases during wet seasons. Despite these regional differences, the upper Amazon River's streamflow is projected to remain relatively stable throughout the 21st century. Additionally, projections anticipate a decrease in low flows in the Amazon lowlands and an increased risk of high flows (floods) in the Andean and northern Amazon catchments. This thesis significantly contributes to enhancing climatic data generation, overcoming regional limitations that previously impeded hydrometeorological research, and creating new opportunities. It plays a crucial role in advancing hydrological model calibration, improving the representation of internal hydrological processes, and achieving accurate results for the right reasons. Novel insights into current hydrological dynamics in the tropical Andes are fundamental for improving water resource management. The anticipated intensified changes in water flows and hydrological extreme patterns under a high-end warming scenario highlight the urgency of implementing emissions mitigation and adaptation measures to address the heightened impacts on water resources. In fact, the new datasets (RAIN4PE and BASD-CMIP6-PE) have already been utilized by researchers and experts in regional and local-scale projects and catchments in Peru and Ecuador. For instance, they have been applied in river catchments such as Mantaro, Piura, and San Pedro to analyze local historical and future developments in climate and water resources.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fuessel2003, author = {F{\"u}ssel, Hans-Martin}, title = {Impacts analysis for inverse integrated assessments of climate change}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0001089}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung des Klimawirkungsmoduls des ICLIPS-Modells, eines integrierten Modells des Klimawandels ('Integrated Assessment'-Modell). Vorangestellt ist eine Diskussion des gesellschaftspolitischen Kontexts, in dem modellbasiertes 'Integrated Assessment' stattfindet, aus der wichtige Anforderungen an die Spezifikation des Klimawirkungsmoduls abgeleitet werden. Das 'Integrated Assessment' des Klimawandels umfasst eine weiten Bereich von Aktivit{\"a}ten zur wissenschaftsbasierten Unterst{\"u}tzung klimapolitischer Entscheidungen. Hierbei wird eine Vielzahl von Ans{\"a}tzen verfolgt, um politikrelevante Informationen {\"u}ber die erwarteten Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Wichtige Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich sind die große Bandbreite der relevanten r{\"a}umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen, die multifaktorielle Verursachung vieler 'Klimafolgen', erhebliche wissenschaftliche Unsicherheiten sowie die Mehrdeutigkeit unvermeidlicher Werturteile. Die Entwicklung eines hierarchischen Konzeptmodells erlaubt die Strukturierung der verschiedenen Ans{\"a}tze sowie die Darstellung eines mehrstufigen Entwicklungsprozesses, der sich in der Praxis und der zu Grunde liegenden Theorie von Studien zur Vulnerabilit{\"a}t hinsichtlich des Klimawandels wiederspiegelt. 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle des Klimawandels sind wissenschaftliche Werkzeuge, welche eine vereinfachte Beschreibung des gekoppelten Mensch-Klima-Systems enthalten. Die wichtigsten entscheidungstheoretischen Ans{\"a}tze im Bereich des modellbasierten 'Integrated Assessment' werden im Hinblick auf ihre F{\"a}higkeit zur ad{\"a}quaten Darstellung klimapolitischer Entscheidungsprobleme bewertet. Dabei stellt der 'Leitplankenansatz' eine 'inverse' Herangehensweise zur Unterst{\"u}tzung klimapolitischer Entscheidungen dar, bei der versucht wird, die Gesamtheit der klimapolitischen Strategien zu bestimmen, die mit einer Reihe von zuvor normativ bestimmten Mindestkriterien (den sogenannten 'Leitplanken') vertr{\"a}glich sind. Dieser Ansatz verbindet bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftliche Strenge und Objektivit{\"a}t simulationsbasierter Ans{\"a}tze mit der F{\"a}higkeit von Optimierungsans{\"a}tzen, die Gesamtheit aller Entscheidungsoptionen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Das ICLIPS-Modell ist das erste 'Integrated Assessment'-Modell des Klimawandels, welches den Leitplankenansatz implementiert. Die Darstellung von Klimafolgen ist eine wichtige Herausforderung f{\"u}r 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle des Klimawandels. Eine Betrachtung bestehender 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle offenbart große Unterschiede in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung verschiedener vom Klimawandel betroffenen Sektoren, in der Wahl des bzw. der Indikatoren zur Darstellung von Klimafolgen, in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung nicht-klimatischer Entwicklungen einschließlich gezielter Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Klimawandel, in der Behandlung von Unsicherheiten und in der Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von 'singul{\"a}ren' Ereignissen. 'Integrated Assessment'-Modelle, die auf einem Inversansatz beruhen, stellen besondere Anforderungen an die Darstellung von Klimafolgen. Einerseits muss der Detaillierungsgrad hinreichend sein, um Leitplanken f{\"u}r Klimafolgen sinnvoll definieren zu k{\"o}nnen; andererseits muss die Darstellung effizient genug sein, um die Gesamtheit der m{\"o}glichen klimapolitischen Strategien erkunden zu k{\"o}nnen. Großr{\"a}umige Singularit{\"a}ten k{\"o}nnen h{\"a}ufig durch vereinfachte dynamische Modelle abgebildet werden. Diese Methode ist jedoch weniger geeignet f{\"u}r regul{\"a}re Klimafolgen, bei denen die Bestimmung relevanter Ergebnisse in der Regel die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Heterogenit{\"a}t von klimatischen, naturr{\"a}umlichen und sozialen Faktoren auf der lokalen oder regionalen Ebene erfordert. Klimawirkungsfunktionen stellen sich als die geeignetste Darstellung regul{\"a}rer Klimafolgen im ICLIPS-Modell heraus. Eine Klimawirkungsfunktion beschreibt in aggregierter Form die Reaktion eines klimasensitiven Systems, wie sie von einem geographisch expliziten Klimawirkungsmodell f{\"u}r eine repr{\"a}sentative Teilmenge m{\"o}glicher zuk{\"u}nftiger Entwicklungen simuliert wurde. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Klimawirkungsfunktionen nutzen die globale Mitteltemperatur sowie die atmosph{\"a}rische CO2-Konzentration als Pr{\"a}diktoren f{\"u}r global und regional aggregierte Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf nat{\"u}rliche {\"O}kosysteme, die landwirtschaftliche Produktion und die Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit. Die Anwendung einer 'Musterskalierungstechnik' erm{\"o}glicht hierbei die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der regionalen und saisonalen Muster des Klima{\"a}nderungssignals aus allgemeinen Zirkulationsmodellen, ohne die Effizienz der dynamischen Modellkomponenten zu beeintr{\"a}chtigen. Bem{\"u}hungen zur quantitativen Absch{\"a}tzung zuk{\"u}nftiger Klimafolgen sehen sich bei der Wahl geeigneter Indikatoren in der Regel einem Zielkonflikt zwischen der Relevanz eines Indikators f{\"u}r Entscheidungstr{\"a}ger und der Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeit, mit der dieser bestimmt werden kann, gegen{\"u}ber. Eine Reihe von nichtmonet{\"a}ren Indikatoren zur aggregierten Darstellung von Klimafolgen in Klimawirkungsfunktionen wird pr{\"a}sentiert, welche eine Balance zwischen diesen beiden Zielen anstreben und gleichzeitig die Beschr{\"a}nkungen ber{\"u}cksichtigen, die sich aus anderen Komponenten des ICLIPS-Modells ergeben. Klimawirkungsfunktionen werden durch verschiedene Typen von Diagrammen visualisiert, welche jeweils unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf die Ergebnismenge der