@phdthesis{Liu2021, author = {Liu, Sisi}, title = {The history of plant diversity change and community assemply a high-altitude and high-latitude ecosystems inferred from sedimentary (ancient) DNA and pollen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhao2021, author = {Zhao, Xueru}, title = {Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment evolution from the last glacial maximum into the early holocene (23-8 ka BP) derived from Lago Grande di Monticchio sediment record (S Italy)}, pages = {123}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{vanderVeen2021, author = {van der Veen, Iris}, title = {Defining moisture sources and (palaeo)environmental conditions using isotope geochemistry in the NW Himalaya}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51439}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-514397}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {152}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Anthropogenic climate change alters the hydrological cycle. While certain areas experience more intense precipitation events, others will experience droughts and increased evaporation, affecting water storage in long-term reservoirs, groundwater, snow, and glaciers. High elevation environments are especially vulnerable to climate change, which will impact the water supply for people living downstream. The Himalaya has been identified as a particularly vulnerable system, with nearly one billion people depending on the runoff in this system as their main water resource. As such, a more refined understanding of spatial and temporal changes in the water cycle in high altitude systems is essential to assess variations in water budgets under different climate change scenarios. However, not only anthropogenic influences have an impact on the hydrological cycle, but changes to the hydrological cycle can occur over geological timescales, which are connected to the interplay between orogenic uplift and climate change. However, their temporal evolution and causes are often difficult to constrain. Using proxies that reflect hydrological changes with an increase in elevation, we can unravel the history of orogenic uplift in mountain ranges and its effect on the climate. In this thesis, stable isotope ratios (expressed as δ2H and δ18O values) of meteoric waters and organic material are combined as tracers of atmospheric and hydrologic processes with remote sensing products to better understand water sources in the Himalayas. In addition, the record of modern climatological conditions based on the compound specific stable isotopes of leaf waxes (δ2Hwax) and brGDGTs (branched Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) in modern soils in four Himalayan river catchments was assessed as proxies of the paleoclimate and (paleo-) elevation. Ultimately, hydrological variations over geological timescales were examined using δ13C and δ18O values of soil carbonates and bulk organic matter originating from sedimentological sections from the pre-Siwalik and Siwalik groups to track the response of vegetation and monsoon intensity and seasonality on a timescale of 20 Myr. I find that Rayleigh distillation, with an ISM moisture source, mainly controls the isotopic composition of surface waters in the studied Himalayan catchments. An increase in d-excess in the spring, verified by remote sensing data products, shows the significant impact of runoff from snow-covered and glaciated areas on the surface water isotopic values in the timeseries. In addition, I show that biomarker records such as brGDGTs and δ2Hwax have the potential to record (paleo-) elevation by yielding a significant correlation with the temperature and surface water δ2H values, respectively, as well as with elevation. Comparing the elevation inferred from both brGDGT and δ2Hwax, large differences were found in arid sections of the elevation transects due to an additional effect of evapotranspiration on δ2Hwax. A combined study of these proxies can improve paleoelevation estimates and provide recommendations based on the results found in this study. Ultimately, I infer that the expansion of C4 vegetation between 20 and 1 Myr was not solely dependent on atmospheric pCO2, but also on regional changes in aridity and seasonality from to the stable isotopic signature of the two sedimentary sections in the Himalaya (east and west). This thesis shows that the stable isotope chemistry of surface waters can be applied as a tool to monitor the changing Himalayan water budget under projected increasing temperatures. Minimizing the uncertainties associated with the paleo-elevation reconstructions were assessed by the combination of organic proxies (δ2Hwax and brGDGTs) in Himalayan soil. Stable isotope ratios in bulk soil and soil carbonates showed the evolution of vegetation influenced by the monsoon during the late Miocene, proving that these proxies can be used to record monsoon intensity, seasonality, and the response of vegetation. In conclusion, the use of organic proxies and stable isotope chemistry in the Himalayas has proven to successfully record changes in climate with increasing elevation. The combination of δ2Hwax and brGDGTs as a new proxy provides a more refined