@article{Scianna2022, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Directing the war from triumph to disaster}, series = {The Routledge history of the Second World War}, journal = {The Routledge history of the Second World War}, editor = {Bartrop, Paul R.}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {Abingdon}, isbn = {9780429455353}, doi = {10.4324/9780429455353-16}, pages = {181 -- 194}, year = {2022}, abstract = {After the Second World War, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were singled out as evil geniuses who misled the masses and plunged them into an "unwanted war." In relation to their armed forces, this narrative argued that the generals under their command had been demoted to powerless tools in the hands of the dictators, having to follow orders and with no sway over decision-making. It was further asserted that Germany and Italy had not been able to secure a victory due to the dictators' meddling. Yet, as this chapter shows, there are important differences between the German and Italian cases. The chapter compares both the command structures in which the dictators operated as well as their grand strategies and how they cooperated during the war. Their personal relationship will be also analyzed, as it is impossible to look at the Axis without understanding the complex personal relationship at the very top. The strategies of both Hitler and Mussolini will be looked at and how each leader behaved in terms of working with their closest ally, together with some examples of cooperation on the lower military rungs.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2020, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Rezension zu: "Italy and the Second World War. Alternative Perspectives / Hrsg.: Emanuele Sica ; Richard Carrier. - Leiden [u. a.]: Brill, 2018. - XV, 366 S. - (History of Warfare, 121). - ISBN 978‑90‑04‑36333‑5"}, series = {Milit{\"a}rgeschichtliche Zeitschrift}, volume = {79}, journal = {Milit{\"a}rgeschichtliche Zeitschrift}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2193-2336}, doi = {10.1515/mgzs-2020-0049}, pages = {280 -- 282}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Rolle Italiens im Zweiten Weltkrieg wird, trotz enormer Fortschritte in den letzten Jahren, h{\"a}ufig stiefm{\"u}tterlich behandelt oder bleibt das Metier einiger Spezialisten. Emanuele Sica und Richard Carrier, beide ausgewiesene Experten und in Kanada lehrend, haben einen anregenden Sammelband vorgelegt, der vergleichende (Ein‑)Blicke gestattet. Der Band {\"u}berzeugt durch eine gute Balance zwischen quellenges{\"a}ttigten Beitr{\"a}gen und neuen Erkenntnissen sowie sekund{\"a}rliteraturgest{\"u}tzten Synthesen. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt hierbei deutlich auf milit{\"a}rischen Themen, auch wenn durchaus sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte einfließen. Der erste Abschnitt untersucht die Besatzungsherrschaft in Jugoslawien, Kreta und S{\"u}dfrankreich. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur italienischen Besatzungsherrschaft haben in den letzten Jahren das ehemals vorherrschende Bild des »guten Italieners« einer notwendigen Korrektur unterzogen. Diese Besatzungen k{\"o}nnen mittlerweile als eines der am besten erforschten Felder bezeichnet werden. Eric Gobetti und Federico Goddi steuern konzise Zusammenfassungen ihrer Monografien bei. Gobetti, der die italienische Besatzung Jugoslawiens von 1941 bis 1943 beleuchtet, hebt die zugleich arrogante und unkoordinierte Okkupationspolitik sowie die kontraproduktive Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen radikalen Nationalisten hervor. Diese beiden Faktoren, so Gobetti, best{\"a}rkten den Widerstand gegen die Italiener und beendeten faschistische Tr{\"a}ume eines Imperiums entlang der Adria. Goddi analysiert in seinem prim{\"a}rquellenreichen Beitrag die Reaktionen des italienischen Milit{\"a}rs auf den montenegrinischen Aufstand am 13. Juli 1941. Anhand des Milit{\"a}rgerichts in Cetinje verdeutlicht der Autor die unterschiedlichen Repressionsinstrumente und die Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Kollaborateuren, wobei nicht immer deutlich wird, in welche Richtung Goddi argumentiert. Der Beitrag von Paolo Fonzi {\"u}ber das italienische Besatzungsregime auf Kreta ist besonders hervorzuheben. Fonzi zeigt, dass im Vergleich zur italienischen Besatzung auf dem griechischen Festland die Herrschaft {\"u}ber den {\"o}stlichen Teil Kretas weniger brutal war. Das lag nicht an der sprichw{\"o}rtlichen Milde der Italiener, sondern an situativen Gegebenheiten. Die Italiener versuchten, wie in anderen Teilen Griechenlands, ihre Zone vom deutschen Besatzungsgebiet »abzutrennen« und eine italienische Sph{\"a}re zu errichten. Allerdings fielen die Zwangsmaßnahmen, etwa im wirtschaftlichen oder kulturellen Bereich, viel geringer aus als andernorts, was sich darin niederschlug, dass sich im Osten der Insel keine Guerrillabewegung bildete. Neben der generell geringen Partisanenaktivit{\"a}t auf den griechischen Inseln f{\"u}hrt Fonzi dies auch auf die große Zahl der italienischen Soldaten (15 000-22 000) in Relation zur Zivilbev{\"o}lkerung (70 000) zur{\"u}ck. Schaut man jedoch auf die Zahlen in Montenegro aus Goddis Beitrag (107 000 italienische Soldaten - 390 000 Zivilisten) scheint das zahlenm{\"a}ßige Verh{\"a}ltnis nicht ungew{\"o}hnlich, auch wenn in beiden F{\"a}llen die Zahl der Soldaten sehr hoch ist. {\"U}berzeugender ist Fonzis Analyse der lokalen Kultur als hemmender Faktor. Im Osten der Insel sei die Tradition des Widerstandes und des