@book{OPUS4-64594, title = {Am Ende der Globalisierung}, series = {Re-Figuration von R{\"a}umen}, volume = {1}, journal = {Re-Figuration von R{\"a}umen}, editor = {L{\"o}w, Martina and Sayman, Volkan and Schwerer, Jona and Wolf, Hannah}, publisher = {transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8376-5402-8}, doi = {10.14361/9783839454022}, pages = {481}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Globalisierung ist zur allgegenw{\"a}rtigen Gewissheit geworden. Doch wie zutreffend ist das Konzept »Globalisierung«, wenn zeitgleich nationale Grenzen gest{\"a}rkt und transnationale Freihandelszonen ausgeweitet werden, wenn auf unterschiedlichen scales Territorien {\"u}berwunden und zugleich territoriale Abgrenzungen neu gesetzt werden? Aktuelle Ver{\"a}nderungen als Re-Figuration von R{\"a}umen zu verstehen, erm{\"o}glicht die Analyse und Diskussion widerspr{\"u}chlicher, spannungsreicher und konflikthafter r{\"a}umlicher Prozesse und ihrer allt{\"a}glichen Erfahrung. Die interdisziplin{\"a}ren Beitr{\"a}ge des Bandes liefern theoretische und empirische Analysen zu politischen, digitalen und allt{\"a}glichen R{\"a}umen im Konzept der Re-Figuration.}, language = {de} } @misc{Gatzhammer2012, author = {Gatzhammer, Stefan}, title = {Aspekte des religi{\"o}s motivierten Tourismus in Europa heute}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62026}, pages = {253 -- 271}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Wallfahrten und Pilgerreisen, allgemein der religi{\"o}s motivierte Tourismus erfreut sich in Europa heute aus unterschiedlichen Motiven wachsender Zustimmung. Die Motivation hierzu wurzelt letztendlich im Bereich der religi{\"o}sen Emotionalit{\"a}t. Untersucht wird diese Form spiritueller Orientierung in der religi{\"o}sen Gegenwartskultur auch in seiner Auswirkung auf die religi{\"o}sen Institutionen. Die M{\"o}glichkeit zu religi{\"o}s motiviertem Reisen kommt dem Bed{\"u}rfnis nach mehr Religiosit{\"a}t entgegen, ohne daß der Pilgertourist gezwungen ist, sich l{\"a}ngerfristig an kirchliche Strukturen binden zu m{\"u}ssen. Der christliche Religionstourismus ist ein bedeutender Globalisierungsfaktor und zahlenm{\"a}ßig die gr{\"o}ßte Mobilisierung von Religion.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-56791, title = {Aus der m{\"a}rkischen Streusandb{\"u}chse in die Welt hinein}, series = {Schriften der Landesgeschichtlichen Vereinigung f{\"u}r die Mark Brandenburg ; Neue Folge, 14 Einzelver{\"o}ffentlchungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs; 28}, journal = {Schriften der Landesgeschichtlichen Vereinigung f{\"u}r die Mark Brandenburg ; Neue Folge, 14 Einzelver{\"o}ffentlchungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs; 28}, editor = {Engel, Felix and Ruffert, Elisabeth and Seeger, Anke and Str{\"a}ßner, Ulrike}, publisher = {Lukas Verlag f{\"u}r Kunst- und Geistesgeschichte}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86732-423-6}, pages = {344}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Frank G{\"o}se, Hochschullehrer und apl. Professor f{\"u}r Landesgeschichte an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, dem der vorliegende Band anl{\"a}sslich seines 65. Geburtstages gewidmet ist, setzt sich seit Jahrzehnten epochen{\"u}bergreifend und vergleichend mit der Geschichte seines Heimatlandes Brandenburg und der daran gekn{\"u}pften Mythen auseinander. Mit seiner dezidiert quellenges{\"a}ttigten, thematisch und methodisch stets offenen Forschung legt er neue Perspektiven auf »Land und Leute« frei. Denn nicht nur die Betrachtung Brandenburgs und Preußens, sondern ebenso der Blick auf das benachbarte Sachsen und die Herstellung internationaler Kontexte zeichnen Frank G{\"o}se aus, sodass die hier versammelten Beitr{\"a}ge seiner Sch{\"u}lerinnen und Sch{\"u}ler sowie Wegbegleiterinnen und Wegbegleiter die viel­f{\"a}ltigen Interessen des Jubilars spiegeln.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-9756, title = {Brennpunkte kultureller Begegnungen auf dem Weg zu einem modernen Europa : Identit{\"a}ten und Alterit{\"a}ten eines Kontinents}, editor = {Klettke, Cornelia and Pr{\"o}ve, Ralf}, publisher = {V \& R Unipress}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-89971-877-5 (print)}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {277}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @misc{Karolewski2007, author = {Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel}, title = {B{\"u}rgerschaft und kollektive Identit{\"a}t in Europa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13418}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept kollektiver Identit{\"a}t werden drei B{\"u}rgerschafts-Modelle (republikanisches, liberales und c{\"a}sarisches) diskutiert. B{\"u}rgerschaft wird im Sinne von citizenship anstelle von Staatsb{\"u}rgerschaft wegen deren etatistischer Konnotation in der deutschen Sprache verwendet. Abschließend wird die europ{\"a}ische B{\"u}rgerschaft sowie deren korrespondierende kollektive Identit{\"a}t betrachtet.