@phdthesis{Fischer2008, author = {Fischer, Anna}, title = {"Reactive hard templating" : from carbon nitrides to metal nitrides}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-19777}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Nanostructured inorganic materials are routinely synthesized by the use of templates. Depending on the synthesis conditions of the product material, either "soft" or "hard" templates can be applied. For sol-gel processes, usually "soft" templating techniques are employed, while "hard" templates are used for high temperature synthesis pathways. In classical templating approaches, the template has the unique role of structure directing agent, in the sense that it is not participating to the chemical formation of the resulting material. This work investigates a new templating pathway to nanostructured materials, where the template is also a reagent in the formation of the final material. This concept is described as "reactive templating" and opens a synthetic path toward materials which cannot be synthesised on a nanometre scale by classical templating approaches. Metal nitrides are such kind of materials. They are usually produced by the conversion of metals or metal oxides in ammonia flow at high temperature (T > 1000°C), which make the application of classical templating techniques difficult. Graphitic carbon nitride, g-C3N4, despite its fundamental and theoretical importance, is probably one of the most promising materials to complement carbon in material science and many efforts are put in the synthesis of this material. A simple polyaddition/elimination reaction path at high temperature (T = 550°C) allows the polymerisation of cyanamide toward graphitic carbon nitride solids. By hard templating, using nanostructured silica or aluminium oxide as nanotemplates, a variety of nanostructured graphitic carbon nitrides such as nanorods, nanotubes, meso- and macroporous powders could be obtained by nanocasting or nanocoating. Due to the special semi-conducting properties of the graphitic carbon nitride matrix, the nanostructured graphitic carbon nitrides show unexpected catalytic activity for the activation of benzene in Friedel-Crafts type reactions, making this material an interesting metal free catalyst. Furthermore, due to the chemical composition of g-C3N4 and the fact that it is totally decomposed at temperatures between 600°C and 800°C even under inert atmosphere, g-C3N4 was shown to be a good nitrogen donor for the synthesis of early transition metal nitrides at high temperatures. Thus using the nanostructured carbon nitrides as "reactive templates" or "nanoreactors", various metal nitride nanostructures, such as nanoparticles and porous frameworks could be obtained at high temperature. In this approach the carbon nitride nanostructure played both the role of the nitrogen source and of the exotemplate, imprinting its size and shape to the resulting metal nitride nanostructure.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zeiske2008, author = {Zeiske, Anja}, title = {"Sexualit{\"a}t im angehenden Erwachsenenalter" : die sexuelle Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit junger Frauen und M{\"a}nner}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-52346}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen den sexuellen Erfahrungen junger Frauen und M{\"a}nner, ihren Pers{\"o}nlichkeitseigenschaften und ihren sexualmoralischen Einstellungen auf der einen Seite und der Einsch{\"a}tzung ihrer sexuellen Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit auf der anderen Seite untersucht. Die Grundlage f{\"u}r das Modell der sexuellen Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit bildeten die Vorstellungen der Arbeitsgruppe um Matthias Grundmann (Grundmann et al. 2006) sowie von Emirbayer und Mische (1998). Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Modell zur sexuellen Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit ist ein multidimensionales Konstrukt, das sich aus den Komponenten „sexuelle Kommunikation", „sexuelle Zufriedenheit", „sexuelle Reziprozit{\"a}t" sowie „sexuelle Eigenverantwortung" zusammensetzt. „Sexuelle Kommunikation" beinhaltet die F{\"a}higkeit, sexuelle W{\"u}nsche zum Ausdruck bringen zu k{\"o}nnen. „Sexuelle Zufriedenheit" beschreibt den Grad der Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Sexualleben. „Sexuelle Reziprozit{\"a}t" verweist auf die F{\"a}higkeit, sexuelle Aufmerksamkeiten sowohl Annehmen als auch Geben zu k{\"o}nnen. „Sexuelle Eigenverantwortung" betont schließlich die Einsch{\"a}tzung, inwieweit die eigene Sexualit{\"a}t selbst bestimmt gestaltet werden kann. Mit Emirbayer und Mische werden die sexuellen Erfahrungen der Frauen und M{\"a}nner als Korrelate der Einsch{\"a}tzung der Dimensionen der sexuellen Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit betrachtet. Mit Grundmann et al. sind es zudem verschiedene Pers{\"o}nlichkeitseigenschaften sowie sexualmoralische Einstellungen, deren Beschaffenheiten Aussagen {\"u}ber die sexuelle Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit erlauben. Um die Thematik der sexuellen Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit empirisch zu betrachten, wurden im Jahr 2006 695 junge Potsdamer/innen im Alter von 19 bis 21 Jahren im Rahmen einer standardisierten Erhebung zu ihren sexuellen und Beziehungserfahrungen befragt. Die empirischen Analysen verdeutlichen eine ko-konstruktive Anschauung von der Entwicklung sexueller Handlungsf{\"a}higkeit. Diese entsteht nicht im Individuum allein, sondern innerhalb der Interaktions- und Aushandlungsprozesse des Individuums mit den Anderen seiner sozialen und sexuellen Umwelt. Von Bedeutung erweisen dabei sowohl die Erlebnisse der sexuellen Biografie als auch die Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsmerkmale eines jeden Einzelnen. Nur geringf{\"u}gig erscheinen die erfragten sexualmoralischen Ansichten von Bedeutung.