@article{WrightWachsGamezGuadix2021, author = {Wright, Michelle F. and Wachs, Sebastian and G{\´a}mez-Guadix, Manuel}, title = {J{\´o}venes ante el ciberodio}, series = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, volume = {29}, journal = {Comunicar : revista cient{\´i}fica de comunicaci{\´o}n y educaci{\´o}n}, number = {67}, publisher = {Grupo Comunicar}, address = {Huelva}, issn = {1134-3478}, doi = {10.3916/C67-2021-02}, pages = {21 -- 33}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adolescents around the world are increasingly exposed to cyberhate. More knowledge is needed to understand how adolescents cope with cyberhate and how they can be supported when exposed. To this end, the present study investigated the associations between parental mediation of Internet use and adolescents' problem-focused coping strategies for hypothetical cyberhate victimization while considering family support as a moderator of these relationships. The sample consisted of self-reports of 5,960 adolescents between 12-18 years old (M=14.94; SD=1.61; females: 50.7\%) from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, India, Spain, South Korea, and Thailand. A structural equation model was used to investigate the relationship among parental mediation, family support, and coping with cyberhate. Findings showed a positive relationship between instructive parental mediation and adolescents' problem-focused coping strategies, and a negative relationship between restrictive parental mediation and adolescents' capability to cope productively with cyberhate. In addition, family support strengthened the positive relationship between instructive parental mediation and adolescents' use of coping strategies and attenuated the negative relationship between restrictive parental mediation and adolescents' use of coping strategies. The findings highlight the need for parental education training and underscore the importance of family support for increasing adolescents' ability to cope productively with cyberhate.}, language = {es} } @article{Prieto2021, author = {Prieto, Julio}, title = {Un dandy de zapatos gastados}, series = {Chasqui : revista de literatura latinoamericana}, volume = {51}, journal = {Chasqui : revista de literatura latinoamericana}, number = {1}, publisher = {Arizona State University}, address = {Tempe}, issn = {0145-8973}, pages = {389 -- 407}, year = {2021}, abstract = {El comienzo podr{\´i}an ser dos im{\´a}genes de Vallejo en Par{\´i}s. La primera la extraigo de la m{\´a}s reciente biograf{\´i}a del escritor peruano, C{\´e}sar Vallejo: A Literary Biography, obra del hispanista brit{\´a}nico Stephen Hart. Refiere Hart que en sus primeros a{\~n}os en Par{\´i}s la situaci{\´o}n de Vallejo era tan precaria que cuando viajaba en tren evitaba descender del vag{\´o}n hasta que no se hubiera detenido del todo para no desgastar su {\´u}nico par de zapatos. En cierta ocasi{\´o}n, yendo con unos amigos y top{\´a}ndose con una acera encharcada por la ruptura de una boca de riego, Vallejo prefiri{\´o} dar media vuelta y despedirse de sus amigos antes que arriesgarse a arruinar sus zapatos atravesando el charco (108). Quisiera contrastar esta imagen, que sintetiza la penuria econ{\´o}mica que marc{\´o} la vida de Vallejo en Par{\´i}s y en general los quince a{\~n}os que pas{\´o} en Europa desde que abandon{\´o} el Per{\´u} en 1923 hasta su muerte en 1938, con la imagen que propone una fotograf{\´i}a (v{\´e}ase Fig. 1). Es una fotograf{\´i}a muy conocida: tomada en 1929 por Juan Domingo C{\´o}rdoba en el curso de un paseo veraniego por Versalles, se ha convertido en una suerte de imagen emblem{\´a}tica, reproducida en numerosas reediciones de la obra de Vallejo. De hecho, lo que a m{\´i} siempre me llam{\´o} la atenci{\´o}n en esta imagen es la pose. La pose, y la elegancia del atuendo. Consideremos por un momento lo atildado del traje, el coqueto pa{\~n}uelo que asoma del bolsillo superior de la chaqueta, el anillo con un {\´a}gata negra engastada en el dedo coraz{\´o}n, el sombrero de fieltro dejado al desgaire en la pierna, el se{\~n}orial bast{\´o}n—o la corbata anudada en pajarita con que aparece en otra fotograf{\´i}a contempor{\´a}nea (v{\´e}ase Fig. 2). Si hubiera que definir en una palabra la elegancia de esa pose, yo dir{\´i}a que es la pose de un dandy. Un dandy de zapatos gastados. En los m{\´u}ltiples transtierros de Vallejo, y en particular en los quince a{\~n}os que vivi{\´o} en Par{\´i}s, coexisten as{\´i} pues la precariedad econ{\´o}mica del emigrante y el cosmopolitismo del viajero culto.