@phdthesis{vonRekowski1999, author = {von Rekowski, Matthias}, title = {2D-Akkretionsscheibenmodelle mit dynamoerregten Magnetfeldern}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 87 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ehrig2017, author = {Ehrig, Sebastian}, title = {3D curvature and its role on tissue organization}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {132}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Shape change is a fundamental process occurring in biological tissues during embryonic development and regeneration of tissues and organs. This process is regulated by cells that are constrained within a complex environment of biochemical and physical cues. The spatial constraint due to geometry has a determining role on tissue mechanics and the spatial distribution of force patterns that, in turn, influences the organization of the tissue structure. An understanding of the underlying principles of tissue organization may have wide consequences for the understanding of healing processes and the development of organs and, as such, is of fundamental interest for the tissue engineering community. This thesis aims to further our understanding of how the collective behaviour of cells is influenced by the 3D geometry of the environment. Previous research studying the role of geometry on tissue growth has mainly focused either on flat surfaces or on substrates where at least one of the principal curvatures is zero. In the present work, tissue growth from MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts was investigated on surfaces of controlled mean curvature. One key aspect of this thesis was the development of substrates of controlled mean curvature and their visualization in 3D. It was demonstrated that substrates of controlled mean curvature suitable for cell culture can be fabricated using liquid polymers and surface tension effects. Using these substrates, it was shown that the mean surface curvature has a strong impact on the rate of tissue growth and on the organization of the tissue structure. It was thereby not only demonstrated that the amount of tissue produced (i.e. growth rates) by the cells depends on the mean curvature of the substrate but also that the tissue surface behaves like a viscous fluid with an equilibrium shape governed by the Laplace-Young-law. It was observed that more tissue was formed on highly concave surfaces compared to flat or convex surfaces. Motivated by these observations, an analytical model was developed, where the rate of tissue growth is a function of the mean curvature, which could successfully describe the growth kinetics. This model was also able to reproduce the growth kinetics of previous experiments where tissues have been cultured in straight-sided prismatic pores. A second part of this thesis focuses on the tissue structure, which influences the mechanical properties of the mature bone tissue. Since the extracellular matrix is produced by the cells, the cell orientation has a strong impact on the direction of the tissue fibres. In addition, it was recently shown that some cell types exhibit collective alignment similar to liquid crystals. Based on this observation, a computational model of self-propelled active particles was developed to explore in an abstract manner how the collective behaviour of cells is influenced by 3D curvature. It was demonstrated that the 3D curvature has a strong impact on the self-organization of active particles and gives, therefore, first insights into the principles of self-organization of cells on curved surfaces.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmoll2001, author = {Schmoll, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {3D-Spektrofotometrie extragalaktischer Emissionslinienobjekte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Popul{\"a}rwissenschaftlicher Abstract: Bislang gibt es in der beobachtenden optischen Astronomie zwei verschiedene Herangehensweisen: Einerseits werden Objekte durch Kameras abbildend erfaßt, andererseits werden durch die wellenl{\"a}ngenabh{\"a}ngige Zerlegung ihres Lichtes Spektren gewonnen. Das Integral - Field - Verfahren ist eine relativ neue Technik, welche die genannten Beobachtungsmethoden vereint. Das Objektbild im Teleskopfokus wird in r{\"a}umlich zerlegt und jedes Ortselement einem gemeinsamen Spektrografen zugef{\"u}hrt. Hierdurch wird das Objekt nicht nur zweidimensional r{\"a}umlich erfaßt, sondern zus{\"a}tzlich die spektrale Kompenente als dritte Dimension erhalten, weswegen das Verfahren auch als 3D-Methode bezeichnet wird. Anschaulich kann man sich das Datenresultat als eine Abbildung vorstellen, in der jeder einzelne Bildpunkt nicht mehr nur einen Intensit{\"a}tswert enth{\"a}lt, sondern gleich ein ganzes Spektrum. Diese Technik erm{\"o}glicht es, ausgedehnte Objekte im Unterschied zu g{\"a}ngigen Spaltspektrografen komplett zu erfassen. Die besondere St{\"a}rke der Methode ist die M{\"o}glichkeit, die Hintergrundkontamination der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Objektes zu erfassen und in der Auswertung zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Durch diese F{\"a}higkeit erscheint die 3D-Methode pr{\"a}destiniert f{\"u}r den durch moderne Großteleskope erschlossenen Bereich der extragalaktischen Stellarastronomie. Die detaillierte Untersuchung aufgel{\"o}ster stellare Populationen in nahegelegenen Galaxien ist erst seit kurzer Zeit dank der Fortschritte mit modernen Grossteleskopen und fortschrittlicher Instrumentierung m{\"o}glich geworden. Wegen der Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Entstehung und Evolution von Galaxien werden diese Arbeiten zuk{\"u}nftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Integral-Field-Spektroskopie an zwei planetarischen Nebeln in der n{\"a}chstgelegenen großen Spiralgalaxie M31 (NGC 224) getestet, deren Helligkeiten und Koordinaten aus einer Durchmusterung vorlagen. Hierzu wurden Beobachtungen mit dem MPFS-Instrument am russischen 6m - Teleskop in Selentschuk/Kaukasus sowie mit INTEGRAL/WYFFOS am englischen William-Herschel-Teleskop auf La Palma gewonnen. Ein {\"u}berraschendes Ergebnis war, daß eins der beiden Objekte falsch klassifiziert wurde. Sowohl die meßbare r{\"a}umliche Ausdehnung des Objektes als auch das spektrale Erscheinungsbild schlossen die Identit{\"a}t mit einem planetarischen Nebel aus. Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit handelt es sich um einen Supernova{\"u}berrest, zumal im Rahmen der Fehler an gleicher Stelle eine vom R{\"o}ntgensatelliten ROSAT detektierte R{\"o}ntgenquelle liegt. Die in diesem Projekt verwendeten Integral-Field-Instrumente wiesen zwei verschiedene Bauweisen auf, die sich miteinander vergleichen ließen. Ein Hauptkritikpunkt der verwendeten Instrumente war ihre geringe Lichtausbeute. Die gesammelten Erfahrung fanden Eingang in das Konzept des derzeit in Potsdam in der Fertigung befindlichen 3D-Instruments PMAS (Potsdamer Multi - Apertur - Spektrophotometer), welcher zun{\"a}chst f{\"u}r das 3.5m-Teleskop des Calar - Alto - Observatoriums in S{\"u}dspanien vorgesehen ist. Um die Effizienz dieses Instrumentes zu verbessern, wurde in dieser Arbeit die Kopplung der zum Bildrasterung verwendeten Optik zu den Lichtleitfasern im Labor untersucht. Die Untersuchungen zur Maximierung von Lichtausbeute und Stabilit{\"a}t zeigen, daß sich die Effizienz durch Auswahl einer geeigneten Koppelmethode um etwa 20 Prozent steigern l{\"a}sst.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Becker2001, author = {Becker, Thomas}, title = {3D-Spektroskopie hintergrundkontaminierter Einzelobjekte in Galaxien der lokalen Gruppe}, pages = {110 S.}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{ColpanZenginoglu2007, author = {Colpan Zenginoglu, Anil}, title = {A conformal approach to numerical calculations of asymptotically flat spacetimes}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {101 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hakansson2017, author = {H{\aa}kansson, Nils}, title = {A Dark Matter line search using 3D-modeling of Cherenkov showers below 10 TeV with VERITAS}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-397670}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {107, xxxvi}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Dark matter, DM, has not yet been directly observed, but it has a very solid theoretical basis. There are observations that provide indirect evidence, like galactic rotation curves that show that the galaxies are rotating too fast to keep their constituent parts, and galaxy clusters that bends the light coming from behind-lying galaxies more than expected with respect to the mass that can be calculated from what can be visibly seen. These observations, among many others, can be explained with theories that include DM. The missing piece is to detect something that can exclusively be explained by DM. Direct observation in a particle accelerator is one way and indirect detection using telescopes is another. This thesis is focused on the latter method. The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, V ERITAS, is a telescope array that detects Cherenkov radiation. Theory predicts that DM particles annihilate into, e.g., a γγ pair and create a distinctive energy spectrum when detected by such telescopes, e.i., a monoenergetic line at the same energy as the particle mass. This so called "smoking-gun" signature is sought with a sliding window line search within the sub-range ∼ 0.3 - 10 TeV of the VERITAS energy range, ∼ 0.01 - 30 TeV. Standard analysis within the VERITAS collaboration uses Hillas analysis and look-up tables, acquired by analysing particle simulations, to calculate the energy of the particle causing the Cherenkov shower. In this thesis, an improved analysis method has been used. Modelling each shower as a 3Dgaussian should increase the energy recreation quality. Five dwarf spheroidal galaxies were chosen as targets with a total of ∼ 224 hours of data. The targets were analysed individually and stacked. Particle simulations were based on two simulation packages, CARE and GrISU. Improvements have been made to the energy resolution and bias correction, up to a few percent each, in comparison to standard analysis. Nevertheless, no line with a relevant significance has been detected. The most promising line is at an energy of ∼ 422 GeV with an upper limit cross section of 8.10 · 10^-24 cm^3 s^-1 and a significance of ∼ 2.73 σ, before trials correction and ∼ 1.56 σ after. Upper limit cross sections have also been calculated for the γγ annihilation process and four other outcomes. The limits are in line with current limits using other methods, from ∼ 8.56 · 10^-26 - 6.61 · 10^-23 cm^3s^-1. Future larger telescope arrays, like the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA, will provide better results with the help of this analysis method.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Klar2012, author = {Klar, Jochen}, title = {A detailed view of filaments and sheets of the warm-hot intergalactic medium}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-58038}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In the context of cosmological structure formation sheets, filaments and eventually halos form due to gravitational instabilities. It is noteworthy, that at all times, the majority of the baryons in the universe does not reside in the dense halos but in the filaments and the sheets of the intergalactic medium. While at higher redshifts of z > 2, these baryons can be detected via the absorption of light (originating from more distant sources) by neutral hydrogen at temperatures of T ~ 10^4 K (the Lyman-alpha forest), at lower redshifts only about 20 \% can be found in this state. The remain (about 50 to 70 \% of the total baryons mass) is unaccounted for by observational means. Numerical simulations predict that these missing baryons could reside in the filaments and sheets of the cosmic web at high temperatures of T = 10^4.5 - 10^7 K, but only at low to intermediate densities, and constitutes the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). The high temperatures of the WHIM are caused by the formation of shocks and the subsequent shock-heating of the gas. This results in a high degree of ionization and renders the reliable detection of the WHIM a challenging task. Recent high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations indicate