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reininghaus2009, author = {Reininghaus, Karl}, title = {"So sind die Zeichen in der Welt" : Beobachtungen zur Rezeption von eher Wenigem Friedrich H{\"o}lderlins}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-35723}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Wenn in einem verbrannten Geb{\"a}ude, in dem sich unliebsame Untermieter breit gemacht haben, diese damit beginnen, Stein f{\"u}r Stein das restliche Gem{\"a}uer abzutragen, um die verbliebenen Fenster zuzumauern, wird es Zeit, mit mehr oder weniger freundlichen Worten die Bewohner des Hauses zu verweisen, die nur verhindern, dass sich neue Besucher dem Gel{\"a}nde n{\"a}hern. Daf{\"u}r muss freilich alter und neuer Behang von den W{\"a}nden genommen werden; und eben durch die Verbannung all dessen, was nicht an diesen Ort geh{\"o}rt, kann ein freundliches Bild des Dichters Friedrich H{\"o}lderlin erhalten bleiben, der nicht nur poetisch, sondern auch zwischenmenschlich einigen bedeutenden Pers{\"o}nlichkeiten seiner Zeit im Wege stand, was ihm wohl in beiden Aspekten zum Verh{\"a}ngnis geworden ist, weil er sich weder verwandtschaftlich noch im Rahmen des poetischen Gesch{\"a}fts gegen seine intrigante Umgebung zur Wehr zu setzen wusste. Der etwas l{\"a}nger geratene Aufsatz „So sind die Zeichen in der Welt" soll weder ein neues Heiligenbild schaffen noch einen frisch aus der Tasche gezogenen Popstar zum Liebhaben, sondern will behutsam einige Fresken des Gedankengeb{\"a}udes H{\"o}lderlin f{\"u}r diejenigen freilegen, deren Bild des Dichters noch nicht v{\"o}llig von der Vorstellung des wahnsinnig gewordenen Dichters {\"u}bert{\"u}ncht worden ist. Obwohl sich die Arbeit damit ganz bewusst den H{\"o}lderlin - Studien von Pierre Bertaux anschließt, setzt sie sich auch mit dieser Wahrnehmungslinie kritisch auseinander, indem sie neben biographischen Anmerkungen auch stil- und ideologiekritische Methoden einsetzt, um die manchmal un{\"u}bersichtliche Quellenlage ein wenig durchsichtiger zu machen, als dies bisher der Fall ist. {\"U}ber eine solche, in Einzelheiten vielleicht unorthodox wirkende Darstellung hinaus will die Arbeit die Behandlungsm{\"o}glichkeit von Friedrich H{\"o}lderlin im Deutschunterricht des Gymnasiums nahe legen, weil selbst J{\"u}ngeres {\"u}ber ihn behandelt wird, das darauf hinweist, inwiefern die Marginalisierung dieses Poeten damit zu tun hat, dass er w{\"a}hrend eines langen Abschnitts der Literaturgeschichte auch daf{\"u}r verantwortlich gemacht wurde, was er weder geschrieben hat noch meinte. Die Intention der Arbeit besteht insgesamt in der Vorstellung, das Gedankengut H{\"o}lderlins m{\"u}sse aus dem breiten Strom einer konservativen Wahrnehmungstradition entfernt werden (zu der beispielsweise auch die dramatische H{\"o}lderlin - Bearbeitung E. Jelineks Wolken.Heim. gez{\"a}hlt werden kann, selbst wenn sie widerborstig gemeint sein sollte) und dieser Dichter sei als realistischer Denker zu restaurieren, der sich deshalb dem Literaturbetrieb seiner Zeit entgezogen hat, weil er, selbst der Lebensf{\"u}hrung nach, sehr fr{\"u}h die Bewegungen gegen franz{\"o}sische Aufkl{\"a}rung und Revolution begriffen hat - und von deren massiver Ablehnung H{\"o}lderlin bis heute getroffen wird. Da Friedrich H{\"o}lderlin aber nicht nur ideologischer Betrachtung, Kritik und Verf{\"a}lschung ausgesetzt ist, sondern auch regelm{\"a}ßig Gegenstand umfangreicher biographisch - psychologischer Spekulationen darstellt, wurde dieser Aspekt nicht nur bezogen auf die Rezeptionsgeschichte untersucht, sondern am Gegenstand selbst. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte nicht nur eine bislang vernachl{\"a}ssigte Beziehung H{\"o}lderlins zu Sophie Mereau rekonstruiert und der Verdacht zur{\"u}ckgewiesen werden, es habe zur selben Zeit eine homoerotische Beziehung zu Isaak Sinclair bestanden, vielmehr gelang auch der Nachweis, dass das Verh{\"a}ltnis des Dichters zu Susette Gontard weder singul{\"a}r noch konkurrenzlos gewesen ist, weshalb sich eine eindeutige Zuordnung dieser Frau zur poetischen Figur der Diotima verbietet. Dazu wurde einerseits der Umstand entmythologisiert, nach dem die Liebe zur Frankfurter Zeit platonisch betrieben wurde, andererseits aber diese Affaire den Verh{\"a}ltnissen H{\"o}lderlins zu anderen Frauen zugeordnet, mit denen sich Frau Gontard - letztlich erfolglos - dadurch auseinander zu setzen versuchte, dass sie die Rolle Diotimas okkupierte. Dabei ließ sich schließlich der Verdacht erh{\"a}rten, die stabilste Bindung des Dichters an eine Frau sei die zur eigenen Schwester Heinrike gewesen, mit der bis zum Bruch von Bordeaux aus zwar unregelm{\"a}ßig, aber emotional immer wieder ausufernde Briefe getauscht wurden. Es ist nicht ohne Ironie, wenn ausgerechnet im vielleicht bekanntesten Gedicht H{\"o}lderlins, der „H{\"a}lfte des Lebens", in dem regelm{\"a}ßig ein bedeutender philosophischer Entwurf gesehen wird, Rudimente eines Textes enthalten sind, der - eindeutig erotisch konnotiert - an die eigene Schwester gerichtet ist.