understanding of (paleo-)elevation and the influence of climate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Cheng2021, author = {Cheng, Chaojie}, title = {Transient permeability in porous and fractured sandstones mediated by fluid-rock interactions}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51012}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-510124}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 148}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Understanding the fluid transport properties of subsurface rocks is essential for a large number of geotechnical applications, such as hydrocarbon (oil/gas) exploitation, geological storage (CO2/fluids), and geothermal reservoir utilization. To date, the hydromechanically-dependent fluid flow patterns in porous media and single macroscopic rock fractures have received numerous investigations and are relatively well understood. In contrast, fluid-rock interactions, which may permanently affect rock permeability by reshaping the structure and changing connectivity of pore throats or fracture apertures, need to be further elaborated. This is of significant importance for improving the knowledge of the long-term evolution of rock transport properties and evaluating a reservoir' sustainability. The thesis focuses on geothermal energy utilization, e.g., seasonal heat storage in aquifers and enhanced geothermal systems, where single fluid flow in porous rocks and rock fracture networks under various pressure and temperature conditions dominates. In this experimental study, outcrop samples (i.e., Flechtinger sandstone, an illite-bearing Lower Permian rock, and Fontainebleau sandstone, consisting of pure quartz) were used for flow-through experiments under simulated hydrothermal conditions. The themes of the thesis are (1) the investigation of clay particle migration in intact Flechtinger sandstone and the coincident permeability damage upon cyclic temperature and fluid salinity variations; (2) the determination of hydro-mechanical properties of self-propping fractures in Flechtinger and Fontainebleau sandstones with different fracture features and contrasting mechanical properties; and (3) the investigation of the time-dependent fracture aperture evolution of Fontainebleau sandstone induced by fluid-rock interactions (i.e., predominantly pressure solution). Overall, the thesis aims to unravel the mechanisms of the instantaneous reduction (i.e., direct responses to thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) conditions) and progressively-cumulative changes (i.e., time-dependence) of rock transport properties. Permeability of intact Flechtinger sandstone samples was measured under each constant condition, where temperature (room temperature up to 145 °C) and fluid salinity (NaCl: 0 ~ 2 mol/l) were stepwise changed. Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to investigate the changes of local porosity, microstructures, and clay element contents before and after the experiments. The results indicate that the permeability of illite-bearing Flechtinger sandstones will be impaired by heating and exposure to low salinity pore fluids. The chemically induced permeability variations prove to be path-dependent concerning the applied succession of fluid salinity changes. The permeability decay induced by a temperature increase and a fluid salinity reduction operates by relatively independent mechanisms, i.e., thermo-mechanical and thermo-chemical effects. Further, the hydro-mechanical investigations of single macroscopic fractures (aligned, mismatched tensile fractures, and smooth saw-cut fractures) illustrate that a relative fracture wall offset could significantly increase fracture aperture and permeability, but the degree of increase depends on fracture surface roughness. X-ray computed tomography (CT) demonstrates that the contact area ratio after the pressure cycles is inversely correlated to the fracture offset. Moreover, rock mechanical properties, determining the strength of contact asperities, are crucial so that relatively harder rock (i.e., Fontainebleau sandstone) would have a higher self-propping potential for sustainable permeability during pressurization. This implies that self-propping rough fractures with a sufficient displacement are efficient pathways for fluid flow if the rock matrix is mechanically strong. Finally, two long-term flow-through experiments with Fontainebleau sandstone samples containing single fractures were conducted with an intermittent flow (~140 days) and continuous flow (~120 days), respectively. Permeability and fluid element concentrations were measured throughout the experiments. Permeability reduction occurred at the beginning stage when the stress was applied, while it converged at later stages, even under stressed conditions. Fluid chemistry and microstructure observations demonstrate that pressure solution governs the long-term fracture aperture deformation, with remarkable effects of the pore fluid (Si) concentration and the structure of contact grain boundaries. The retardation and the cessation of rock fracture deformation are mainly induced by the contact stress decrease due to contact area enlargement and a dissolved mass accumulation within the contact boundaries. This work implies that fracture closure under constant (pressure/stress and temperature) conditions is likely a spontaneous process, especially at the beginning stage after pressurization when the contact area is relatively small. In contrast, a contact area growth yields changes of fracture closure behavior due to the evolution of contact boundaries and concurrent changes in their diffusive properties. Fracture aperture and thus permeability will likely be sustainable in the long term if no other processes (e.g., mineral precipitations in the open void space) occur.