that, at redshifts of z ~ 2, filaments are able to provide very massive galaxies with a significant amount of cool gas at temperatures of T ~ 10^4 K. This could have an important impact on the star-formation in those galaxies. It is therefore of principle importance to investigate the particular hydro- and thermodynamical conditions of these large filament structures. Density and temperature profiles, and velocity fields, are expected to leave their special imprint on spectroscopic observations. A potential multiphase structure may act as tracer in observational studies of the WHIM. In the context of cold streams, it is important to explore the processes, which regulate the amount of gas transported by the streams. This includes the time evolution of filaments, as well as possible quenching mechanisms. In this context, the halo mass range in which cold stream accretion occurs is of particular interest. In order to address these questions, we perform particular hydrodynamical simulations of very high resolution, and investigate the formation and evolution of prototype structures representing the typical filaments and sheets of the WHIM. We start with a comprehensive study of the one-dimensional collapse of a sinusoidal density perturbation (pancake formation) and examine the influence of radiative cooling, heating due to an UV background, thermal conduction, and the effect of small-scale perturbations given by the cosmological power spectrum. We use a set of simulations, parametrized by the wave length of the initial perturbation L. For L ~ 2 Mpc/h the collapse leads to shock-confined structures. As a result of radiative cooling and of heating due to an UV background, a relatively cold and dense core forms. With increasing L the core becomes denser and more concentrated. Thermal conduction enhances this trend and may lead to an evaporation of the core at very large L ~ 30 Mpc/h. When extending our simulations into three dimensions, instead of a pancake structure, we obtain a configuration consisting of well-defined sheets, filaments, and a gaseous halo. For L > 4 Mpc/h filaments form, which are fully confined by an accretion shock. As with the one-dimensional pancakes, they exhibit an isothermal core. Thus, our results confirm a multiphase structure, which may generate particular spectral tracers. We find that, after its formation, the core becomes shielded against further infall of gas onto the filament, and its mass content decreases with time. In the vicinity of the halo, the filament's core can be attributed to the cold streams found in other studies. We show, that the basic structure of these cold streams exists from the very beginning of the collapse process. Further on, the cross section of the streams is constricted by the outwards moving accretion shock of the halo. Thermal conduction leads to a complete evaporation of the cold stream for L > 6 Mpc/h. This corresponds to halos with a total mass higher than M_halo = 10^13 M_sun, and predicts that in more massive halos star-formation can not be sustained by cold streams. Far away from the gaseous halo, the temperature gradients in the filament are not sufficiently strong for thermal conduction to be effective.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albrecht2013, author = {Albrecht, Torsten}, title = {A dynamic memory of fracture processes in ice shelves}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {167 S.}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Merlo2007, author = {Merlo, Claudia}, title = {A model of protein folding kinetics}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {89 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thiede2019, author = {Thiede, Tobias}, title = {A multiscale analysis of additively manufactured lattice structures}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-470418}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 97, LIII}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Additive Manufacturing (AM) in terms of laser powder-bed fusion (L-PBF) offers new prospects regarding the design of parts and enables therefore the production of lattice structures. These lattice structures shall be implemented in various industrial applications (e.g. gas turbines) for reasons of material savings or cooling channels. However, internal defects, residual stress, and structural deviations from the nominal geometry are unavoidable. In this work, the structural integrity of lattice structures manufactured by means of L-PBF was non-destructively investigated on a multiscale approach. A workflow for quantitative 3D powder analysis in terms of particle size, particle shape, particle porosity, inter-particle distance and packing density was established. Synchrotron computed tomography (CT) was used to correlate the packing density with the particle size and particle shape. It was also observed that at least about 50\% of the powder porosity was released during production of the struts. Struts are the component of lattice structures and were investigated by means of laboratory CT. The focus was on the influence of the build angle on part porosity and surface quality. The surface topography analysis was advanced by the quantitative characterisation of re-entrant surface features. This characterisation was compared with conventional surface parameters showing their complementary information, but also the need for AM specific surface parameters. The mechanical behaviour of the lattice structure was investigated with in-situ CT under compression and successive digital volume correlation (DVC). The deformation was found to be knot-dominated, and therefore the lattice folds unit cell layer wise. The residual stress was determined experimentally for the first time in such lattice structures. Neutron diffraction was used for the non-destructive 3D stress investigation. The principal stress directions and values were determined in dependence of the number of measured directions. While a significant uni-axial stress state was found in the strut, a more hydrostatic stress state was found in the knot. In both cases, strut and knot, seven directions were at least needed to find reliable principal stress directions.}, language = {en} }