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lontsi2016, author = {Lontsi, Agostiny Marrios}, title = {1D shallow sedimentary subsurface imaging using ambient noise and active seismic data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Earth's shallow subsurface with sedimentary cover acts as a waveguide to any incoming wavefield. Within the framework of my thesis, I focused on the characterization of this shallow subsurface within tens to few hundreds of meters of sediment cover. I imaged the seismic 1D shear wave velocity (and possibly the 1D compressional wave velocity). This information is not only required for any seismic risk assessment, geotechnical engineering or microzonation activities, but also for exploration and global seismology where site effects are often neglected in seismic waveform modeling. First, the conventional frequency-wavenumber (f - k) technique is used to derive the dispersion characteristic of the propagating surface waves recorded using distinct arrays of seismometers in 1D and 2D configurations. Further, the cross-correlation technique is applied to seismic array data to estimate the Green's function between receivers pairs combination assuming one is the source and the other the receiver. With the consideration of a 1D media, the estimated cross-correlation Green's functions are sorted with interstation distance in a virtual 1D active seismic experiment. The f - k technique is then used to estimate the dispersion curves. This integrated analysis is important for the interpretation of a large bandwidth of the phase velocity dispersion curves and therefore improving the resolution of the estimated 1D Vs profile. Second, the new theoretical approach based on the Diffuse Field Assumption (DFA) is used for the interpretation of the observed microtremors H/V spectral ratio. The theory is further extended in this research work to include not only the interpretation of the H/V measured at the surface, but also the H/V measured at depths and in marine environments. A modeling and inversion of synthetic H/V spectral ratio curves on simple predefined geological structures shows an almost perfect recovery of the model parameters (mainly Vs and to a lesser extent Vp). These results are obtained after information from a receiver at depth has been considered in the inversion. Finally, the Rayleigh wave phase velocity information, estimated from array data, and the H/V(z, f) spectral ratio, estimated from a single station data, are combined and inverted for the velocity profile information. Obtained results indicate an improved depth resolution in comparison to estimations using the phase velocity dispersion curves only. The overall estimated sediment thickness is comparable to estimations obtained by inverting the full micortremor H/V spectral ratio.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Amour2013, author = {Amour, Fr{\´e}d{\´e}ric}, title = {3-D modeling of shallow-water carbonate systems : a scale-dependent approach based on quantitative outcrop studies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-66621}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The study of outcrop modeling is located at the interface between two fields of expertise, Sedimentology and Computing Geoscience, which respectively investigates and simulates geological heterogeneity observed in the sedimentary record. During the last past years, modeling tools and techniques were constantly improved. In parallel, the study of Phanerozoic carbonate deposits emphasized the common occurrence of a random facies distribution along single depositional domain. Although both fields of expertise are intrinsically linked during outcrop simulation, their respective advances have not been combined in literature to enhance carbonate modeling studies. The present study re-examines the modeling strategy adapted to the simulation of shallow-water carbonate systems, based on a close relationship between field sedimentology and modeling capabilities. In the present study, the evaluation of three commonly used algorithms Truncated Gaussian Simulation (TGSim), Sequential Indicator Simulation (SISim), and Indicator Kriging (IK), were performed for the first time using visual and quantitative comparisons on an ideally suited carbonate outcrop. The results show that the heterogeneity of carbonate rocks cannot be fully simulated using one single algorithm. The operating mode of each algorithm involves capabilities as well as drawbacks that are not capable to match all field observations carried out across the modeling area. Two end members in the spectrum of carbonate depositional settings, a low-angle Jurassic ramp (High Atlas, Morocco) and a Triassic isolated platform (Dolomites, Italy), were investigated to obtain a complete overview of the geological heterogeneity in shallow-water carbonate systems. Field sedimentology and statistical analysis performed on the type, morphology, distribution, and association of carbonate bodies and