}, language = {es} } @article{Prieto2021, author = {Prieto, Julio}, title = {'La poes{\´i}a no da para tanto'}, series = {Bulletin of Hispanic studies : a record and review of their progress / The University of Liverpool}, volume = {98}, journal = {Bulletin of Hispanic studies : a record and review of their progress / The University of Liverpool}, number = {1}, publisher = {Liverpool Univ. Press}, address = {Liverpool}, issn = {1475-3839}, doi = {10.3828/bhs.2021.5}, pages = {67 -- 86}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This article focuses on the unique combination of poetry, fiction and autobiography that distinguishes Lorenzo Garcia Vega's recent work. Through a reading of this work and, in particular, of the 'bad novel', Devastacion del Hotel San Luis (2007), a rethinking of the concept of autofiction is proposed, based on Benveniste's linguistic analysis of enunciation modes and on a revision of Kate Hamburger's theory of literary genres. My reading situates the question of autofiction in this author in the context of his conflictive dialogue with the group Origenes, tracing the mixture of narrative and lyrical modes of autofiguration in Garcia Vega's unique project: rewriting both Proust's autobiographic narrative and Lezama's neobaroque poetics.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Arnous2021, author = {Arnous, Ahmad}, title = {Paleosismolog{\´i}a y neotect{\´o}nica del antepa{\´i}s fragmentado en el extremo sureste del Sistema Santa B{\´a}rbara, Noroeste Argentino}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53527}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-535274}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {182}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This thesis constitutes a multidisciplinary study of the central sector of the Santa B{\´a}rbara System geological province, the tectonically active broken foreland of the central Andes of north-western Argentina. The study is based on a tectono-geomorphic characterization combined with a variety of geophysical and structural studies. The principal focus was on the faulted piedmont regions of the Sierra de La Candelaria and, to a lesser degree, the extreme south of the intermontane Met{\´a}n basin. The study region is located in the border area between the provinces of Salta and Tucum{\´a}n. The main objective was to characterize and analyze evidence of Quaternary tectonic activity in the region, in order to increase the available information on neotectonic structures and their seismogenic potential. To this end, several methods were applied and integrated, such as the interpretation of seismic reflection lines, the creation of structural sections and kinematic modeling, as well as near-surface geophysical methods, in order to explore the geometry of faults observed at the surface and to assess the behavior of potential blind faults. In a first step, a geomorphic and structural survey of the study area was carried out using LANDSAT and SENTINEL 2 multispectral satellite images, which allowed to recognize different levels of Quaternary alluvial fans and fluvial terraces that are important strain markers in the field. In a second step, different morphometric indexes were determined from digital elevation models (DEM) and combined with field observations; it was possible to identify evidence of tectonic deformation related to four neotectonic faults. In a third step, three structures (Arias, El Quemado and Copo Quile faults) were selected for more detailed studies involving Electrical Resistive Tomography (ERT) and Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT). This part of the study enabled me to define the geometry of faults at depth, helped to infer geometric and kinematic characteristics, and confirmed the extent of recent deformation. The Arias and El Quemado faults were interpreted as reverse faults related to layer-parallel, flexuralslip faulting, while the Copo Quile fault was interpreted as a blind reverse fault. Subsequently, a joint interpretation of seismic reflection lines and well-logs from the Choromoro and Met{\´a}n basins was carried out, to decipher the principal structures and their influence on the deformation of the different sedimentary units in the intermontane basins. The obtained information was integrated into a kinematic model. This model suggests that the recent deformation is driven by a blind, deep-seated reverse fault, located under the Sierra de La Candelaria and Cantero anticline. The corresponding shortening involves the sedimentary strata of the Salta and Or{\´a}n groups in the adjacent basins, which was accommodated by faults that moved along stratal boundaries, thus bending and folding the Quaternary deposits at the surface. The kinematic model enabled identifying the approximate location of the important detachment horizons that control the overall crustal deformation style in this region. The shallowest detachment horizon is located at 4 km depth and controls deformation in a thin-skinned manner. In addition, the horizon of the thick-skinned style of deformation was identified at 21 km