@phdthesis{Paraskevopoulou2019, author = {Paraskevopoulou, Sofia}, title = {Adaptive genetic variation and responses to thermal stress in brachionid rotifers}, pages = {IV, 177}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The importance of cryptic diversity in rotifers is well understood regarding its ecological consequences, but there remains an in depth comprehension of the underlying molecular mechanisms and forces driving speciation. Temperature has been found several times to affect species spatio-temporal distribution and organisms' performance, but we lack information on the mechanisms that provide thermal tolerance to rotifers. High cryptic diversity was found recently in the freshwater rotifer "Brachionus calyciflorus", showing that the complex comprises at least four species: B. calyciflorus sensu stricto (s.s.), B. fernandoi, B. dorcas, and B. elevatus. The temporal succession among species which have been observed in sympatry led to the idea that temperature might play a crucial role in species differentiation. The central aim of this study was to unravel differences in thermal tolerance between species of the former B. calyciflorus species complex by comparing phenotypic and gene expression responses. More specifically, I used the critical maximum temperature as a proxy for inter-species differences in heat-tolerance; this was modeled as a bi-dimensional phenotypic trait taking into consideration the intention and the duration of heat stress. Significant differences on heat-tolerance between species were detected, with B. calyciflorus s.s. being able to tolerate higher temperatures than B. fernandoi. Based on evidence of within species neutral genetic variation, I further examined adaptive genetic variability within two different mtDNA lineages of the heat tolerant B. calyciflorus s.s. to identify SNPs and genes under selection that might reflect their adaptive history. These analyses did not reveal adaptive genetic variation related to heat, however, they show putatively adaptive genetic variation which may reflect local adaptation. Functional enrichment of putatively positively selected genes revealed signals of adaptation in genes related to "lipid metabolism", "xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism" and "sensory system", comprising candidate genes which can be utilized in studies on local adaptation. An absence of genetically-based differences in thermal adaptation between the two mtDNA lineages, together with our knowledge that B. calyciflorus s.s. can withstand a broad range of temperatures, led to the idea to further investigate shared transcriptomic responses to long-term exposure to high and low temperatures regimes. With this, I identified candidate genes that are involved in the response to temperature imposed stress. Lastly, I used comparative transcriptomics to examine responses to imposed heat-stress in heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive Brachionus species. I found considerably different patterns of gene expression in the two species. Most striking are patterns of expression regarding the heat shock proteins (hsps) between the two species. In the heat-tolerant, B. calyciflorus s.s., significant up-regulation of hsps at low temperatures was indicative of a stress response at the cooler end of the temperature regimes tested here. In contrast, in the heat-sensitive B. fernandoi, hsps generally exhibited up-regulation of these genes along with rising temperatures. Overall, identification of differences in expression of genes suggests suppression of protein biosynthesis to be a mechanism to increase thermal tolerance. Observed patterns in population growth are correlated with the hsp gene expression differences, indicating that this physiological stress response is indeed related to phenotypic life history performance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schaarschmidt2021, author = {Schaarschmidt, Stephanie}, title = {Evaluation and application of omics approaches to characterize molecular responses to abiotic stresses in plants}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50963}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-509630}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 117}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Aufgrund des globalen Klimawandels ist die Gew{\"a}hrleistung der Ern{\"a}hrungssicherheit f{\"u}r eine wachsende Weltbev{\"o}lkerung eine große Herausforderung. Insbesondere abiotische Stressoren wirken sich negativ auf Ernteertr{\"a}ge aus. Um klimaangepasste Nutzpflanzen zu entwickeln, ist ein umfassendes Verst{\"a}ndnis molekularer Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Reaktion auf unterschiedlich starke Umweltbelastungen erforderlich. Hochdurchsatz- oder "Omics"-Technologien k{\"o}nnen dazu beitragen, Schl{\"u}sselregulatoren und Wege abiotischer Stressreaktionen zu identifizieren. Zus{\"a}tzlich zur Gewinnung von Omics-Daten m{\"u}ssen auch Programme und statistische Analysen entwickelt und evaluiert werden, um zuverl{\"a}ssige biologische Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Ich habe diese Problemstellung in drei verschiedenen Studien behandelt und daf{\"u}r zwei Omics-Technologien benutzt. In der ersten Studie wurden Transkript-Daten von den beiden polymorphen Arabidopsis thaliana Akzessionen Col-0 und N14 verwendet, um sieben Programme hinsichtlich ihrer F{\"a}higkeit zur Positionierung und Quantifizierung von Illumina RNA Sequenz-Fragmenten („Reads") zu evaluieren. Zwischen 92\% und 99\% der Reads konnten an die Referenzsequenz positioniert werden und die