@misc{SharmaDangSinghetal.2018, author = {Sharma, Niharika and Dang, Trang Minh and Singh, Namrata and Ruzicic, Slobodan and M{\"u}ller-R{\"o}ber, Bernd and Baumann, Ute and Heuer, Sigrid}, title = {Allelic variants of OsSUB1A cause differential expression of transcription factor genes in response to submergence in rice}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {619}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42350}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-423508}, pages = {19}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Flooding during seasonal monsoons affects millions of hectares of rice-cultivated areas across Asia. Submerged rice plants die within a week due to lack of oxygen, light and excessive elongation growth to escape the water. Submergence tolerance was first reported in an aus-type rice landrace, FR13A, and the ethylene-responsive transcription factor (TF) gene SUB1A-1 was identified as the major tolerance gene. Intolerant rice varieties generally lack the SUB1A gene but some intermediate tolerant varieties, such as IR64, carry the allelic variant SUB1A-2. Differential effects of the two alleles have so far not been addressed. As a first step, we have therefore quantified and compared the expression of nearly 2500 rice TF genes between IR64 and its derived tolerant near isogenic line IR64-Sub1, which carries the SUB1A-1 allele. Gene expression was studied in internodes, where the main difference in expression between the two alleles was previously shown. Results: Nineteen and twenty-six TF genes were identified that responded to submergence in IR64 and IR64-Sub1, respectively. Only one gene was found to be submergence-responsive in both, suggesting different regulatory pathways under submergence in the two genotypes. These differentially expressed genes (DEGs) mainly included MYB, NAC, TIFY and Zn-finger TFs, and most genes were downregulated upon submergence. In IR64, but not in IR64-Sub1, SUB1B and SUB1C, which are also present in the Sub1 locus, were identified as submergence responsive. Four TFs were not submergence responsive but exhibited constitutive, genotype-specific differential expression. Most of the identified submergence responsive DEGs are associated with regulatory hormonal pathways, i.e. gibberellins (GA), abscisic acid (ABA), and jasmonic acid (JA), apart from ethylene. An in-silico promoter analysis of the two genotypes revealed the presence of allele-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms, giving rise to ABRE, DRE/CRT, CARE and Site II cis-elements, which can partly explain the observed differential TF gene expression. Conclusion: This study identified new gene targets with the potential to further enhance submergence tolerance in rice and provides insights into novel aspects of SUB1A-mediated tolerance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bortfeld2013, author = {Bortfeld, Silvia}, title = {Analysis of Medicago truncatula transcription factors involved in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70664}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {For the first time the transcriptional reprogramming of distinct root cortex cells during the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis was investigated by combining Laser Capture Mirodissection and Affymetrix GeneChip® Medicago genome array hybridization. The establishment of cryosections facilitated the isolation of high quality RNA in sufficient amounts from three different cortical cell types. The transcript profiles of arbuscule-containing cells (arb cells), non-arbuscule-containing cells (nac cells) of Rhizophagus irregularis inoculated Medicago truncatula roots and cortex cells of non-inoculated roots (cor) were successfully explored. The data gave new insights in the symbiosis-related cellular reorganization processes and indicated that already nac cells seem to be prepared for the upcoming fungal colonization. The mycorrhizal- and phosphate-dependent transcription of a GRAS TF family member (MtGras8) was detected in arb cells and mycorrhizal roots. MtGRAS shares a high sequence similarity to a GRAS TF suggested to be involved in the fungal colonization processes (MtRAM1). The function of MtGras8 was unraveled upon RNA interference- (RNAi-) mediated gene silencing. An AM symbiosis-dependent expression of a RNAi construct (MtPt4pro::gras8-RNAi) revealed a successful gene silencing of MtGras8 leading to a reduced arbuscule abundance and a higher proportion of deformed arbuscules in root with reduced transcript levels. Accordingly, MtGras8 might control the arbuscule development and life-time. The targeting of MtGras8 by the phosphate-dependent regulated miRNA5204* was discovered previously (Devers et al., 2011). Since miRNA5204* is known to be affected by phosphate, the posttranscriptional regulation might represent a link between phosphate signaling and arbuscule development. In this work, the posttranscriptional regulation was confirmed by mis-expression of miRNA5204* in M. truncatula roots. The miRNA-mediated gene silencing affects the MtGras8 transcript abundance only in the first two weeks of the AM symbiosis and the mis-expression lines seem to mimic the phenotype of MtGras8-RNAi lines. Additionally, MtGRAS8 seems to form heterodimers with NSP2 and RAM1, which are known to be key regulators of the fungal colonization process (Hirsch et al., 2009; Gobbato et al., 2012). These data indicate that MtGras8 and miRNA5204* are linked to the sym pathway and regulate the arbuscule development in phosphate-dependent manner.