@article{ZohselHolzHohmetal.2017, author = {Zohsel, Katrin and Holz, Nathalie E. and Hohm, Erika and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Fewer self-reported depressive symptoms in young adults exposed to maternal depressed mood during pregnancy}, series = {Journal of Affective Disorders}, volume = {209}, journal = {Journal of Affective Disorders}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0165-0327}, doi = {10.1016/j.jad.2016.08.059}, pages = {155 -- 162}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: Depressed mood is prevalent during pregnancy, with accumulating evidence suggesting an impact on developmental outcome in the offspring. However, the long-term effects of prenatal maternal depression regarding internalizing psychopathology in the offspring are as yet unclear. Results: In n=85 young adults exposed to prenatal maternal depressed mood, no significantly higher risk for a diagnosis of depressive disorder was observed. However, they reported significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms. This association was especially pronounced when prenatal maternal depressed mood was present during the first trimester of pregnancy and when maternal mood was depressed pre- as well as postnatally. At an uncorrected level only, prenatal maternal depressed mood was associated with decreased amygdala volume. Limitations: Prenatal maternal depressed mood was not assessed during pregnancy, but shortly after childbirth. No diagnoses of maternal clinical depression during pregnancy were available. Conclusions: Self-reported depressive symptoms do not imply increased, but rather decreased symptom levels in young adults who were exposed to prenatal maternal depressed mood. A long-term perspective may be important when considering consequences of prenatal risk factors.}, language = {en} } @article{ZohselBuchmannBlomeyeretal.2014, author = {Zohsel, Katrin and Buchmann, Arlette F. and Blomeyer, Dorothea and Hohm, Erika and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Brandeis, Daniel and Banaschewski, Tobias and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Mothers' prenatal stress and their children's antisocial outcomes - a moderating role for the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene}, series = {The journal of child psychology and psychiatry}, volume = {55}, journal = {The journal of child psychology and psychiatry}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {0021-9630}, doi = {10.1111/jcpp.12138}, pages = {69 -- 76}, year = {2014}, abstract = {ResultsUnder conditions of elevated prenatal maternal stress, children carrying one or two DRD4 7r alleles were at increased risk of a diagnosis of CD/ODD. Moreover, homozygous carriers of the DRD4 7r allele displayed more externalizing behavior following exposure to higher levels of prenatal maternal stress, while homozygous carriers of the DRD4 4r allele turned out to be insensitive to the effects of prenatal stress. ConclusionsThis study is the first to report a gene-environment interaction related to DRD4 and prenatal maternal stress using data from a prospective study, which extends earlier findings on the impact of prenatal maternal stress with respect to childhood antisocial behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{ZohselBaldusSchmidtetal.2016, author = {Zohsel, Katrin and Baldus, Christiane and Schmidt, Martin H. and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Banaschewski, Tobias and Thomasius, Rainer and Laucht, Manfred}, title = {Predicting later problematic cannabis use from psychopathological symptoms during childhood and adolescence: Results of a 25-year longitudinal study}, series = {Drug and alcohol dependence : an international journal on biomedical and psychosocial approaches}, volume = {163}, journal = {Drug and alcohol dependence : an international journal on biomedical and psychosocial approaches}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Clare}, issn = {0376-8716}, doi = {10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.04.012}, pages = {251 -- 255}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal substance among adolescents and young adults. Problematic cannabis use is often associated with comorbid psychopathological problems. The purpose of the current study was to elucidate the underlying developmental processes connecting externalizing and internalizing psychopathology in childhood and adolescence with problematic cannabis use in young adulthood. Methods: Data were drawn from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk, an ongoing epidemiological cohort study from birth to adulthood. For n = 307 participants, symptom scores of conduct/oppositional defiant disorder, attention problems, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and internalizing disorders were available for the periods of childhood (4.5-11 years) and adolescence (15 years). At age 25 years, problematic cannabis use was assessed via clinical interview and a self-rating questionnaire. Results: At age 25 years, problematic cannabis use was identified in n = 28 participants (9.1\%). Childhood conduct/oppositional behavior