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koerting2021, author = {Koerting, Friederike Magdalena}, title = {Hybrid imaging spectroscopy approaches for open pit mining}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-49909}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-499091}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxix, 269}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This work develops hybrid methods of imaging spectroscopy for open pit mining and examines their feasibility compared with state-of-the-art. The material distribution within a mine face differs in the small scale and within daily assigned extraction segments. These changes can be relevant to subsequent processing steps but are not always visually identifiable prior to the extraction. Misclassifications that cause false allocations of extracted material need to be minimized in order to reduce energy-intensive material re-handling. The use of imaging spectroscopy aspires to the allocation of relevant deposit-specific materials before extraction, and allows for efficient material handling after extraction. The aim of this work is the parameterization of imaging spectroscopy for pit mining applications and the development and evaluation of a workflow for a mine face, ground- based, spectral characterization. In this work, an application-based sensor adaptation is proposed. The sensor complexity is reduced by down-sampling the spectral resolution of the system based on the samples' spectral characteristics. This was achieved by the evaluation of existing hyperspectral outcrop analysis approaches based on laboratory sample scans from the iron quadrangle in Minas Gerais, Brazil and by the development of a spectral mine face monitoring workflow which was tested for both an operating and an inactive open pit copper mine in the Republic of Cyprus. The workflow presented here is applied to three regional data sets: 1) Iron ore samples from Brazil, (laboratory); 2) Samples and hyperspectral mine face imagery from the copper-gold-pyrite mine Apliki, Republic of Cyprus (laboratory and mine face data); and 3) Samples and hyperspectral mine face imagery from the copper-gold-pyrite deposit Three Hills, Republic of Cyprus (laboratory and mine face data). The hyperspectral laboratory dataset of fifteen Brazilian iron ore samples was used to evaluate different analysis methods and different sensor models. Nineteen commonly used methods to analyze and map hyperspectral data were compared regarding the methods' resulting data products and the accuracy of the mapping and the analysis computation time. Four of the evaluated methods were determined for subsequent analyses to determine the best-performing algorithms: The spectral angle mapper (SAM), a support vector machine algorithm (SVM), the binary feature fitting algorithm (BFF) and the EnMap geological mapper (EnGeoMap). Next, commercially available imaging spectroscopy sensors were evaluated for their usability in open pit mining conditions. Step-wise downsampling of the data - the reduction of the number of bands with an increase of each band's bandwidth - was performed to investigate the possible simplification and ruggedization of a sensor without a quality fall-off of the mapping results. The impact of the atmosphere visible in the spectrum between 1300-2010nm was reduced by excluding the spectral range from the data for mapping. This tested the feasibility of the method under realistic open pit data conditions. Thirteen datasets based on the different, downsampled sensors were analyzed with the four predetermined methods. The optimum sensor for spectral mine face material distinction was determined as a VNIR-SWIR sensor with 40nm bandwidths in the VNIR and 15nm bandwidths in the SWIR spectral range and excluding the atmospherically impacted bands. The Apliki mine sample dataset was used for the application of the found optimal analyses and sensors. Thirty-six samples were analyzed geochemically and mineralogically. The sample spectra were compiled to two spectral libraries, both distinguishing between seven different geochemical-spectral clusters. The reflectance dataset was downsampled to five different sensors. The five different datasets were mapped with the SAM, BFF and SVM method achieving mapping accuracies of 85-72\%, 85-76\% and 57-46\% respectively. One mine face scan of Apliki was used for the application of the developed workflow. The mapping results were validated against the geochemistry and mineralogy of thirty-six documented field sampling points and a zonation map of the mine face which is based on