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bielecka2007, author = {Bielecka, Monika}, title = {Analysis of transcription factors under sulphur deficiency stress}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-14812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Sulphur, a macronutrient essential for plant growth, is among the most versatile elements in living organisms. Unfortunately, little is known about regulation of sulphate uptake and assimilation by plants. Identification of sulphate signalling processes will allow to control sulphate acquisition and assimilation and may prove useful in the future to improve sulphur-use efficiency in agriculture. Many of genes involved in sulphate metabolism are regulated on transcriptional level by products of other genes called transcription factors (TF). Several published experiments revealed TF genes that respond to sulphate deprivation, but none of these have been so far been characterized functionally. Thus, we aimed at identifying and characterising transcription factors that control sulphate metabolism in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To achieve that goal we postulated that factors regulating Arabidopsis responses to inorganic sulphate deficiency change their transcriptional levels under sulphur-limited conditions. By comparing TF transcript profiles from plants grown on different sulphate regimes, we identified TF genes that may specifically induce or repress changes in expression of genes that allow plants to adapt to changes in sulphate availability. Candidate genes obtained from this screening were tested by reverse genetics approaches. Transgenic plants constitutively overproducing selected TF genes and mutant plants, lacking functional selected TF genes (knock out), were used. By comparing metabolite and transcript profiles from transgenic and wild type plants we aimed at confirming the role of selected AP2 TF candidate genes in plant adaptation to sulphur unavailability. After preliminary characterisation of WRKY24 and MYB93 TF genes, we postulate that these factors are involved in a complex multifactorial regulatory network, in which WRKY24 and MYB93 would act as superior factors regulating other transcription factors directly involved in the regulation of S-metabolism genes. Results obtained for plants overproducing TOE1 and TOE2 TF genes suggests that these factors may be involved in a mechanism, which is promoting synthesis of an essential amino acid, methionine, over synthesis of another amino acid, cysteine. Thus, TOE1 and TOE2 genes might be a part of transcriptional regulation of methionine synthesis. Approaches creating genetically manipulated plants may produce plant phenotypes of immediate biotechnological interest, such as plants with increased sulphate or sulphate-containing amino acid content, or better adapted to the sulphate unavailability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Demin2022, author = {Demin, Paul}, title = {Blaulicht-aktivierbares Proteinexpressionssystem in Saccharomyces cerevisiae}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55969}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-559696}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Synthetische Transkriptionsfaktoren bestehen wie nat{\"u}rliche Transkriptionsfaktoren aus einer DNA-Bindedom{\"a}ne, die sich spezifisch an die Bindestellensequenz vor dem Ziel-Gen anlagert, und einer Aktivierungsdom{\"a}ne, die die Transkriptionsmaschinerie rekrutiert, sodass das Zielgen exprimiert wird. Der Unterschied zu den nat{\"u}rlichen Transkriptionsfaktoren ist, sowohl dass die DNA-Bindedom{\"a}ne als auch die Aktivierungsdom{\"a}ne wirtsfremd sein k{\"o}nnen und dadurch k{\"u}nstliche Stoffwechselwege im Wirt, gr{\"o}ßtenteils chemisch, induziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Optogenetische synthetische Transkriptionsfaktoren, die hier entwickelt wurden, gehen einen Schritt weiter. Dabei ist die DNA-Bindedom{\"a}ne nicht mehr an die Aktivierungsdom{\"a}ne, sondern mit dem Blaulicht-Photorezeptor CRY2 gekoppelt. Die Aktivierungsdom{\"a}ne wurde mit dem Interaktionspartner CIB1 fusioniert. Unter Blaulichtbestrahlung dimerisieren CRY2 und CIB1 und damit einhergehend die beiden Dom{\"a}nen, sodass ein funktionsf{\"a}higer Transkriptionsfaktor entsteht. Dieses System wurde in die Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomisch integriert. Verifiziert wurde das konstruierte System mit Hilfe des Reporters yEGFP, welcher durchflusszytometrisch detektiert werden konnte. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die yEGFP Expression variabel gestaltet werden kann, indem unterschiedlich lange Blaulichtimpulse ausgesendet wurden, die DNA-Bindedom{\"a}ne, die Aktivierungsdom{\"a}ne oder die Anzahl der Bindestellen, an dem sich die DNA-Bindedom{\"a}ne anlagert, ver{\"a}ndert wurden. Um das System f{\"u}r industrielle Anwendungen attraktiv zu gestalten, wurde das System vom Deepwell-Maßstab auf Photobioreaktor-Maßstab hochskaliert. Außerdem erwies sich das Blaulichtsystem sowohl im Laborstamm YPH500 als auch im industriell oft verwendeten Hefestamm CEN.PK als funktional. Des Weiteren konnte ein industrierelevante Protein ebenso mit Hilfe des verifizierten Systems exprimiert werden. Schlussendlich konnte in dieser Arbeit das etablierte Blaulicht-System erfolgreich mit einem Rotlichtsystem kombiniert werden, was zuvor noch nicht beschrieben wurde.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vyse2022, author = {Vyse, Kora}, title = {Elucidating molecular determinants of the loss of freezing tolerance during deacclimation after cold priming and low temperature memory after triggering}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 147}, year = {2022}, abstract = {W{\"a}hrend ihrer Entwicklung m{\"u}ssen sich Pflanzen an Temperaturschwankungen anpassen. Niedrige Temperaturen {\"u}ber dem Gefrierpunkt induzieren in Pflanzen eine K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung und h{\"o}here Frosttoleranz, die sich bei w{\"a}rmeren Temperaturen durch Deakklimatisierung wieder zur{\"u}ckbildet. Der Wechsel zwischen diesen beiden Prozessen ist f{\"u}r Pflanzen unerl{\"a}sslich, um als Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Temperaturbedingungen eine optimale Fitness zu erreichen. Die K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung ist umfassend untersucht worden,{\"u}ber die Regulierung der Deakklimatisierung ist jedoch wenig bekannt. In dieser Arbeit wird der Prozess der Deakklimatisierung auf physiologischer und molekularer Ebene in Arabidopsis thaliana untersucht. Messungen des Elektrolytverlustes w{\"a}hrend der K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung und bis zu vier Tagen nach Deakklimatisierung erm{\"o}glichten die Identifizierung von vier Knockout-Mutanten (hra1, lbd41, mbf1c und jub1), die im Vergleich zum Wildtyp eine langsamere Deakklimatisierungsrate aufwiesen. Eine transkriptomische Studie mit Hilfe von RNA-Sequenzierung von A. thaliana Col-0, jub1 und mbf1c zeigte die Bedeutung der Hemmung von stressreaktiven und Jasmonat-ZIM-Dom{\"a}nen-Genen sowie die Regulierung von Zellwandmodifikationen w{\"a}hrend der Deakklimatisierung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigten Messungen der Alkoholdehydrogenase Aktivit{\"a}t und der Genexpressions{\"a}nderungen von Hypoxiemarkern w{\"a}hrend der ersten vier Tagen der Deakklimatisierung, dass eine Hypoxie-Reaktion w{\"a}hrend der Deakklimatisierung aktiviert wird. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die epigenetische Regulierung w{\"a}hrend der K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung und der 24-st{\"u}ndigen Deakklimatisierung in A. thaliana eine große Rolle spielt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus zeigten beide Deakklimatisierungsstudien, dass die fr{\"u}here Hypothese, dass Hitzestress eine Rolle bei der fr{\"u}hen Deakklimatisierung spielen k{\"o}nnte, unwahrscheinlich ist. Eine Reihe von DNA- und Histondemethylasen sowie Histonvarianten wurden w{\"a}hrend der Deakklimatisierung hochreguliert, was auf eine Rolle im pflanzlichen Ged{\"a}chtnis schließen l{\"a}sst. In j{\"u}ngster Zeit haben mehrere Studien gezeigt, dass Pflanzen in der Lage sind, die Erinnerung an einen vorangegangenen K{\"a}ltestress auch nach einer Woche Deakklimatisierung zu bewahren. In dieser Arbeit ergaben Transkriptom- und Metabolomanalysen von Arabidopsis w{\"a}hrend 24 Stunden Priming (K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung) und Triggering (wiederkehrender K{\"a}ltestress nach Deakklimatisierung) eine unikale signifikante und vor{\"u}bergehende Induktion der Transkriptionsfaktoren DREB1D, DREB1E und DREB1F w{\"a}hrend des Triggerings, die zur Feinabstimmung der zweiten K{\"a}ltestressreaktion beitr{\"a}gt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurden Gene, die f{\"u}r Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) und Frostschutzproteine kodieren, sowie Proteine, die reaktive Sauerstoffspezies entgiften, w{\"a}hrend des sp{\"a}ten Triggerings (24 Stunden) st{\"a}rker induziert als nach dem ersten K{\"a}lteimpuls, w{\"a}hrend Xyloglucan- Endotransglucosylase/Hydrolase Gene, deren Produkte f{\"u}r eine Restrukturierung der Zellwand verantwortlich sind, fr{\"u}h auf das Triggering reagierten. Die starke Induktion dieser Gene, sowohl bei der Deakklimatisierung als auch beim Triggering, l{\"a}sst vermuten, dass sie eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Stabilisierung der Zellen w{\"a}hrend des Wachstums und bei der Reaktion auf wiederkehrende Stressbedingungen spielen. Zusammenfassend gibt diese Arbeit neue Einblicke in die Regulierung der Deakklimatisierung und des K{\"a}ltestress-Ged{\"a}chtnisses in A. thaliana und er{\"o}ffnet neue M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r k{\"u}nftige, gezielte Studien von essentiellen Genen in diesem Prozess.