@phdthesis{Markova2016, author = {Markova, Mariya}, title = {Metabolic and molecular effects of two different isocaloric high protein diets in subjects with type 2 diabetes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394310}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ern{\"a}hrung stellt ein wichtiger Faktor in der Pr{\"a}vention und Therapie von Typ-2-Diabetes dar. Fr{\"u}here Studien haben gezeigt, dass Hochproteindi{\"a}ten sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf den Metabolismus hervorrufen. Jedoch ist unklar, ob die Herkunft des Proteins dabei eine Rolle spielt. In der LeguAN-Studie wurden die Effekte von zwei unterschiedlichen Hochproteindi{\"a}ten, entweder tierischer oder pflanzlicher Herkunft, bei Typ-2-Diabetes Patienten untersucht. Beide Di{\"a}ten enthielten 30 EN\% Proteine, 40 EN\% Kohlenhydrate und 30 EN\% Fette. Der Anteil an Ballaststoffen, der glyk{\"a}mischer Index und die Fettkomposition waren in beiden Di{\"a}ten {\"a}hnlich. Die Proteinaufnahme war h{\"o}her, w{\"a}hrend die Fettaufnahme niedriger im Vergleich zu den fr{\"u}heren Ern{\"a}hrungsgewohnheiten der Probanden war. Insgesamt f{\"u}hrten beide Di{\"a}tinterventionen zu einer Verbesserung der glyk{\"a}mischen Kontrolle, der Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t, des Leberfettgehalts und kardiovaskul{\"a}rer Risikomarkern ohne wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen den Proteintypen. In beiden Interventionsgruppen wurden die n{\"u}chternen Glukosewerte zusammen mit Indizes von Insulinresistenz in einem unterschiedlichen Ausmaß, jedoch ohne signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Di{\"a}ten verbessert. Die Reduktion von HbA1c war ausgepr{\"a}gter in der pflanzlichen Gruppe, w{\"a}hrend sich die Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t mehr in der tierischen Gruppe erh{\"o}hte. Die Hochproteindi{\"a}ten hatten nur einen geringf{\"u}gigen Einfluss auf den postprandialen Metabolismus. Dies zeigte sich durch eine leichte Verbesserung der Indizes f{\"u}r Insulinsekretion, -sensitivit{\"a}t und -degradation sowie der Werte der freien Fetts{\"a}uren. Mit Ausnahme des Einflusses auf die GIP-Sekretion riefen die tierische und die pflanzliche Testmahlzeit {\"a}hnliche metabolische und hormonelle Antworten, trotz unterschiedlicher Aminos{\"a}urenzusammensetzung. Die tierische Hochproteindi{\"a}t f{\"u}hrte zu einer selektiven Zunahme der fettfreien Masse und Abnahme der Fettmasse, was nicht signifikant unterschiedlich von der pflanzlichen Gruppe war. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus reduzierten die Hochproteindi{\"a}ten den Leberfettgehalt um durchschnittlich 42\%. Die Reduktion des Leberfettgehaltes ging mit einer Verminderung der Lipogenese, der Lipolyse und des freien Fetts{\"a}ure Flux einher. Beide Interventionen induzierten einen moderaten Abfall von Leberenzymen im Blut. Die Reduktion des Leberfetts war mit einer verbesserten Glukosehom{\"o}ostase und Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t assoziiert. Blutlipide sanken in allen Probanden, was eventuell auf die niedrigere Fettaufnahme zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren war. Weiterhin waren die Spiegel an Harns{\"a}ure und Inflammationsmarkern erniedrigt unabh{\"a}ngig von der Proteinquelle. Die Werte des systolischen und diastolischen Blutdrucks sanken nur in der pflanzlichen Gruppe, was auf eine potentielle Rolle von Arginin hinweist. Es wurden keine Hinweise auf eine beeintr{\"a}chtigte Nierenfunktion durch die 6-w{\"o}chige Hochproteindi{\"a}ten beobachtet unabh{\"a}ngig von der Herkunft der Proteine. Serumkreatinin war nur in der pflanzlichen Gruppe signifikant reduziert, was eventuell an dem geringen Kreatingehalt der pflanzlichen Nahrungsmittel liegen k{\"o}nnte. Jedoch sind l{\"a}ngere Studien n{\"o}tig, um die Sicherheit von Hochproteindi{\"a}ten vollkommen aufkl{\"a}ren zu k{\"o}nnen. Des Weiteren verursachte keine der Di{\"a}ten eine Induktion des mTOR Signalwegs weder im Fettgewebe noch in Blutzellen. Die Verbesserung der Ganzk{\"o}rper-Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t deutete auch auf keine Aktivierung von mTOR und keine Verschlechterung der Insulinsensitivit{\"a}t im Skeletmuskel hin. Ein nennenswerter Befund war die erhebliche Reduktion von FGF21, einem wichtigen Regulator metabolischer Prozesse, um ungef{\"a}hr 50\% bei beiden Proteinarten. Ob hepatischer ER-Stress, Ammoniumniveau oder die