@article{WichmannBurkart2000, author = {Wichmann, Matthias and Burkart, Michael}, title = {Die Vegetationszonierung des Gr{\"u}nlandes am S{\"u}dufer des G{\"u}lper See}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Since 1992 the southern shore of the Lake G{\"u}lpe in western Brandenburg is managed with Galloway cattle to preserve species, vegetation and landscape pattern. This paper presents the vegetation zones which are influenced by the water balance being the most significant and dynamic location factor in the area. Following the plots from dry to wet sites the most important plant communities are: Diantho-Armerietum, Arrhenatheretalia-Gesellschaft (-community), Leonotodon saxatilis -Potentilla anserina-community, Caricetum gracilis as well as Glycerietum aquaticae and Cypero- Samoletum. 23 endangered species were found.}, language = {de} }