combined with palaeodepositional reconstructions, emphasize similar results. At the basin scale (x 1 km), facies association, composed of facies recording similar depositional conditions, displays linear and ordered transitions between depositional domains. Contrarily, at the bedding scale (x 0.1 km), individual lithofacies type shows a mosaic-like distribution consisting of an arrangement of spatially independent lithofacies bodies along the depositional profile. The increase of spatial disorder from the basin to bedding scale results from the influence of autocyclic factors on the transport and deposition of carbonate sediments. Scale-dependent types of carbonate heterogeneity are linked with the evaluation of algorithms in order to establish a modeling strategy that considers both the sedimentary characteristics of the outcrop and the modeling capabilities. A surface-based modeling approach was used to model depositional sequences. Facies associations were populated using TGSim to preserve ordered trends between depositional domains. At the lithofacies scale, a fully stochastic approach with SISim was applied to simulate a mosaic-like lithofacies distribution. This new workflow is designed to improve the simulation of carbonate rocks, based on the modeling of each scale of heterogeneity individually. Contrarily to simulation methods applied in literature, the present study considers that the use of one single simulation technique is unlikely to correctly model the natural patterns and variability of carbonate rocks. The implementation of different techniques customized for each level of the stratigraphic hierarchy provides the essential computing flexibility to model carbonate systems. Closer feedback between advances carried out in the field of Sedimentology and Computing Geoscience should be promoted during future outcrop simulations for the enhancement of 3-D geological models.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Koyan2024, author = {Koyan, Philipp}, title = {3D attribute analysis and classification to interpret ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data collected across sedimentary environments: Synthetic studies and field examples}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-63948}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-639488}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 115, A51}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Untersuchung des oberfl{\"a}chennahen Untergrundes erfolgt heutzutage bei Frage- stellungen aus den Bereichen des Bauwesens, der Arch{\"a}ologie oder der Geologie und Hydrologie oft mittels zerst{\"o}rungsfreier beziehungsweise zerst{\"o}rungsarmer Methoden der angewandten Geophysik. Ein Bereich, der eine immer zentralere Rolle in Forschung und Ingenieurwesen einnimmt, ist die Untersuchung von sediment{\"a}ren Umgebungen, zum Beispiel zur Charakterisierung oberfl{\"a}chennaher Grundwassersysteme. Ein in diesem Kontext h{\"a}ufig eingesetztes Verfahren ist das des Georadars (oftmals GPR - aus dem Englischen ground-penetrating radar). Dabei werden kurze elektromagnetische Impulse von einer Antenne in den Untergrund ausgesendet, welche dort wiederum an Kontrasten der elektromagnetischen Eigenschaften (wie zum Beispiel an der Grundwasseroberfl{\"a}che) reflektiert, gebrochen oder gestreut werden. Eine Empfangsantenne zeichnet diese Signale in Form derer Amplituden und Laufzeiten auf. Eine Analyse dieser aufgezeichneten Signale erm{\"o}glicht Aussagen {\"u}ber den Untergrund, beispielsweise {\"u}ber die Tiefenlage der Grundwasseroberfl{\"a}che oder die Lagerung und Charakteristika oberfl{\"a}chennaher Sedimentschichten. Dank des hohen Aufl{\"o}sungsverm{\"o}gens der GPR-Methode sowie stetiger technologischer Entwicklungen erfolgt heutzutage die Aufzeichnung von GPR- Daten immer h{\"a}ufiger in 3D. Trotz des hohen zeitlichen und technischen Aufwandes f{\"u}r die Datenakquisition und -bearbeitung werden die resultierenden 3D-Datens{\"a}tze, welche den Untergrund hochaufl{\"o}send abbilden, typischerweise von Hand interpretiert. Dies ist in der Regel ein {\"a}ußerst zeitaufwendiger Analyseschritt. Daher werden oft repr{\"a}sentative 2D-Schnitte aus dem 3D-Datensatz gew{\"a}hlt, in denen markante Reflektionsstrukuren markiert werden. Aus diesen Strukturen werden dann sich {\"a}hnelnde Bereiche im Untergrund als so genannte Radar-Fazies zusammengefasst. Die anhand von 2D-Schnitten erlangten Resultate werden dann als repr{\"a}sentativ f{\"u}r die gesamte untersuchte Fl{\"a}che angesehen. In dieser Form durchgef{\"u}hrte Interpretationen sind folglich oft unvollst{\"a}ndig sowie zudem in hohem Maße von der Expertise der Interpretierenden abh{\"a}ngig und daher in der Regel nicht reproduzierbar. Eine vielversprechende Alternative beziehungsweise Erg{\"a}nzung zur manuellen In- terpretation ist die Verwendung von so genannten GPR-Attributen. Dabei werden nicht die aufgezeichneten Daten selbst, sondern daraus abgeleitete Gr{\"o}ßen, welche die markanten Reflexionsstrukturen in 3D charakterisieren, zur Interpretation herangezogen. In dieser Arbeit wird anhand verschiedener Feld- und Modelldatens{\"a}tze untersucht, welche Attribute sich daf{\"u}r insbesondere eignen. Zudem zeigt diese Arbeit, wie ausgew{\"a}hlte Attribute mittels spezieller Bearbeitungs- und Klassifizierungsmethoden zur Erstellung von 3D-Faziesmodellen genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Dank der M{\"o}glichkeit der Erstellung so genannter attributbasierter 3D-GPR-Faziesmodelle k{\"o}nnen zuk{\"u}nftige Interpretationen zu gewissen Teilen automatisiert und somit effizienter durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Weiterhin beschreiben die so erhaltenen Resultate den untersuchten Untergrund in reproduzierbarer Art und Weise sowie umf{\"a}nglicher als es bisher mittels manueller Interpretationsmethoden typischerweise m{\"o}glich war.