Makron{\"a}hrstoffpr{\"a}ferenz hinter dem paradoxen Ergebnis stehen, sollte weiter im Detail untersucht werden. Entgegen der anf{\"a}nglichen Erwartung und der bisherigen Studienlage zeigte die pflanzlich-betonte Hochproteindi{\"a}t keine klaren Vorteile gegen{\"u}ber der tierischen Di{\"a}t. Der ausgepr{\"a}gte g{\"u}nstige Effekt des tierischen Proteins auf Insulinhom{\"o}ostase trotz des hohen BCAA-Gehaltes war sicherlich unerwartet und deutet darauf hin, dass bei dem l{\"a}ngeren Verzehr andere komplexe metabolische Adaptationen stattfinden. Einen weiteren Aspekt stellt der niedrigere Fettverzehr dar, der eventuell auch zu den Verbesserungen in beiden Gruppen beigetragen hat. Zusammenfassend l{\"a}sst sich sagen, dass eine 6-w{\"o}chige Di{\"a}t mit 30 EN\% Proteinen (entweder pflanzlich oder tierisch), 40 EN\% Kohlenhydraten und 30 EN\% Fetten mit weniger ges{\"a}ttigten Fetten zu metabolischen Verbesserungen bei Typ-2-Diabetes Patienten unabh{\"a}ngig von Proteinherkunft f{\"u}hrt.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bishop2022, author = {Bishop, Christopher Allen}, title = {Influence of dairy intake on odd-chain fatty acids and energy metabolism}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561541}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 104, xv}, year = {2022}, abstract = {As of late, epidemiological studies have highlighted a strong association of dairy intake with lower disease risk, and similarly with an increased amount of odd-chain fatty acids (OCFA). While the OCFA also demonstrate inverse associations with disease incidence, the direct dietary sources and mode of action of the OCFA remain poorly understood. The overall aim of this thesis was to determine the impact of two main fractions of dairy, milk fat and milk protein, on OCFA levels and their influence on health outcomes under high-fat (HF) diet conditions. Both fractions represent viable sources of OCFA, as milk fats contain a significant amount of OCFA and milk proteins are high in branched chain amino acids (BCAA), namely valine (Val) and isoleucine (Ile), which can produce propionyl-CoA (Pr-CoA), a precursor for endogenous OCFA synthesis, while leucine (Leu) does not. Additionally, this project sought to clarify the specific metabolic effects of the OCFA heptadecanoic acid (C17:0). Both short-term and long-term feeding studies were performed using male C57BL/6JRj mice fed HF diets supplemented with milk fat or C17:0, as well as milk protein or individual BCAA (Val; Leu) to determine their influences on OCFA and metabolic health. Short-term feeding revealed that both milk fractions induce OCFA in vivo, and the increases elicited by milk protein could be, in part, explained by Val intake. In vitro studies using primary hepatocytes further showed an induction of OCFA after Val treatment via de novo lipogenesis and increased α-oxidation. In the long-term studies, both milk fat and milk protein increased hepatic and circulating OCFA levels; however, only milk protein elicited protective effects on adiposity and hepatic fat accumulation—likely mediated by the anti-obesogenic effects of an increased Leu intake. In contrast, Val feeding did not increase OCFA levels nor improve obesity, but rather resulted in glucotoxicity-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle mediated by its metabolite 3-hydroxyisobutyrate (3-HIB). Finally, while OCFA levels correlated with improved health outcomes, C17:0 produced negligible effects in preventing HF-diet induced health impairments. The results presented herein demonstrate that the beneficial health outcomes associated with dairy intake are likely mediated through the effects of milk protein, while OCFA levels are likely a mere association and do not play a significant causal role in metabolic health under HF conditions. Furthermore, the highly divergent metabolic effects of the two BCAA, Leu and Val, unraveled herein highlight the importance of protein quality.