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GuedesCorrea2009, author = {Guedes Corr{\^e}a, Luiz Gustavo}, title = {Evolutionary and functional analysis of transcription factors controlling leaf development}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40038}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Leaves are the main photosynthetic organs of vascular plants, and leaf development is dependent on a proper control of gene expression. Transcription factors (TFs) are global regulators of gene expression that play essential roles in almost all biological processes among eukaryotes. This PhD project focused on the characterization of the sink-to-source transition of Arabidopsis leaves and on the analysis of TFs that play a role in early leaf development. The sink-to-source transition occurs when the young emerging leaves (net carbon importers) acquire a positive photosynthetic balance and start exporting photoassimilates. We have established molecular and physiological markers (i.e., CAB1 and CAB2 expression levels, AtSUC2 and AtCHoR expression patterns, chlorophyll and starch levels, and photosynthetic electron transport rates) to identify the starting point of the transition, especially because the sink-to-source is not accompanied by a visual phenotype in contrast to other developmental transitions, such as the mature-to-senescent transition of leaves. The sink-to-source transition can be divided into two different processes: one light dependent, related to photosynthesis and light responses; and one light independent or impaired, related to the changes in the vascular tissue that occur when leaves change from an import to an export mode. Furthermore, starch, but not sucrose, has been identified as one of the potential signalling molecules for this transition. The expression level of 1880 TFs during early leaf development was assessed by qRTPCR, and 153 TFs were found to exhibit differential expression levels of at least 5-fold. GRF, MYB and SRS are TF families, which are overrepresented among the differentially expressed TFs. Additionally, processes like cell identity acquisition, formation of the epidermis and leaf development are overrepresented among the differentially expressed TFs, which helps to validate the results obtained. Two of these TFs were further characterized. bZIP21 is a gene up-regulated during the sink-to-source and mature-to-senescent transitions. Its expression pattern in leaves overlaps with the one observed for AtCHoR, therefore it constitutes a good marker for the sink-to-source transition. Homozygous null mutants of bZIP21 could not be obtained, indicating that the total absence of bZIP21 function may be lethal to the plant. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that bZIP21 is an orthologue of Liguleless2 from maize. In these analyses, we identified that the whole set of bZIPs in plants originated from four founder genes, and that all bZIPs from angiosperms can be classified into 13 groups of homologues and 34 Possible Groups of Orthologues (PoGOs). bHLH64 is a gene highly expressed in early sink leaves, its expression is downregulated during the mature-to-senescent transition. Null mutants of bHLH64 are characterized by delayed bolting when compared to the wild-type; this indicates a possible delay in the sink-to-source transition or the retention of a juvenile identity. A third TF, Dof4, was also characterized. Dof4 is neither differentially expressed during the sink-to-source nor during the senescent-to-mature transition, but a null mutant of Dof4 develops bigger leaves than the wild-type and forms a greater number of siliques. The Dof4 null mutant has proven to be a good background for biomass accumulation analysis. Though not overrepresented during the sink-to-source transition, NAC transcription factors seem to contribute significantly to the mature-to-senescent transition. Twenty two NACs from Arabidopsis and 44 from rice are differentially expressed during late stages of leaf development. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that most of these NACs cluster into three big groups of homologues, indicating functional conservation between eudicots and monocots. To prove functional conservation of orthologues, the expression of ten NAC genes of barley was analysed. Eight of the ten NAC genes were found to be differentially expressed during senescence. The use of evolutionary approaches combined with functional studies is thus expected to support the transfer of current knowledge of gene control gained in model species to crops.}, language = {en} } @article{BalazadehJaspertArifetal.2012, author = {Balazadeh, Salma and Jaspert, Nils and Arif, Muhammad and M{\"u}ller-R{\"o}ber, Bernd and Maurino, Veronica G.