Klimawirkungssimulationen erlauben. Die schiere Anzahl von Klimawirkungsfunktionen verhindert ihre umfassende Darstellung in dieser Arbeit. Ausgew{\"a}hlte Ergebnisse zu Ver{\"a}nderungen in der r{\"a}umlichen Ausdehnung von Biomen, im landwirtschaftlichen Potential verschiedener L{\"a}nder und in der Wasserverf{\"u}gbarkeit in mehreren großen Einzugsgebieten werden diskutiert. Die Gesamtheit der Klimawirkungsfunktionen wird zug{\"a}nglich gemacht durch das 'ICLIPS Impacts Tool', eine graphische Benutzeroberfl{\"a}che, die einen bequemen Zugriff auf {\"u}ber 100.000 Klimawirkungsdiagramme erm{\"o}glicht. Die technischen Aspekte der Software sowie die zugeh{\"o}rige Datenbasis wird beschrieben. Die wichtigste Anwendung von Klimawirkungsfunktionen ist im 'Inversmodus', wo sie genutzt werden, um Leitplanken zur Begrenzung von Klimafolgen in gleichzeitige Randbedingungen f{\"u}r Variablen aus dem optimierenden ICLIPS-Klima-Weltwirtschafts-Modell zu {\"u}bersetzen. Diese {\"U}bersetzung wird erm{\"o}glicht durch Algorithmen zur Bestimmung von Mengen erreichbarer Klimazust{\"a}nde ('reachable climate domains') sowie zur parametrisierten Approximation zul{\"a}ssiger Klimafenster ('admissible climate windows'), die aus Klimawirkungsfunktionen abgeleitet werden. Der umfassende Bestand an Klimawirkungsfunktionen zusammen mit diesen Algorithmen erm{\"o}glicht es dem integrierten ICLIPS-Modell, in flexibler Weise diejenigen klimapolitischen Strategien zu bestimmen, welche bestimmte in biophysikalischen Einheiten ausgedr{\"u}ckte Begrenzungen von Klimafolgen explizit ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Diese M{\"o}glichkeit bietet kein anderes intertemporal optimierendes 'Integrated Assessment'-Modell. Eine Leitplankenanalyse mit dem integrierten ICLIPS-Modell unter Anwendung ausgew{\"a}hlter Klimawirkungsfunktionen f{\"u}r Ver{\"a}nderungen nat{\"u}rlicher {\"O}kosysteme wird beschrieben. In dieser Analyse werden so genannte 'notwendige Emissionskorridore' berechnet, die vorgegebene Beschr{\"a}nkungen hinsichtlich der maximal zul{\"a}ssigen globalen Vegetationsver{\"a}nderungen und der regionalen Klimaschutzkosten ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Dies geschieht sowohl f{\"u}r eine 'Standardkombination' der drei gew{\"a}hlten Kriterien als auch f{\"u}r deren systematische Variation. Eine abschließende Diskussion aktueller Entwicklungen in der 'Integrated Assessment'-Modellierung stellt diese Arbeit mit anderen einschl{\"a}gigen Bem{\"u}hungen in Beziehung.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GrimmSeyfarth2017, author = {Grimm-Seyfarth, Annegret}, title = {Effects of climate change on a reptile community in arid Australia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412655}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 184}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Dies ist eine kumulative Dissertation, die drei Originalstudien umfasst (eine publiziert, eine in Revision, eine eingereicht; Stand Dezember 2017). Sie untersucht, wie Reptilienarten im ariden Australien auf verschiedene klimatische Parameter verschiedener r{\"a}umlicher Skalen reagieren und analysiert dabei zwei m{\"o}gliche zugrunde liegende Hauptmechanismen: Thermoregulatorisches Verhalten und zwischenartliche Wechselwirkungen. In dieser Dissertation wurden umfassende, individuenbasierte Felddaten verschiedener trophischer Ebenen kombiniert mit ausgew{\"a}hlten Feldexperimenten, statistischen Analysen, und Vorhersagemodellen. Die hier erkannten Mechanismen und Prozesse k{\"o}nnen nun genutzt werden, um m{\"o}gliche Ver{\"a}nderungen der ariden Reptiliengesellschaft in der Zukunft vorherzusagen. Dieses Wissen wird dazu beitragen, dass unser Grundverst{\"a}ndnis {\"u}ber die Konsequenzen des globalen Wandels verbessert und Biodiversit{\"a}tsverlust in diesem anf{\"a}lligen {\"O}kosystem verhindert wird.}, language = {en} }