@article{SellemAntoniKoutsosetal.2022, author = {Laury Sellem and Rona Antoni and Athanasios Koutsos and Ezgi Ozen and Gloria Wong and Hasnaa Ayyad and Michelle Weech and Matthias Bernd Schulze and Andreas Wernitz and Barbara A. Fielding and M. Denise Robertson and Kim G. Jackson and Bruce A. Griffin and Julie A. Lovegrove}, title = {Impact of a food-based dietary fat exchange model for replacing dietary saturated with unsaturated fatty acids in healthy men on plasma phospholipids fatty acid profiles and dietary patterns}, journal = {European journal of nutrition}, volume = {61}, number = {7}, pages = {3669 -- 3684}, doi = {10.1007/s00394-022-02910-2}, year = {2022}, }