@article{FrielerSchaubergerArnethetal.2017, author = {Katja Frieler and Bernhard Schauberger and Almut Arneth and Juraj Balkovic and James Chryssanthacopoulos and Delphine Deryng and Joshua Elliott and Christian Folberth and Nikolay Khabarov and Christoph M{\"u}ller and Stefan Olin and Thomas A. M. Pugh and Sibyll Schaphoff and Jacob Schewe and Erwin Schmid and Lila Warszawski and Anders Levermann}, title = {Understanding the weather signal in national crop-yield variability}, journal = {Earths future}, volume = {5}, pages = {605 -- 616}, doi = {10.1002/2016EF000525}, year = {2017}, }