problems were predictive of problematic cannabis use during young adulthood when comorbid symptoms were controlled for. No such effect was found for childhood attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity or internalizing problems. With respect to psychopathological symptoms during adolescence, only attention problems were significantly related to later problematic cannabis use when controlling for comorbidity. Conclusions: The current study highlights the role of conduct/oppositional behavior problems during childhood and attention problems during adolescence in later problematic cannabis use. It sheds more light on the developmental sequence of childhood and adolescence psychopathology and young adult cannabis use, which is a prerequisite for effective prevention approaches. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{WyschkonSchulzGallitetal.2017, author = {Wyschkon, Anne and Schulz, Franziska and Gallit, Finja Sunnyi and Poltz, Nadine and Kohn-Henkel, Juliane and Moraske, Svenja and Bondue, Rebecca and von Aster, Michael G. and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {5-Jahres-Verlauf der LRS}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, volume = {46}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie}, number = {2}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {Bern}, issn = {1422-4917}, doi = {10.1024/1422-4917/a000535}, pages = {107 -- 122}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Fragestellung: Untersucht wird der Verlauf von Kindern mit Lese-Rechtschreibst{\"o}rungen (LRS) {\"u}ber gut 5 Jahre unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Einflusses des Geschlechts der Betroffenen. Außerdem werden Auswirkungen der LRS auf das sp{\"a}tere Schriftsprachniveau und den Schulerfolg {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Methodik: Eingangs wurden 995 Sch{\"u}ler zwischen 6 und 16 Jahren untersucht. Ein Teil dieser Kinder ist nach 43 sowie 63 Monaten nachuntersucht worden. Eine LRS wurde diagnostiziert, wenn f{\"u}r das Lesen bzw. Rechtschreiben das doppelte Diskrepanzkriterium von 1.5 Standardabweichungen zur nonverbalen Intelligenz und dem Mittelwert der Klassenstufe erf{\"u}llt war und gleichzeitig keine Minderbegabung vorlag. Ergebnisse: Die LRS weist {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von 63 Monaten eine hohe St{\"o}rungspersistenz von knapp 70 \% auf. Der 5-Jahres-Verlauf der mittleren Lese- und Rechtschreibleistungen wurde nicht vom Geschlecht beeinflusst. Trotz durchschnittlicher Intelligenz blieben die LRS-Sch{\"u}ler in der Schriftsprache mindestens eine Standardabweichung hinter durchschnittlich und etwa 0.5 Standardabweichungseinheiten hinter unterdurchschnittlich intelligenten Kindern zur{\"u}ck. Der Schulerfolg der LRS-Sch{\"u}ler glich dem unterdurchschnittlich intelligenter Kinder und fiel deutlich schlechter aus als bei durchschnittlich intelligenten Kontrollkindern. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine LRS stellt ein erhebliches Entwicklungsrisiko dar, was fr{\"u}hzeitige Diagnostik- und Therapiemaßnahmen erfordert. Daf{\"u}r sind reliable und im Hinblick auf die resultierenden Pr{\"a}valenzraten sinnvolle, allgemein anerkannte Diagnosekriterien essenziell.}, language = {de} } @article{WyschkonKohnBallaschketal.2008, author = {Wyschkon, Anne and Kohn, Juliane and Ballaschk, Katja and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Basisdiagnostik Umschriebener Entwicklungsst{\"o}rungen im Grundschulalter (BUEGA)}, issn = {1864-6050}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{WyschkonKohnBallaschketal.2009, author = {Wyschkon, Anne and Kohn, Juliane and Ballaschk, Katja and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Sind Rechenst{\"o}rungen genau so h{\"a}ufig wie Lese-Rechtschreibst{\"o}rungen?}, issn = {1422-4917}, doi = {10.1024/1422-4917.37.6.499}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Is a specific disorder of arithmetic skills as common as reading/spelling disorder?Background: Referring to the prevalence rates of learning disorders in the research literature, the numbers of mathematics disorder and reading/ spelling disorder are often reported to be identical. However, the correlation between intelligence level and reading/ spelling skills is much weaker than between intelligence and arithmetic skills. If the same definition criterion is applied to both disorders, a lower prevalence rate for mathematics disorder should be expected. Objective: Are there differences in the prevalence estimates for learning disorders depending on the definition criterion? Method: A large representative sample of German students (N = 1970) was used to review the hypothesis. Results: Depending on the definition criterion, we could show a prevalence range of mathematics disorder between 0.1\% and 8.1\% in the same sample. Using the same definition criterion for both learning disorders, there are two to three times as many students with reading/spelling disorder than those with mathematics disorder. Discussion: Whenever children with reading/spelling disorder are compared to children with mathematics disorder, the same definition criterion has to be applied.