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herpich2021, author = {Herpich, Catrin}, title = {Fibroblast growth factor 21 and its association with nutritional stimuli in older age}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {75}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Fibroblast growth differentiation factor 21 (FGF21) is known as a pivotal regulator of the glucose and lipid metabolism. As such, it is considered beneficial and has even been labelled a longevity hormone. Nevertheless, recent observational studies have shown that FGF21 is increased in higher age with possible negative effects such as loss of lean and bone mass as well as decreased survival. Hepatic FGF21 secretion can be induced by various nutritional stimuli such as starvation, high carbohydrate and fat intake as well as protein deficiency.. So far it is still unclear whether the FGF21 response to different macronutrients is altered in older age. An altered response would potentially contribute to explain the higher FGF21 concentrations found in older age. In this publication-based doctoral dissertation, a cross-sectional study as well as a dietary challenge were conducted to investigate the influence of nutrition on FGF21 concentrations and response in older age. In a cross-sectional study, FGF21 concentrations were assessed in older patients with and without cachexia anorexia syndrome anorexia syndrome compared to an older community-dwelling control group. Cachexia anorexia syndrome is a multifactorial syndrome frequently occurring in old age or in the context of an underlying disease. It is characterized by a severe involuntary weight loss, loss of appetite (anorexia) and reduced food intake, therefore representing a state of severe nutrient deficiency, in some aspects similar to starvation. The highest FGF21 concentrations were found in patients with cachexia anorexia syndrome. Moreover, FGF21 was positively correlated with weight loss and loss of appetite. In addition, cachexia anorexia syndrome itself was associated with FGF21 independent of sex, age and body mass index. As cachectic patients presumably exhibit protein malnutrition and FGF21 has been proposed a marker for protein insufficiency, the higher levels of FGF21 in patients with cachexia anorexia syndrome might be partly explained by insufficient protein intake. In order to investigate the acute response of FGF21 to different nutritional stimuli, a dietary challenge with a parallel group design was conducted. Here, healthy older (65-85 years) and younger (18-35 years) adults were randomized to one of four test meals: a dextrose drink, a high carbohydrate, high fat or high protein meal. Over the course of four hours, postprandial FGF21 concentrations (dynamics) were assessed and the FGF21 response (incremental area under the curve) to each test meal was examined.. In a sub-group of older and younger women, also the adiponectin response was investigated, as adiponectin is a known mediator of FGF21 effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. The dietary meal challenge revealed that dextrose and high carbohydrate intake result in higher FGF21 concentrations after four hours in older adults. This was partly explained by higher postprandial glucose concentrations in the old. For high fat ingestion no age differences were found. For the first time, acute FGF21 response to high protein intake was shown. Here, protein ingestion resulted in lower FGF21 concentrations in younger compared to older adults. Furthermore, sufficient protein intake, according to age-dependent recommendations, of the previous day, was associated with lower FGF21 concentrations in both age groups. The higher FGF21 response to dextrose ingestion resulted in a higher adiponectin response in older women, independent of fat mass, insulin resistance, triglyceride concentrations, inflammation and oxidative stress. Following the high fat meal, adiponectin concentrations declined in older women. Adiponectin response was not affected by meal composition in younger women. In summary, this thesis showed a positive association of FGF21 and cachexia anorexia syndrome with concomitant anorexia in older patients. Regarding the acute FGF21 response, a higher response following dextrose and carbohydrate ingestion was found in older compared with younger subjects. This might be attributed to a higher glucose response in older age. Furthermore, it was shown that the higher FGF21 response after dextrose ingestion possibly contributes to a higher adiponectin response in older women, independent of potential metabolic and inflammatory confounders. Acute protein ingestion resulted in a significant decrease in FGF21 concentrations. Moreover, protein intake of the previous day was inversely associated with fasting FGF21 concentrations. This might explain why FGF21 concentrations are higher in cachexia anorexia syndrome. These results therefore support the role of FGF21 as a sensor of protein restriction.}, language = {en} }