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Holz2013, author = {Holz, Christian}, title = {3D from 2D touch}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-67796}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {While interaction with computers used to be dominated by mice and keyboards, new types of sensors now allow users to interact through touch, speech, or using their whole body in 3D space. These new interaction modalities are often referred to as "natural user interfaces" or "NUIs." While 2D NUIs have experienced major success on billions of mobile touch devices sold, 3D NUI systems have so far been unable to deliver a mobile form factor, mainly due to their use of cameras. The fact that cameras require a certain distance from the capture volume has prevented 3D NUI systems from reaching the flat form factor mobile users expect. In this dissertation, we address this issue by sensing 3D input using flat 2D sensors. The systems we present observe the input from 3D objects as 2D imprints upon physical contact. By sampling these imprints at very high resolutions, we obtain the objects' textures. In some cases, a texture uniquely identifies a biometric feature, such as the user's fingerprint. In other cases, an imprint stems from the user's clothing, such as when walking on multitouch floors. By analyzing from which part of the 3D object the 2D imprint results, we reconstruct the object's pose in 3D space. While our main contribution is a general approach to sensing 3D input on 2D sensors upon physical contact, we also demonstrate three applications of our approach. (1) We present high-accuracy touch devices that allow users to reliably touch targets that are a third of the size of those on current touch devices. We show that different users and 3D finger poses systematically affect touch sensing, which current devices perceive as random input noise. We introduce a model for touch that compensates for this systematic effect by deriving the 3D finger pose and the user's identity from each touch imprint. We then investigate this systematic effect in detail and explore how users conceptually touch targets. Our findings indicate that users aim by aligning visual features of their fingers with the target. We present a visual model for touch input that eliminates virtually all systematic effects on touch accuracy. (2) From each touch, we identify users biometrically by analyzing their fingerprints. Our prototype Fiberio integrates fingerprint scanning and a display into the same flat surface, solving a long-standing problem in human-computer interaction: secure authentication on touchscreens. Sensing 3D input and authenticating users upon touch allows Fiberio to implement a variety of applications that traditionally require the bulky setups of current 3D NUI systems. (3) To demonstrate the versatility of 3D reconstruction on larger touch surfaces, we present a high-resolution pressure-sensitive floor that resolves the texture of objects upon touch. Using the same principles as before, our system GravitySpace analyzes all imprints and identifies users based on their shoe soles, detects furniture, and enables accurate touch input using feet. By classifying all imprints, GravitySpace detects the users' body parts that are in contact with the floor and then reconstructs their 3D body poses using inverse kinematics. GravitySpace thus enables a range of applications for future 3D NUI systems based on a flat sensor, such as smart rooms in future homes. We conclude this dissertation by projecting into the future of mobile devices. Focusing on the mobility aspect of our work, we explore how NUI devices may one day augment users directly in the form of implanted devices.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vranic2019, author = {Vranic, Marija}, title = {3D Structure of the biomarker hepcidin-25 in its native state}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-45929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-459295}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 135}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hepcidin-25 (Hep-25) plays a crucial role in the control of iron homeostasis. Since the dysfunction of the hepcidin pathway leads to multiple diseases as a result of iron imbalance, hepcidin represents a potential target for the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of iron metabolism. Despite intense research in the last decade targeted at developing a selective immunoassay for iron disorder diagnosis and treatment and better understanding the ferroportin-hepcidin interaction, questions remain. The key to resolving these underlying questions is acquiring exact knowledge of the 3D structure of native Hep-25. Since it was determined that the