depth. Finally, from the integration of all the results obtained, the seismogenic potential of the faults in the study area was evaluated. The first-order faults that control deformation in the area are responsible for the large earthquakes. While, Quaternary flexural-slip faults affecting only the sedimentary cover are secondary structures that accommodate deformation and were activated very low magnitude earthquakes and/or aseismic movements. In conclusion, the results of this study allow to demonstrate that the regional fault system of intrabasinal faults in the Santa B{\´a}rbara System constitutes a potential seismogenic source in the region, where numerous towns and extensive civilian infrastructure are located. In addition, the derived kinematic model requires the existence of numerous blind structures. Only for a small number of these their presence can be unambiguously detected at the surface by geomorphic analysis, which emphasizes the need of conducting this type of studies in tectonically active regions such as the Santa B{\´a}rbara System.}, language = {es} } @misc{Kraft2021, author = {Kraft, Tobias}, title = {Filolog{\´i}a n{\´o}mada}, series = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz}, volume = {XXII}, journal = {HiN : Alexander von Humboldt im Netz}, number = {43}, editor = {Ette, Ottmar and Knobloch, Eberhard}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {2568-3543}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53333}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-533333}, pages = {141 -- 153}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der Beitrag nimmt den bevorstehenden 65. Geburtstag von Ottmar Ette zum Anlass f{\"u}r eine kontrastive Lekt{\"u}re zentraler Forschungslinien in Ettes Werk im Verh{\"a}ltnis zum Humboldt'schen Forschungsprogramm. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Ettes 1988 begonnene und mittlerweile f{\"u}nf Dekaden umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leben und Wirken des „nomadischen" (Ette) Forschungsreisenden Alexander von Humboldt nicht nur das Deutungsfeld der internationalen Humboldt-Forschung wegweisend beeinflusst hat, sondern es umgekehrt auch deutliche Spuren des Humboldt'schen Denkens in Ettes Werk gibt.}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{FigueroaVillegas2021, author = {Figueroa Villegas, Sara}, title = {Paleolagos cuaternarios como marcadores neotect{\´o}nicos, Valle de Cafayate, Cordillera Oriental (no de Argentina)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53174}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-531742}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {192}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The eastern flank of the southern Central Andes in north-western Argentina (NWA) is characterized by fault-bounded mountain ranges arranged in a thick-skinned active contractional orogen with a non-systematic spatiotemporal pattern of tectonic activity. This pattern is represented by instrumentally recorded crustal seismic activity as well as the distribution of Quaternary deformation phenomena along the Eastern Cordillera and the Santa B{\´a}rbara System morphotectonic provinces, creating a wide (> 200km) deformation zone that lacks a clear deformation front. The study of the neotectonic activity in this region has become more detailed over the past years and has involved morphotectonic analysis, remote sensing, geodesy, and field-based structural studies. Lacustrine deposits in the intermontane basins of the Eastern Cordillera that are exposed in areas associated with Quaternary faulting - due to their original horizontality of the fine-grained layers, are excellent strain markers to assess neotectonic activity. I analyzed lacustrine deposits that outcrop in the central area of the Calchaqu{\´i} valleys (Cafayate sector) to understand how deformation is accommodated in one of the largest intermontane basins of the tectonically active orogen. The strike of the Quaternary structures in the studied area is parallel to subparallel to the valley-bounding faults. With the stratigraphic, morphotectonic and structural study of the lacustrine deposits, I identified a minimum of five deformation episodes that affected the Quaternary stratigraphic section. Based on this I present Late Pleistocene minimum and maximum shortening rates for the central Calchaqu{\´i} intermontane valley that range between 0,19-4,47 mm/yr, respectively. The rates presented are based on balanced geological cross sections and geochronological ages obtained in this study as well as compilations from previously published studies. In order to compare the local shortening results at regional and different temporal scales, I additionally compiled Global Positioning System data from northwest Argentina to generate a surface-velocitiy profile. The results