Milit{\"a}rdienstes allgemein weniger verankert gewesen. Zudem halfen die Italiener der Bev{\"o}lkerung Engp{\"a}sse in der Lebensmittelversorgung zu vermeiden. Die Beitr{\"a}ge zur Besatzung, abgerundet durch eine Studie zur italienischen Besatzung in (S{\"u}dost‑)Frankreich, zeigen daher unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und Reaktionen des Milit{\"a}rs, je nach Situation. Der zweite Abschnitt widmet sich einem oft vernachl{\"a}ssigten Kapitel der italienischen Rolle im Zweiten Weltkrieg: dem Kampf regul{\"a}rer Einheiten, also nicht der Resistenza, gegen die Wehrmacht und die italienische faschistische Republik im Norden ab Oktober 1943. Richard Carrier analysiert die ambivalenten britischen und amerikanischen Einsch{\"a}tzungen des taufrischen B{\"u}ndnispartners, die internen Probleme der »neuen« Armee (die das Fundament der Streitkr{\"a}fte nach 1945 bildete und somit institutionelle Kontinuit{\"a}t »bewahrte«) sowie den nicht unbedeutenden aktiven und passiven Einsatz italienischer Soldaten an der Seite der Alliierten. Niccol{\`o} Da Lio skizziert in einer Milit{\"a}rgeschichte »von unten« die Motivation und Gef{\"u}hlslagen der Soldaten nach dem 8. September 1943 (Waffenstillstand zwischen Italien und den Alliierten) bis zur Befreiung des Landes. Der dritte Abschnitt des Sammelbandes widmet sich der Rolle der Resistenza und geht auf verschiedene Facetten des B{\"u}rgerkriegs ein, etwa die Miteinbeziehung von Frauen oder die Bestrafung von Faschisten bis 1945. Der letzte Teil des Bandes untersucht den Einsatz der istrischen Minderheit im Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion und die Kriegserfahrung italienisch-st{\"a}mmiger Soldaten der Alliierten im Geburtsland ihrer Vorfahren sowie die Aufarbeitung deutscher Kriegsverbrechen in Italien nach dem 8. September 1943. Das Vor‑ und Nachwort der Herausgeber spannt einen gelungenen Bogen, zeigt Forschungstendenzen auf, fasst Ergebnisse des Bandes zusammen und liefert zugleich Anreize f{\"u}r weitere Studien. Zu bem{\"a}ngeln ist, dass sich auf 366 Seiten keine Karte findet und dem Leser daher eine detaillierte Kenntnis, zum Beispiel der Geografie Montenegros, abverlangt wird. Dennoch wird das vorliegende Werk f{\"u}r viele Kollegen ein wichtiger und st{\"a}ndiger Begleiter werden, denn es leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag, um Italiens Rolle (und die des K{\"o}niglichen Heeres) im Zweiten Weltkrieg besser zu verstehen.}, language = {de} } @article{Scianna2018, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Rommel Almighty?}, series = {The Journal of Military History}, volume = {82}, journal = {The Journal of Military History}, number = {1}, publisher = {Society for Military History}, address = {Lexington}, issn = {0899-3718}, pages = {125 -- 145}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Erwin Rommel is by any standard a mythical figure. He has been the subject of countless studies in English and German. However, the "Italian side of the hill" has been largely neglected, despite the fact that the foundation of the myth around him lies in the North African campaign, where, after all, thousands of soldiers of the Italian army fought alongside the african campaign, where, after all, thousands of soldiers of the Italian army fought along-side the Afrika Korps. This article will provide an Italian view of the "Desert Fox," using new primary material that provides insights into Italian assessments during the war. A major source is material gathered by way of eavesdropping by British intelligence on Italian officers held as POWs in Cairo and in England.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2018, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {A prelude to total war?}, series = {International Journal of Military History and Historiography}, volume = {38}, journal = {International Journal of Military History and Historiography}, number = {1}, publisher = {Brill}, address = {Leiden}, issn = {2468-3299}, doi = {10.1163/24683302-03801001}, pages = {5 -- 33}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The conflict between Italy and Ethiopia in 1935-36 has been framed as a prelude to the Second World War and as a watershed towards 'Total War'. One perspective has so far been neglected: the assessments of foreign military observers. This article examines American, British, German, and Austrian views on the operations and thereby also analyses the mindset of European officers at the time. The core argument emerging from these reports is that the war was perceived as a rather 'normal' colonial conflict. Neither the use of gas, nor the employment of aircraft against civilians was seen as a taboo or created significant outrage among the military observers. Instead, they lauded the Italians' steady logistical efforts and employment of artillery and airpower to overcome nature and the enemy's resistance.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2019, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Rebuilding an Austrian Army}, series = {War in History}, volume = {26}, journal = {War in History}, number = {1}, publisher = {Sage Publ.}, address = {London}, issn = {0968-3445}, doi = {10.1177/0968344516682057}, pages = {105 -- 123}, year = {2019}, abstract = {After the Second World War, a new Austrian Army (the Bundesheer) was formed to guarantee the country's armed neutrality. But the period between 1938 and 1945 remained a point of contention. While some Austrian officers had been sidelined, the majority had served in the Wehrmacht and thus shared experiences and soldierly values. As Cold War realities necessitated a professional experienced army, a group around Erwin Fussenegger (1908-1986) dominated the new Bundesheer and contemplations about reforming the military culture and value system were postponed; while at the same time, the Bundesheer managed to prevent becoming a mere continuation of the Wehrmacht.