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Olonscheck2016, author = {Olonscheck, Mady}, title = {Climate change impacts on electricity and residential energy demand}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98378}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXIV, 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The energy sector is both affected by climate change and a key sector for climate protection measures. Energy security is the backbone of our modern society and guarantees the functioning of most critical infrastructure. Thus, decision makers and energy suppliers of different countries should be familiar with the factors that increase or decrease the susceptibility of their electricity sector to climate change. Susceptibility means socioeconomic and structural characteristics of the electricity sector that affect the demand for and supply of electricity under climate change. Moreover, the relevant stakeholders are supposed to know whether the given national energy and climate targets are feasible and what needs to be done in order to meet these targets. In this regard, a focus should be on the residential building sector as it is one of the largest energy consumers and therefore emitters of anthropogenic CO 2 worldwide. This dissertation addresses the first aspect, namely the susceptibility of the electricity sector, by developing a ranked index which allows for quantitative comparison of the electricity sector susceptibility of 21 European countries based on 14 influencing factors. Such a ranking has not been completed to date. We applied a sensitivity analysis to test the relative effect of each influencing factor on the susceptibility index ranking. We also discuss reasons for the ranking position and thus the susceptibility of selected countries. The second objective, namely the impact of climate change on the energy demand of buildings, is tackled by means of a new model with which the heating and cooling energy demand of residential buildings can be estimated. We exemplarily applied the model to Germany and the Netherlands. It considers projections of future changes in population, climate and the insulation standards of buildings, whereas most of the existing studies only take into account fewer than three different factors that influence the future energy demand of buildings. Furthermore, we developed a comprehensive retrofitting algorithm with which the total residential building stock can be modeled for the first time for each year in the past and future. The study confirms that there is no correlation between the geographical location of a country and its position in the electricity sector susceptibility ranking. Moreover, we found no pronounced pattern of susceptibility influencing factors between countries that ranked higher or lower in the index. We illustrate that Luxembourg, Greece, Slovakia and Italy are the countries with the highest electricity sector susceptibility. The electricity sectors of Norway, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Denmark were found to be least susceptible to climate change. Knowledge about the most important factors for the poor and good ranking positions of these countries is crucial for finding adequate adaptation measures to reduce the susceptibility of the electricity sector. Therefore, these factors are described within this study. We show that the heating energy demand of residential buildings will strongly decrease in both Germany and the Netherlands in the future. The analysis for the Netherlands focused on the regional level and a finer temporal resolution which revealed strong variations in the future heating energy demand changes by province and by month. In the German study, we additionally investigated the future cooling energy demand and could demonstrate that it will only slightly increase up to the middle of this century. Thus, increases in the cooling energy demand are not expected to offset reductions in heating energy demand. The main factor for substantial heating energy demand reductions is the retrofitting of buildings. We are the first to show that the given German and Dutch energy and climate targets in the building sector can only be met if the annual retrofitting rates are substantially increased. The current rate of only about 1 \% of the total building stock per year is insufficient for reaching a nearly zero-energy demand of all residential buildings by the middle of this century. To reach this target, it would need to be at least tripled. To sum up, this thesis emphasizes that country-specific characteristics are decisive for the electricity sector susceptibility of European countries. It also shows for different scenarios how much energy is needed in the future to heat and cool residential buildings. With this information, existing climate mitigation and adaptation measures can be justified or new actions encouraged.