sixty-six samples and field mapping. The mine face was analyzed with SAM and BFF. The analysis maps were visualized on top of a Structure-from-Motion derived 3D model of the open pit. The mapped geological units and zones correlate well with the expected zonation of the mine face. The third set of hyperspectral imagery from Three Hills was available for applying the fully-developed workflow. Geochemical sample analyses and laboratory spectral data of fifteen different samples from the Three Hills mine, Republic of Cyprus, were used to analyse a downsampled mine face scan of the open pit. Here, areas of low, medium and high ore content were identified. The developed workflow is successfully applied to the open pit mines Apliki and Three Hills and the spectral maps reflect the prevailing geological conditions. This work leads through the acquisition, preparation and processing of imaging spectroscopy data, the optimum choice of analysis methodology, and the utilization of simplified, robust sensors that meet the requirements of open pit mining conditions. It accentuates the importance of a site-specific and deposit-specific spectral library for the mine face analysis and underlines the need for geological and spectral analysis experts to successfully implement imaging spectroscopy in the field of open pit mining.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wetzel2021, author = {Wetzel, Maria}, title = {Pore space alterations and their impact on hydraulic and mechanical rock properties quantified by numerical simulations}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51206}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-512064}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 107}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Geochemical processes such as mineral dissolution and precipitation alter the microstructure of rocks, and thereby affect their hydraulic and mechanical behaviour. Quantifying these property changes and considering them in reservoir simulations is essential for a sustainable utilisation of the geological subsurface. Due to the lack of alternatives, analytical methods and empirical relations are currently applied to estimate evolving hydraulic and mechanical rock properties associated with chemical reactions. However, the predictive capabilities of analytical approaches remain limited, since they assume idealised microstructures, and thus are not able to reflect property evolution for dynamic processes. Hence, aim of the present thesis is to improve the prediction of permeability and stiffness changes resulting from pore space alterations of reservoir sandstones. A detailed representation of rock microstructure, including the morphology and connectivity of pores, is essential to accurately determine physical rock properties. For that purpose, three-dimensional pore-scale models of typical reservoir sandstones, obtained from highly resolved micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), are used to numerically calculate permeability and stiffness. In order to adequately depict characteristic distributions of secondary minerals, the virtual samples are systematically altered and resulting trends among the geometric, hydraulic, and mechanical rock properties are quantified. It is demonstrated that the geochemical reaction regime controls the location of mineral precipitation within the pore space, and thereby crucially affects the permeability evolution. This emphasises the requirement of determining distinctive porosity-permeability relationships by means of digital pore-scale models. By contrast, a substantial impact of spatial alterations patterns on the stiffness evolution of reservoir sandstones are only observed in case of certain microstructures, such as highly porous granular rocks or sandstones comprising framework-supporting cementations. In order to construct synthetic granular samples a process-based approach is proposed including grain deposition and diagenetic cementation. It is demonstrated that the generated samples reliably represent the microstructural complexity of natural sandstones. Thereby, general limitations of imaging techniques can be overcome and various realisations of granular rocks can be flexibly produced. These can be further altered by virtual experiments, offering a fast and cost-effective way to examine the impact of precipitation, dissolution or fracturing on various petrophysical correlations. The presented research work provides methodological principles to quantify trends in permeability and stiffness resulting from geochemical processes. The calculated physical property relations are directly linked to pore-scale alterations, and thus have a higher accuracy than commonly applied analytical approaches. This will considerably improve the predictive capabilities of reservoir models, and is further relevant to assess and reduce potential risks, such as productivity or injectivity losses as well as reservoir compaction or fault reactivation. Hence, the proposed method is of paramount importance for a wide range of natural and engineered subsurface applications, including geothermal energy systems, hydrocarbon reservoirs, CO2 and energy storage as well as hydrothermal deposit exploration.