@phdthesis{Leser2018, author = {Leser, Eva}, title = {Eta Carinae}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42814}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-428141}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 117}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Das außergew{\"o}hnliche Doppelsternsystem Eta Carinae fasziniert WissenschaftlerInnen und BeobachterInnen auf der s{\"u}dlichen Erdhalbkugel seit hunderten Jahren. Nach einem Supernova-{\"a}hnlichem Ausbruch war Eta Carinae zeitweise der hellste Stern am Nachthimmel. Heute sind durch zahlreiche Beobachtungen, von Radiowellen bis zu R{\"o}ntgenstrahlung, der Aufbau des Sternsystems und die Eigenschaften seiner Strahlung bis zu Energien von ~ 50 keV gut erforscht. Das Doppelsternsystem besteht aus zwei massiven Sternen (~ 30 und ~ 100 Sonnenmassen Gewicht) mit starken Sternwinden, {\"u}ber die sie kontinuierlich einen Teil ihrer Masse verlieren. Wenn diese Sternwinde kollidieren, entsteht auf beiden Seiten ein Kompressionsschock der das Plasma in der Kollisionszone aufheizt, was sich in R{\"o}ntgenstrahlung beobachten l{\"a}sst. Bei Energien oberhalb von ~ 50 keV ist der Ursprung der Strahlung nicht mehr thermisch: um ein Plasma auf die entsprechende Temperatur zu bringen, wird mehr mechanische Energie ben{\"o}tigt, als in den Sternwinden vorhanden. In hoch-energetischer Gamma-Strahlung ist Eta Carinae das einzige eindeutig detektierte Sternsystem seiner Art und sein Energiespektrum reicht bis zu ~ hundert GeV. Bodengebundene Gamma-Strahlungsexperimente haben in diesem Energiebereich den Vorteil von großen Detektorfl{\"a}chen. H.E.S.S. ist das einzige bodengebundene Gamma-Strahlungsexperiment auf der S{\"u}dhalbkugel und somit in der Lage, Eta Carinae in diesen Energien zu beobachten. H.E.S.S. misst Gamma-Strahlung mit Hilfe der elektromagnetischen Teilchenschauer, die sehr hoch-energetische Photonen in der Atmosph{\"a}re ausl{\"o}sen. Die gr{\"o}ßte Herausforderung der Messung von Eta Carinaes Strahlung mit H.E.S.S. ist die ultraviolette Strahlung des Carina Nebels, die zu einem Hintergrund f{\"u}hrt, der bis zu zehn mal st{\"a}rker ist als der Durchschnitt in H.E.S.S. In dieser Arbeit wird die erste Detektion eines Doppelsternsystems mit kollidierenden Sternwinden in sehr hoch-energetischer Gamma-Strahlung pr{\"a}sentiert und die Studien, die diese erm{\"o}glicht haben. Das differentielle Gamma-Strahlungsspektrum bis 700 GeV wird untersucht. Hadronische und leptonische Szenarios f{\"u}r den Ursprung der Gamma-Strahlung werden diskutiert und das hadronische Szenario wird aufgrund eines Vergleichs der K{\"u}hlzeiten bevorzugt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mayer2014, author = {Mayer, Michael}, title = {Pulsar wind nebulae at high energies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-71504}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {142}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are the most abundant TeV gamma-ray emitters in the Milky Way. The radiative emission of these objects is powered by fast-rotating pulsars, which donate parts of their rotational energy into winds of relativistic particles. This thesis presents an in-depth study of the detected population of PWNe at high energies. To outline general trends regarding their evolutionary behaviour, a time-dependent model is introduced and compared to the available data. In particular, this work presents two exceptional PWNe which protrude from the rest of the population, namely the Crab Nebula and N 157B. Both objects are driven by pulsars with extremely high rotational energy loss rates. Accordingly, they are often referred to as energetic twins. Modelling the non-thermal multi-wavelength emission of N157B gives access to specific properties of this object, like the magnetic field inside the nebula. Comparing the derived parameters to those of the Crab Nebula reveals large intrinsic differences between the two PWNe. Possible origins of these differences are discussed in context of the resembling pulsars. Compared to the TeV gamma-ray regime, the number of detected PWNe is much smaller in the MeV-GeV gamma-ray range. In the latter range, the Crab Nebula stands out by the recent detection of gamma-ray flares. In general, the measured flux enhancements on short time scales of days to weeks were not expected in the theoretical understanding of PWNe. In this thesis, the variability of the Crab Nebula is analysed using data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT). For the presented analysis, a new gamma-ray reconstruction method is used, providing a higher sensitivity and a lower energy threshold compared to previous analyses. The derived gamma-ray light curve of the Crab Nebula is investigated for flares and periodicity. The detected flares are analysed regarding their energy spectra, and their variety and commonalities are discussed. In addition, a dedicated analysis of the flare which occurred in March 2013 is performed. The derived short-term variability time scale is roughly 6h, implying a small region inside the Crab Nebula to be responsible for the enigmatic flares. The most promising theories explaining the origins of the flux eruptions and gamma-ray variability are discussed in detail. In the technical part of this work, a new analysis framework is presented. The introduced software, called gammalib/ctools, is currently being developed for the future CTA observa- tory. The analysis framework is extensively tested using data from the H. E. S. S. experiment. To conduct proper data analysis in the likelihood framework of gammalib/ctools, a model describing the distribution of background events in H.E.S.S. data is presented. The software provides the infrastructure to combine data from several instruments in one analysis. To study the gamma-ray emitting PWN population, data from Fermi-LAT and H. E. S. S. are combined in the likelihood framework of gammalib/ctools. In particular, the spectral peak, which usually lies in the overlap energy regime between these two instruments, is determined with the presented analysis framework. The derived measurements are compared to the predictions from the time-dependent model. The combined analysis supports the conclusion of a diverse population of gamma-ray emitting PWNe.