N-terminus, which is responsible for the bioactivity of Hep-25, contains a small Cu(II)-binding site known as the ATCUN motif, it was assumed that the Hep-25-Cu(II) complex is the native, bioactive form of the hepcidin. This structure has thus far not been elucidated in detail. Owing to the lack of structural information on metal-bound Hep-25, little is known about its possible biological role in iron metabolism. Therefore, this work is focused on structurally characterizing the metal-bound Hep-25 by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. For the present work, a protocol was developed to prepare and purify properly folded Hep-25 in high quantities. In order to overcome the low solubility of Hep-25 at neutral pH, we introduced the C-terminal DEDEDE solubility tag. The metal binding was investigated through a series of NMR spectroscopic experiments to identify the most affected amino acids that mediate metal coordination. Based on the obtained NMR data, a structural calculation was performed in order to generate a model structure of the Hep-25-Ni(II) complex. The DEDEDE tag was excluded from the structural calculation due to a lack of NMR restraints. The dynamic nature and fast exchange of some of the amide protons with solvent reduced the overall number of NMR restraints needed for a high-quality structure. The NMR data revealed that the 20 Cterminal Hep-25 amino acids experienced no significant conformational changes, compared to published results, as a result of a pH change from pH 3 to pH 7 and metal binding. A 3D model of the Hep-25-Ni(II) complex was constructed from NMR data recorded for the hexapeptideNi(II) complex and Hep-25-DEDEDE-Ni(II) complex in combination with the fixed conformation of 19 C-terminal amino acids. The NMR data of the Hep-25-DEDEDE-Ni(II) complex indicates that the ATCUN motif moves independently from the rest of the structure. The 3D model structure of the metal-bound Hep-25 allows for future works to elucidate hepcidin's interaction with its receptor ferroportin and should serve as a starting point for the development of antibodies with improved selectivity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmoll2001, author = {Schmoll, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {3D-Spektrofotometrie extragalaktischer Emissionslinienobjekte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Popul{\"a}rwissenschaftlicher Abstract: Bislang gibt es in der beobachtenden optischen Astronomie zwei verschiedene Herangehensweisen: Einerseits werden Objekte durch Kameras abbildend erfaßt, andererseits werden durch die wellenl{\"a}ngenabh{\"a}ngige Zerlegung ihres Lichtes Spektren gewonnen. Das Integral - Field - Verfahren ist eine relativ neue Technik, welche die genannten Beobachtungsmethoden vereint. Das Objektbild im Teleskopfokus wird in r{\"a}umlich zerlegt und jedes Ortselement einem gemeinsamen Spektrografen zugef{\"u}hrt. Hierdurch wird das Objekt nicht nur zweidimensional r{\"a}umlich erfaßt, sondern zus{\"a}tzlich die spektrale Kompenente als dritte Dimension erhalten, weswegen das Verfahren auch als 3D-Methode bezeichnet wird. Anschaulich kann man sich das Datenresultat als eine Abbildung vorstellen, in der jeder einzelne Bildpunkt nicht mehr nur einen Intensit{\"a}tswert enth{\"a}lt, sondern gleich ein ganzes Spektrum. Diese Technik erm{\"o}glicht es, ausgedehnte Objekte im Unterschied zu g{\"a}ngigen Spaltspektrografen komplett zu erfassen. Die besondere St{\"a}rke der Methode ist die M{\"o}glichkeit, die Hintergrundkontamination der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Objektes zu erfassen und in der Auswertung zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Durch diese F{\"a}higkeit erscheint die 3D-Methode pr{\"a}destiniert f{\"u}r den durch moderne Großteleskope erschlossenen Bereich der extragalaktischen Stellarastronomie. Die detaillierte Untersuchung aufgel{\"o}ster stellare Populationen in nahegelegenen Galaxien ist erst seit kurzer Zeit dank der Fortschritte mit modernen Grossteleskopen und fortschrittlicher Instrumentierung m{\"o}glich geworden. Wegen der Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Entstehung und Evolution von Galaxien werden diese Arbeiten zuk{\"u}nftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Integral-Field-Spektroskopie an zwei planetarischen Nebeln in der n{\"a}chstgelegenen großen Spiralgalaxie M31 (NGC 224) getestet, deren Helligkeiten und Koordinaten aus einer Durchmusterung vorlagen. Hierzu wurden Beobachtungen mit dem MPFS-Instrument am russischen 6m - Teleskop in Selentschuk/Kaukasus sowie mit INTEGRAL/WYFFOS am englischen William-Herschel-Teleskop auf La Palma gewonnen. Ein {\"u}berraschendes Ergebnis war, daß eins der beiden Objekte falsch klassifiziert wurde. Sowohl die meßbare r{\"a}umliche Ausdehnung des Objektes als auch das spektrale Erscheinungsbild schlossen die Identit{\"a}t mit einem planetarischen Nebel aus. Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit handelt es sich um einen Supernova{\"u}berrest, zumal im Rahmen der Fehler an gleicher Stelle eine vom R{\"o}ntgensatelliten ROSAT detektierte R{\"o}ntgenquelle liegt. Die in diesem Projekt verwendeten Integral-Field-Instrumente wiesen zwei verschiedene Bauweisen auf, die sich miteinander vergleichen ließen. Ein Hauptkritikpunkt der verwendeten Instrumente war ihre geringe Lichtausbeute. Die gesammelten Erfahrung fanden Eingang in das Konzept des derzeit in Potsdam in der Fertigung befindlichen 3D-Instruments PMAS (Potsdamer Multi - Apertur - Spektrophotometer), welcher zun{\"a}chst f{\"u}r das 3.5m-Teleskop des Calar - Alto - Observatoriums in S{\"u}dspanien vorgesehen ist. Um die Effizienz dieses Instrumentes zu verbessern, wurde in dieser Arbeit die Kopplung der zum Bildrasterung verwendeten Optik zu den Lichtleitfasern im Labor untersucht. Die Untersuchungen zur Maximierung von Lichtausbeute und Stabilit{\"a}t zeigen, daß sich die Effizienz durch Auswahl einer geeigneten Koppelmethode um etwa 20 Prozent steigern l{\"a}sst.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Engelhardt2018, author = {Engelhardt, Jonathan}, title = {40Ar/39Ar geochronology of ICDP PALEOVAN drilling cores}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42953}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-429539}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 338}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The scientific drilling campaign PALEOVAN was conducted in the summer of 2010 and was part of the international continental drilling programme (ICDP). The main goal of the campaign was the recovery of a sensitive climate archive in the East of Anatolia. Lacustrine deposits underneath the lake floor of 'Lake Van' constitute this archive. The drilled core material was recovered from two locations: the Ahlat Ridge and the Northern Basin. A composite core was constructed from cored material of seven parallel boreholes at the Ahlat Ridge and covers an almost complete lacustrine history of Lake Van. The composite record offered sensitive climate proxies such as variations of total organic carbon, K/Ca ratios, or a relative abundance of arboreal pollen. These proxies revealed patterns that are similar to climate proxy variations from Greenland ice cores. Climate variations in Greenland ice cores have been dated by modelling the timing of orbital forces to affect the climate. Volatiles from melted ice aliquots are often taken as high-resolution proxies and provide a base for fitting the according temporal models. The ICDP PALEOVAN scientific team fitted proxy data from the lacustrine drilling record to ice core data and constructed an age model. Embedded volcaniclastic layers had to be dated radiometrically in order to provide independent age constraints to the climate-stratigraphic age model. Solving this task by an application of the 40Ar/39Ar method was the main objective of this thesis. Earlier efforts to apply the 40Ar/39Ar dating resulted in inaccuracies that could not be explained satisfactorily. The absence of K-rich feldspars in suitable tephra layers implied that feldspar crystals needed to be 500 μm in size minimum, in order to apply single-crystal 40Ar/39Ar dating. Some of the samples did not contain any of these grain sizes or only very few crystals of that size. In order to overcome this problem this study applied a combined single-crystal and multi-crystal approach with different crystal fractions from the same sample. The preferred method of a stepwise heating analysis of an aliquot of feldspar crystals has been applied to three samples. The Na-rich crystals and their young geological age required 20 mg of inclusion-free, non-corroded feldspars. Small sample volumes (usually 25 \% aliquots of 5 cm3 of sample material - a spoon full of tephra) and the widespread presence of melt-inclusion led to the application of combined single- and multigrain total fusion analyses. 40Ar/39Ar analyses on single crystals have the advantage of being able to monitor the presence of excess 40Ar and detrital or xenocrystic contamination in the samples. Multigrain analyses may hide the effects from these obstacles. The results from the multigrain analyses are therefore discussed with respect to the findings from the respective cogenetic single crystal ages. Some of the samples in this study were dated by 40Ar/39Ar on feldspars on multigrain separates and (if available) in combination with only a few single crystals. 40Ar/39Ar ages from two of the samples deviated statistically from the age model. All other samples resulted in identical ages. The deviations displayed older ages than those obtained from the age model. t-Tests compared radiometric ages with available age control points from various proxies and from the relative paleointensity of the earth magnetic field within a stratigraphic range of ± 10 m. Concordant age control points from different relative chronometers indicated that deviations are a result of erroneous 40Ar/39Ar ages. The thesis argues two potential reasons for these ages: (1) the irregular appearance of 40Ar from rare melt- and fluid- inclusions and (2) the contamination of the samples with older crystals due to a rapid combination of assimilation and ejection. Another aliquot of feldspar crystals that underwent separation for the application of 40Ar/39Ar dating was investigated for geochemical inhomogeneities. Magmatic zoning is ubiquitous in the volcaniclastic feldspar crystals. Four different types of magmatic zoning were detected. The zoning types are compositional zoning (C-type zoning), pseudo-oscillatory zoning of trace ele- ment concentrations (PO-type zoning), chaotic and patchy zoning of major