}, language = {de} } @article{WyschkonEsser2006, author = {Wyschkon, Anne and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Klinische Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychologie : Forschungslinien und offene Fragen in den letzten vier Jahren}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{WyschkonEsser2008, author = {Wyschkon, Anne and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Enuresis}, isbn = {978-3-13-126083-3}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die meisten Kinder werden mit 2 bis 4 Jahren am Tage und in der Nacht trocken. Gem{\"a}ß den klinisch- diagnostischen Leitlinien der ICD-10 (WHO 1993) spricht man von einer Enuresis, wenn es am Tag oder in der Nacht zu einem Entleeren der Blase in die Kleidung bzw. das Bett kommt, die relativ zum geistigen Entwicklungsstand der Person abnorm ist und nicht auf organische Ursachen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Die St{\"o}rungen der Blasenkontrolle d{\"u}rfen nicht als Folge einer neurologischen Erkrankung, epileptischer Anf{\"a}lle oder einer strukturellen Anomalie der ableitenden Harnwege auftreten. Gem{\"a}ß den Forschungskriterien der ICD-10 (WHO 1994) muss das einn{\"a}ssende Kind nach seinem Lebens- und geistigen Alter mindestens 5 Jahre alt sein, um von einer nichtorganischen Enuresis (F 98.0) zu sprechen (in den klinisch-diagnostischen Leitlinien wird ein geistiger Entwicklungsstand gefordert, der mindestens dem eines Vierj{\"a}hrigen entspricht). Um die Diagnose zu erhalten, m{\"u}ssen Kinder unter 7 Jahren zumindest 2mal monatlich, 7-j{\"a}hrige oder {\"a}ltere Kinder wenigstens einmal im Monat einn{\"a}ssen. Die Symptomdauer sollte mindestens 3 Monate betragen. In der Literatur wird synonym zum Begriff der "nichtorganischen Enuresis" h{\"a}ufig die Bezeichnung "funktionelle Enuresis" verwendet. Auch nach dem DSM-IV (Saß et al. 1996) sollten die Kinder f{\"u}r die Diagnose einer Enuresis (307.6) zumindest ein Entwicklungsalter von 5 Jahren aufweisen und die Symptomatik muss wenigstens seit 3 Monaten bestehen. Im Unterschied zur ICD-10 wird das Einn{\"a}ssen erst dann als klinisch bedeutsam beurteilt, wenn es mindestens 2mal w{\"o}chentlich auftritt. Ist dies nicht gegeben, kann die Diagnose dennoch gestellt werden, wenn durch das Einn{\"a}ssen klinisch bedeutsames Leiden hervorgerufen wird oder Beeintraechtigungen in sozialen, schulischen (beruflichen) oder anderen wichtigen Funktionsbereichen entstehen. Die Forderung eines 2mal w{\"o}chentlichen Einn{\"a}ssens erscheint deutlich zu streng, w{\"a}hrend das ein- bzw. 2malige Einn{\"a}ssen pro Monat ein sehr weiches Kriterium darstellt. V. Gontard (1998b) empfiehlt, Einn{\"a}ssen dann als klinisch bedeutsam einzusch{\"a}tzen, wenn dies mindestens einmal w{\"o}chentlich auftritt.}, language = {de} } @article{WittigEsser2010, author = {Wittig, Kirsten and Esser, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Erstgespr{\"a}che mit Kindern und Jugendlichen}, isbn = {978-3-456-84781-8}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{WittBuchmannBlomeyeretal.2011, author = {Witt, Stephanie H. and Buchmann, Arlette F. and Blomeyer, Dorothea and Nieratschker, Vanessa and Treutlein, Jens and Esser, G{\"u}nter and Schmidt, Martin H. and Bidlingmaier, Martin and Wiedemann, Klaus and Rietschel, Marcella and Laucht, Manfred and Wuest, Stefan and Zimmermann, Ulrich S.}, title = {An interaction between a neuropeptide Y gene polymorphism and early adversity modulates endocrine stress responses}, series = {Psychoneuroendocrinology}, volume = {36}, journal = {Psychoneuroendocrinology}, number = {7}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0306-4530}, doi = {10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.12.015}, pages = {1010 -- 1020}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Interindividual variability in the regulation of the human stress system accounts for a part of the individual's liability to stress-related diseases. These differences are influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Early childhood adversity is a well-studied environmental factor affecting an individual's stress response which has been shown to be modulated by gene environment interaction (GxE). Neuropeptide Y (NPY) plays a role in stress regulation and genetic variation in NPY may influence stress responses. In this study, we analyzed the association of a common variant in the NPY gene promoter, rs16147, with cortisol and ACTH responses to acute psychosocial stress in young adults from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an ongoing epidemiological cohort study following the outcome of early adversity from birth into adulthood. We found evidence of a GxE interaction between rs16147 and early adversity significantly affecting HPA axis responses to acute psychosocial stress. These findings suggest that the neurobiological mechanisms linking early adverse experience and later neuroendocrine stress regulation are modulated by a gene variant whose functional relevance is documented by increasing convergent evidence from in vitro, animal and human studies.}, language = {en} }