ermittelten Verteilungen waren hoch korreliert f{\"u}r alle Programme. Bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung einer differentiellen Genexpressionsanalyse zwischen Pflanzen, die bei 20 °C oder 4 °C (K{\"a}lteakklimatisierung) exponiert wurden, ergab sich eine große paarweise {\"U}berlappung zwischen den Programmen. In der zweiten Studie habe ich die Transkriptome von zehn verschiedenen Oryza sativa (Reis) Kultivaren sequenziert. Daf{\"u}r wurde die PacBio Isoform Sequenzierungstechnologie benutzt. Die de novo Referenztranskriptome hatten zwischen 38.900 bis 54.500 hoch qualitative Isoformen pro Sorte. Die Isoformen wurden kollabiert, um die Sequenzredundanz zu verringern und danach evaluiert z.B. hinsichtlich des Vollst{\"a}ndigkeitsgrades (BUSCO), der Transkriptl{\"a}nge und der Anzahl einzigartiger Transkripte pro Genloci. F{\"u}r die hitze- und trockenheitstolerante Sorte N22 wurden ca. 650 einzigartige und neue Transkripte identifiziert, von denen 56 signifikant unterschiedlich in sich entwickelnden Samen unter kombiniertem Trocken- und Hitzestress exprimiert wurden. In der letzten Studie habe ich die Ver{\"a}nderungen in Metabolitprofilen von acht Reissorten gemessen und analysiert, die dem Stress hoher Nachttemperaturen (HNT) ausgesetzt waren und w{\"a}hrend der Trocken- und Regenzeit im Feld auf den Philippinen angebaut wurden. Es wurden jahreszeitlich bedingte Ver{\"a}nderungen im Metabolitspiegel sowie f{\"u}r agronomische Parameter identifiziert und m{\"o}gliche Stoffwechselwege, die einen Ertragsr{\"u}ckgang unter HNT-Bedingungen verursachen, vorgeschlagen. Zusammenfassend konnte ich zeigen, dass der Vergleich der RNA-seq Programme den Pflanzenwissenschaftler*innen helfen kann, sich f{\"u}r das richtige Werkzeug f{\"u}r ihre Daten zu entscheiden. Die de novo Transkriptom-Rekonstruktion von Reissorten ohne Genomsequenz bietet einen gezielten, kosteneffizienten Ansatz zur Identifizierung neuer Gene, die durch verschiedene Stressbedingungen reguliert werden unabh{\"a}ngig vom Organismus. Mit dem Metabolomik-Ansatz f{\"u}r HNT-Stress in Reis habe ich stress- und jahreszeitenspezifische Metabolite identifiziert, die in Zukunft als molekulare Marker f{\"u}r die Verbesserung von Nutzpflanzen verwendet werden k{\"o}nnten.}, language = {en} } @article{ApriyantoCompartFettke2023, author = {Apriyanto, Ardha and Compart, Julia and Fettke, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Transcriptomic analysis of mesocarp tissue during fruit development of the oil palm revealed specific isozymes related to starch metabolism that control oil yield}, series = {Frontiers in plant science}, volume = {14}, journal = {Frontiers in plant science}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-462X}, doi = {10.3389/fpls.2023.1220237}, pages = {13}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) produces a large amount of oil from the fruit. However, increasing the oil production in this fruit is still challenging. A recent study has shown that starch metabolism is essential for oil synthesis in fruit-producing species. Therefore, the transcriptomic analysis by RNA-seq was performed to observe gene expression alteration related to starch metabolism genes throughout the maturity stages of oil palm fruit with different oil yields. Gene expression profiles were examined with three different oil yields group (low, medium, and high) at six fruit development phases (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 22 weeks after pollination). We successfully identified and analyzed differentially expressed genes in oil palm mesocarps during development. The results showed that the transcriptome profile for each developmental phase was unique. Sucrose flux to the mesocarp tissue, rapid starch turnover, and high glycolytic activity have been identified as critical factors for oil production in oil palms. For starch metabolism and the glycolytic pathway, we identified specific gene expressions of enzyme isoforms (isozymes) that correlated with oil production, which may determine the oil content. This study provides valuable information for creating new high-oil-yielding palm varieties via breeding programs or genome editing approaches.}, language = {en} } @article{ApriyantoAjambang2022, author = {Apriyanto, Ardha and Ajambang, Walter}, title = {Transcriptomic dataset for early inflorescence stages of oil palm in response to defoliation stress}, series = {Data in Brief}, volume = {41}, journal = {Data in Brief}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2352-3409}, doi = {10.1016/j.dib.2022.107914}, pages = {6}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Oil palm breeding and seed development have been hindered due to the male parent's incapacity to produce male inflorescence as a source of pollen under normal conditions. On the other hand, a young oil palm plantation has a low pollination rate due to a lack of male flowers. These are the common problem of sex ratio in the oil palm industry. Nevertheless, the regulation of sex ratio in oil palm plants is a complex mechanism and remains an open question until now. Researchers have previously used complete defoliation to induce male inflorescences, but the biological and molecular mechanisms underlying this morphological change have yet to be discovered. Here, we present an RNA-seq dataset from three early stages of an oil palm inflorescence under normal conditions and complete defoliation stress. This transcriptomic dataset is a valuable resource to improve our understanding of sex determination mechanisms in oil palm inflorescence.}, language = {en} }