}, title = {Expression of ROS-responsive genes and transcription factors after metabolic formation of H2O2 in chloroplasts}, series = {Frontiers in plant science}, volume = {3}, journal = {Frontiers in plant science}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-462X}, doi = {10.3389/fpls.2012.00234}, pages = {30}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Glycolate oxidase (GO) catalyses the oxidation of glycolate to glyoxylate, thereby consuming O-2 and producing H2O2. In this work, Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing GO in the chloroplasts (GO plants) were used to assess the expressional behavior of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-responsive genes and transcription factors (TFs) after metabolic induction of H2O2 formation in chloroplasts. In this organelle, GO uses the glycolate derived from the oxygenase activity of RubisCO. Here, to identify genes responding to an abrupt production of H2O2 in chloroplasts we used quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) to test the expression of 187 ROS-responsive genes and 1880 TFs after transferring GO and wild-type (WT) plants grown at high CO2 levels to ambient CO2 concentration. Our data revealed coordinated expression changes of genes of specific functional networks 0.5 h after metabolic induction of H2O2 production in GO plants, including the induction of indole glucosinolate and camalexin biosynthesis genes. Comparative analysis using available microarray data suggests that signals for the induction of these genes through H2O2 may originate in the chloroplast. The TF profiling indicated an up-regulation in GO plants of a group of genes involved in the regulation of proanthocyanidin and anthocyanin biosynthesis. Moreover, the upregulation of expression of IF and IF interacting proteins affecting development (e.g., cell division, stem branching, flowering time, flower development) would impact growth and reproductive capacity, resulting in altered development under conditions that promote the formation of H2O2.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lotkowska2014, author = {Lotkowska, Magda Ewa}, title = {Functional analysis of MYB112 transcription factor in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72131}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Transcription factors (TFs) are ubiquitous gene expression regulators and play essential roles in almost all biological processes. This Ph.D. project is primarily focused on the functional characterisation of MYB112 - a member of the R2R3-MYB TF family from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene was selected due to its increased expression during senescence based on previous qRT-PCR expression profiling experiments of 1880 TFs in Arabidopsis leaves at three developmental stages (15 mm leaf, 30 mm leaf and 20\% yellowing leaf). MYB112 promoter GUS fusion lines were generated to further investigate the expression pattern of MYB112. Employing transgenic approaches in combination with metabolomics and transcriptomics we demonstrate that MYB112 exerts a major role in regulation of plant flavonoid metabolism. We report enhanced and impaired anthocyanin accumulation in MYB112 overexpressors and MYB112-deficient mutants, respectively. Expression profiling reveals that MYB112 acts as a positive regulator of the transcription factor PAP1 leading to increased anthocyanin biosynthesis, and as a negative regulator of MYB12 and MYB111, which both control flavonol biosynthesis. We also identify MYB112 early responsive genes using a combination of several approaches. These include gene expression profiling (Affymetrix ATH1 micro-arrays and qRT-PCR) and transactivation assays in leaf mesophyll cell protoplasts. We show that MYB112 binds to an 8-bp DNA fragment containing the core sequence (A/T/G)(A/C)CC(A/T)(A/G/T)(A/C)(T/C). By electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to qPCR (ChIP-qPCR) we demonstrate that MYB112 binds in vitro and in vivo to MYB7 and MYB32 promoters revealing them as direct downstream target genes. MYB TFs were previously reported to play an important role in controlling flavonoid biosynthesis in plants. Many factors acting upstream of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway show enhanced expression levels during nitrogen limitation, or elevated sucrose content. In addition to the mentioned conditions, other environmental parameters including salinity or high light stress may trigger anthocyanin accumulation. In contrast to several other MYB TFs affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes, MYB112 expression is not controlled by nitrogen limitation, or carbon excess, but rather is stimulated by salinity and high light stress. Thus, MYB112 constitutes a previously uncharacterised regulatory factor that modifies anthocyanin accumulation under conditions of abiotic stress.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Skirycz2007, author = {Skirycz, Aleksandra}, title = {Functional analysis of selected DOF transcription factors in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16987}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Transcription factors (TFs) are global regulators of gene expression playing essential roles in almost all biological processes, and are therefore of great scientific and biotechnological interest. This project focused on functional characterisation of three DNA-binding-with-one-zinc-finger (DOF) TFs from the genetic model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, namely OBP1, OBP2 and AtDOF4;2. These genes were selected due to severe growth phenotypes conferred upon their constitutive over-expression. To