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2019, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Stuck in the past?}, series = {War \& Society}, volume = {38}, journal = {War \& Society}, number = {1}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {0729-2473}, doi = {10.1080/07292473.2019.1524347}, pages = {41 -- 56}, year = {2019}, abstract = {After the Civil War the Spanish army functioned as a guardian of domestic order, but suffered from antiquated material and little financial means. These factors have been described as fundamental reasons for the army's low potential wartime capability. This article draws on British and German sources to demonstrate how Spanish military culture prevented an augmented effectiveness and organisational change. Claiming that the army merely lacked funding and modern equipment, falls considerably short in grasping the complexities of military effectiveness and organisational cultures, and might prove fatal for current attempts to develop foreign armed forces in conflict or post-conflict zones.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2019, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Forging an Italian hero?}, series = {European Review of History: Revue europ{\´e}enne d'histoire}, volume = {26}, journal = {European Review of History: Revue europ{\´e}enne d'histoire}, number = {3}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {1350-7486}, doi = {10.1080/13507486.2018.1492520}, pages = {369 -- 385}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Over the last two decades, Amedeo Guillet (1909-2010) has been turned into a public and military hero. His exploits as a guerrilla leader in Italian East Africa in 1941 have been exaggerated to forge a narrative of an honourable resistance against overwhelming odds. Thereby, Guillet has been showcased as a romanticized colonial explorer who was an apolitical and timeless Italian officer. He has been compared to Lawrence of Arabia in order to raise his international visibility, while his genuine Italian brand is perpetuated domestically. By elevating him to an official role model, the Italian Army has gained a focal point for military heroism that was also acceptable in the public memory as the embodiment of a 'glorious' defeat narrative.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2018, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {A Blueprint for Successful Peacekeeping?}, series = {The international history review}, volume = {41}, journal = {The international history review}, number = {3}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {0707-5332}, doi = {10.1080/07075332.2018.1431804}, pages = {650 -- 672}, year = {2018}, abstract = {On 6 June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon to fight the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Between August 1982 and February 1984, the US, France, Britain and Italy deployed a Multinational Force (MNF) to Beirut. Its task was to act as an interposition force to bolster the government and to bring peace to the people. The mission is often forgotten or merely remembered in context with the bombing of US Marines' barracks. However, an analysis of the Italian contingent shows that the MNF was not doomed to fail and could accomplish its task when operational and diplomatic efforts were coordinated. The Italian commander in Beirut, General Franco Angioni, followed a successful approach that sustained neutrality, respectful behaviour and minimal force, which resulted in a qualified success of the Italian efforts.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2019, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {A predisposition to brutality?}, series = {Small wars and insurgencies}, volume = {30}, journal = {Small wars and insurgencies}, number = {4-5}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {0959-2318}, doi = {10.1080/09592318.2019.1638551}, pages = {968 -- 993}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The German Sonderweg thesis has been discarded in most research fields. Yet in regards to the military, things differ: all conflicts before the Second World War are interpreted as prelude to the war of extermination between 1939-1945. This article specifically looks at the Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 and German behaviour vis-a-vis regular combatants, civilians and irregular guerrilla fighters, the so-called francs-tireurs. The author argues that the counter-measures were not exceptional for nineteenth century warfare and also shows how selective reading of the existing secondary literature has distorted our view on the war.}, language = {en} } @article{Scianna2016, author = {Scianna, Bastian Matteo}, title = {Cultures of Violence of the Colonial Wars to the Present Conference of the German Historical Institute of Warsaw with the German Committee for the History of Second World War in Cooperation with the University of Potsdam, Potsdam, 4th to 6th June, 2015}, series = {Milit{\~A}\irgeschichtliche Zeitschrift}, volume = {75}, journal = {Milit{\~A}\irgeschichtliche Zeitschrift}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2193-2336}, doi = {10.1515/mgzs-2016-0009}, pages = {145 -- 150}, year = {2016}, language = {de} }