}, language = {en} } @article{PostbergGruenHoranyietal.2011, author = {Postberg, Frank and Gr{\"u}n, Eberhard and Horanyi, Mihaly and Kempf, Sascha and Krueger, Harald and Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen and Spahn, Frank and Srama, Ralf and Sternovsky, Zoltan and Trieloff, Mario}, title = {Compositional mapping of planetary moons by mass spectrometry of dust ejecta}, series = {Planetary and space science}, volume = {59}, journal = {Planetary and space science}, number = {14}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0032-0633}, doi = {10.1016/j.pss.2011.05.001}, pages = {1815 -- 1825}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Classical methods to analyze the surface composition of atmosphereless planetary objects from an orbiter are IR and gamma ray spectroscopy and neutron backscatter measurements. The idea to analyze surface properties with an in-situ instrument has been proposed by Johnson et al. (1998). There, it was suggested to analyze Europa's thin atmosphere with an ion and neutral gas spectrometer. Since the atmospheric components are released by sputtering of the moon's surface, they provide a link to surface composition. Here we present an improved, complementary method to analyze rocky or icy dust particles as samples of planetary objects from which they were ejected. Such particles, generated by the ambient meteoroid bombardment that erodes the surface, are naturally present on all atmosphereless moons and planets. The planetary bodies are enshrouded in clouds of ballistic dust particles, which are characteristic samples of their surfaces. In situ mass spectroscopic analysis of these dust particles impacting onto a detector of an orbiting spacecraft reveals their composition. Recent instrumental developments and tests allow the chemical characterization of ice and dust particles encountered at speeds as low as 1 km/s and an accurate reconstruction of their trajectories. Depending on the sampling altitude, a dust trajectory sensor can trace back the origin of each analyzed grain with about 10 km accuracy at the surface. Since the detection rates are of the order of thousand per orbit, a spatially resolved mapping of the surface composition can be achieved. Certain bodies (e.g., Europa) with particularly dense dust clouds, could provide impact statistics that allow for compositional mapping even on single flybys. Dust impact velocities are in general sufficiently high at orbiters about planetary objects with a radius > 1000 km and with only a thin or no atmosphere. In this work we focus on the scientific benefit of a dust spectrometer on a spacecraft orbiting Earth's Moon as well as Jupiter's Galilean satellites. This 'dust spectrometer' approach provides key chemical and isotopic constraints for varying provinces or geological formations on the surfaces, leading to better understanding of the body's geological evolution.}, language = {en} } @misc{Goertemaker2009, author = {G{\"o}rtemaker, Manfred}, title = {Deutsche Außenpolitik vom Bismarck-Reich zur Berliner Republik}, issn = {0944-8101}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-32752}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die deutsche Außenpolitik hat seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart viele Ver{\"a}nderungen erlebt. Lange stand Deutschland in einem angespannten Verh{\"a}ltnis zu den europ{\"a}ischen Ordnungen, doch nun ist es ein wichtiger Akteur der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Manfred G{\"o}rtemaker, Professor f{\"u}r Neuere Geschichte aus Potsdam, zeichnet die wichtigsten Stationen dieser Entwicklung in seinem Beitrag nach.}, language = {de} } @misc{Kleinwaechter2012, author = {Kleinw{\"a}chter, Lutz}, title = {Deutsche Verantwortung f{\"u}r Europa}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61947}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Wir stehen vor einer Zeitenwende - entweder kommt es zum gemeinsamen Wohlstand oder zum Niedergang Europas in einer immer st{\"a}rker globalisierten Welt. Deutschland, anteilig mit ca. 20 Prozent die gr{\"o}ßte und außerordentlich technologiestarke europ{\"a}ische Wirtschaft, tr{\"a}gt dabei eine zentrale politische Verant- wortung. Leider wird die derzeitige schwarz-gelbe Regierung diesen Herausforderungen nicht gerecht. Die seit zwei Jahr- zehnten erfolgreiche Exportoffensive der deutschen Großindustrie, finanziert von Banken, generiert gigantische privatwirtschaftliche Gewinne. Die Reall{\"o}hne der Masse der Bev{\"o}lkerung stagnieren dagegen auf dem Niveau von 1995.}, language = {de} } @book{Thimm2018, author = {Thimm, Tobias}, title = {Die Migration bulgarischer Staatsb{\"u}rger nach Deutschland}, series = {WeltTrends Thesis}, journal = {WeltTrends Thesis}, number = {20}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-425-8}, issn = {1866-0738}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-404713}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {114}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Viele der mittelost- und s{\"u}dosteurop{\"a}ischen L{\"a}nder haben mit der Migration ihrer Staatsb{\"u}rger nach Westeuropa zu k{\"a}mpfen und beklagen den brain drain ihrer jungen und gut ausgebildeten Generation. Dieses Buch widmet sich der Migration bulgarischer Staatsb{\"u}rger nach Deutschland und analysiert die positiven sowie negativen Auswirkungen der Migration auf Bulgarien als Herkunftsland selbst. Es werden die Daten, Personengruppen und Ursachen der Migration unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Push- und Pull-Faktoren beider L{\"a}nder seit dem EU-Beitritt 2007, insbesondere seit der EU-Arbeitnehmerfreiz{\"u}gigkeit 2014, analysiert. Ferner steht die Frage im Vordergrund, wie der bulgarische Staat und die Zivilgesellschaft mit dem Ph{\"a}nomen der Massenmigration umgehen und was zus{\"a}tzlich getan werden k{\"o}nnte, um die Migration gezielter zu steuern und so mehr Bulgaren f{\"u}r eine Zukunft in der Heimat zu begeistern.}, language = {de} }