reveal a gradual decrease in horizontal surface velocities from the Eastern Cordillera toward the foreland, indicating tectonic activity in the interior of the orogen, which is recorded by seismic activity and the wide distribution of Quaternary faults and folds. In addition to the neotectonic investigation carried out in the study area, the stratigraphic analysis of the lacustrine deposits allowed to have a better understanding of the Quaternary basin evolution of the central area of the Calchaqu{\´i} valleys. At least seven distinct lacustrine deposits could be identified that correspond to an impoundment of the fluvial system and ensuing base-level changes, resulting in successive aggradation and subsequent erosion events. Together with a hydrological model previously published for the study area, the maximum elevations that the paleolakes reached were furthermore reviewed and compared with regional paleoclimate data to allow local climatic inferences. The results of this thesis are a significant contribution to our understanding of the Quaternary tectonic and the stratigraphic evolution of the central sector of the Calchaqu{\´i} valleys. Furthermore, the integration of local structural and geochronological data with regional structural and geodetic observations contributes to our knowledge of the deformation dynamics of the thick-skinned orogenic wedge of northwest Argentina.}, language = {es} } @misc{GonzalezVazquez2021, author = {Gonz{\´a}lez V{\´a}zquez, Mateo}, title = {Review of Carlos S{\´a}nchez P{\´e}rez, Luis Unceta G{\´o}mez (eds.): En los m{\´a}rgenes de Roma: la Antig{\"u}edad romana en la cultura de masas contempor{\´a}nea}, series = {thersites 13: Antiquipop - Chefs d'œuvres revisit{\´e}s}, volume = {2021}, journal = {thersites 13: Antiquipop - Chefs d'œuvres revisit{\´e}s}, number = {13}, editor = {Bi{\`e}vre-Perrin, Fabien and Carl{\`a}-Uhink, Filippo and Rollinger, Christian and Walde, Christine}, issn = {2364-7612}, doi = {10.34679/thersites.vol13.196}, pages = {207 -- 212}, year = {2021}, language = {es} } @incollection{Hassler2021, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, title = {L'expression adverbiale de l'aspectualit{\´e} et son interaction avec des formes verbales}, series = {Actes du XXIXe Congr{\`e}s international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Copenhague, 1-6 juillet 2019)}, booktitle = {Actes du XXIXe Congr{\`e}s international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Copenhague, 1-6 juillet 2019)}, publisher = {{\´E}ditions de Linguistique et de philologie (ELiPhi)}, address = {Strasbourg}, isbn = {978-2-37276-053-9}, pages = {431 -- 442}, year = {2021}, language = {es} } @incollection{Hassler2021, author = {Hassler, Gerda}, title = {Evidencialidad - ?'Un factor perturbador en el sistema TAM del espa{\~n}ol?}, series = {La interconexi{\´o}n de las categor{\´i}as sem{\´a}ntico-funcionales en algunas variedades del espa{\~n}ol. Estudios sobre la interacci{\´o}n de la temporalidad, aspectualitad, modalidad y evidencialidad}, booktitle = {La interconexi{\´o}n de las categor{\´i}as sem{\´a}ntico-funcionales en algunas variedades del espa{\~n}ol. Estudios sobre la interacci{\´o}n de la temporalidad, aspectualitad, modalidad y evidencialidad}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-631-82333-0}, pages = {39 -- 57}, year = {2021}, abstract = {En apenas tan pocas lenguas, como en el espa{\~n}ol, se ha publicado tantos trabajos sobre la evidencialidad en los {\´u}ltimos a{\~n}os. No obstante, en ello se pierde de vista con frecuencia la verdadera funci{\´o}n de los marcadores de evidencialidad que hacen referencia al origen del conocimiento del hablante. Adem{\´a}s de los marcadores l{\´e}xicos, se consideran como medios de expresi{\´o}n de la evidencialidad incluso estructuras discursivas y expresiones proposicionales que hacen referencia a la fuente del conocimiento, alej{\´a}ndose demasiado de la restricci{\´o}n a los evidenciales gramaticales. En esta contribuci{\´o}n, se intentar{\´a} ordenar esta posici{\´o}n confusa y desarrollar un modelo de relaci{\´o}n entre la evidencialidad y temporalidad, aspectualidad y modalidad que tenga en cuenta la realidad de las circunstancias en el espa{\~n}ol y sus variedades. Se partir{\´a} de un planteamiento onomasiol{\´o}gico hacia los medios de expresi{\´o}n del origen del conocimiento del hablante; al mismo tiempo se analizar{\´a}n los medios de expresi{\´o}n en cuanto a su polifuncionalidad. La base emp{\´i}rica para este estudio ser{\´a} el an{\´a}lisis de un corpus (SketchEngine, CREA, CORPES XXI) sobre el condicional reportativo e inferencial y su relaci{\´o}n con el imperfecto evidencial y futuro inferencial en las diversas variedades del espa{\~n}ol, as{\´i} como las condiciones de uso de los adverbios evidenciales-epist{\´e}micos.}, language = {es} }