and trace element concentrations (R-type zoning) and concentric zoning of trace elements (CC-type zoning). Sam- ples that deviated in 40Ar/39Ar ages showed C-type zoning, R-type zoning or a mix of different types of zoning (C-type and PO-type). Feldspars showing PO-type zoning typically represent the smallest grain size fractions in the samples. The constant major element compositions of these crystals are interpreted to represent the latest stages in the compositional evolution of feldspars in a peralkaline melt. PO-type crystals contain less melt- inclusions than other zoning types and are rarely corroded. This thesis concludes that feldspars that show PO-type zoning are most promising chronometers for the 40Ar/39Ar method, if samples provide mixed zoning types of Quaternary anorthoclase feldspars. Five samples were dated by applying the 40Ar/39Ar method to volcanic glass. High fractions of atmospheric Ar (typically > 98\%) significantly hampered the precision of the 40Ar/39Ar ages and resulted in rough age estimates that widely overlap the age model. Ar isotopes indicated that the glasses bore a chorine-rich Ar-end member. The chlorine-derived 38Ar indicated chlorine-rich fluid-inclusions or the hydration of the volcanic glass shards. This indication strengthened the evidence that irregularly distributed melt-inclusions and thus irregular distributed excess 40Ar influenced the problematic feldspar 40Ar/39Ar ages. Whether a connection between a corrected initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio from glasses to the 40Ar/36Ar ratios from pore waters exists remains unclear. This thesis offers another age model, which is similarly based on the interpolation of the temporal tie points from geophysical and climate-stratigraphic data. The model used a PCHIP- interpolation (piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial) whereas the older age model used a spline-interpolation. Samples that match in ages from 40Ar/39Ar dating of feldspars with the earlier published age model were additionally assigned with an age from the PCHIP- interpolation. These modelled ages allowed a recalculation of the Alder Creek sanidine mineral standard. The climate-stratigraphic calibration of an 40Ar/39Ar mineral standard proved that the age versus depth interpolations from PAELOVAN drilling cores were accurate, and that the applied chronometers recorded the temporal evolution of Lake Van synchronously. Petrochemical discrimination of the sampled volcaniclastic material is also given in this thesis. 41 from 57 sampled volcaniclastic layers indicate Nemrut as their provenance. Criteria that served for the provenance assignment are provided and reviewed critically. Detailed correlations of selected PALEOVAN volcaniclastics to onshore samples that were described in detail by earlier studies are also discussed. The sampled volcaniclastics dominantly have a thickness of < 40 cm and have been ejected by small to medium sized eruptions. Onshore deposits from these types of eruptions are potentially eroded due to predominant strong winds on Nemrut and S{\"u}phan slopes. An exact correlation with the data presented here is therefore equivocal or not possible at all. Deviating feldspar 40Ar/39Ar ages can possibly be explained by inherited 40Ar from feldspar xenocrysts contaminating the samples. In order to test this hypothesis diffusion couples of Ba were investigated in compositionally zoned feldspar crystals. The diffusive behaviour of Ba in feldspar is known, and gradients in the changing concentrations allowed for the calculation of the duration of the crystal's magmatic development since the formation of the zoning interface. Durations were compared with degassing scenarios that model the Ar-loss during assimilation and subsequent ejection of the xenocrystals. Diffusive equilibration of the contrasting Ba concentrations is assumed to generate maximum durations as the gradient could have been developed in several growth and heating stages. The modelling does not show any indication of an involvement of inherited 40Ar in any of the deviating samples. However, the analytical set-up represents the lower limit of the required spatial resolution. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that the degassing modelling relies on a significant overestimation of the maximum duration of the magmatic history. Nevertheless, the modelling of xenocrystal degassing evidences that the irregular incorporation of excess 40Ar by melt- and fluid inclusions represents the most critical problem that needs to be overcome in dating volcaniclastic feldspars from the PALEOVAN drill cores. This thesis provides the complete background in generating and presenting 40Ar/39Ar ages that are compared to age data from a climate-stratigraphic model. Deviations are identified statistically and then discussed in order to find explanations from the age model and/or from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Most of the PALEOVAN stratigraphy provides several chronometers that have been proven for their synchronicity. Lacustrine deposits from Lake Van represent a key archive for reconstructing climate evolution in the eastern Mediterranean and in the Near East. The PALEOVAN record offers a climate-stratigraphic age model with a remarkable accuracy and resolution.}, language = {en} }