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schulz2014, author = {Schulz, Anneli}, title = {Search for gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73905}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {123}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The mystery of the origin of cosmic rays has been tackled for more than hundred years and is still not solved. Cosmic rays are detected with energies spanning more than 10 orders of magnitude and reaching energies up to ~10²¹ eV, far higher than any man-made accelerator can reach. Different theories on the astrophysical objects and processes creating such highly energetic particles have been proposed. A very prominent explanation for a process producing highly energetic particles is shock acceleration. The observation of high-energy gamma rays from supernova remnants, some of them revealing a shell like structure, is clear evidence that particles are accelerated to ultrarelativistic energies in the shocks of these objects. The environments of supernova remnants are complex and challenge detailed modelling of the processes leading to high-energy gamma-ray emission. The study of shock acceleration at bow shocks, created by the supersonic movement of individual stars through the interstellar medium, offers a unique possibility to determine the physical properties of shocks in a less complex environment. The shocked medium is heated by the stellar and the shock excited radiation, leading to thermal infrared emission. 28 bow shocks have been discovered through their infrared emission. Nonthermal radiation in radio and X-ray wavelengths has been detected from two bow shocks, pointing to the existence of relativistic particles in these systems. Theoretical models of the emission processes predict high-energy and very high-energy emission at a flux level in reach of current instruments. This work presents the search for gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars in the energy regime from 100MeV to ~100TeV. The search is performed with the large area telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi satellite and the H.E.S.S. telescopes located in the Khomas Highland in Namibia. The Fermi-LAT was launched in 2008 and is continuously scanning the sky since then. It detects photons with energies from 20MeV to over 300 GeV and has an unprecedented sensitivity. The all-sky coverage allows us to study all 28 bow shocks of runaway stars listed in the E-BOSS catalogue of infrared bow shocks. No significant emission was detected from any of the objects, although predicted by several theoretical models describing the non-thermal emission of bow shocks of runaway stars. The H.E.S.S. experiment is the most sensitive system of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. It detects photons from several tens of GeV to ~100TeV. Seven of the bow shocks have been observed with H.E.S.S. and the data analysis is presented in this thesis. The analyses of the very-high energy data did not reveal significant emission from any of the sources either. This work presents the first systematic search for gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars. For the first time Fermi-LAT data was specifically analysed to reveal emission from bow shocks of runaway stars. In the TeV regime no searches for emission from theses objects have been published so far, the study presented here is the first in this energy regime. The level of the gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars is constrained by the calculated upper limits over six orders in magnitude in energy. The upper limits calculated for the bow shocks of runaway stars in the course of this work, constrain several models. For the best candidate, ζ Ophiuchi, the upper limits in the Fermi-LAT energy range are lower than the predictions by a factor ~5. This challenges the assumptions made in this model and gives valuable input for further modelling approaches. The analyses were performed with the software packages provided by the H.E.S.S. and Fermi collaborations. The development of a unified analysis framework for gamma-ray data, namely GammaLib/ctools, is rapidly progressing within the CTA consortium. Recent implementations and cross-checks with current software frameworks are presented in the Appendix.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lypova2021, author = {Lypova, Iryna}, title = {The galactic plane in gamma-rays above 10 TeV as seen with H.E.S.S.}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-50931}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-509317}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 195}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of five imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes located in the Khomas Highland of Namibia. H.E.S.S. operates in a wide energy range from several tens of GeV to several tens of TeV, reaching the best sensitivity around 1 TeV or at lower energies. However, there are many important topics - such as the search for Galactic PeVatrons, the study of gamma-ray production scenarios for sources (hadronic vs. leptonic), EBL absorption studies - which require good sensitivity at energies above 10 TeV. This work aims at improving the sensitivity of H.E.S.S. and increasing the gamma-ray statistics at high energies. The study investigates an enlargement of the H.E.S.S. effective field of view using events with larger offset angles in the analysis. The greatest challenges in the analysis of large-offset events are a degradation of the reconstruction accuracy and a rise of the background rate as the offset angle increases. The more sophisticated direction reconstruction method (DISP) and improvements to the standard background rejection technique, which by themselves are effective ways to increase the gamma-ray statistics and improve the sensitivity of the analysis, are implemented to overcome the above-mentioned issues. As a result, the angular resolution at the preselection level is improved by 5 - 10\% for events at 0.5◦ offset angle and by 20 - 30\% for events at 2◦ offset angle. The background rate at large offset angles is decreased nearly to a level typical for offset angles below 2.5◦. Thereby, sensitivity improvements of 10 - 20\% are achieved for the proposed analysis compared to the standard analysis at small offset angles. Developed analysis also allows for the usage of events at large offset angles up to approximately 4◦, which was not possible before. This analysis method is applied to the analysis of the Galactic plane data above 10 TeV. As a result, 40 sources out of the 78 presented in the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey (HGPS) are detected above 10 TeV. Among them are representatives of all source classes that are present in the HGPS catalogue; namely, binary systems, supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae and composite objects. The potential of the improved analysis method is demonstrated by investigating the more than 10 TeV emission for two objects: the region associated with the shell-type SNR HESS J1731-347 and the PWN candidate associated with PSR J0855-4644 that is coincident with Vela Junior (HESS J0852-463).}, language = {en} }