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jentsch2021, author = {Jentsch, Anna}, title = {Soil gas analytics in geothermal exploration and monitoring}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54403}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-544039}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxxi, 162}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Major challenges during geothermal exploration and exploitation include the structural-geological characterization of the geothermal system and the application of sustainable monitoring concepts to explain changes in a geothermal reservoir during production and/or reinjection of fluids. In the absence of sufficiently permeable reservoir rocks, faults and fracture networks are preferred drilling targets because they can facilitate the migration of hot and/or cold fluids. In volcanic-geothermal systems considerable amounts of gas emissions can be released at the earth surface, often related to these fluid-releasing structures. In this thesis, I developed and evaluated different methodological approaches and measurement concepts to determine the spatial and temporal variation of several soil gas parameters to understand the structural control on fluid flow. In order to validate their potential as innovative geothermal exploration and monitoring tools, these methodological approaches were applied to three different volcanic-geothermal systems. At each site an individual survey design was developed regarding the site-specific questions. The first study presents results of the combined measurement of CO2 flux, ground temperatures, and the analysis of isotope ratios (δ13CCO2, 3He/4He) across the main production area of the Los Humeros geothermal field, to identify locations with a connection to its supercritical (T > 374◦C and P > 221 bar) geothermal reservoir. The results of the systematic and large-scale (25 x 200 m) CO2 flux scouting survey proved to be a fast and flexible way to identify areas of anomalous degassing. Subsequent sampling with high resolution surveys revealed the actual extent and heterogenous pattern of anomalous degassing areas. They have been related to the internal fault hydraulic architecture and allowed to assess favourable structural settings for fluid flow such as fault intersections. Finally, areas of unknown structurally controlled permeability with a connection to the superhot geothermal reservoir have been determined, which represent promising targets for future geothermal exploration and development. In the second study, I introduce a novel monitoring approach by examining the variation of CO2 flux to monitor changes in the reservoir induced by fluid reinjection. For that reason, an automated, multi-chamber CO2 flux system was deployed across the damage zone of a major normal fault crossing the Los Humeros geothermal field. Based on the results of the CO2 flux scouting survey, a suitable site was selected that had a connection to the geothermal reservoir, as identified by hydrothermal CO2 degassing and hot ground temperatures (> 50 °C). The results revealed a response of gas emissions to changes in reinjection rates within 24 h, proving an active hydraulic communication between the geothermal reservoir and the earth surface. This is a promising monitoring strategy that provides nearly real-time and in-situ data about changes in the reservoir and allows to timely react to unwanted changes (e.g., pressure decline, seismicity). The third study presents results from the Aluto geothermal field in Ethiopia where an area-wide and multi-parameter analysis, consisting of measurements of CO2 flux, 222Rn, and 220Rn activity concentrations and ground temperatures was conducted to detect hidden permeable structures. 222Rn and 220Rn activity concentrations are evaluated as a complementary soil gas parameter to CO2 flux, to investigate their potential to understand tectono-volcanic degassing. The combined measurement of all parameters enabled to develop soil gas fingerprints, a novel visualization approach. Depending on the magnitude of gas emissions and their migration velocities the study area was divided in volcanic (heat), tectonic (structures), and volcano-tectonic dominated areas. Based on these concepts, volcano-tectonic dominated areas, where hot hydrothermal fluids migrate along permeable faults, present the most promising targets for future geothermal exploration and development in this geothermal field. Two of these areas have been identified in the south and south-east which have not yet been targeted for geothermal exploitation. Furthermore, two unknown areas of structural related permeability could be identified by 222Rn and 220Rn activity concentrations. Eventually, the fourth study presents a novel measurement approach to detect structural controlled CO2 degassing, in Ngapouri geothermal area, New Zealand. For the first time, the tunable diode laser (TDL) method was applied in a low-degassing geothermal area, to evaluate its potential as a geothermal exploration method. Although the sampling approach is based on profile measurements, which leads to low spatial resolution, the results showed a link between known/inferred faults