identify biological processes regulated by OBP1, OBP2 and AtDOF4;2 in detail molecular and physiological characterization of transgenic plants with modified levels of OBP1, OBP2 and AtDOF4;2 expression (constitutive and inducible over-expression, RNAi) was performed using both targeted and profiling technologies. Additionally expression patterns of studied TFs and their target genes were analyzed using promoter-GUS lines and publicly available microarray data. Finally selected target genes were confirmed by chromatin immuno-precipitation and electrophoretic-mobility shift assays. This combinatorial approach revealed distinct biological functions of OBP1, OBP2 and AtDOF4;2. Specifically OBP2 controls indole glucosinolate / auxin homeostasis by directly regulating the enzyme at the branch of these pathways; CYP83B1 (Skirycz et al., 2006). Glucosinolates are secondary compounds important for defence against herbivores and pathogens in the plants order Caparales (e.g. Arabidopsis, canola and broccoli) whilst auxin is an essential plant hormone. Hence OBP2 is important for both response to biotic stress and plant growth. Similarly to OBP2 also AtDOF4;2 is involved in the regulation of plant secondary metabolism and affects production of various phenylpropanoid compounds in a tissue and environmental specific manner. It was found that under certain stress conditions AtDOF4;2 negatively regulates flavonoid biosynthetic genes whilst in certain tissues it activates hydroxycinnamic acid production. It was hypothesized that this dual function is most likely related to specific interactions with other proteins; perhaps other TFs (Skirycz et al., 2007). Finally OBP1 regulates both cell proliferation and cell expansion. It was shown that OBP1 controls cell cycle activity by directly targeting the expression of core cell cycle genes (CYCD3;3 and KRP7), other TFs and components of the replication machinery. Evidence for OBP1 mediated activation of cell cycle during embryogenesis and germination will be presented. Additionally and independently on its effects on cell proliferation OBP1 negatively affects cell expansion via reduced expression of cell wall loosening enzymes. Summing up this work provides an important input into our knowledge on DOF TFs function. Future work will concentrate on establishing exact regulatory networks of OBP1, OBP2 and AtDOF4;2 and their possible biotechnological applications.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Oberkofler2022, author = {Oberkofler, Vicky}, title = {Molecular basis of HS memory in Arabidopsis thaliana}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56954}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-569544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {181}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Plants can be primed to survive the exposure to a severe heat stress (HS) by prior exposure to a mild HS. The information about the priming stimulus is maintained by the plant for several days. This maintenance of acquired thermotolerance, or HS memory, is genetically separable from the acquisition of thermotolerance itself and several specific regulatory factors have been identified in recent years. On the molecular level, HS memory correlates with two types of transcriptional memory, type I and type II, that characterize a partially overlapping subset of HS-inducible genes. Type I transcriptional memory or sustained induction refers to the sustained transcriptional induction above non-stressed expression levels of a gene for a prolonged time period after the end of the stress exposure. Type II transcriptional memory refers to an altered transcriptional response of a gene after repeated exposure to a stress of similar duration and intensity. In particular, enhanced re-induction refers to a transcriptional pattern in which a gene is induced to a significantly higher degree after the second stress exposure than after the first. This thesis describes the functional characterization of a novel positive transcriptional regulator of type I transcriptional memory, the heat shock transcription factor HSFA3, and compares it to HSFA2, a known positive regulator of type I and type II transcriptional memory. It investigates type I transcriptional memory and its dependence on HSFA2 and HSFA3 for the first time on a genome-wide level, and gives insight on the formation of heteromeric HSF complexes in response to HS. This thesis confirms the tight correlation between transcriptional memory and H3K4 hyper-methylation, reported here in a case study that aimed to reduce H3K4 hyper-methylation of the type II transcriptional memory gene APX2 by CRISPR/dCas9-mediated epigenome editing. Finally, this thesis gives insight into the requirements for a heat shock transcription factor to function as a positive regulator of transcriptional memory, both in terms of its expression profile and protein abundance after HS and the contribution of individual functional domains. In summary, this thesis contributes to a more detailed understanding of the molecular processes underlying transcriptional memory and therefore HS memory, in Arabidopsis thaliana.}, language = {en} }