@article{BaetenWartonVanCalsteretal.2014, author = {Lander Baeten and David I. Warton and Hans Van Calster and Pieter De Frenne and Gorik Verstraeten and Dries Bonte and Markus Bernhardt-R{\"o}mermann and Johnny Cornelis and Guillaume Decocq and Ove Eriksson and Radim Hedl and Thilo Heinken and Martin Hermy and Patrick Hommel and Keith J. Kirby and Tobias Naaf and Petr Petrik and Gian-Reto Walther and Monica Wulf and Kris Verheyen}, title = {A model-based approach to studying changes in compositional heterogeneity}, journal = {Methods in ecology and evolution : an official journal of the British Ecological Society}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {156 -- 164}, year = {2014}, }