and increased CO2 concentrations. Thus, the TDL method proved to be a successful in the determination of structural related permeability, also in areas where no obvious geothermal activity is present. Once an area of anomalous CO2 concentrations has been identified, it can be easily complemented by CO2 flux grid measurements to determine the extent and orientation of the degassing segment. With the results of this work, I was able to demonstrate the applicability of systematic and area-wide soil gas measurements for geothermal exploration and monitoring purposes. In particular, the combination of different soil gases using different measurement networks enables the identification and characterization of fluid-bearing structures and has not yet been used and/or tested as standard practice. The different studies present efficient and cost-effective workflows and demonstrate a hands-on approach to a successful and sustainable exploration and monitoring of geothermal resources. This minimizes the resource risk during geothermal project development. Finally, to advance the understanding of the complex structure and dynamics of geothermal systems, a combination of comprehensive and cutting-edge geological, geochemical, and geophysical exploration methods is essential.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Forster2021, author = {Forster, Florian}, title = {Continuous microgravity monitoring of the Þeistareykir geothermal field (North Iceland)}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54851}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-548517}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 164}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In my doctoral thesis, I examine continuous gravity measurements for monitoring of the geothermal site at Þeistareykir in North Iceland. With the help of high-precision superconducting gravity meters (iGravs), I investigate underground mass changes that are caused by operation of the geothermal power plant (i.e. by extraction of hot water and reinjection of cold water). The overall goal of this research project is to make a statement about the sustainable use of the geothermal reservoir, from which also the Icelandic energy supplier and power plant operator Landsvirkjun should benefit. As a first step, for investigating the performance and measurement stability of the gravity meters, in summer 2017, I performed comparative measurements at the gravimetric observatory J9 in Strasbourg. From the three-month gravity time series, I examined calibration, noise and drift behaviour of the iGravs in comparison to stable long-term time series of the observatory superconducting gravity meters. After preparatory work in Iceland (setup of gravity stations, additional measuring equipment and infrastructure, discussions with Landsvirkjun and meetings with the Icelandic partner institute ISOR), gravity monitoring at Þeistareykir was started in December 2017. With the help of the iGrav records of the initial 18 months after start of measurements, I carried out the same investigations (on calibration, noise and drift behaviour) as in J9 to understand how the transport of the superconducting gravity meters to Iceland may influence instrumental parameters. In the further course of this work, I focus on modelling and reduction of local gravity contributions at Þeistareykir. These comprise additional mass changes due to rain, snowfall and vertical surface displacements that superimpose onto the geothermal signal of the gravity measurements. For this purpose, I used data sets from additional monitoring sensors that are installed at each gravity station and adapted scripts for hydro-gravitational modelling. The third part of my thesis targets geothermal signals in the gravity measurements. Together with my PhD colleague Nolwenn Portier from France, I carried out additional gravity measurements with a Scintrex CG5 gravity meter at 26 measuring points within the geothermal field in the summers of 2017, 2018 and 2019. These annual time-lapse gravity measurements are intended to increase the spatial coverage of gravity data from the three continuous monitoring stations to the entire geothermal field. The combination of CG5 and iGrav observations, as well as annual reference measurements with an FG5 absolute gravity meter represent the hybrid gravimetric monitoring method for Þeistareykir. Comparison of the gravimetric data to local borehole measurements (of groundwater levels, geothermal extraction and injection rates) is used to relate the observed gravity changes to the actually extracted (and reinjected) geothermal fluids. An approach to explain the observed gravity signals by means of forward modelling of the geothermal production rate is presented at the end of the third (hybrid gravimetric) study. Further modelling with the help of the processed gravity data is planned by Landsvirkjun. In addition, the experience from time-lapse and continuous gravity monitoring will be used for future gravity measurements at the Krafla geothermal field 22 km south-east of Þeistareykir.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stuff2021, author = {Stuff, Maria}, title = {Iron isotope fractionation in carbonatite melt systems}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-51992}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-519928}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 137}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Carbonatite magmatism is a highly efficient transport mechanism from Earth's mantle to the crust, thus providing insights into the chemistry and dynamics of the Earth's mantle. One evolving and promising tool for tracing magma interaction are stable iron isotopes, particularly because iron isotope fractionation is controlled by oxidation state and bonding environment. Meanwhile, a large data set on iron isotope fractionation in igneous rocks exists comprising bulk rock compositions and fractionation between mineral groups. Iron isotope data from natural carbonatite rocks are extremely light and of remarkably high variability. This resembles iron isotope data from mantle xenoliths, which are characterized by a variability in δ56Fe spanning three times the range found in basalts, and by the extremely light values of some whole rock samples, reaching δ56Fe as low as -0.69 per mille in a spinel lherzolite. Cause to this large range of variations may be metasomatic processes, involving metasomatic agents like volatile bearing high-alkaline silicate melts or carbonate melts. The expected effects of metasomatism on iron isotope fractionation vary with parameters like melt/rock-ratio, reaction time, and the nature of metasomatic agents and mineral reactions involved. An alternative or additional way to enrich light isotopes in the mantle could be multiple phases of melt extraction. To interpret the existing data sets more knowledge on iron isotope fractionation factors is needed. To investigate the behavior of iron isotopes in the carbonatite systems, kinetic and equilibration experiments in natro-carbonatite systems between immiscible silicate and carbonate melts were performed in an internally heated gas pressure vessel at intrinsic redox conditions at temperatures between 900 and 1200 °C and pressures of 0.5 and 0.7 GPa. The iron isotope compositions of coexisting silicate melt and carbonate melt were analyzed by solution MC-ICP-MS. The kinetic experiments employing a Fe-58 spiked starting material show that isotopic equilibrium is obtained after 48 hours. The experimental studies of equilibrium iron isotope fractionation between immiscible silicate and carbonate melts have shown that light isotopes are enriched in the carbonatite melt. The highest Δ56Fesil.m.-carb.melt (mean) of 0.13 per mille was determined in a system with a strongly peralkaline silicate melt composition (ASI ≥ 0.21, Na/Al ≤ 2.7). In three systems with extremely peralkaline silicate melt compositions (ASI between 0.11 and 0.14) iron isotope fractionation could analytically not be resolved. The lowest Δ56Fesil.m.-carb.melt (mean) of 0.02 per mille was determined in a system with an extremely peralkaline silicate melt composition (ASI ≤ 0.11 , Na/Al ≥ 6.1). The observed iron isotope fractionation is most likely governed by the redox conditions of the system. Yet, in the systems, where no fractionation occurred, structural changes induced by compositional changes possibly overrule the influence of redox conditions. This interpretation implicates, that the iron isotope system holds the potential to be useful not only for exploring redox conditions in magmatic systems, but also for discovering structural changes in a melt. In situ iron isotope analyses by femtosecond laser ablation coupled to MC-ICP-MS on magnetite and olivine grains were performed to reveal variations in iron isotope composition on the micro scale. The investigated sample is a melilitite bomb from the Salt Lake Crater group at Honolulu (Oahu, Hawaii), showing strong evidence for interaction with a carbonatite melt. While magnetite grains are rather homogeneous in their iron isotope compositions, olivine grains span a far larger range in iron isotope ratios. The variability of δ56Fe in magnetite is limited from - 0.17 per mille (± 0.11 per mille, 2SE) to +0.08 per mille (± 0.09 per mille, 2SE). δ56Fe in olivine range from -0.66 per mille (± 0.11 per mille, 2SE) to +0.10 per mille (± 0.13 per mille, 2SE). Olivine and magnetite grains hold different informations regarding kinetic and equilibrium fractionation due to their different Fe diffusion coefficients. The observations made in the experiments and in the in situ iron isotope analyses suggest that the extremely light iron isotope signatures found in carbonatites are generated by several steps of isotope fractionation during carbonatite genesis. These may involve equilibrium and kinetic fractionation. Since iron isotopic signatures in natural systems are generated by a combination of multiple factors (pressure, temperature, redox conditions, phase composition and structure, time scale), multi tracer approaches are needed to explain signatures found in natural rocks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hebert2021, author = {H{\´e}bert, Raphaёl}, title = {Investigation of vegetation and terrestrial climate variablity during the holocene}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {201}, year = {2021}, language = {en} }